Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922)/Topic index
Topical Index,
Abhorrence, 1.
Acacia, 3.
Acting (the Stage), 4.
Admiration, 9.
Adversity, 9.
Aeronautics, 11.
Affectation, 11.
Affection, 11.
Affliction, 12.
Afton (River), 12.
Agriculture, 18.
Countries; Country Life.
Airships, see
Albatross, 19.
Almond, 19.
Alph (River), 19.
Amaranth, 19.
Amaryllis, 20.
America, 21.
Right; Rights.
World Peace,
Amusements, 23.
Chase, The.
Anemone, 26.
Angels, 26.
Spirit; Spirits.
Animals, 30.
Ant, 30.
Anticipation, 30.
Apparel, 31.
Jewels; Jewelry
Applause, 37.
Apple, 37.
Apple Blossoms, 38
April, 38.
Arbutus, 39.
Arcadia, 39.
Architecture, 39.
Argument, 41.
Arno (River), 43.
Art, 43.
Ash, 45.
Aspen, 45.
Asphodel, 45.
Ass, 45.
Assassination, see
Aster, 45.
Athens, 45.
August, 46.
Authorship, 47.
Autumn, 51.
Avarice, 53.
Awkwardness, 53.
Ayr (River), 53.
Azalea, 53.
- B
Banishment, 56.
Basil, 57.
Bat, 57.
Beach Bird, 57.
Bear, 57.
Bee, 63.
Beetle, 64.
Beginnings, 65.
Belief, 66.
Benevolence, see
Birch, 69.
Birds, 69.
Bird of Paradise, 70.
Birth; Birthday, 70.
Blackbird, 71.
Blacksmith, 71.
Blessings, 71.
Blood, 73.
Bluebell, 73.
Bluebird, 73.
Boating, 74.
Bobolink, 75.
Books, 75.
- Borrowing, 81.
- Beggary.
- Plagiarism.
- Quotation.
- Boston, 81.
- Boyhood, see
- Childhood.
- Youth.
- Bravery, 82.
- Audacity.
- Character.
- Courage.
- Daring.
- Heroes.
- Navy.
- Soldiers.
- Valor.
- War.
- Bribery, 83.
- Corruption.
- Crime.
- Gold.
- Guilt.
- Money.
- Politics.
- Statesmanship.
- Bronx (River), 84.
- Brooks, 84.
- Rivers.
- Water.
- Building, see
- Architecture.
- Carpentry.
- Masons.
- Burdens, see
- Care.
- Business, 85.
- Labor.
- Occupations.
- Work.
- Butchering, 87.
- Animals.
- Eating.
- Buttercup, 88.
- Butterfly, 88.
- Cabinet-making, see
- Carpentry.
- Calmness, 88.
- Content.
- Death.
- Peace.
- Repose.
- Rest.
- Resignation.
- Calumny, 89.
- Gossip.
- Reputation.
- Scandal.
- Slander.
- Cam (River), 89.
- Camomile, 89.
- Canary, 89.
- Candor, see
- Honesty.
- Sincerity.
- Truth.
- Capacity, see
- Ability.
- Character.
- Genius.
- Talents.
- Carcassonne, 89.
- Cardinal-Flower, 89.
- Cards, 89.
- Amusements.
- Gambling.
- Care; Carefulness, 90.
- Economy.
- Prudence.
- Carpentry, 90.
- Architecture.
- Carriages, see
- Livery.
- Cassia, 91.
- Cat, 91.
- Cattle, see
- Animals.
- Cause, 91.
- Beginnings.
- Reason.
- Cedar, 91.
- Celandine, 91.
- Ceremony, 92.
- Honor.
- Royalty.
- Society.
- Challenge, 92.
- Contention.
- Cowardice.
- Duelling.
- Champac, 92.
- Chance, 92.
- Accident.
- Destiny.
- Fate.
- Fortune.
- Luck.
- Opportunity.
- Change, 93.
- Choice.
- Destiny.
- Fate.
- Inconstancy.
- Luck.
- Novelty.
- Variety.
- Chaos, 97.
- Creation.
- Ruin.
- World, The.
- Character, 97.
- Ability.
- Example.
- Fame.
- Genius.
- Man.
- Quality.
- Reputation.
- Worth.
- Charity, 106.
- Beggary.
- Benefits.
- Favor.
- Friendship.
- Gifts.
- Kindness.
- Liberality.
- Love.
- Philanthropy.
- Chase, The, 107.
- Amusements.
- Animals.
- Sport.
- Chastity, 108.
- Innocence.
- Modesty.
- Purity.
- Vice.
- Virtue.
- Woman.
- Chattahoochee (River), 109.
- Cheerfulness, 109.
- Content.
- Happiness.
- Joy.
- Merriment.
- Pleasure.
- Cherry Tree, 109.
- Chestnut Tree, 109.
- Childhood, 109.
- Babyhood.
- Motherhood.
- Youth.
- Choice, 113.
- Chance.
- Change.
- Luck.
- Opportunity.
- Prudence.
- Christ, 114.
- Church.
- Doctrine.
- Easter.
- God.
- Redemption.
- Religion.
- Resurrection.
- Christianity, 115.
- Belief.
- Charity.
- Christ.
- Church.
- Doctrine.
- Faith.
- Hope.
- Redemption.
- Religion.
- Repentance.
- Resurrection.
- Worship.
- Christmas, 116.
- Christ.
- December.
- Holidays.
- Fir Tree.
- Chrysanthemum, 117.
- Church, 117.
- Bells.
- Christ.
- Christianity.
- Doctrine.
- Easter.
- Religion.
- Worship.
- Circles, 119.
- Circumstance, 119.
- Destiny.
- Fate.
- Fortune.
- Life.
- Opportunity.
- Cities, 121.
- Civility, see
- Courtesy.
- Manners.
- Cleanliness, 122.
- Apparel.
- Appearance.
- Life.
- Cleverness, see
- Ability.
- Character.
- Wit.
- Clouds, 122.
- Aurora.
- Shadows.
- Sky.
- Sunrise.
- Sunset.
- Twilight.
- Clover, 123.
- Clyde (River), 123.
- Cock, 124.
- Cologne, 124.
- Columbine, 124.
- Comfort, 124.
- Content.
- Home.
- Rest.
- Satisfaction.
- Commerce, see
- Business.
- Companionship, 124.
- Familiarity.
- Friends.
- Friendship.
- Solitude.
- Sympathy.
- Comparisons, 125.
- Quality.
- Compass-Plant, 127.
- Compensation, 127.
- Comparisons.
- Life.
- Compliments, 128.
- Applause.
- Flattery.
- Praise.
- Vanity.
- Conceit, 128.
- Pride.
- Selfishness.
- Self-love.
- Vanity.
- Confession, 128.
- Repentance.
- Self-examination.
- Confidence, 129.
- Belief.
- Credit.
- Faith.
- Trust.
- Congo (River), 129.
- Conquest, 129.
- Glory.
- Soldiers.
- Success.
- Tyranny.
- Victory.
- War.
- World Peace.
- Conscience, 130.
- Character.
- Confession.
- Content.
- Guilt.
- Repentance.
- Self-examination.
- Consequences, see
- End.
- Results.
- Consideration, 132.
- Friendship.
- Love.
- Reason.
- Reflection.
- Thought.
- Consistency, 132.
- Character.
- Constancy.
- Reason.
- Reputation.
- Consolation, see
- Comfort.
- Friendship.
- Kindness.
- Pity.
- Sorrow.
- Sympathy.
- Tears.
- Conspiracy, 132.
- Deceit.
- Hypocrisy.
- Murder.
- Rebellion.
- Treason.
- War.
- Constancy, 132.
- Consistency.
- Fidelity.
- Friendship.
- Honor.
- Love.
- Truth.
- Contemplation, 133.
- Futurity.
- Meditation.
- Reflection.
- Study.
- Thought.
- Contempt, 133.
- Criticism.
- Hatred.
- Prejudice.
- Pride.
- Satire.
- Scorn.
- Sneer.
- Content, 133.
- Bliss.
- Happiness.
- Home.
- Peace.
- Repose.
- Rest.
- Satisfaction.
- Solitude.
- Contention, 136.
- Argument.
- Dissension.
- Dueling.
- Quarreling.
- War.
- Conversation, 137.
- Eloquence.
- Language.
- Linguists.
- Oratory.
- Silence.
- Speech.
- Talk.
- Tongues.
- Wit.
- Words.
- Convolvulus, 137.
- Cookery, 138.
- Appetite.
- Eating.
- Hunger.
- Coquetry, 139.
- Deceit.
- Flirtation.
- Woman.
- Wooing.
- Corporations, see
- Business.
- Corruption, 140.
- Bribery.
- Crime.
- Gold.
- Government.
- Guilt.
- Politics.
- Statesmanship.
- Vice.
- Wickedness.
- Cost, see
- Value.
- Worth.
- Counsel, see
- Advice.
- Friendship.
- Prudence.
- Countries; Country life, 140.
- Agriculture.
- Animals.
- Cities.
- Flowers.
- Nature.
- Traveling.
- Trees.
- Country, Love of, 141.
- Flag.
- Patriotism.
- Soldiers.
- War.
- Courage, 142.
- Audacity.
- Bravery.
- Daring.
- Heroes.
- Perseverance.
- Resolution.
- Soldiers.
- Valor.
- War.
- Courtesy, 144.
- Friendship.
- Gentlemen.
- Gentleness.
- Manners.
- Courtiers, 144.
- Ancestry.
- Nobility.
- Royalty.
- Covetousness, 144.
- Avarice.
- Gain.
- Gold.
- Mammon.
- Misers.
- Money.
- Wealth.
- Cow, 145.
- Cowardice; Cowards, 146.
- Despair.
- Dueling.
- Fear.
- Soldiers.
- War.
- Weakness.
- Cowslip, 146.
- Creation, 147.
- Chaos.
- Evolution.
- God.
- Life.
- Nature.
