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How to Learn Easily/Index

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4647725How to Learn Easily — Index1916George Van Ness Dearborn


A's vs. ease, 204.
Abbreviations, 71.
Abstracting, 130, 145 f.
Accuracy of thinking, 201.
Adjustment, 45; and see Skill.
Affect, 82, 212.
Affectation of studiousness, 119.
Air, 18.
Alcohol, 211.
Allen, Grant, 12.
Allotment of examination-time, 219.
Amateur printing, 133 ff.
Analytic plan in note-taking, 68 f, 204, 218.
Angell, J. R., 78.
Artists, 11.
Attention, 58, 103, 191 f.

Bacon, Francis, 116, 144, 202.
Bain, A., 12.
Bair, J. H., 182.
Bechterew, V. M., 56.
Bell, J. C., x, 140.
Bentham, Jeremy, 12.
Berle, A. A., 131, 189.
Best of life, 43.
Bibliographies, 146 f.
Blots of ink, 86, 94 f, 164.
Bluffing, 220 f.
Body, sanction of, 50.
Book, W. F., 10.
Book-English, 181 f.
Books, 116.
Bradley, F. H., 172.
Brain-training, 195.
Browning, Robert, 198.

Cannon, W. B., 123, 213.
Care-freedom, 104.
"Cat-naps", 21.
Cattell, J. McK., 48, 175.
Change, impulse to, 14.
Choice of books, 116.
"Christian Science", 114.
Coffee, 211.
Collateral reading, 2, 136, 139.
Companionship with scholars, 3.
Complexes in the mind, 107 ff., 185 ff.
Concentration-periods, 22.
Concepts, see Words.
Conciseness, 217 f.
Conditioned reflexes, 56 1.
Conscious study, 13.
Constructive imagination, 84 f.
Control of self, 114.
Conversation, 30.
Coriat, I. H., 24.
Cramming, 28 f, 122 f, 125.
Cranks, 139.
Creation-time, 142, 201 f.

Debate, 202.
Deduction, 111.
Definition of education, 35, 38.
Details, 216.
Determination to learn, 125.
Dewey, John, 148 f.
Diagrams, 29, 71 f, 112, 217.

Dictionary, 113, 130 f.
Difficulty of being educated, 42.
Directions for practical work, 59 f.
Discussion, 30.
Distractions, 14.
Doing, 25, 59.
Dollar-value of education, 34 f.
Dozing, 15.
Drawing, 64, 71 f.
Drill-periods, 192 f.
Drudgery, 3.
Dubois, Paul, 24.
Dynamic aspect of mind, 41 f, 174, 176, 189 f.
Dynamogeny, 9, 122 ff, 206, 212 f.

Ease vs. A's, 204.
Eating, 210.
Economics of an education, 34.
—— of happiness, 44 ff.
Economy, ix, 1.
Educative imagination, 77.
Effort in learning. 43 f.
Ehrlich, Paul, 111.
Elective system, 83.
Eliot, C. W., 49, 63 ff.
Emerson, R. W., 116, 149 f, 212.
Emotional tone, 82, 212.
English, 113, 131 ff, 189, 216.
Essays, 202.
Euphoria, 18.
Examination-room, 214.
Examination-preparedness, 203 ff.
Examinations, 28.
Examination, oral, 206 ff.
Examinations, 28.
Examination, oral, 206 ff.
—— practical, 208 f.
—— written, 209 f.
Examiner, 209, 218 f.
Exercise, 17 f. See also Physical Training.
Explanation in lectures, 74.
Explicitness of observation, 45.
—— statements, 216 f.
Eye-strain, 142, 215.

Factors in educating, 152.
Facts, 216.
False-study, 15.
Fatigue, 8, 14.
Feeble-mindedness, 47, 49.
Feeling-imagination, 110.
"Feeling" of likeness, 170.
Feeling-tone, 82.
Fernald, W. E., 49.
Fetishes, 141.
Fiske, John, 40.
Food, 18.
Force, 99.
Forgetting, 76, 105.

