ICD-10-CM (2010)/CHAPTER 11
=Diseases of the digestive system (K00-K93)=
- Excludes2: certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P04-P96)
- certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99)
- complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00-O99)
- congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99)
- endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E90)
- injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T98)
- neoplasms (C00-D48)
- symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R94)
- This chapter contains the following blocks:
- K00-K14 Diseases of oral cavity and salivary glands
- K20-K31 Diseases of esophagus, stomach and duodenum
- K35-K38 Diseases of appendix
- K40-K46 Hernia
- K50-K52 Noninfective enteritis and colitis
- K55-K63 Other diseases of intestines
- K65-K68 Diseases of peritoneum and retroperitoneum
- K70-K77 Diseases of liver
- K80-K87 Disorders of gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas
- K90-K94 Other diseases of the digestive system
Diseases of oral cavity and salivary glands (K00-K14)
[edit]K00 Disorders of tooth development and eruption
[edit]- Excludes2: embedded and impacted teeth (K01.-)
- K00.0 Anodontia
- Hypodontia
- Oligodontia
- Excludes1: acquired absence of teeth (K08.1-)
- K00.1 Supernumerary teeth
- Distomolar
- Fourth molar
- Mesiodens
- Paramolar
- Supplementary teeth
- Excludes2: supernumerary roots (K00.2)
- K00.2 Abnormalities of size and form of teeth
- Concrescence of teeth
- Fusion of teeth
- Gemination of teeth
- Dens evaginatus
- Dens in dente
- Dens invaginatus
- Enamel pearls
- Macrodontia
- Microdontia
- Peg-shaped [conical] teeth
- Supernumerary roots
- Taurodontism
- Tuberculum paramolare
- Excludes1: abnormalities of teeth due to congenital syphilis (A50.5)
- tuberculum Carabelli, which is regarded as a normal variation and should not be coded
- K00.3 Mottled teeth
- Dental fluorosis
- Mottling of enamel
- Nonfluoride enamel opacities
- Excludes2: deposits [accretions] on teeth (K03.6)
- K00.4 Disturbances in tooth formation
- Aplasia and hypoplasia of cementum
- Dilaceration of tooth
- Enamel hypoplasia (neonatal) (postnatal) (prenatal)
- Regional odontodysplasia
- Turner's tooth
- Excludes1: Hutchinson's teeth and mulberry molars in congenital syphilis (A50.5)
- Excludes2: mottled teeth (K00.3)
- K00.5 Hereditary disturbances in tooth structure, not elsewhere classified
- Amelogenesis imperfecta
- Dentinogenesis imperfecta
- Odontogenesis imperfecta
- Dentinal dysplasia
- Shell teeth
- K00.6 Disturbances in tooth eruption
- Dentia praecox
- Natal tooth
- Neonatal tooth
- Premature eruption of tooth
- Premature shedding of primary [deciduous] tooth
- Prenatal teeth
- Retained [persistent] primary tooth
- Excludes2: embedded and impacted teeth (K01.-)
- K00.7 Teething syndrome
- K00.8 Other disorders of tooth development
- Color changes during tooth formation
- Intrinsic staining of teeth NOS
- Excludes2: posteruptive color changes (K03.7)
- K00.9 Disorder of tooth development, unspecified
- Disorder of odontogenesis NOS
K01 Embedded and impacted teeth
[edit]- Excludes1: abnormal position of fully erupted teeth (M26.3-)
- K01.0 Embedded teeth
- K01.1 Impacted teeth
K02 Dental caries
[edit]- Includes: dental cavities, tooth decay
- K02.3 Arrested dental caries
- Arrested coronal and root caries
- K02.5 Dental caries on pit and fissure surface
- Dental caries on chewing surface of tooth
- K02.51 Dental caries on pit and fissure surface limited to enamel
- White spot lesions [initial caries] on pit and fissure surface of tooth
- K02.52 Dental caries on pit and fissure surface penetrating into dentin
- K02.53 Dental caries on pit and fissure surface penetrating into pulp
- K02.6 Dental caries on smooth surface
- K02.61 Dental caries on smooth surface limited to enamel
- White spot lesions [initial caries] on smooth surface of tooth
- K02.62 Dental caries on smooth surface penetrating into dentin
- K02.63 Dental caries on smooth surface penetrating into pulp
- K02.61 Dental caries on smooth surface limited to enamel
- K02.7 Dental root caries
- K02.9 Dental caries, unspecified
K03 Other diseases of hard tissues of teeth
[edit]- Excludes2: bruxism (F45.8)
- dental caries (K02.-)
- teeth-grinding NOS (F45.8)
- K03.0 Excessive attrition of teeth
- Approximal wear of teeth
- Occlusal wear of teeth
- K03.1 Abrasion of teeth
- Dentifrice abrasion of teeth
- Habitual abrasion of teeth
- Occupational abrasion of teeth
- Ritual abrasion of teeth
- Traditional abrasion of teeth
- Wedge defect NOS
- K03.2 Erosion of teeth
- Erosion of teeth due to diet
- Erosion of teeth due to drugs and medicaments
- Erosion of teeth due to persistent vomiting
- Erosion of teeth NOS
- Idiopathic erosion of teeth
- Occupational erosion of teeth
- K03.3 Pathological resorption of teeth
- Internal granuloma of pulp
- Resorption of teeth (external)
- K03.4 Hypercementosis
- Cementation hyperplasia
- K03.5 Ankylosis of teeth
- K03.6 Deposits [accretions] on teeth
- Betel deposits [accretions] on teeth
- Black deposits [accretions] on teeth
- Extrinsic staining of teeth NOS
- Green deposits [accretions] on teeth
- Materia alba deposits [accretions] on teeth
- Orange deposits [accretions] on teeth
- Staining of teeth NOS
- Subgingival dental calculus
- Supragingival dental calculus
- Tobacco deposits [accretions] on teeth
- K03.7 Posteruptive color changes of dental hard tissues
- Excludes2: deposits [accretions] on teeth (K03.6)
- K03.8 Other specified diseases of hard tissues of teeth
- K03.81 Cracked tooth
- Excludes1: asymptomatic craze lines in enamel - omit code
- broken or fractured tooth due to trauma (S02.5)
- Excludes1: asymptomatic craze lines in enamel - omit code
- K03.89 Other specified diseases of hard tissues of teeth
- K03.81 Cracked tooth
- K03.9 Disease of hard tissues of teeth, unspecified
K04 Diseases of pulp and periapical tissues
[edit]- K04.0 Pulpitis
- Acute pulpitis
- Chronic (hyperplastic) (ulcerative) pulpitis
- Irreversible pulpitis
- Reversible pulpitis
- K04.1 Necrosis of pulp
- Pulpal gangrene
- K04.2 Pulp degeneration
- Denticles
- Pulpal calcifications
- Pulpal stones
- K04.3 Abnormal hard tissue formation in pulp
- Secondary or irregular dentine
- K04.4 Acute apical periodontitis of pulpal origin
- Acute apical periodontitis NOS
- Excludes1: acute periodontitis (K05.2-)
- K04.5 Chronic apical periodontitis
- Apical or periapical granuloma
- Apical periodontitis NOS
- Excludes1: chronic periodontitis (K05.3-)
- K04.6 Periapical abscess with sinus
- Dental abscess with sinus
- Dentoalveolar abscess with sinus
- K04.7 Periapical abscess without sinus
- Dental abscess without sinus
- Dentoalveolar abscess without sinus
- Periapical abscess without sinus
- K04.8 Radicular cyst
- Apical (periodontal) cyst
- Periapical cyst
- Residual radicular cyst
- Excludes2: lateral periodontal cyst (K09.0)
- K04.9 Other and unspecified diseases of pulp and periapical tissues
- K04.90 Unspecified diseases of pulp and periapical tissues
- K04.99 Other diseases of pulp and periapical tissues
K05 Gingivitis and periodontal diseases
[edit]- Use additional code to identify:
- alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
- exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22)
- exposure to tobacco smoke in the perinatal period (P96.81)
- history of tobacco use (Z87.891)
- occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z57.31)
- tobacco dependence (F17.-)
- tobacco use (Z72.0)
- K05.0 Acute gingivitis
- Excludes1: acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (A69.1)
- herpesviral [herpes simplex] gingivostomatitis (B00.2)
- K05.00 Acute gingivitis, plaque induced
- Acute gingivitis NOS
- K05.01 Acute gingivitis, non-plaque induced
- Excludes1: acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (A69.1)
- K05.1 Chronic gingivitis
- Desquamative gingivitis (chronic)
- Gingivitis (chronic) NOS
- Hyperplastic gingivitis (chronic)
- Simple marginal gingivitis (chronic)
- Ulcerative gingivitis (chronic)
- K05. 10 Chronic gingivitis, plaque induced
- Chronic gingivitis NOS
- Gingivitis NOS
- K05.11 Chronic gingivitis, non-plaque induced
- K05.2 Aggressive periodontitis
- Acute pericoronitis
- Excludes1: acute apical periodontitis (K04.4)
- periapical abscess (K04.7)
- periapical abscess with sinus (K04.6)
- K05.20 Aggressive periodontitis, unspecified
- K05.21 Aggressive periodontitis, localized
- Periodontal abscess
- K05.22 Aggressive periodontitis, generalized
- K05.3 Chronic periodontitis
- Chronic pericoronitis
- Complex periodontitis
- Periodontitis NOS
- Simplex periodontitis
- Excludes1: chronic apical periodontitis (K04.5)
- K05.30 Chronic periodontitis, unspecified
- K05.31 Chronic periodontitis, localized
- K05.32 Chronic periodontitis, generalized
- K05.4 Periodontosis
- Juvenile periodontosis
- K05.5 Other periodontal diseases
- Excludes2: leukoplakia of gingiva (K13.21)
- K05.6 Periodontal disease, unspecified
K06 Other disorders of gingiva and edentulous alveolar ridge
[edit]- Excludes2: acute gingivitis (K05.0)
- atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge (K08.2)
- chronic gingivitis (K05.1)
- gingivitis NOS (K05.1)
- K06.0 Gingival recession
- Gingival recession (generalized) (localized) (postinfective) (postprocedural)
- K06.1 Gingival enlargement
- Gingival fibromatosis
- K06.2 Gingival and edentulous alveolar ridge lesions associated with trauma
- Irritative hyperplasia of edentulous ridge [denture hyperplasia]
- Use additional code (Chapter 20) to identify external cause or denture status (Z97.2)
- K06.8 Other specified disorders of gingiva and edentulous alveolar ridge
- Fibrous epulis
- Flabby alveolar ridge
- Giant cell epulis
- Peripheral giant cell granuloma of gingiva
- Pyogenic granuloma of gingiva
- Excludes2: gingival cyst (K09.0)
- K06.9 Disorder of gingiva and edentulous alveolar ridge, unspecified
K08 Other disorders of teeth and supporting structures
[edit]- Excludes2: dentofacial anomalies [including malocclusion] (M26.-)
- disorders of jaw (M27.-)
- K08.0 Exfoliation of teeth due to systemic causes
- Code also underlying systemic condition
- K08.1 Complete loss of teeth
- Acquired loss of teeth, complete
- Excludes1: congenital absence of teeth (K00.0)
- exfoliation of teeth due to systemic causes (K08.0)
- partial loss of teeth (K08.4-)
- K08.10 Complete loss of teeth, unspecified cause
- K08.101 Complete loss of teeth, unspecified cause, class I
- K08.102 Complete loss of teeth, unspecified cause, class II
- K08.103 Complete loss of teeth, unspecified cause, class III
- K08.104 Complete loss of teeth, unspecified cause, class IV
- K08.109 Complete loss of teeth, unspecified cause, unspecified class
- Edentulism NOS
- K08.11 Complete loss of teeth due to trauma
- K08.111 Complete loss of teeth due to trauma, class I
- K08.112 Complete loss of teeth due to trauma, class II
- K08.113 Complete loss of teeth due to trauma, class III
- K08.114 Complete loss of teeth due to trauma, class IV
- K08.119 Complete loss of teeth due to trauma, unspecified class
- K08.12 Complete loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases
- K08.121 Complete loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class I
- K08.122 Complete loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class II
- K08.123 Complete loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class III
- K08. 124 Complete loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class IV
- K08.129 Complete loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, unspecified class
- K08.13 Complete loss of teeth due to caries
- K08.131 Complete loss of teeth due to caries, class I
- K08.132 Complete loss of teeth due to caries, class II
- K08.133 Complete loss of teeth due to caries, class III
- K08.134 Complete loss of teeth due to caries, class IV
- K08.139 Complete loss of teeth due to caries, unspecified class
- K08.19 Complete loss of teeth due to other specified cause
- K08.191 Complete loss of teeth due to other specified cause, class I
- K08.192 Complete loss of teeth due to other specified cause, class II
- K08.193 Complete loss of teeth due to other specified cause, class III
- K08.194 Complete loss of teeth due to other specified cause, class IV
- K08.199 Complete loss of teeth due to other specified cause, unspecified class
- K08.2 Atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge
- K08.20 Unspecified atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge
- Atrophy of the mandible NOS
- Atrophy of the maxilla NOS
- K08.21 Minimal atrophy of the mandible
- Minimal atrophy of the edentulous mandible
- K08.22 Moderate atrophy of the mandible
- Moderate atrophy of the edentulous mandible
- K08.23 Severe atrophy of the mandible
- Severe atrophy of the edentulous mandible
- K08.24 Minimal atrophy of maxilla
- Minimal atrophy of the edentulous maxilla
- K08.25 Moderate atrophy of the maxilla
- Moderate atrophy of the edentulous maxilla
- K08.26 Severe atrophy of the maxilla
- Severe atrophy of the edentulous maxilla
- K08.20 Unspecified atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge
- K08.3 Retained dental root
- K08.4 Partial loss of teeth
- Acquired loss of teeth, partial
- Excludes1: complete loss of teeth (K08.1-)
- congenital absence of teeth (K00.0)
- Excludes2: exfoliation of teeth due to systemic causes (K08.0)
- K08.40 Partial loss of teeth, unspecified cause
- K08.401 Partial loss of teeth, unspecified cause, class I
- K08.402 Partial loss of teeth, unspecified cause, class II
- K08.403 Partial loss of teeth, unspecified cause, class III
- K08.404 Partial loss of teeth, unspecified cause, class IV
- K08.409 Partial loss of teeth, unspecified cause, unspecified class
- Tooth extraction status NOS
- K08.41 Partial loss of teeth due to trauma
- K08.411 Partial loss of teeth due to trauma, class I
- K08.412 Partial loss of teeth due to trauma, class II
- K08.413 Partial loss of teeth due to trauma, class III
- K08.414 Partial loss of teeth due to trauma, class IV
- K08.419 Partial loss of teeth due to trauma, unspecified class
- K08.42 Partial loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases
- K08.421 Partial loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class I
- K08.422 Partial loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class II
- K08.423 Partial loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class III
- K08.424 Partial loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class IV
- K08.429 Partial loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, unspecified class
- K08.43 Partial loss of teeth due to caries
- K08.431 Partial loss of teeth due to caries, class I
- K08.432 Partial loss of teeth due to caries, class II
- K08.433 Partial loss of teeth due to caries, class III
- K08.434 Partial loss of teeth due to caries, class IV
- K08.439 Partial loss of teeth due to caries, unspecified class
- K08.49 Partial loss of teeth due to other specified cause
- K08.491 Partial loss of teeth due to other specified cause, class I
- K08. 492 Partial loss of teeth due to other specified cause, class II
- K08.493 Partial loss of teeth due to other specified cause, class III
- K08.494 Partial loss of teeth due to other specified cause, class IV
- K08.499 Partial loss of teeth due to other specified cause, unspecified class
- K08.5 Unsatisfactory restoration of tooth
- Defective bridge, crown, filling
- Defective dental restoration
- Excludes1: dental restoration status (Z98.811)
- Excludes2: endosseous dental implant failure (M27.6-)
- unsatisfactory endodontic treatment (M27.5-)
- K08.50 Unsatisfactory restoration of tooth, unspecified
- Defective dental restoration NOS
- K08.51 Open restoration margins of tooth
- Dental restoration failure of marginal integrity
- Open margin on tooth restoration
- Poor gingival margin to tooth restoration
- K08.52 Unrepairable overhanging of dental restorative materials
- Overhanging of tooth restoration
- K08.53 Fractured dental restorative material
- Excludes1: cracked tooth (K03.81)
- traumatic fracture of tooth (S02.5)
- K08.530 Fractured dental restorative material without loss of material
- K08.531 Fractured dental restorative material with loss of material
- K08.539 Fractured dental restorative material, unspecified
- Excludes1: cracked tooth (K03.81)
- K08.54 Contour of existing restoration of tooth biologically incompatible with oral health
- Dental restoration failure of periodontal anatomical integrity
- Unacceptable contours of existing restoration of tooth
- Unacceptable morphology of existing restoration of tooth
- K08.55 Allergy to existing dental restorative material
- Use additional code to identify the specific type of allergy
- K08.56 Poor aesthetic of existing restoration of tooth
- Dental restoration aesthetically inadequate or displeasing
- K08.59 Other unsatisfactory restoration of tooth
- Other defective dental restoration
- K08.8 Other specified disorders of teeth and supporting structures
- Enlargement of alveolar ridge NOS
- Irregular alveolar process
- Toothache NOS
- K08.9 Disorder of teeth and supporting structures, unspecified
K09 Cysts of oral region, not elsewhere classified
[edit]- Includes: lesions showing histological features both of aneurysmal cyst and of another fibro-osseous lesion
- Excludes2: cysts of jaw (M27.0-, M27.4-)
- radicular cyst (K04.8)
- K09.0 Developmental odontogenic cysts
- Excludes2: keratocysts D16.4, D16.5
- odontogenic keratocystic tumors D16.4, D16.5
- Dentigerous cyst
- Eruption cyst
- Follicular cyst
- Gingival cyst
- Lateral periodontal cyst
- Primordial cyst
- Excludes2: keratocysts D16.4, D16.5
- K09.1 Developmental (nonodontogenic) cysts of oral region
- Cyst (of) incisive canal
- Cyst (of) palatine of papilla
- Globulomaxillary cyst
- Median palatal cyst
- Nasopalatine cyst
- K09.8 Other cysts of oral region, not elsewhere classified
- Dermoid cyst
- Epidermoid cyst
- Lymphoepithelial cyst
- Epstein's pearl
- Nasoalveolar cyst
- Nasolabial cyst
- K09.9 Cyst of oral region, unspecified
K11 Diseases of salivary glands
[edit]- Use additional code to identify:
- alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
- exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22)
- exposure to tobacco smoke in the perinatal period (P96.81)
- history of tobacco use (Z87.891)
- occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z57.31)
- tobacco dependence (F17.-)
- tobacco use (Z72.0)
- K11.0 Atrophy of salivary gland
- K11.1 Hypertrophy of salivary gland
- K11. 2 Sialoadenitis
- Parotitis
- Excludes1: epidemic parotitis (B26.-)
- mumps (B26.-)
- uveoparotid fever [Heerfordt] (D86.89)
- K11.20 Sialoadentitis, unspecified
- K11.21 Acute sialoadenitis
- Excludes1: acute recurrent sialoadenitis (K11.22)
- K11.22 Acute recurrent sialoadenitis
- K11.23 Chronic sialoadenitis
- K11.3 Abscess of salivary gland
- K11.4 Fistula of salivary gland
- Excludes1: congenital fistula of salivary gland (Q38.4)
- K11.5 Sialolithiasis
- Calculus of salivary gland or duct
- Stone of salivary gland or duct
- K11.6 Mucocele of salivary gland
- Mucous extravasation cyst of salivary gland
- Mucous retention cyst of salivary gland
- Ranula
- K11.7 Disturbances of salivary secretion
- Hypoptyalism
- Ptyalism
- Xerostomia
- Excludes2: dry mouth NOS (R68.2)
- K11.8 Other diseases of salivary glands
- Benign lymphoepithelial lesion of salivary gland
- Mikulicz' disease
- Necrotizing sialometaplasia
- Sialectasia
- Stenosis of salivary duct
- Stricture of salivary duct
- Excludes1: sicca syndrome [Sj?gren] (M35.0-)
- K11.9 Disease of salivary gland, unspecified
- Sialoadenopathy NOS
K12 Stomatitis and related lesions
[edit]- Use additional code to identify:
- alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
- exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22)
- exposure to tobacco smoke in the perinatal period (P96.81)
- history of tobacco use (Z87.891)
- occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z57.31)
- tobacco dependence (F17.-)
- tobacco use (Z72.0)
- Excludes1: cancrum oris (A69.0)
- cheilitis (K13.0)
- gangrenous stomatitis (A69.0)
- herpesviral [herpes simplex] gingivostomatitis (B00.2)
- noma (A69.0)
- K12.0 Recurrent oral aphthae
- Aphthous stomatitis (major) (minor)
- Bednar's aphthae
- Periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens
- Recurrent aphthous ulcer
- Stomatitis herpetiformis
- K12.1 Other forms of stomatitis
- Stomatitis NOS
- Denture stomatitis
- Ulcerative stomatitis
- Vesicular stomatitis
- Excludes1: acute necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis (A69.1)
- Vincent's stomatitis (A69.1)
- K12.2 Cellulitis and abscess of mouth
- Cellulitis of mouth (floor)
- Submandibular abscess
- Excludes2: abscess of salivary gland (K11.3)
- abscess of tongue (K14.0)
- periapical abscess (K04.6-K04.7)
- periodontal abscess (K05.21)
- peritonsillar abscess (J36)
- K12.3 Oral mucositis (ulcerative)
- Mucositis (oral) (oropharyneal)
- Excludes2: gastrointestinal mucositis (ulcerative) (K92.81)
- mucositis (ulcerative) of vagina and vulva (N76.81)
- nasal mucositis (ulcerative) (J34.81)
- K12.30 Oral mucositis (ulcerative), unspecified
- K12.31 Oral mucositis (ulcerative) due to antineoplastic therapy
- Code also type of associated therapy, such as:
- antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs (T45.1x-)
- radiological procedure and radiotherapy (Y84.2)
- K12.32 Oral mucositis (ulcerative) due to other drugs
- Code also drug (T36-T50)
- K12.33 Oral mucositis (ulcerative) due to radiation
- Use additional external cause code (W88-W90, X39.0-) to identify cause
- K12.39 Other oral mucositis (ulcerative)
- Viral oral mucositis (ulcerative)
K13 Other diseases of lip and oral mucosa
[edit]- Includes: epithelial disturbances of tongue
- Use additional code to identify:
- alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
- exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22)
- exposure to tobacco smoke in the perinatal period (P96.81)
- history of tobacco use (Z87.891)
- occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z57.31)
- tobacco dependence (F17.-)
- tobacco use (Z72.0)
- Excludes2: certain disorders of gingiva and edentulous alveolar ridge (K05-K06)
- cysts of oral region (K09.-)
- diseases of tongue (K14.-)
- stomatitis and related lesions (K12.-)
- K13.0 Diseases of lips
- Abscess of lips
- Angular cheilitis
- Cellulitis of lips
- Cheilitis NOS
- Cheilodynia
- Cheilosis
- Exfoliative cheilitis
- Fistula of lips
- Glandular cheilitis
- Hypertrophy of lips
- Perl?che NEC
- Excludes1: ariboflavinosis (E53.0)
- cheilitis due to radiation-related disorders (L55-L59)
- congenital fistula of lips (Q38.0)
- congenital hypertrophy of lips (Q18.6)
- perl?che due to candidiasis (B37.83)
- perl?che due to riboflavin deficiency (E53.0)
- K13.1 Cheek and lip biting
- K13.2 Leukoplakia and other disturbances of oral epithelium, including tongue
- Excludes1: carcinoma in situ of oral epithelium (D00.0-)
- hairy leukoplakia (K13.3)
- K13.21 Leukoplakia of oral mucosa, including tongue
- Leukokeratosis of oral mucosa
- Leukoplakia of gingiva, lips, tongue
- Excludes1: hairy leukoplakia (K13.3)
- leukokeratosis nicotina palati (K13.24)
- K13.22 Minimal keratinized residual ridge mucosa
- Minimal keratinization of alveolar ridge mucosa
- K13.23 Excessive keratinized residual ridge mucosa
- Excessive keratinization of alveolar ridge mucosa
- K13.24 Leukokeratosis nicotina palati
- Smoker's palate
- K13.29 Other disturbances of oral epithelium, including tongue
- Erythroplakia of mouth or tongue
- Focal epithelial hyperplasia of mouth or tongue
- Leukoedema of mouth or tongue
- Other oral epithelium disturbances
- Excludes1: carcinoma in situ of oral epithelium (D00.0-)
- K13.3 Hairy leukoplakia
- K13.4 Granuloma and granuloma-like lesions of oral mucosa
- Eosinophilic granuloma
- Granuloma pyogenicum
- Verrucous xanthoma
- K13.5 Oral submucous fibrosis
- Submucous fibrosis of tongue
- K13.6 Irritative hyperplasia of oral mucosa
- Excludes2: irritative hyperplasia of edentulous ridge [denture hyperplasia] (K06.2)
- K13.7 Other and unspecified lesions of oral mucosa
- K13.70 Unspecified lesions of oral mucosa
- K13.79 Other lesions of oral mucosa
- Focal oral mucinosis
K14 Diseases of tongue
[edit]- Use additional code to identify:
- alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
- exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22)
- history of tobacco use (Z87.891)
- occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z57.31)
- tobacco dependence (F17.-)
- tobacco use (Z72.0)
- Excludes2: erythroplakia (K13.29)
- focal epithelial hyperplasia (K13.29)
- leukedema of tongue (K13.29)
- leukoplakia of tongue (K13.21)
- hairy leukoplakia (K13.3)
- macroglossia (congenital) (Q38.2)
- submucous fibrosis of tongue (K13.5)
- K14.0 Glossitis
- Abscess of tongue
- Ulceration (traumatic) of tongue
- Excludes1: atrophic glossitis (K14.4)
- K14.1 Geographic tongue
- Benign migratory glossitis
- Glossitis areata exfoliativa
- K14.2 Median rhomboid glossitis
- K14.3 Hypertrophy of tongue papillae
- Black hairy tongue
- Coated tongue
- Hypertrophy of foliate papillae
- Lingua villosa nigra
- K14.4 Atrophy of tongue papillae
- Atrophic glossitis
- K14.5 Plicated tongue
- Fissured tongue
- Furrowed tongue
- Scrotal tongue
- Excludes1: fissured tongue, congenital (Q38.3)
- K14.6 Glossodynia
- Glossopyrosis
- Painful tongue
- K14.8 Other diseases of tongue
- Atrophy of tongue
- Crenated tongue
- Enlargement of tongue
- Glossocele
- Glossoptosis
- Hypertrophy of tongue
- K14.9 Disease of tongue, unspecified
- Glossopathy NOS
Diseases of esophagus, stomach and duodenum (K20-K31)
[edit]- Excludes2: hiatus hernia (K44.-)
K20 Esophagitis
[edit]- Use additional code to identify:
- alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
- Excludes1: erosion of esophagus (K22.1-)
- esophagitis with gastro-esophageal reflux disease (K21.0)
- reflux esophagitis (K21.0)
- ulcerative esophagitis (K22.1-)
- Excludes2: eosinophilic gastritis or gastroenteritis (K52.81)
- K20.0 Eosinophilic esophagitis
- K20.8 Other esophagitis
- Abscess of esophagus
- K20.9 Esophagitis, unspecified
- Esophagitis NOS
K21 Gastro-esophageal reflux disease
[edit]- Excludes1: newborn esophageal reflux (P78.83)
- K21.0 Gastro-esophageal reflux disease with esophagitis
- Reflux esophagitis
- K21.9 Gastro-esophageal reflux disease without esophagitis
- Esophageal reflux NOS
K22 Other diseases of esophagus
[edit]- Excludes2: esophageal varices (I85.-)
- K22.0 Achalasia of cardia
- Achalasia NOS
- Cardiospasm
- Excludes1: congenital cardiospasm (Q39.5)
- K22.1 Ulcer of esophagus
- Barrett's ulcer
- Erosion of esophagus
- Fungal ulcer of esophagus
- Peptic ulcer of esophagus
- Ulcer of esophagus due to ingestion of chemicals
- Ulcer of esophagus due to ingestion of drugs and medicaments
- Ulcerative esophagitis
- Code first (T36-T65) to identify drug or chemical
- Excludes1: Barrett's esophagus (K22.81)
- K22.10 Ulcer of esophagus without bleeding
- Ulcer of esophagus NOS
- K22.11 Ulcer of esophagus with bleeding
- Excludes2: bleeding esophageal varices (I85.01, I85.11)
- K22.2 Esophageal obstruction
- Compression of esophagus
- Constriction of esophagus
- Stenosis of esophagus
- Stricture of esophagus
- Excludes1: congenital stenosis or stricture of esophagus (Q39.3)
- K22.3 Perforation of esophagus
- Rupture of esophagus
- Excludes1: traumatic perforation of (thoracic) esophagus (S27.8-)
- K22.4 Dyskinesia of esophagus
- Corkscrew esophagus
- Diffuse esophageal spasm
- Spasm of esophagus
- Excludes1: cardiospasm (K22.0)
- K22.5 Diverticulum of esophagus, acquired
- Esophageal pouch, acquired
- Excludes1: diverticulum of esophagus (congenital) (Q39.6)
- K22.6 Gastro-esophageal laceration-hemorrhage syndrome
- Mallory-Weiss syndrome
- K22.7 Barrett's esophagus
- Barrett's disease
- Barrett's syndrome
- Excludes1: Barrett's ulcer (K22.1)
- malignant neoplasm of esophagus (C15.-)
- K22.70 Barrett's esophagus without dysplasia
- Barrett's esophagus NOS
- K22.71 Barrett's esophagus with dysplasia
- K22. 710 Barrett's esophagus with low grade dysplasia
- K22.711 Barrett's esophagus with high grade dysplasia
- K22.719 Barrett's esophagus with dysplasia, unspecified
- K22.8 Other specified diseases of esophagus
- Hemorrhage of esophagus NOS
- Excludes2: esophageal varices (I85.-)
- Paterson-Kelly syndrome (D50.1)
- K22.9 Disease of esophagus, unspecified
K23 Disorders of esophagus in diseases classified elsewhere
[edit]- Code first underlying disease, such as:
- congenital syphilis (A50.5)
- Excludes1: late syphilis (A52.79)
- megaesophagus due to Chagas' disease (B57.31)
- tuberculosis (A18.83)
K25 Gastric ulcer
[edit]- Includes: erosion (acute) of stomach
- pylorus ulcer (peptic)
- stomach ulcer (peptic)
- Use additional code to identify:
- alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
- Excludes1: acute gastritis (K29.0-)
- peptic ulcer NOS (K27.-)
- K25.0 Acute gastric ulcer with hemorrhage
- K25.1 Acute gastric ulcer with perforation
- K25.2 Acute gastric ulcer with both hemorrhage and perforation
- K25.3 Acute gastric ulcer without hemorrhage or perforation
- K25.4 Chronic or unspecified gastric ulcer with hemorrhage
- K25.5 Chronic or unspecified gastric ulcer with perforation
- K25.6 Chronic or unspecified gastric ulcer with both hemorrhage and perforation
- K25.7 Chronic gastric ulcer without hemorrhage or perforation
- K25.9 Gastric ulcer, unspecified as acute or chronic, without hemorrhage or perforation
K26 Duodenal ulcer
[edit]- Includes: erosion (acute) of duodenum
- duodenum ulcer (peptic)
- postpyloric ulcer (peptic)
- Use additional code to identify:
- alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
- Excludes1: peptic ulcer NOS (K27.-)
- K26.0 Acute duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage
- K26.1 Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation
- K26.2 Acute duodenal ulcer with both hemorrhage and perforation
- K26.3 Acute duodenal ulcer without hemorrhage or perforation
- K26. 4 Chronic or unspecified duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage
- K26.5 Chronic or unspecified duodenal ulcer with perforation
- K26.6 Chronic or unspecified duodenal ulcer with both hemorrhage and perforation
- K26.7 Chronic duodenal ulcer without hemorrhage or perforation
- K26.9 Duodenal ulcer, unspecified as acute or chronic, without hemorrhage or perforation
K27 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified
[edit]- Includes: gastroduodenal ulcer NOS
- peptic ulcer NOS
- Use additional code to identify:
- alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
- Excludes1: peptic ulcer of newborn (P78.82)
- K27.0 Acute peptic ulcer, site unspecified, with hemorrhage
- K27.1 Acute peptic ulcer, site unspecified, with perforation
- K27.2 Acute peptic ulcer, site unspecified, with both hemorrhage and perforation
- K27.3 Acute peptic ulcer, site unspecified, without hemorrhage or perforation
- K27.4 Chronic or unspecified peptic ulcer, site unspecified, with hemorrhage
- K27.5 Chronic or unspecified peptic ulcer, site unspecified, with perforation
- K27.6 Chronic or unspecified peptic ulcer, site unspecified, with both hemorrhage and perforation
- K27.7 Chronic peptic ulcer, site unspecified, without hemorrhage or perforation
- K27.9 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified, unspecified as acute or chronic, without hemorrhage or perforation
K28 Gastrojejunal ulcer
[edit]- Includes: anastomotic ulcer (peptic) or erosion
- gastrocolic ulcer (peptic) or erosion
- gastrointestinal ulcer (peptic) or erosion
- gastrojejunal ulcer (peptic) or erosion
- jejunal ulcer (peptic) or erosion
- marginal ulcer (peptic) or erosion
- stomal ulcer (peptic) or erosion
- Use additional code to identify:
- alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
- Excludes1: primary ulcer of small intestine (K63.3)
- K28.0 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage
- K28.1 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation
- K28.2 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with both hemorrhage and perforation
- K28.3 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer without hemorrhage or perforation
- K28. 4 Chronic or unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage
- K28.5 Chronic or unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation
- K28.6 Chronic or unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with both hemorrhage and perforation
- K28.7 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer without hemorrhage or perforation
- K28.9 Gastrojejunal ulcer, unspecified as acute or chronic, without hemorrhage or perforation
K29 Gastritis and duodenitis
[edit]- Excludes1: eosinophilic gastritis or gastroenteritis (K52.81)
- Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (E16.4)
- K29.0 Acute gastritis
- Use additional code to identify:
- alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
- Excludes1: erosion (acute) of stomach (K25.-)
- K29.00 Acute gastritis without bleeding
- K29.01 Acute gastritis with bleeding
- Use additional code to identify:
- K29.2 Alcoholic gastritis
- Use additional code to identify:
- alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
- K29.20 Alcoholic gastritis without bleeding
- K29.21 Alcoholic gastritis with bleeding
- Use additional code to identify:
- K29.3 Chronic superficial gastritis
- K29.30 Chronic superficial gastritis without bleeding
- K29.31 Chronic superficial gastritis with bleeding
- K29.4 Chronic atrophic gastritis
- Gastric atrophy
- K29.40 Chronic atrophic gastritis without bleeding
- K29.41 Chronic atrophic gastritis with bleeding
- K29.5 Unspecified chronic gastritis
- Chronic antral gastritis
- Chronic fundal gastritis
- K29.50 Unspecified chronic gastritis without bleeding
- K29.51 Unspecified chronic gastritis with bleeding
- K29.6 Other gastritis
- Giant hypertrophic gastritis
- Granulomatous gastritis
- Ménétrier's disease
- K29.60 Other gastritis without bleeding
- K29.61 Other gastritis with bleeding
- K29.7 Gastritis, unspecified
- K29.70 Gastritis, unspecified, without bleeding
- K29.71 Gastritis, unspecified, with bleeding
- K29.8 Duodenitis
- K29.80 Duodenitis without bleeding
- K29.81 Duodenitis with bleeding
- K29.9 Gastroduodenitis, unspecified
- K29. 90 Gastroduodenitis, unspecified, without bleeding
- K29.91 Gastroduodenitis, unspecified, with bleeding
K30 Dyspepsia
[edit]- Includes: indigestion
- Excludes1: heartburn (R12)
- nervous dyspepsia (F45.8)
- neurotic dyspepsia (F45.8)
- psychogenic dyspepsia (F45.8)
K31 Other diseases of stomach and duodenum
[edit]- Includes: functional disorders of stomach
- Excludes2: diabetic gastroparesis (E08.43, E09.43, E10.43, E11.43, E13.43)
- diverticulum of duodenum (K57.00-K57.11)
- K31.0 Acute dilatation of stomach
- Acute distention of stomach
- K31.1 Adult hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
- Pyloric stenosis NOS
- Excludes1: congenital or infantile pyloric stenosis (Q40.0)
- K31.2 Hourglass stricture and stenosis of stomach
- Excludes1: congenital hourglass stomach (Q40.2)
- hourglass contraction of stomach (K31.89)
- Excludes1: congenital hourglass stomach (Q40.2)
- K31.3 Pylorospasm, not elsewhere classified
- Excludes1: congenital or infantile pylorospasm (Q40.0)
- neurotic pylorospasm (F45.8)
- psychogenic pylorospasm (F45.8)
- Excludes1: congenital or infantile pylorospasm (Q40.0)
- K31.4 Gastric diverticulum
- Excludes1: congenital diverticulum of stomach (Q40.2)
- K31.5 Obstruction of duodenum
- Constriction of duodenum
- Duodenal ileus (chronic)
- Stenosis of duodenum
- Stricture of duodenum
- Volvulus of duodenum
- Excludes1: congenital stenosis of duodenum (Q41.0)
- K31.6 Fistula of stomach and duodenum
- Gastrocolic fistula
- Gastrojejunocolic fistula
- K31.7 Polyp of stomach and duodenum
- Excludes1: adenomatous polyp of stomach (D13.1)
- K31.8 Other specified diseases of stomach and duodenum
- K31.81 Angiodysplasia of stomach and duodenum
- K31.811 Angiodysplasia of stomach and duodenum with bleeding
- K31.819 Angiodysplasia of stomach and duodenum without bleeding
- Angiodysplasia of stomach and duodenum NOS
- K31.82 Dieulafoy lesion (hemorrhagic) of stomach and duodenum
- Excludes2: Dieulafoy lesion of intestine (K63.81)
- K31.83 Achlorhydria
- K31.89 Other diseases of stomach and duodenum
- K31.81 Angiodysplasia of stomach and duodenum
- K31.9 Disease of stomach and duodenum, unspecified
Diseases of appendix (K35-K38)
[edit]K35 Acute appendicitis
[edit]- K35.2 Acute appendicitis with generalized peritonitis
- Appendicitis (acute) with generalized (diffuse) peritonitis following rupture or perforation of appendix
- Appendicitis with peritonitis NOS
- Perforated appendix NOS
- Ruptured appendix NOS
- K35.3 Acute appendicitis with localized peritonitis
- Acute appendicitis with localized peritonitis with or without rupture or perforation of appendix
- Acute appendicitis with peritoneal abscess
- K35.8 Other and unspecified acute appendicitis
- K35.80 Unspecified acute appendicitis
- Acute appendicitis NOS
- Acute appendicitis without (localized) (generalized) peritonitis
- K35.89 Other acute appendicitis
- K35.80 Unspecified acute appendicitis
K36 Other appendicitis
[edit]- Includes: chronic appendicitis
- recurrent appendicitis
K37 Unspecified appendicitis
[edit]- Excludes1:-unspecified appendicitis with peritonitis (K35.2-K35.3)
K38 Other diseases of appendix
[edit]- K38.0 Hyperplasia of appendix
- K38.1 Appendicular concretions
- Fecalith of appendix
- Stercolith of appendix
- K38.2 Diverticulum of appendix
- K38.3 Fistula of appendix
- K38.8 Other specified diseases of appendix
- Intussusception of appendix
- K38.9 Disease of appendix, unspecified
Hernia ( K40-K46)
- Note: Hernia with both gangrene and obstruction is classified to hernia with gangrene.
- Includes: acquired hernia
- congenital [except diaphragmatic or hiatus] hernia
- recurrent hernia
K40 Inguinal hernia
[edit]- Includes: bubonocele
- direct inguinal hernia
- double inguinal hernia
- indirect inguinal hernia
- inguinal hernia NOS
- oblique inguinal hernia
- scrotal hernia
- K40.0 Bilateral inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene
- Inguinal hernia (bilateral) causing obstruction without gangrene
- Incarcerated inguinal hernia (bilateral) without gangrene
- Irreducible inguinal hernia (bilateral) without gangrene
- Strangulated inguinal hernia (bilateral) without gangrene
- K40.00 Bilateral inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- Bilateral inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene NOS
- K40.01 Bilateral inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene, recurrent
- K40.1 Bilateral inguinal hernia, with gangrene
- K40.10 Bilateral inguinal hernia, with gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- Bilateral inguinal hernia, with gangrene NOS
- K40.11 Bilateral inguinal hernia, with gangrene, recurrent
- K40.10 Bilateral inguinal hernia, with gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- K40.2 Bilateral inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene
- K40.20 Bilateral inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- Bilateral inguinal hernia NOS
- K40.21 Bilateral inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene, recurrent
- K40.20 Bilateral inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- K40.3 Unilateral inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene
- Inguinal hernia (unilateral) causing obstruction without gangrene
- Incarcerated inguinal hernia (unilateral) without gangrene
- Irreducible inguinal hernia (unilateral) without gangrene
- