How to Know the Ferns (7th ed)/Index
Adiantum Capillus-Veneris, 108
Adiantum emarginatum, 110
Adiantum pedatum, 108
Adiantum tenerum, 110
Aspidium acrostichoides, 96
Aspidium aculeatum, 182
Aspidium aculeatum var. Braunii, 182
Aspidium Boottii, 168
Aspidium Braunii, 182
Aspidium cristatum, 170
Aspidium cristatum, var. Clintonianum, 172
Aspidium fragrans, 178
Aspidium Goldianum, 174
Aspidium marginale, 176
Aspidium Noveboracense, 159
Aspidium spinulosum, 166
Aspidium spinulosum, var. dilatatum, 168
Aspidium spinulosum, var. intermedium, 166
Aspidium Thelypteris, 160
Asplenium acrostichoides, 124
Asplenium angustifolium, 98
Asplenium Bradleyi, 144
Asplenium ebeneum, 134
Asplenium ebenoides, 140
Asplenium Felix-fœmina, 120
Asplenium montanum, 130
Asplenium pinnatifidum, 142
Asplenium platyneuron, 134
Asplenium Ruta-muraria, 126
Asplenium thelypteroides, 124
Asplenium Trichomanes, 136
Asplenium viride, 138
Botrychium dissectum, 81
Botrychium gracile, 80
Botrychium lanceolatum, 86
Botrychium Lunaria, 84
Botrychium matricariæfolium, 86
Botrychium simplex, 81
Botrychium ternatum, 81
Botrychium Virginianum, 80
Camptosorus rhizophyllus, 146
Cheilanthes lanosa, 112
Cheilanthes vestita, 112
Cystopteris bulbifera, 194
Cystopteris fragilis, 198
Dicksonia pilosiuscula, 114
Dicksonia punctilobula, 114
Dryopteris acrostichoides, 96
Dryopteris aculeata, 182
Dryopteris Boottii, 168
Dryopteris Braunii, 182
Dryopteris cristata, 170
Dryopteris cristata Clintoniana, 172
Dryopteris fragrans, 178
Dryopteris Goldieana, 174
Dryopteris marginalis, 176
Dryopteris Noveboracensis, 159
Dryopteris simulata, 164
Dryopteris spinulosa. 165
Dryopteris spinulosa dilatata, 168
Dryopteris spinulosa intermedia, 166
Dryopteris Thelypteris, 160
Lygodium palmatum, 75
Onoclea sensibilis, 54
Onoclea sensibilis, var. obtusilobata, 56
Onoclea Struthiopteris, 56
Ophioglossum vulgatum, 77
Osmunda cinnamomea, 60
Osmunda cinnamomea, var. frondosa, 62
Osmunda Claytoniana, 72
Osmunda regalis, 67
Pellæa atropurpurea, 90
Pellæa gracilis, 87
Pellæa Stelleri, 87
Phegopteris Dryopteris, 190
Phegopteris hexagonoptera, 188
Phegopteris Phegopteris, 187
Phegopteris polypodioides, 187
Polypodium vulgare, 184
Pteris aquilina, 105
Pteris esculenta, 107
Schizæa pusilla, 63
Scolopendrium scolopendrium, 150
Scolopendrium vulgare, 150
Woodsia Alpina, 203
Woodsia glabella, 206
Woodsia hyperborea, 203
Woodsia Ilvensis, 200
Woodsia obtusa, 202
Woodwardia angustifolia, 102
Woodwardia Virginica, 136
Adder's Tongue, 77
Alpine Woodsia, 203
Beech Fern, Broad, 188
Beech Fern, Long, 187
Bladder Fern, Bulblet, 194
Bladder Fern, Common, 198
Bladder Fern, Fragile, 198
Blunt-lobed Woodsia, 202
