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Hymns for our Lord's Resurrection/Hymn III

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2444666Hymns for our Lord's Resurrection — Hymn III1746Charles Wesley

Hymn III.

1HAPPY Magdalene, to whom
Christ the Lord vouchsaf'd t'appear!
Newly risen from the Tomb,
Would He first be seen by Her?
Her by seven Devils possest,
Till his Word the Fiends expell'd;
Quench'd the Hell within her Breast,
All her Sins and Sickness heal'd.

2Yes, to Her the Master came,
First his welcome Voice she hears:
JESUS calls her by her Name,
He the weeping Sinner chears,
Lets her the dear Task repeat,
While her Eyes again run o'er;
Lets her wash his bleeding Feet,
Kiss them, and with Joy adore.

3Highly favour'd Soul! To Her
Farther still his Grace extends,
Raises the glad Messenger,
Sends her to his drooping Friends:
Tidings of their living LORD
First in Her Report they find:
She must spread the Gospel Word,
Teach the Teachers of Mankind.

4Who can now presume to fear?
Who despair his LORD to see?
JESUS, wilt Thou not appear,
Shew Thyself alive to me?
Yes, my GOD, I dare not doubt,
Thou shalt all my Sins remove;
Thou hast cast a Legion out,
Thou wilt perfect me in Love.

5Surely Thou hast call'd me Now!
Now I hear the Voice Divine,
At thy Wounded Feet I bow,
Wounded for whose Sins but mine!
I have nail'd Him to the Tree,
I have sent Him to the Grave:
But the Lord is ris'n for me,
Hold of Him by Faith I have.

6Here for ever I would lie,
Didst Thou not thy Servant raise,
Send me forth to testify
All the Wonders of thy Grace.
Lo! I at Thy bidding go,
Gladly to thy Followers tell
They their Rising GOD may know,
They the Life of Christ may feel.

7Hear, ye Brethren of the LORD,
(Such He you vouchsafes to call)
O believe the Gospel-Word,
Christ hath died, and rose for all:
Turn ye from your Sins to GOD,
Haste to Galilee, and see
Him, who bought Thee with His Blood,
Him, who rose to live in Thee.