- World, The.
- Credit, 148.
- Business.
- Money.
- Trust.
- Credulity, see
- Belief.
- Faith.
- Simplicity.
- Trust.
- Crime, 148.
- Bribery.
- Corruption.
- Evil.
- Guilt.
- Judgment.
- Justice.
- Knavery.
- Law.
- Murder.
- Prison.
- Punishment.
- Sin.
- Treason.
- Vice.
- Villainy.
- Wickedness.
- Criticism, 149.
- Authorship.
- Books.
- Opinion.
- Reading.
- Satire.
- Crocus, 152.
- Crow, 152.
- Cruelty, 152.
- Revenge.
- Tyranny.
- Wounds.
- Wrongs.
- Cuckoo, 153.
- Culinary, see
- Cookery.
- Cure, see
- Disease.
- Health.
- Medicine.
- Mind.
- Physician.
- Quackery.
- Sickness.
- Curiosity, 153.
- Secrecy.
- Custom, 154.
- Fashion.
- Habit.
- Manners.
- Society.
- Cypress, 155.
- Daffodil, 155.
- Daisy, 155.
- Dancing, 156.
- Amusements.
- Dandelion, 158.
- Danger, 158.
- Accident.
- Perils.
- Daring, 160.
- Audacity.
- Bravery.
- Character.
- Courage.
- Heroes.
- Presumption.
- Soldiers.
- Valor.
- War.
- Darkness, 160.
- Blindness.
- Evil.
- Ignorance.
- Light.
- Night.
- Oblivion.
- Obscurity.
- Day, 161.
- Aurora.
- Light.
- Morning.
- Sunrise.
- To-day.
- To-morrow.
- Death, 163.
- Decay.
- Epitaph.
- Eternity.
- Futurity.
- Grave, The
- Heaven.
- Hell.
- Immortality.
- Monuments.
- Mortality.
- Murder.
- Oblivion.
- Sleep.
- Suicide.
- Undertakers.
- Debate, see
- Argument.
- Debt, 181.
- Beggary.
- Borrowing.
- Credit.
- Money.
- Decay, 181.
- Age.
- Antiquity.
- Chaos.
- Death.
- Disease.
- Oblivion.
- Ruin.
- Deceit, 182.
- Appearance.
- Conspiracy.
- Coquetry.
- Fraud.
- Hypocrisy.
- Lying.
- Treason.
- December, 184.
- Decision, 184.
- Character.
- Judgment.
- Resolution.
- Dee (River), 184.
- Deeds, 184.
- Action.
- Labor.
- Work.
- Delay, 187.
- Idleness.
- Leisure.
- Time.
- Delft, 187.
- Delight, 187.
- Amusements.
- Bliss.
- Content.
- Enjoyment.
- Happiness.
- Joy.
- Merriment.
- Paradise.
- Pleasure.
- Democracy, 188.
- America.
- Equality.
- Government.
- Politics.
- Public.
- Right; Rights.
- Statesmanship.
- War.
- Dentistry, 188.
- Mouth.
- Desire, 189.
- Anticipation.
- Ambition.
- Hope.
- Love.
- Passion.
- Selfishness.
- Wishes.
- Desolation, 189.
- Chaos.
- Despair.
- Ruin.
- Solitude.
- Despair, 189.
- Affliction.
- Fear.
- Grief.
- Misery.
- Misfortune.
- Regret.
- Remorse.
- Destiny, 190.
- Anticipation.
- Fate.
- Fortune.
- Futurity.
- Gods, The.
- 1 Luck.
- Devil, The, 192.
- Church.
- Hell.
- Punishment.
- Dew, 193.
- Flowers.
- Rain.
- Water.
- Difficulties, 194.
- Impossibility.
- Trials.
- Trouble.
- Dignity, 194.
- Appearance.
- Character.
- Greatness.
- Honor.
- Nobility.
- Pride.
- Dimples, 194.
- Beauty.
- Face.
- Laughter.
- Smiles.
- Woman.
- Diplomacy, see
- Government.
- Politics.
- Policy.
- Statesmanship.
- War.
- World Peace.
- Disappointment, 195.
- Discontent.
- Failure.
- Loss.
- Regret.
- Sorrow.
- Discernment, see
- Discretion.
- Mind.
- Observation.
- Perception.
- Sight.
- Discontent, 195.
- Disappointment.
- Misery.
- Discord, see
- Argument.
- Contention.
- Dissension.
- Quarreling.
- Rebellion.
- Discretion, 195.
- Care; Carefulness.
- Judgment.
- Prudence.
- Reflection.
- Thought.
- Wisdom.
- Disease, 196.
- Cure.
- Decay.
- Health.
- Medicine,
- Mind.
- Physician.
- Quackery.
- Sickness.
- Disgrace, 197
- Shame.
- Dissatisfaction, see
- Disappointment.
- Dissension, 197.
- Argument.
- Contention.
- Discord.
- Quarreling.
- Rebellion.
- Revolution.
- War.
- Distrust, 197.
- Doubt.
- Suspicion.
- Unbelief.
- Doctrine, 197.
- Belief.
- Christ.
- Christianity.
- Church.
- Faith.
- Life.
- Prayer.
- Religion.
- Dog, 198.
- Doou (River), 200.
- Doubt, 200.
- Distrust.
- Suspicion.
- Unbelief.
- Dove, 201.
- Dove (River), 201.
- Dreams, 201.
- Imagination.
- Sleep.
- Visions,
- Dresden, 204.
- Dress, see
- Apparel.
- Appearance.
- Fashion.
- Hatters.
- Jewels; Jewelry.
- Shoemaking.
- Tailors.
- Drinking, 204.
- Intemperance.
- Temperance.
- Toasts.
- Water.
- Wine and Spirits.
- Dueling, 207.
- Challenge.
- Contention.
- Cowardice.
- Duty, 207.
- Character.
- Morality.
- Responsibility.
- Eagle, 208.
- Pen.
- Ears, see
- Hearing.
- Easter, 209.
- Christ.
- Church.
- Religion.
- Resurrection.
- Sabbath.
- Eating, 210.
- Appetite.
- Cookery.
- Festivities.
- Hunger.
- Echo, 215.
- Hearing.
- Sound.
- Voice.
- Economy, 216.
- Avarice.
- Care.
- Frugality.
- Money.
- Prudence.
- Waste.
- Education, 216.
- Knowledge.
- Learning.
- Students.
- Study.
- Teaching.
- Effects, see
- End.
- Egotism, see
- Self-Love.
- Egypt, 218.
- Electricity, 218.
- Influence.
- Light.
- Sympathy.
- Elephant, 219.
- Elm, 219.
- Eloquence, 219.
- Conversation.
- Language.
- Oratory.
- Speech.
- Talk.
- Tongue.
- Wit.
- Words.
- Emigration, 220.
- America.
- Country, Love of.
- End, The, 220.
- Beginnings.
- Cause.
- Results.
- Enemy, 221.
- Abhorrence.
- Dissension.
- Hatred.
- Jealousy.
- Revenge.
- War.
- England, 222.
- Flag.
- London.
- Thames, The.
- Enjoyment, 225.
- Bliss.
- Content.
- Delight.
- Happiness.
- Joy.
- Merriment.
- Pleasure.
- Solitude.
- Ennui, see
- Bores.
- Idleness.
- Stupidity.
- Enthusiasm, 226.
- Ambition.
- Character.
- Strength.
- Youth.
- Zeal.
- Envy, 226.
- Doubt.
- Hatred.
- Jealousy.
- Suspicion.
- Epigrams, 227.
- Epitaph.
- Jesting.
- Paradox.
- Satire.
- Wit.
- Epitaph, 229.
- Death.
- Epigrams.
- Grave.
- Monuments.
- Equality, 235.
- Democracy.
- Right; Rights.
- Slavery.
- Unity.
- Equity, see
- Honesty.
- Justice.
- Law.
- Right; Rights.
- Truth.
- Error, 236.
- Evil.
- Faults.
- Sin.
- Wickedness.
- Estridge, 237.
- Eternity, 237.
- Death.
- Futurity.
- Heaven.
- Hell.
- Immortality.
- Resurrection.
- Time.
- To-morrow.
- Evening, 238.
- Darkness.
- Day.
- Night.
- Sunset.
- Twilight.
- Events, see
- Circumstance.
- Life.
- Evil, 239.
- Bribery.
- Crime.
- Error.
- Hatred.
- Mischief.
- Misfortune.
- Revenge.
- Sin.
- Wickedness.
- Evolution, 241.
- Chaos.
- Creation.
- Experience.
- Growth.
- Life.
- Man.
- Progress.
- World.
- Example, 242.
- Duty.
- Experience.
- Help.
- Imitation.
- Influence.
- Expectation, 243.
- Ambition.
- Anticipation.
- Confidence.
- Desire.
- Futurity.
- Hope.
- Time.
- To-morrow.
- Trust.
- Experience, 244.
- Example.
- Growth.
- Life.
- Progress.
- Trials.
- Explanation, 245.
- Expression, 245.
- Appearance.
- Eyes.
- Face.
- Extremes, 246.
- End, The.
- Moderation.
- Eyes, 246.
- Blindness.
- Expression.
- Face.
- Sight.
- Face, 250.
- Beauty.
- Dimples.
- Expression.
- Eyes.
- Mouth.
- Nose.
- Smiles.
- Woman.
- Failure, 252.
- Decay.
- Error.
- Ruin.
- Success.
- Fairies, 253.
- Apparitions.
- Fancy.
- Imagination.
- Mermaids.
- Spirits.
- Visions.
- Wonders.
- Faith, 254.
- Belief.
- Confidence.
- Doctrine.
- Fidelity.
- God.
- Religion.
- Trust.
- Truth.
- Wisdom.
- Falcon, 256,
- Falsehood, see
- Calumny.
- Deceit.
- Hypocrisy.
- Lying.
- Slander.
- Fame, 256.
- Ambition.
- Applause.
- Glory.
- Heroes.
- Honor.
- Monuments.
- Name.
- Reputation.
- Rumor.
- Soldiers.
- War.
- Familiarity, 259.
- Companionship.
- Friendship.
- Family, see
- Home.
- Fancy, 260.
- Dreams.
- Imagination.
- Poets.
- Visions.
- Wonders.
- Farewell, 260.
- Absence.
- Parting.
- Farming, see
- Agriculture.
- Fashion, 261.
- Apparel.
- Appearance.
- Custom.
- Society.
- Vanity.
- Fate, 261.
- Chance.
- Destiny.
- Fortune.
- God.
- Gods, The.
- Life.
- Luck.
- Providence.
- Faults, 265.
- Character.
- Error.
- Guilt.
- Lying.
- Mischief.
- Sin.
- Vice.
- Wickedness.
- Favor, 267.
- Gifts.
- Influence.
- Kindness.
- Royalty.
- Fear, 267.
- Cowardice.
- Despair.
- Doubt.
- February, 270.
- Feeling, 270.
- Influence.
- Sense; Senses.
- Sensibility.
- Sympathy.
- Festivities, 270.
- Amusements.
- Appetite.
- Cookery.
- Drinking.
- Eating.
- Holidays.
- Hunger.
- Pleasure.
- Sport.
- Fickleness, see
- Chance.
- Change.
- Doubt.
- Inconstancy.
- Woman.
- Fidelity, 271.
- Constancy.
- Dog.
- Faith.
- Friendship.
- Honor.
- Truth.
- Fig, 271.
- Fir, 272.
- Fire, 272.
- Firmness, see
- Decision.
- Resolution.
- Fish, 273.
- Angling.
- Flag, 274.
- America.
- Country, Love of.
- England.
- Patriotism.
- Toasts.
- War.
- Flag (Iris), 275.
- Flattery, 276.
- Applause.
- Compliments.
- Imitation.
- Praise.
- Vanity.
- Flea, 277.
- Flirtation, 277.
- Coquetry.
- Woman.
- Wooing.
- Florence, 277.
- Flowers, 277.
- Flower-De-Luce, 282.
- Fly, 282.
- Folly, 283.
- Character.
- Foppery.
- Frailty.
- Invention.
- Vanity.
- Foot, 286.
- Footsteps.
- Shoemaking.
- Footsteps, 286.
- Foot.
- Foppery, 286.
- Affectation.
- Apparel.
- Appearance.
- Fashion.
- Vanity.
- Force, see
- Power.
- Strength.
- Foresight, see
- Discernment.
- Discretion.
- Perception.
- Sight.
- Forgetfulnees, 287.
- Absence.
- Memory.
- Thought.
- Time.
- Forget-Me-Not, 288.
- Forgiveness, 288.
- Charity.
- Kindness.
- Knowledge.
- Fortitude, see
- Bravery.
- Courage.
- Heroes.
- Soldiers.
- Fortune, 289.
- Chance.
- Destiny.
- Fate.
- Gods, The.
- Luck.
- Opportunity,
- Providence.
- Success.
- Wealth.
- Fox, 293.
- Frailty, 293.
- Woman.
- France, 293.
- Fraud, 294.
- Deceit.
- Hypocrisy.
- Lying.
- Freedom, 294.
- Independence.
- Liberty.
- Patriotism.
- Right; Rights.
- Slavery.
- War.
- Friends, 296.
- Affection.
- Companionship.
- Familiarity.
- Friendship.
- Love.
- Sympathy.
- Friendship, 301.
- Affection.
- Companionship.
- Fidelity.
- Friends.
- Hospitality.
- Love.
- Sympathy.
- Frugality, see
- Avarice.
- Economy.
- Misers.
- Poverty.
- Prudence.
- Fruits, 303.
- Trees.
- Furniture, 304.
- Fury, see
- Anger.
- Scorn.
- Wrath.
- Future; Futurity, 304.
- Anticipation.
- Destiny.
- Eternity.
- Expectation.
- Heaven.
- Hell.
- Immortality.
- Time.
- To-morrow.
- Gain, 306.
- Business.
- Money.
- Possession.
- Prosperity.
- Success.
- Wealth.
- Gambling, 306.
- Amusements.
- Cards.
- Vice.
- Garden, 307.
- Agriculture.
- Flowers.
- Grass.
- Nature.
- Trees and Plants.
- Weeds.
- Gazelle, 307.
- Generosity, see
- Charity.
- Favor.
- Gifts.
- Kindness.
- Liberality.
- Philanthropy.
- Genius, 308.
- Ability.
- Capacity.
- Character.
- Intellect.
- Mind.
- Talents.
- Gentian, 310.
- Gentlemen, 310.
- Ancestry.
- Courtesy.
- Foppery.
- Man.
- Manners.
- Nobility.
- Youth.
- Gentleness, 311.
- Kindness.
- Love.
- Manners.
- Germany, 311.
- Diplomacy.
- Statesmanship.
- War.
- World Peace.
- Ghosts, see
- Apparitions.
- Gifts, 311.
- Borrowing,
- Charity.
- Favor.
- Goodness.
- Kindness.
- Liberality.
- Philanthropy.
- Glory, 313.
- Ambition.
- Conquest.
- Fame.
- Heroes.
- Honor.
- Patriotism.
- Praise.
- Reputation.
- Soldiers.
- War.
- Glow-worm, 314.
- Gnat, 315.
- God, 315.
- Christ.
- Christianity.
- Church.
- Gods, The.
- Heaven.
- Prayer.
- Providenoe.
- Religion.
- Worship.
- Gods, The, 321
- Destiny.
- Fate.
- God.
- Luck.
- Worship.
- Gold, 325.
- Bribery.
- Corruption.
- Mammon.
- Money.
- Politics.
- Possession.
- Wealth.
- Goldenrod, 326.
- Goodness, 326.
- Benefits.
- Character.
- Charity.
- Favor.
- Gifts.
- Kindness.
- Liberality.
- Morality.
- Philanthropy.
- Goose, 329.
- Gorse, 329.
- Gossip, 329.
- Calumny.
- Conversation .
- News.
- Scandal.
- Slander.
- Sneer.
- Society.
- Speech.
- Talk.
- Tongue.
- Words.
- Government, 329.
- Authority.
- Diplomacy.
- Law.
- Patriotism.
- Policy.
- Politics.
- Royalty.
- Statesmanship.
- Grace, 335.
- Courtesy.
- Gentleness.
- Manners.
- Graft, see
- Bribery.
- Corruption.
- Gold.
- Politics.
- Grapes, 336.
- Grass, 336.
- Grasshopper, 336.
- Gratitude, 336.
- Thankfulness.
- Grave, The, 337.
- Death.
- Epitaph.
- Eternity.
- Futurity.
- Monuments.
- Oblivion.
- Undertakers.
- Greatness, 340.
- Dignity.
- Fame.
- Honor.
- Nobility.
- Power.
- Reputation.
- Success.
- Talents.
- Greece, 342.
- Greeting, see
- Farewell.
- Meeting.
- Parting.
- Grief, 342.
- Affliction.
- Death.
- Despair.
- Misery.
- Regret.
- Sadness.
- Sorrow.
- Tears.
- Growth, 344.
- Evolution.
- Experience.
- Progress.
- Success.
- Guests, 345.
- Drinking.
- Eating.
- Festivities.
- Friends.
- Home.
- Hospitality.
- Welcome.
- Guilt, 345.
- Bribery.
- Conscience.
- Corruption.
- Crime.
- Error.
- Evil.
- Faults.
- Law.
- Murder.
- Punishment.
- Sin.
- Habit, 346.
- Custom.
- Fashion.
- Manners.
- Hair, 347.
- Barber.
- Beauty.
- Woman.
- Hand, 349.
- Welcome.
- Happiness, 350.
- Bliss.
- Cheerfulness.
- Delight.
- Enjoyment.
- Joy.
- Luck.
- Merriment.
- Pleasure.
- Harebell, 353.
- Harvest, 353.
- Agriculture.
- Autumn.
- Fruits.
- Garden.
- Thankfulness.
- Thanksgiving Day.
- Trees.
- Haste, 353.
- Impatience.
- Time.
- Hatred, 354.
- Abhorrence.
- Anger.
- Enemy.
- Envy.
- Jealousy.
- Wickedness.
- Hatters, 355.
- Apparel.
- Fashion.
- Hawk, 355.
- Hawthorn, 356.
- Health, 356.
- Cure.
- Disease.
- Life.
- Medicine.
- Mind.
- Physician.
- Strength.
- Hearing, 357.
- Echo.
- Listening.
- Sound.
- Voice.
- Heart, 357.
- Bliss.
- Content.
- Happiness.
- Home.
- Love.
- Repose.
- Rest.
- Wooing.
- Heaven, 359.
- Eternity.
- Futurity.
- God.
- Happiness.
- Immortality.
- Paradise.
- Sky.
- Stars.
- Heliotrope, 362.
- Hell, 362.
- Desolation.
- Despair.
- Devil, The.
- Futurity.
- Misery.
- Pain.
- Punishment.
- Remorse.
- Help, 364.
- Companionship.
- Friendship.
- Kindness.
- Philanthropy.
- Sympathy.
- Hemlock, 365.
- Hen, 365.
- Hepatica, 365.
- Herbage, see
- Garden.
- Grass.
- Trees and Plants.
- Weeds.
- Heroes, 366.
- Bravery.
- Courage.
- Daring.
- Fame.
- Glory.
- Soldiers.
- Valor.
- War.
- Youth.
- Zeal.
- Hills, see
- Mountains.
- History, 367.
- Books.
- Creation.
- Government.
- Past.
- Reading.
- Royalty.
- War.
- World Peace.
- Holidays, 368.
- Birth; Birthday.
- Christmas.
- Easter._
- Festivities.
- Thanksgiving Day.
- Holiness, 368.
- Church.
- Faith.
- Happiness.
- God.
- Religion.
- Virtue.
- Holly, 369.
- Christmas.
- Home, 369.
- Absence.
- Content.
- Guests,
- Happiness.
- Hospitality.
- Peace.
- Satisfaction.
- Welcome.
- Honesty, 371.
- Fidelity.
- Honor.
- Sincerity.
- Trust, Public.
- Truth.
- Honeysuckle, 372.
- Honor, 372.
- Character.
- Dignity.
- Fame.
- Fidelity.
- Glory.
- Greatness.
- Honesty.
- Shame.
- Hope, 375.
- Ambition.
- Anticipation.
- Belief.
- Confidence.
- Desire.
- Expectation.
- Faith.
- Futurity.
- Trust.
- Horse, 378.
- Hospitality, 379.
- Eating.
- Festivities.
- Friendship.
- Guests.
- Home.
- Welcome.
- House, see
- Architecture.
- Humanity, 380.
- Affliction.
- Charity.
- Feeling.
- Goodness.,
- Kindness.
- Man.
- Philanthropy.
- Sympathy.
- Humility, 380.
- Innocence.
- Modesty.
- Obscurity.
- Humming-bird, 381.
- Humor, 381.
- Epigram.
- Fancy.
- Jesting.
- Laughter.
- Paradox.
- Parody.
- Satire.
- Wit.
- Hunger, 381.
- Appetite.
- Cookery.
- Eating,
- Festivities.
- Poverty.
- Husband, 382.
- Home.
- Love.
- Matrimony.
- Wife.
- Hyacinth, 382.
- Hypocrisy, 383.
- Deceit.
- Fraud.
- Lying.
- Selfishness.
- Self-Love.
- Ideas, see
- Thought.
- Idleness, 384.
- Forgetful neas.
- Indifference.
- Leisure.
- Neglect.
- Solitude.
- Time.
- Ignorance, 385.
- Folly.
- Learning.
- Study.
- Stupidity.
- Superstition.
- Wisdom.
- Imagination, 386.
- Apparitions.
- Dreams.
- Fancy.
- Poets.
- Prophesy.
- Thought.
- Visions.
- Wonders.
- Imitation, 387.
- Example.
- Flattery.
- Immortality, 388.
- Death.
- Eternity.
- Fame.
- Futurity.
- Heaven.
- Life.
- Mortality.
- Religion.
- Impatience, 390
- Haste.
- Time.
- Impossibility, 390.
- Difficulties.
- Failure.
- Success.
- Inconstancy, 390.
- Change.
- Constancy.
- Woman.
- Wooing.
- Independence, 391.
- Democracy.
- Freedom.
- Government.
- Liberty.
- Patriotism.
- Politics.
- Rebellion.
- Right; Rights.
- Slavery.
- War.
- Indian Pipe, 391.
- Indifference, see
- Forgetfulness.
- Idleness.
- Neglect.
- Indolence, see
- Idleness.
- Influence, 391.
- Angels.
- Authority.
- Electricity.
- Example.
- Favor.
- Feeling.
- Power.
- Sympathy.
- Ingratitude, 393.
- Deceit.
- Favor.
- Gifts.
- Selfishness
- Inheritance, 394.
- Ancestry.
- Fortune.
- Possession.
- Prosperity.
- Wealth.
- Injury, 394.
- Cruelty.
- Hatred.
- Justice.
- Scandal.
- Slander.
- Unkindness.
- Wounds.
- Injustice, see
- Cruelty.
- Injury.
- Justice.
- Law.
- Unkindness.
- Inn; Tavern, 394.
- Drinking.
- Eating.
- Festivities.
- Guests.
- Hospitality.
- Intemperance.
- Wine and Spirits.
- Innocence. 395.
- Blushes.
- Character.
- Chastity.
- Childhood.
- Modesty.
- Purity.
- Virtue.
- Inquisitiveness, see
- Curiosity.
- Eyes.
- Insanity, 396.
- Intellect.
- Mind.
- Ruin.
- Thought.
- Insolence, see
- Cruelty.
- Injury.
- Insult.
- Instinct, 397.
- Feeling.
- Mind.
- Perception.
- Sense; senses.
- Sensibility.
- Instruction, see
- Advice.
- Counsel.
- Education.
- Ignorance.
- Intellect.
- Knowledge.
- Learning.
- Students.
- Study.
- Teaching.
- Insult, 398.
- Injury.
- Scandal.
- Slander.
- Sneer.
- Intellect, 398.
- Genius.
- Knowledge.
- Mind.
- Talents.
- Thought.
- Intemperance, 398.
- Drinking.
- Festivities.
- Temperance.
- Water.
- Wine and Spirits.
- Intention, see
- Motive.
- Invention, 400.
- Aeronautics.
- Folly.
- Genius.
- Navigation.
- Necessity.
- Science.
- Wonders.
- Investigation, 400.
- Science.
- Self-examination.
- Ireland, 400.
- Isar (River), 401.
- Islands, 401.
- Countries.
- World.
- Italy, 402.
- Ivy, 402.
- Jackdaw, 403.
- January, 403.
- Jasmine, 403.
- Jay, 403.
- Jealousy, 403.
- Doubt.
- Envy.
- Fear.
- Love.
- Suspicion.
- Women.
- Jesting, 404.
- Fancy.
- Humor.
- Laughter.
- Satire.
- Smiles.
- Wit.
- Jews, 406.
- Journalism, 407.
- Authorship.
- Books.
- Criticism.
- News.
- Printing.
- Publishing.
- Joy, 409.
- Bliss.
- Cheerfulness.
- Delight.
- Enjoyment.
- Happiness.
- Merriment.
- Pleasure.
- Judges, 410.
- Crime.
- Guilt.
- Judgment.
- Justice.
- Law.
- Opinion.
- Judgment, 411.
- Decision.
- Discretion.
- Equality.
- Justice.
- Judges.
- Law.
- Mercy.
- Opinion.
- Prison.
- Punishment.
- Right; Rights.
- July, 412.
- June, 413.
- Justice, 413.
- Equality.
- Judges.
- Judgment.
- Law.
- Mercy.
- Punishment.
- Right; Rights.
- Truth.
- Katydid, 415.
- Keedron (River), 415.
- Kindness, 415.
- Affection.
- Character.
- Charity.
- Favor.
- Gentleness.
- Gifts.
- Goodness.
- Gratitude.
- Humanity.
- Philanthropy.
- Sympathy.
- Kisses, 416.
- Affection.
- Love.
- Parting.
- Women.
- Wooing.
- Knavery, 419.
- Crime.
- Fraud.
- Guilt.
- Hypocrisy.
- Sin.
- Vice.
- Villainy.
- Wickedness.
- Knowledge, 419.
- Education.
- Intellect.
- Learning.
- Mind.
- Power.
- Science.
- Students.
- Teaching.
- Labor, 423.
- Action.
- Deeds.
- Prayer.
- Work.
- Lamb, 426.
- Language, 426.
- Conversation.
- Eloquence.
- Linguists.
- Oratory.
- Silence.
- Speech.
- Talk.
- Tongues.
- Wit.
- Words.
- Lapwing, 427.
- Lark, 427.
- Laughter, 428.
- Happiness.
- Jesting.
- Joy.
- Merriment.
- Smiles.
- Laurel, 430.
- Law, 430.
- Crime.
- Equality.
- Government.
- Guilt.
- Judges.
- Judgment.
- Justice.
- Polities.
- Punishment.
- Learning, 434.
- Books.
- Education.
- History.
- Intellect.
- Knowledge.
- Linguists.
- Literature.
- Mind.
- Science.
- Students.
- Study.
- Lee (River), 437.
- Leisure, 437.
- Idleness.
- Repose.
- Rest.
- Solitude.
- Time.
- Lemon, 437.
- Letters, see
- Post.
- Leven (River), 437.
- Liberality, 437.
- Benefits.
- Charity.
- Gifts.
- Goodness.
- Kindness.
- Philanthropy.
- Liberty, 437.
- Equality.
- Freedom.
- Government.
- Independence.
- Patriotism.
- Right; Rights.
- Slavery.
- Soldiers.
- War.
- Libraries, 439.
- Books.
- Literature.
- Reading.
- Lies, see
- Lying.
- Life, 440.
- Acting (the Stage).
- Birth; Birthday.
- Death.
- Decay.
- Destiny.
- Evolution.
- Failure.
- Fate.
- Growth.
- Health.
- Immortality.
- Inn; Taverns.
- Soul, The.
- Success.
- World, The.
- Light, 455.
- Aurora.
- Day.
- Eyes.
- Morning.
- Sight.
- Sun.
- Sunrise.
- Sunset.
- Twilight.
- Lilac, 457.
- Lily, 457.
- Lily-of-the-Valley, 458.
- Lincoln, 458.
- America.
- Government.
- Right; Rights.
- Slavery.
- Linden, 460.
- Linguists, 460.
- Conversation.
- Education.
- Language.
- Learning.
- Speech.
- Words.
- Linnet, 460.
- Lion, 461.
- Lips, see
- Mouth.
- Listening, 461.
- Hearing.
- Sound.
- Voice.
- Literature, 461.
- Authorship.
- Books.
- Criticism.
- Education.
- History.
- Journalism.
- Learning.
- Libraries.
- Poetry.
- Printing.
- Publishing.
- Reading.
- Livery, 462.
- London, 462.
- England.
- Thames.
- Loss, 462.
- Disappointment.
- Failure.
- Regret.
- Lotus, 463.
- Louse, 464.
- Love, 464.
- Affection.
- Babyhood.
- Childhood.
- Constancy.
- Country, Love of.
- Friends.
- Friendship.
- Husband.
- Jealousy.
- Kisses.
- Matrimony.
- Motherhood.
- Passion.
- Patriotism.
- Sighs.
- Woman.
- Wooing.
- Love Lies Bleeding, 484.
- Loyalty, see
- Country, Love of.
- Fidelity.
- Friendship.
- Love.
- Patriotism.
- Royalty.
- Luck, 484.
- Chance.
- Destiny.
- Fate.
- Fortune
- Gods, The.
- Happiness.
- Opportunity.
- Success.
- Luxury, 484.
- Eating.
- Fashion.
- Festivities.
- Vanity.
- Wealth.
- Lying, 485.
- Calumny.
- Deceit.
- Fraud.
- Hypocrisy.
- Scandal.
- Slander.
- Magnolia, 487.
- Malice, see
- Gossip.
- Lying.
- Revenge.
- Scandal.
- Scorn.
- Slander.
- Sneer.
- Wickedness.
- Mammon, 487.
- Bribery.
- Gold.
- Money.
- Wealth.
- Man, 487.
- Acting. (The Stage)
- Actions.
- Character.
- Gentlemen.
- Husband.
- Life.
- Matrimony.
- World, The.
- Manners, 493.
- Courtesy.
- Education.
- Gentlemen.
- Society.
- Maple, 494.
- March, 494.
- Marigold, 494.
- Marsh Marigold, 495.
- Martlet, 495.
- Martyrdom, 495.
- Courage.
- Faith.
- Heroes.
- Murder.
- Religion.
- Masons, 495.
- Architecture.
- Matrimony, 495.
- Babyhood.
- Childhood.
- Husband.
- Love.
- Motherhood.
- Unity.
- Wife.
- Woman.
- Wooing.
- May, 501.
- Medicine, 502.
- Cure.
- Disease.
- Health.
- Mind.
- Physician.
- Quackery.
- Sickness.
- Wounds.
- Meditation, 504.
- Contemplation.
- Reflection.
- Solitude.
- Thought.
- Meeting, 504.
- Absence.
- Hospitality.
- Parting.
- Welcome.
- Melancholy, 505.
- Insanity.
- Remorse.
- Sadness.
- Memory, 506.
- Absence.
- Forgetfulness.
- Past.
- Reflection.
- Thought.
- Time.
- Mercantile, see
- Business.
- Occupations.
- Mercy, 509.
- Charity.
- Judges.
- Justice.
- Law.
- Love.
- Philanthropy.
- Pity.
- Punishment.
- Merit, 510.
- Character.
- Goodness.
- Growth.
- Success.
- Value.
- Worth.
- Mermaids, 511.
- Apparitions.
- Fairies.
- Superstition.
- Visions.
- Wonders.
- Merriment, 511.
- Cheerfulness.
- Folly.
- Happiness.
- Humor.
- Jesting.
- Joy.
- Laughter.
- Smiles.
- Wit.
- Midge, 512.
- Midnight, 512.
- Darkness.
- Night.
- Military, see
- Navigation.
- Navy.
- Peace.
- Soldiers.
- War.
- World Peace.
- Mind, 513.
- Disease.
- Health.
- Intellect.
- Knowledge.
- Learning.
- Soul, The.
- Study.
- Thought.
- Wisdom.
- Miracle, 516.
- Doctrine.
- Faith.
- Religion.
- Superstition.
- Wonders.
- Misappropriation, see
- Bribery.
- Possession.
- Property.
- Right; Rights.
- Thieving.
- Mischief, 517.
- Deceit.
- Evil.
- Faults.
- Folly.
- Hypocrisy.
- Lying.
- Misfortune.
- Misers, 517.
- Avarice.
- Covetousness.
- Gold.
- Mammon.
- Money.
- Possession.
- Wealth.
- Misery, 517.
- Adversity.
- Affliction.
- Despair.
- Discontent.
- Hell.
- Misfortune.
- Pain.
- Remorse.
- Sorrow.
- Woe.
- Misfortune, 518.
- Adversity.
- Affliction.
- Evil.
- Mischief.
- Misery.
- Suffering.
- Trouble.
- Moccasin Flower, 519.
- Mocking-Bird, 520.
- Moderation, 520.
- Content.
- Extremes.
- Happiness.
- Possession.
- Success.
- Modesty, 520.
- Blushes.
- Character.
- Humility.
- Innocence.
- Woman.
- Money, 521.
- Avarice.
- Bribery.
- Business.
- Economy.
- Gain.
- Gold.
- Mammon.
- Occupations.
- Success.
- Wealth.
- Months, 524.
- Montreal, 524.
- Monuments, 524.
- Death.
- Epitaphs.
- Fame.
- Grave.
- Life.
- Memory.
- Moon, The, 525.
- Astronomy.
- Clouds.
- Sky.
- Stars
- Tides.
- Morality, 528.
- Character.
- Goodness.
- Virtue.
- Morning, 528.
- Aurora.
- Clouds.
- Day.
- Light.
- Sunrise.
- Twilight.
- Morning-Glory, 530.
- Mortality, 530.
- Death.
- Grave.
- Immortality.
- Life.
- Mosquito, 530.
- Moth, 530,
- Motherhood, 531.
- Babyhood.
- Childhood.
- Husband.
- Love.
- Matrimony.
- Wife.
- Woman.
- Motive, 532.
- Cause.
- Desire.
- Feeling.
- Influence.
- Reason.
- Mountains, 532.
- Clouds.
- Nature.
- Mourning, 533.
- Consolation.
- Death.
- Epitaph.
- Grave.
- Grief.
- Loss.
- Sadness.
- Sorrow.
- Tears.
- Mouse, 533.
- Mouth, 534.
- Dimples.
- Lips.
- Smiles.
- Mulberry Tree, 534.
- Murder, 534.
- Crime.
- Death.
- Guilt.
- Law.
- Revenge.
- Suicide.
- Music, 535.
- Ballads.
- Singing.
- Song.
- Myrtle, 541.
- Name, 541.
- Character.
- Fame.
- Gossip.
- Praise.
- Reputation.
- Scandal.
- Slander.
- Naples, 544.
- Narcissus, 544.
- Nature, 544.
- Animals.
- Birds.
- Clouds.
- Country Life.
- Creation.
- Dew.
- Fruits.
- Garden.
- Grass.
- Mountains.
- Rain.
- Snow.
- Solitude.
- Trees and Plants.
- Weeds.
- World, The.
- Navigation, 548.
- Aeronautics.
- Boating.
- Navy.
- Ocean.
- Ships.
- Shipwreck.
- Navy, 550.
- Navigation.
- Patriotism.
- Peace.
- Soldiers.
- War.
- Necessity, 550.
- Desire.
- Invention.
- Wishes.
- Neglect, 552.
- Failure.
- Loss.
- Order.
- New York City, 552.
- News, 553.
- Journalism.
- Novelty.
- Post.
- Rumor.
- Newspapers, see
- Journalism.
- Niagara, 554.
- Night, 554.
- Darkness.
- Evening.
- Midnight.
- Oblivion.
- Sky.
- Stars.
- Twilight.
- Nightingale, 557.
- Nile, 559.
- Nobility, 559.
- Ancestry.
- Character.
- Greatness
- Royalty.
- Worth.
- Nonsense, 560.
- Paradox.
- Parody.
- Nose, 561.
- Face.
- Nothingness, 561.
- Nonsense.
- Novelty, 561.
- Change.
- News.
- Variety.
- Wonders.
- November, 562.
- Nuremberg, 562.
- Oak, 563.
- Oaths, 563.
- Decision.
- Lying.
- Promises.
- Swearing.
- Vows.
- Obedience, 564.
- Authority.
- Character.
- Law.
- Oblivion, 564.
- Death.
- Despair.
- Forgetfulneas.
- Grave.
- Morning.
- Night.
- Obscurity.
- Solitude.
- Obscurity, 565.
- Darkness.
- Oblivion.
- Shadows.
- Solitude.
- Observation, see
- Eyes.
- Mind.
- Perception.
- Reflection.
- Sight.
- Occupations, 565.
- Acting (the Stage).
- Agriculture.
- Alchemy.
- Architecture.
- Astronomy.
- Authorship.
- Barber.
- Blacksmithing.
- Business.
- Butchering.
- Carpentry.
- Cookery.
- Dentistry.
- Hatters.
- Inns; Taverns.
- Jewels; Jewelry.
- Journalism.
- Law.
- Livery.
- Masons.
- Medicine.
- Navigation.
- Navy.
- Painting.
- Post (Letters).
- Pottery.
- Preaching.
- Printing.
- Publishing.
- Sculpture.
- Shoemaking.
- Soldiers.
- Statesmanship.
- Tailors.
- Teaching.
- Undertakers.
- Work.
- Ocean, 566.
- Brooks.
- Fish.
- Mermaids.
- Navigation.
- Ships.
- Shipwreck.
- Tides.
- Travel.
- Water.
- October, 568.
- Olive, 569.
- Opinion, 569.
- Belief.
- Criticism.
- Discussion.
- Faith.
- Intellect.
- Judgment.
- Mind.
- Sense.
- Opportunity, 570.
- Accident.
- Chance.
- Circumstance.
- Decision.
- Destiny.
- Fate.
- Life.
- Oracle, 572.
- Fate.
- Futurity.
- Gods, The.
- Prophecy.
- Orange, 572.
- Oratory, 572.
- Eloquence.
- Language.
- Persuasion.
- Speech.
- Talk.
- Tongue.
- Words.
- Orchid, 574.
- Order, 574.
- Law.
- Neglect.
- Owl, 574.
- Ox, 575.
- Oyster, 575.
- Pain, 575.
- Affliction.
- Cruelty.
- Grief.
- Misery.
- Sickness.
- Sorrow.
- Suffering.
- Woe.
- Painting, 576.
- Art.
- Palm, 577.
- Pansy, 577.
- Paradise, 578.
- Delight.
- Futurity.
- Glory.
- Happiness.
- Heaven.
- Paradox, 579.
- Jesting.
- Nonsense.
- Parody.
- Pardon, see
- Forgiveness.
- Knowledge.
- Law.
- Punishment.
- Parting, 579.
- Absence.
- Death.
- Farewell.
- Life.
- Meeting.
- Partridge, 580.
- Passion, 580.
- Anger.
- Desire.
- Hatred.
- Love.
- Revenge.
- Passion Flower, 581.
- Past, 581.
- Contemplation.
- Memory.
- Reflection.
- Time.
- Youth.
- Patience, 583.
- Humility.
- Perseverance.
- Resignation.
- Rest.
- Patriotism, 584.
- Country, Love of.
- Democracy.
- Flag.
- Government.
- Heroes.
- Independence.
- Peace.
- Politics
- Right; Rights.
- Soldiers.
- War.
- Peace, 588.
- Calmness.
- Content.
- Rest.
- Soldiers.
- Statesmanship.
- War.
- World Peace.
- Pea, Sweet, 591.
- Peach, 591.
- Peacock, 591.
- Pear, 591.
- Pelican, 592.
- Pen, 592.
- Authorship.
- Eagle.
- Journalism.
- Literature.
- People, see
- Public, The.
- Perception, 593.
- Eyes.
- Instinct.
- Mind.
- Sight.
- Perfection, 593.
- Character.
- Growth.
- Success.
- Perfume, 593.
- Perils, 594.
- Perjury, see
- Oaths.
- Vows.
- Perseverance, 594.
- Pheasant, 594.
- Philadelphia, 594.
- Philanthropy, 595.
- Beggary.
- Benefits.
- Charity.
- Humanity.
- Kindness.
- Mercy.
- Pity.
- Sympathy.
- Philosophy, 596.
- Argument.
- Mind.
- Reason.
- Science.
- Phrenology, 597.
- Mind.
- Physician, see
- Cure.
- Disease.
- Medicine.
- Mind.
- Sickness.
- Wounds.
- Pigeon, 597.
- Pine, 597.
- Pink, 597.
- Pity, 598.
- Charity.
- Humanity.
- Kindness.
- Mercy.
- Philanthropy.
- Sympathy.
- Plagiarism, 598.
- Books.
- Borrowing.
- Criticism.
- Imitation.
- Journalism.
- Literature.
- Poetry.
- Quotation.
- Thieving.
- Plants, see
- Trees.
- Pleasure, 600.
- Poetry
- Poets
- Poison
- Policy
- Politics
- Poppy
- Poplar
- Popularity
- Possession
- Post
- Posterity
- Potomac (River)
- Pottery
- Poverty
- Power
- Praise
- Prayer
- Preaching
- Prejudice
- Presumption
- Pride
- Primrose
- Principle
- Printing
- Prison
- Probability
- Progress
- Growth.
- Success.
- Promises, 636.
- Futurity.
- Hope.
- Oaths.
- Swearing.
- Vows.
- Words.
- Proof, 636.
- Decision.
- Law.
- Property, see
- Possession.
- Wealth.
- Prophecy, 636.
- Futurity.
- Invention.
- Oracle.
- Visions.
- Wonders.
- Propriety, see
- Manners.
- Prosperity, 637.
- Fortune.
- Money.
- Success.
- Wealth.
- Proverbs, 638.
- Providence, 643.
- Chance.
- Christ.
- Christianity.
- Destiny.
- Fate.
- God.
- Gods, The.
- Religion.
- Success.
- War.
- Prudence, 645.
- Advice.
- Care.
- Counsel.
- Wisdom.
- Public, The, 647.
- Acting.
- Life.
- Politics.
- Trust, Public.
- Voice.
- World.
- Publishing, 649.
- Authorship.
- Books.
- Criticism.
- Journalism.
- Literature.
- Pen.
- Printing.
- Pumpkin, 649.
- Harvest.
- Thanksgiving Day.
- Pun, see
- Humor.
- Jesting.
- Wit.
- Punishment, 649.
- Judgment.
- Justice.
- Law.
- Pain.
- Prison.
- Results.
- Purity, 652.
- Chastity.
- Cleanliness.
- Corruption.
- Modesty.
- Woman.
- Quackery, 652.
- Cure.
- Disease.
- Hypocrisy.
- Medicine.
- Physician.
- Quail, 652.
- Quality, 653.
- Character.
- Value.
- Worth.
- Quarreling, 653.
- Anger.
- Challenge.
- Contention.
- Discord.
- Dissension.
- Rebellion.
- War.
- Quotation, 653.
- Authorship.
- Books.
- Borrowing.
- Criticism.
- Literature.
- Plagiarism.
- Poetry.
- Reading.
- Rage, see
- Anger.
- Rain, 655.
- November.
- Rainbow, The.
- Storm.
- Thunder.
- Umbrella.
- Rainbow, 655.
- Clouds.
- Rain.
- Sky, The.
- Storm.
- Rashness, see
- Audacity.
- Character.
- Daring.
- Recklessness.
- Raven, 656.
- Reading, 656.
- Authorship.
- Books.
- Education.
- Learning.
- Libraries.
- Literature.
- Poetry.
- Students.
- Study.
- Reason, 658.
- Argument.
- Consideration.
- Instinct.
- Intellect.
- Mind.
- Motive.
- Persuasion.
- Philosophy.
- Soul.
- Thought.
- Rebellion, 659.
- Dissension.
- Revolution.
- Soldiers.
- Treason.
- War.
- Recklessness, 659.
- Audacity.
- Care.
- Character.
- Daring.
- Haste.
- Redemption, 660.
- Christ.
- Church.
- Doctrine.
- Easter.
- Faith.
- Prayer.
- Religion.
- Resurrection.
- Worship.
- Reed, 660.
- Reflection, 660.
- Confession.
- Consideration.
- Contemplation.
- Discretion.
- Meditation,
- Memory.
- Past.
- Self-examination.
- Thought.
- Reform; Reformation, 660.
- Character.
- Church.
- Confession.
- Conscience.
- Remorse.
- Repentance.
- Regret, 661.
- Confession.
- Conscience.
- Despair.
- Disappointment.
- Grief.
- Past.
- Remorse.
- Repentance.
- Sorrow.
- Religion, 661.
- Belief.
- Christ.
- Christianity.
- Church.
- Confession.
- Doctrine.
- Duty.
- Easter.
- Faith.
- God.
- Gods, The.
- Heaven.
- Hell.
- Holiness.
- Martyrdom.
- Miracles.
- Praise.
- Prayer.
- Providence.
- Redemption.
- Reform; Reformation.
- Retribution.
- Revelation.
- Righteousness.
- Sabbath.
- Sacrifice.
- Scripture.
- Virtue.
- Worship.
- Remorse, 665.
- Conscience.
- Despair.
- Humility.
- Regret.
- Repentance.
- Sorrow.
- Repentance, 665.
- Christianity.
- Confession.
- Conscience.
- Prayer.
- Reformation.
- Regret.
- Remorse.
- Sin.
- Sorrow.
- Repose, 666.
- Content.
- Peace.
- Rest.
- Sleep.
- Solitude.
Reproof, see
- Advice.
- Counsel.
- Criticism.
- Example.
Reputation, 667.
- Character.
- Fame.
- Gossip.
- Honor.
- Name.
- Scandal.
- Slander.
Resignation, 668.
- Patience.
- Repose.
- Rest.
- Suffering.
Resistance, see
- Strength.
Resolution, 668.
- Character.
- Courage.
- Decision.
- Power.
- Strength.
Responsibility, see
- Character.
- Duty.
- Honor.
- Nobility.
Rest, 669.
- Calmness.
- Content.
- Death.
- Peace.
- Repose.
- Silence.
- Sleep.
- Solitude.
Results, 670.
- Circumstance.
- End, The.
Resurrection, 671.
- Christ.
- Death.
- Easter.
- Eternity.
- Futurity.
- Grave.
- Immortality.
- Mortality.
- Religion.
Retaliation, 671.
- Cruelty.
- Murder.
- Punishment.
- Retribution.
- Revenge.
Retribution, 671.
- Compensation,
- Crime.
- Death.
- Providence.
- Punishment.
- Retaliation.
- Revenge.
Revelation, 671.
- Doctrine.
- Futurity.
- God.
- Heaven.
- Religion.
- Scripture.
- Visions.
- Wonders.
Revenge, 671.
- Anger.
- Enemy.
- Hatred.
- Murder.
- Passion.
- Punishment.
- Retaliation.
- Retribution.
Reverence, see
- Honor.
- Prayer.
- Religion.
- Righteousness.
- Sabbath.
- Worship.
Revolution, 672.
- Democracy.
- Freedom.
- Government.
- Liberty.
- Rebellion.
- Tyranny.
- War.
Rhine (River), 673.
Rhone (River), 673.
Riches, see
- Wealth.
Ridicule, 673.
- Contempt.
- Criticism.
- Jesting.
- Laughter.
- Satire.
- Scandal.
- Sneer.
- Wit.
Right; Rights, 674.
- Equality.
- Freedom.
- Government.
- Independence.
- Liberty.
- Possession.
- Slavery.
Righteousness, 675.
- Morality.
- Religion.
- Right; Rights.
Rivalry, see.
Rivers, 675.
Robin, 676.
Romance, 676.
- Ballads.
- Poetry.
- Story Telling.
- Visions.
Rome, 677.
Rook, 677.
Rose, 678.
Rose, Musk, 682.
Rose, Sweetbrier, 682.
Rose, Wild, 682.
Rosemary, 682.
Royalty, 682.
- Authority.
- Courtiers.
- Government.
- Nobility.
- Politics.
- Power.
- Statesmanship.
- War.
Ruin, 686.
- Chaos.
- Cities.
- Deoay.
- Desolation.
- Misfortune.
Rumor, 688.
- Fame.
- Gossip.
- News.
- Scandal.
- Slander.
Sabbath, 689.
- Bells.
- Church.
- Prayer.
- Religion.
- Reverence.
- Worship.
Sacrifice, 689.
- Martyrdom.
- Religion.
Sadness, 689.
- Affliction.
- Desolation.
- Grief.
- Melancholy.
- Sorrow.
- Tears.
- Woe.
Safety, see
- Accident.
- Care.
- Danger.
- Perils.
- Prudence.
Safflower, 690.
Sailors, see
- Navy.
Sand-Piper, 690.
Satiety, see
- Drinking.
- Eating.
- Festivities.
Satire, 690.
- Criticism.
- Epigram.
- Epitaphs.
- Humor.
- Jesting.
- Speech.
- Wit.
Satisfaction, 690.
- Comfort.
- Content.
- Happiness
- Repose.
- Rest.
Scandal, 691.
- Gossip.
- Name.
- Satire.
- Slander.
- Society.
- Talk.
Scheld (River), 691.
- School, see
- Education.
- Students.
- Teaching.
Schuylkill (River), 691.
Science, 691.
- Alchemy.
- Astronomy.
- Intellect.
- Invention.
- Knowledge.
- Learning.
- Mind.
- Nature.
- Philosophy.
Scorn, 692.
- Contempt.
- Satire.
- Sneer.
Scotland, 692.
Scripture, 693.
- Miracles.
- Religion.
- Revelation.
- Science.
Sculpture, 694.
- Architecture.
- Art.
- Navigation.
- Ocean. Sea Bird, 694.
Seasons, 694.
Secrecy, 695.
- Curiosity.
- Silence.
- Strategy.
Self-esteem, see
- Self-love.
Self-examination, 696.
- Confession.
- Conscience.
- Reflection.
Selfishness, 696.
- Conceit.
- Pride.
- Self-love.
Self-love, 697.
- Conceit.
- Pride.
- Selfishness.
- Vanity.
Sense; Senses, 697.
- Feeling.
- Instinct.
- Judgment.
- Mind.
- Perception.
- Reason.
Sensibility; Sentiment, 698.
- Feeling.
- Influence.
- Instinct.
- Sense; Senses.
- Sympathy.
- Taste.
Sensitive Plant, 698.
September, 698.
Serenity, see
- Calmness.
- Peace.
- Repose.
- Rest.
Service, 699.
- Duty.
- Help.
- Kindness.
- Philanthropy.
- Royalty.
Shadows, 699.
- Clouds.
- Darkness.
- Evening.
- Futurity.
- Night.
- Obscurity.
Shakespeare, 700.
- Acting.
- Authorship.
- Plagiarism.
- Poetry.
- Poets.
- Quotation.
Shame, 702.
- Blushes.
- Conscience.
- Disgrace.
- Guilt.
- Honor.
- Modesty.
Shamrock, 702.
Sheep, 702.
Ships, 703.
- Boating.
- Navigation.
- Navy.
- Ocean.
- Shipwreck.
- Water.
Shipwreck, 704.
- Boating.
- Navigation.
- Ocean.
- Ships.
- Storm.
- Water.
Shoemaking, 705.
- Apparel.
- Foot.
Sickness, 706.
- Cure.
- Disease.
- Health.
- Medicine.
- Mind.
- Physician.
- Weakness.
- Wounds.
Sighs, 707.
- Desolation.
- Grief.
- Heart.
- Love.
- Sorrow.
Sight, 707.
- Blindness.
- Eyes.
- Observation.
- Perception.
Silence, 707.
- Peace.
- Repose.
- Rest.
- Solitude.
- Speech.
Simplicity, 710.
- Appearance.
- Babyhood.
- Childhood.
- Credulity.
- Fashion.
- Innocence.
- Manners.
- Youth.
Sin, 710.
- Crime.
- Evil.
- Faults.
- Guilt.
- Vice.
- Wickedness.
Sincerity, 712.
- Candor.
- Fidelity.
- Honesty.
- Truth.
Singing, 712.
- Ballads.
- Music.
- Song.
Sky, The, 713.
- Astronomy.
- Aurora.
- Clouds.
- Heaven.
- Moon.
- Shadows.
- Storm.
- Sunrise.
- Sunset.
- Thunder.
- Twilight.
Slander, 714.
- Calumny.
- Gossip.
- Lying.
- Rumor.
- Satire.
- Scandal.
- Speech.
- Talk.
- Tongues.
- Words.
Slavery, 715.
- Equality.
- Freedom.
- Independence.
- Labor.
- Liberty.
- Right; Rights.
Sleep, 716.
- Death.
- Dreams.
- Midnight.
- Night.
- Repose.
- Rest.
Sloe, 721.
Smiles, 721.
- Dimples.
- Face.
- Happiness.
- Joy.
- Laughter.
- Merriment.
- Smoking, see
- Tobacco.
Sneer, 722.
- Contempt.
- Satire.
- Scorn.
Snow, 723.
- Winter.
Snow-Drop, 723.
Society, 724.
- Fashion.
- Life.
- Manners.
- Scandal.
- World, The.
Soldiers, 725.
- Audacity.
- Courage.
- Daring.
- Heroes.
- Navy.
- Peace.
- Valor.
- War.
- Youth.
- Zeal.
Solitude, 729.
- Desolation.
- Fear.
- Nature.
- Obscurity.
- Repose.
- Rest.
- Silence.
Song, 732.
- Ballads.
- Music.
- Poetry.
- Poets.
- Singing.
Sorrow, 733.
- Affliction.
- Disappointment.
- Grief.
- Melancholy.
- Misery.
- Misfortune.
- Pain.
- Regret.
- Remorse.
- Sadness.
- Sighs.
- Tears.
- Trials.
- Trouble.
- Woe.
Soul, The, 736.
- Heart.
- Immortality.
- Intellect.
- Life.
- Mind.,
- Mortality.
Sound, 740.
- Echo.
- Hearing.
- Listening.
- Silence.
- Thunder.
- Voice. Spain, 740.
Sparrow, 740.
Speech, 740.
- Conversation.
- Eloquence.
- Gossip.
- Language.
- Oratory.
- Silence.
- Talk.
- Thought.
- Tongues.
- Voice.
- Words.
Spice, 745.
Spider, 745.
Spirit; Spirits, 745.
- Angels.
- Apparitions.
- Fairies.
- Imagination.
- Visions.
Sport, 746.
- Amusement.
- Angling.
- Chase.
Spring, 746.
Stage (The), see
- Acting.
Stars, 748.
- Astronomy.
- Moon, The.
- Night.
- Sky, The.
- Sunrise.
- Sunset.
- Twilight.
Statesmanship, 752.
- Ability.
- Government.
- Peace.
- Policy.
- Politics.
- Royalty.
- Strategy.
- War.
- World Peace.
Steam, see
- Navigation.
Storm, 753.
- Navigation.
- Ocean.
- Rain.
- Rainbow.
- Shipwreck.
- Thunder.
Story-telling, 755.
- Ballads.
- Romance.
Strategy, 755.
- Deceit.
- Policy.
- Politics.
- Statesmanship.
- War.
Strawberry, 766.
Strength, 756.
- Ability.
- Growth.
- Power.
Students, 756.
- Books.
- Education.
- History.
- Learning.
- Study.
- Teaching.
Study, 757.
- Contemplation.
- Education.
- Learning.
- Students.
Stupidity, 758.
- Folly.
- Ignorance.
- Mind.
Style, 758.
- Art.
- Authorship.
- Books.
- Criticism.
- Literature.
- Poetry.
Submarine, see
- Navigation.
Success, 759.
- Destiny.
- Fate.
- Fortune.
- Growth.
- Luck.
- Possession.
- Wealth.
Suffering, 762.
- Affliction.
- Misery.
- Misfortune.
- Pain.
- Sickness.
- Sorrow.
- Trials.
- Woe.
Suffrage, see
- Choice.
- Government.
- Politics.
Suicide, 763.
- Crime.
- Death.
- Murder.
Summer, 764.
Sun, The, 765.
- Astronomy.
- Clouds.
- Corruption.
- Day.
- December.
- Light.
- October.
- Shadows.
- Sky, The.
- Sun Dial Mottoes.
- Sunrise.
- Sunset.
- Twilight.
Sun Dial Mottoes, 767.
- Sun.
- Time.
Sunflower, 768.
Sunrise, 769.
- Astronomy.
- Aurora.
- Clouds.
- Day.
- Light.
- Morning.
- Sky, The.
- Sun, The.
Sunset, 769.
- Clouds.
- Evening.
- Night.
- Shadows.
- Sky, The.
- Stars.
- Twilight.
- Superfluity, see
- Luxury.
- Moderation.
- Necessity.
Superstition, 770.
- Apparitions.
- Fairies.
- Gods, The.
- Ignorance.
- Religion.
Suspicion, 771.
- Distrust.
- Doubt.
- Envy.
- Jealousy.
Swallow, 772.
Swan, 772.
Swanee (River), 773.
Swearing, 773.
- Deceit.
- Lying.
- Oaths.
- Vows.
Sweet-Basil, 774.
Sweetness, 774.
- Quality.
Swine, 775.
Symbols, 775.
- Example.
- Religion.
- Worship.
Sympathy, 775.
- Affection.
- Companionship.
- Feeling.
- Friendship.
- Influence.
- Kindness.
- Philanthropy.
- Pity.
- Sensibility.
- Sorrow.
- Suffering.
- Tears.
Tailors, 776.
- Apparel.
- Fashion.
Talent, 777.
- Ability.
- Capacity.
- Character.
- Genius.
- Intellect.
- Mind.
Talk, 777.
- Conversation.
- Eloquence.
- Gossip.
- Language.
- Silence.
- Speech.
- Tongues.
- Words.
Tardiness, see
- Delay.
- Time.
Taste, 778.
- Choice.
- Style.
Taxation, see
- Government.
- Politics.
Tea, 778.
Teaching, 779.
- Education.
- Learning.
- Students.
Tears, 780.
- Death.
- Feeling.
- Grief.
- Pity.
- Sensibility.
- Sorrow.
- Sympathy.
Temper, see
- Anger.
- Hatred.
- Passion. Temperance, 783.
- Drinking.
- Eating.
- Festivities.
- Intemperance.
- Moderation.
- Water.
- Wine and Spirits.
Temptation, 784.
- Crime.
- Devil.
- Example.
- Guilt.
- Vice.
- Wickedness.
Teviot (River), 785.
Thames (River), 785.
Thankfulness, 785.
- Gifts.
- Gratitude.
Thanksgiving Day, 785.
- Autumn.
- Harvest.
- Holidays.
- Thankfulness.
Theology, see
- Belief.
- Church.
- Christ.
- Christianity.
- Doctrine.
- Easter.
- Prayer.
- Religion.
- Superstition.
- Worship.
Thieving, 786.
- Crime.
- Justice.
- Law.
- Punishment.
Thirst, see
- Drinking.
- Intemperance.
- Temperance.
- Water.
- Wine and Spirits.
Thistle, 787.
Thorn, 787.
Thought, 787.
- Consideration.
- Contemplation.
- Discretion.
- Imagination.
- Intellect.
- Meditation.
- Memory.
- Mind.
- Reason.
- Reflection.
- Silence.
- Wisdom.
Thrush, 790.
Thunder, 791.
- Clouds.
- Sky.
- Storm.
Thyme, 791.
Tiber (River), 791.
- Italy.
- Rome.
Tides, 791.
- Moon.
- Ocean.
- Water.
Tiger, 792.
Time, 792.
- Delay.
- Eternity.
- Futurity.
- Haste.
- Idleness.
- Leisure.
- Fidelity.
- Memory.
- Honor.
- Past, The.
- To-day.
- Sincerity.
- Wisdom.
- To-morrow.
Toasts, 801.
- Drinking.
Tobacco, 803.
To-day, 806.
- Past, The.
- Time.
- To-morrow.
To-morrow, 806.
- Futurity.
- Past.
- Time.
- To-day.
Tongue, 808.
- Conversation.
- Eloquence.
- Language.
- Oratory.
- Silence.
- Speech.
- Talk.
- Words.
Tonsorial, see
- Barber.
- Hair.
Trade, see
- Business.
- Occupations.
Traveling, 809.
- Countries.
- Navigation.
- Ocean.
- Ships.
- Shipwreck.
Treachery; Treason, 811.
- Crime.
- Deceit.
- Government.
- Hypocrisy.
- Lying.
- Rebellion.
- Royalty.
- Tyranny.
- War.
Trees and Plants, 812.
Trials, 814.
- Affliction.
- Experience.
- Impossibility.
- Misery.
- Misfortune.
- Sorrow.
- Suffering.
- Trifles.
- Trouble.
- Woe.
Trifles, 815.
Trouble, 816.
- Affliction.
- Misery.
- Misfortune.
- Sorrow.
- Trials.
- Woe
Trust, 816.
- Anticipation.
- Belief.
- Confidence.
- Credit.
- Expectation.
- Faith.
- Hope.
Trust, Public, 817.
- Bribery.
- Corruption.
- Government.
- Politics.
Truth, 818
- Belief
- Constancy.
- Fidelity.
- Honor.
- Sincerity.
- Wisdom.
Tuberose, 822.
Tulip, 822.
Tulip-Tree, 823.
Turkey; The Turks, 823.
Twilight, 823.
- Clouds.
- Evening.
- Light.
- Morning.
- Sky, The.
- Stars.
- Sunset.
Tyranny, 825.
- Cruelty.
- Politics.
- Rebellion.
- Revolution.
- Royalty.
- War.
Ugliness, see
- Appearance.
Umbrella, 826.
- Rain.
Unbelief, 826.
- Distrust,
- Doubt.
- Suspicion.
Uncertainty, 826
- Distrust.
- Doubt.
Understanding, see
- Intellect.
- Knowledge.
- Learning.
- Mind.
- Wisdom.
Undertakers, 827.
- Death.
- Grave.
Unhappiness, see
- Disappointment.
- Discontent.
- Dissatisfaction.
- Misery.
- Pain.
- Sadness.
- Sorrow.
- Suffering.
- Woe.
Unity, 827.
- Agreement.
- Equality.
- Government.
- Liberty.
- Matrimony.
Unkindness, 828
- Cruelty.
- Deceit.
- Neglect.
Valentines, 828.
- Post.
Valor, 829.
- Audacity.
- Bravery.
- Courage.
- Fortitude.
- Heroes.
- Soldiers.
- War.
Value, 829.
- Worth.
Vanity, 829.
- Apparel.
- Conceit.
- Fashion.
- Flattery.
- Pride.
- Self-love.
Variety, 830.
- Change.
- Choice.
- Novelty.
Venice, 831.
Vice, 831.
- Bribery.
- Corruption.
- Crime.
- Evil.
- Guilt.
- Ignorance.
- Sin.
- Wickedness.
Victory, 832.
- Conquest.
- Glory.
- Soldiers.
- Success.
- War.
Villainy, 833.
- Crime.
- Guilt.
- Knavery.
- Sin.
- Vice.
- Wickedness.
Violets, 833.
Virtue, 835.
- Character.
- Chastity.
- Goodness.
- Holiness.
- Innocence.
- Truth.
- Wisdom.
- Worth.
Visions, 839.
- Angels.
- Apparitions.
- Fairies.
- Fancy.
- Imagination.
- Mermaids.
- Spirits.
- Wonders.
Voice, 840.
- Ballads.
- Conscience.
- Conversation.
- Echo.
- Eloquence.
- Language.
- Music
- Oratory.
- Song.
- Sound.
- Speech.
- Talk.
- Tongue.
- Words.
Vows, 841.
- Oaths.
- Promises.
- Swearing.
Want, see
- Loss.
- Poverty.
War, 841.
- Conquest.
- Contention.
- Democracy.
- Dissension.
- Government.
- Heroes.
- Peace.
- Politics.
- Policy.
- Right; Rights.
- Statesmanship.
- Victory.
- World Peace.
Washington, 860.
- America.
- Government.
- Patriotism.
Watchfulness, see
- Observation.
- Prudence.
- Sight.
Water, 862.
- Brooks.
- Cleanliness.
- Dew.
- Drinking.
- Navigation.
- Ocean.
- Rivers.
- Ships.
- Shipwreck.
- Tides.
Water-Lily, 863.
Weakness, 863.
- Cowardice.
- Fear.
- Frailty.
Wealth, 864.
- Fortune.
- Gold.
- Mammon.
- Money.
- Possession.
Weeds, 867.
- Garden.
- Trees and Plants.
Weeping, see
- Tears.
Welcome, 867.
- Guests.
- Home.
- Hospitality.
- Meeting.
Whip-Poor-Will, 868.
Wickedness, 868.
- Corruption.
- Crime.
- Evil.
- Guilt.
- Hatred.
- Knavery.
- Prison.
- Punishment.
- Sin.
- Vice.
- Villainy.
Wife, 868.
- Babyhood.
- Childhood.
- Home.
- Husband.
- Love.
- Matrimony.
- Motherhood.
- Woman.
- Wooing.
Will, 871.
- Decision.
- Deeds.
- Mind.
- Power.
- Resolution.
- Strength.
Willow, 872.
Wind, 872.
- November.
- Storm.
- Thunder.
- Zephyrs.
Windflower, 874.
Wine and Spirits, 874.
- Drinking.
- Intemperance.
- Temperance.
- Toasts.
- Water.
Winter, 877.
- December.
Wisdom, 878.
- Discretion.
- Education.
- Folly.
- Knowledge.
- Learning.
- Mind.
- Truth.
Wishes, 882.
- Anticipation.
- Desire.
- Imagination.
Wit, 883.
- Conversation.
- Humor.
- Jesting.
- Parody.
- Satire.
- Speech.
Woe, 886.
- Grief.
- Misery.
- Suffering.
- Tears.
Woman, 886.
- Babyhood.
- Beauty.
- Character.
- Childhood.
- Coquetry.
- Fickleness.
- Flirtation.
- Husband.
- Jealousy.
- Kisses.
- Love.
- Matrimony.
- Motherhood.
- Wife.
- Wooing.
Wonders, 897.
- Imagination.
- Invention.
- Miracle.
- Science.
- Superstition.
- Visions.
Woodbine, 898.
Wooing, 898.
- Coquetry.
- Flirtation.
- Love.
- Matrimony.
- Sighs.
- Woman.
Words, 902.
- Conversation.
- Eloquence.
- Gossip.
- Language.
- Linguists.
- Oratory.
- Scandal.
- Silence.
- Speech.
- Talk.
- Tongues.
Work, 907.
- Action.
- Business.
- Deeds.
- Labor.
- Occupations.
- Prayer.
World, 911.
- Acting.
- Chaos.
- Creation.
- Life.
- Nature.
- Society.
- Solitude.
- World Peace, 917.
- America.
- Diplomacy.
- England.
- Germany.
- Government.
- Peace.
- Politics.
- Soldiers.
- Statesmanship.
- War.
- Worship, 918.
- Church.
- Faith.
- God.
- Gods, The.
- Praise.
- Prayer.
- Preaching.
- Religion.
- Reverence.
- Superstition.
- Worth, 919.
- Credit.
- Merit.
- Nobility.
- Value.
- Wounds, 920.
- Affliction.
- Cruelty.
- Heroes.
- Pain.
- Soldiers.
- Suffering.
- War.
- Wrath, see
- Anger.
- Wren, 921.
- Writing, see
- Authorship.
- Books.
- Journalism.
- Literature.
- Pen.
- Wrongs, 921.
- Injury.
- Insult.
- Yesterday, see
- Past.
- Yew, 921.
- Youth, 921
- Babyhood.
- Childhood.
- Enthusiasm.
- Heroes.
- Innocence.
- Motherhood.
- Simplicity.
- War.
- Zeal.
- Yukon, 924.
- Yvetté (River), 924
- Zeal, 925.
- Ambition.
- Enthusiasm.
- Labor.
- Resolution.
- Work.
- Youth
- Zephyrs, 925.
- Nature.
- Storm.
- Wind.