Boott's Shield Fern, 168
Bracken, 105
Bradley's Spleenwort, 144
Brake, 105
Braun's Holly Fern, 182
Caterpillar Fern, 156
Chain Fern, Net-veined, 102
Chain Fern, Virginia, 156
Christmas Fern, 96
Cinnamon Fern, 60
Cliff Brake, Purple, 90
Cliff Brake, Slender, 87
Clinton's Wood Fern, 172
Climbing Fern, 75
Common Polypody, 184
Creeping Fern, 75
Crested Shield Fern, 170
Curly Grass, 63
Eagle Fern, 105
Ebony Spleenwort, 134
Evergreen Wood Fern, 67
Flowering Fern, 67
Fragile Bladder Fern, 198
Fragrant Shield Fern, 178
Goldie's Fern, 174
Grape Fern, Lance-leaved, 86
Grape Fern, Little, 82
Grape Fern, Matricary, 86
Grape Fern, Ternate, 81
Grape Fern, Virginia, 80
Green Spleenwort, 138
Hairy Lip Fern, 112
Holly Fern, Braun's, 182
Hartford Fern, 75
Hart's Tongue, 150
Hay-scented Fern, 114
Interrupted Fern, 72
Lady Fern, 120
Lance-leaved Grape Fern, 86
Little Grape Fern, 82
Lip Fern, Hairy, 112
Long Beech Fern, 187
Maidenhair, 108
Maidenhair Spleenwort, 136
Marginal Shield Fern, 176
Marsh Fern, 160
Massachusetts Fern, 164
Matricary Grape Fern, 86
Moonwort, 84
Mountain Spleenwort, 130
Narrow-leaved Spleenwort, 98
Net-veined Chain Fern, 102
New York Fern, 159
Northern Woodsia, 203
Oak Fern, 190
Ostrich Fern, 56
Pinnatifid Spleenwort, 142
Polypody, Common, 184
Prickly Shield Fern, 182
Purple Cliff Brake, 90
Rattlesnake Fern, 80
Royal Fern, 67
Rue Spleenwort, 126
Rusty Woodsia, 200
Scott's Spleenwort, 140
Shield Fern, Boott's, 168
Shield Fern, Crested, 170
Shield Fern, Fragrant, 178
Shield Fern, Marginal, 176
Shield Fern, Prickly, 182
Seaweed Fern, 156
Sensitive Fern, 54
Silvery Spleenwort, 124
Slender Cliff Brake, 87
Smooth Woodsia, 206
Snake Fern, 184
Spinulose Wood Fern, 166
Spleenwort, Bradley's, 144
Spleenwort, Ebony, 134
Spleenwort, Green, 138
Spleenwort, Maidenhair, 136
Spleenwort, Mountain, 130
Spleenwort, Narrow-leaved, 98
Spleenwort, Pinnatifid, 142
Spleenwort, Rue, 126
Spleenwort, Silvery, 124
Spleenwort, Scotts', 140
Ternate Grape Fern, 81
Virginia Chain Fern, 156
Virginia Grape Fern, 80
Walking Fern, 146
Walking Leaf, 146
Wall Rue, 126
Wood Fern. Clinton's, 172
Wood Fern, Evergreen, 176
Wood Fern, Spinulose, 166
Woodsia, Alpine. 203
Woodsia. Blunt-lobed, 202
Woodsia, Northern, 203
Woodsia, Rusty, 200
Woodsia, Smooth, 206
Antheridia, 34
Archegonia, 34
Alternation of generations, 33
Asexual generation, 34
Frond, 28
Fertile frond, 3
Fertilization, 34
Indusium, 31
Once-pinnate frond, 30
Pinnatifid frond, 29
Pinnæ, 30
Pinnules, 30
Prothallium, 34
Rachis, 30
Rootstock, 28
Sexual generation, 33
Simple frond, 29
Sori, 30
Sporangia, 30
Spore, 30
Sterile frond, 31
Twice-pinnate frond, 30
Veins, free, 30