Good Humor, 218.
Grace, 109.
Graphs, 72.

Habit, 80, 195 f.
Habit-bending, 196.
Hall-Quest, A. L., 39 ff.
Hand-writing, 215.
Happiness is dynamogenic, 6, 191.
Harvey, N. A., 12.
Headache, 17.
Health, 16 f.
Hearing, 25.
Heck, W. H., 201.
Helmholtz, 37.
Hot air, 214 f, 217.
Human nature, 119.
Hurry, 219 f.
Huxley, T. H., 35 f.
Hypertension, 21.

Idea-germs, 133.
Idea-picking, 144.

Ideational physiology, 178 ff.
Illiterates, 43.
Imagination, 26, 77, 85 ff.
Imitation, 24.
Index, stheneuphoric, 4.
"The Influence of Joy", x, 4.
Ingenuity, 109, 112.
Inhibition, the essence of humanity, 13.
Initiative, 112, 152.
Ink-blots, 86, 94 f, 164.
Inspirations, 159.
Integration in observation, 45.
Intelligence of women, 157.
Intensive effort, 28 f, 122, 125.
Intensive use of books, 121, 141.
Interest, 1 f, 39, 46, 188.
Intuition, 152 ff, 158.
Investment, vii, 34.

James, William, 20, 75, 106, 108.
Janet, P., 24.
Jelliffe, S. E., 24.
Joy, influence of, 4.

Kinesthesia, 163. See also Skill.
King, Irving, 117.

Labor, 117.
Laboratory-work, 59.
Laws of association, 98.
Laziness, 2, 199.
Lectures, 16, 74.
Leisure in school, 197.
Libraries, 2, 147.
Light for reading, 142.
—— writing, 214.
Likeness and unlikeness, 164 ff.
Lodge, Oliver, 113.
Logic, 158, 182 ff.
Logical notes, 68.
Lowell, A. Lawrence, 206.
Lunch, 210 f.

McMurry, F. M., 136.
Marshall, H. R., 12.
Massiveness of ideas, 106.
Mayman, J. E., 61 f.
Melody, the learning of a, 100 ff.
Memory, 27, 67, 79.
Mental complexes, 107 ff.
Meyer, Max, 12.
Mill, J. S., 12.
Modes of instruction, 61 f.
Money-value of joy, 4 f.
Morgan, Lloyd, 161.
Motor learning, viii. See Skill.
Müller, Max, 190.
Münsterberg, H., 12, 53 ff.
Muscle-adaptation (perception), 47.
Music, 63 f.
Myers, G. C., 125.

Names as concept-handles, 92, 99.
Nerve-waste, 17.
"New Thought", 114.
Note-books, 70 f.
Notes, 75, 142, 204.
Note-taking, 26 f, 44, 129, 142.

Observation, 44, 119.
"On edge" for examination, 210.
Opportunity for thought, 196.
Oral debate, 202.
Oral examination, 206 ff.
Organic imagination, 118.
Originality, 109.
Over-soul, 156.
Own words, 74.

Pain, 8.
Parker, Gilbert, 148.

Pavlov, J. P., 108.
Pencils, 211 f, 215.
Penmanship, 215.
Pens, 211 f.
Perception, 47. See also Skill
Performance, 101, 104.
Periodicals, 146.
Permanency of impression, 108 f.
Persistence, 109.
Personality of examiner, 209 f.
Pestalozzi, H., 26, 53.
"Petering-out", 220.
Peterson, H. A., 72.
Physical education, 191. See also Physical Training.
Physical training (skill), viii, 52 ff, 57, 81, 99, 109, 121, 163, 181, 191, 208, 221.
Physics, 61 f.
Physiologic requisites for study, 16 ff.
Physiology of ideation, 178 ff.
Play, ix, 200.
Play-work at home, 62.
Plot, 141.
Poincaré, H., 24, 158 ff.
Posting-up of notes, 28 1, 75. Practical examination, 208 f.
—— work, 59, 73 f.
Precision of mind, 36 f.
Prefaces, 143.
Preparedness for examination, 203 ff.
Prince, Morton, 24, 36 ff, 107, 185.
Printing-presses, 133 ff.
Profanity, 212.
Psychology, vii f.
Pyle, W. H., 128, 192 f.

Questions, 209.
Quick learning, 128.
Quick summary before examination, 211.

Ratiocination, 100.
Reaction, 35, 39, 42, 174, 176, 189.
Reading of children, 140.
Reading-light, 142.
Reflexes, conditioned, 56 f.
Reform in educating, 31, 47, 50 ff, 62 ff.
Relaxation, 20 f.
Repetition, 55, 105.
Reproductive imagination, 79 ff.
Rest, 194.
Retention, 128.
—— of text-books, 135.
Revery, 161.
Reviewing, 29 f, 72 f, 81, 103 f, 112, 204.
Ribot, Th. A., 24.
Rote-learning, 16.
Rules, 103, 199.

Sanction of the body, 50.
Satisfaction from education, 43.
Schematism in notes, 27 f, 68, 218.
School-time leisure, 197.
Scientific American Supplement, ix.
Seashore, C. E., 21.
Seeing, 25.
Self-possession, 221.
Self-unrealization, 118 f.
Sense-training, 45, 47 ff, 52.
Sexual characteristics, tertiary, 153.
Sidis, Boris, 41.
Skill, viii, 52 ff, 57, 81, 99, 109, 121, 163, 181, 190 f, 221.
Skill and learning, 26.
Skimming, 143.

Sleep, 19, 21, 200, 210.
Solitude, 196 f.
Spencer, Herbert, 12.
Spinoza, 5 f.
Starch, Daniel, 22, 193.
Stedman, T. L., ix.
Stheneuphoric index, 4 f, 7, 18, 110.
Sthenic index, 13.
Study, 13.
—— -requisites, 186.
—— -time, 117 f.
"Stuffing," 148.
Sturt, Henry, 69 f.
Subconscious", "the, 24 f, 158 ff, 185 ff.
Subconscious learning, 23, 104, 158 ff.
Suggestion, 113.
Suzzallo, Henry, 30.
Swett, I. B., 140.
Syllabus-style, 218.
Symbolism, 171.
Synonyms and antonyms, 133, 189.

Tables of contents, 143.
Taking of notes, 44.
"Talks to Teachers", 20, 108. Tea, 211.
Temperature, 214.
Text-books, 120 ff.
—— as vertebræ, 120.
—— in variety, 30.
Text-book study, 121.
"Thinker", 148, 150 f.
Thinking, 3, 23, 161, 181 187 ff, 199.
Thomson, J. A., 113.
Thought, see Thinking.
Time of day, 201 f.
Tools, 37.
Training, physical, see Skill.
Tranquillity, 20 f, 196 f.
Travel, 46.

Uniqueness of books, 144 f.
Unlikeness, 164 ff, 173.
Unscholarly individuals, 1.
U. S. Bureau of Education, 30, 52.
Utility of impressions, 109.

Variety of text-books, 135 f.
Verne, Jules, 113.
Viatility, 178 f.
Viscera in emotion, 124 f.
Visualizing, 26, 84.
Vocabulary, 113, 130 f.
Von Hartmann, Eduard, 24.

Wallin, J. E. W., 186.
Warren, H. C., 154.
Waste, 11.
Waste in schools, 31 ff.
Watson, J. B., 55 ff, 108.
Wells, H. G., 113.
Wholeness, 29, 81.
Will-to-learn, 39.
Wit, 218.
Wits, 218.
Women's intelligence, 157.
Woodworth, R. S., 126.
Word-books, see Dictionary.
Words, 113, 131 ff, 133, 189 ff, 216.
Work, 3, 117, 198.
Worry, 8, 17, 114, 205, 213.
"—— worth to God," 198.
Writing examinations, 209 ff.
Written examination, 209 f.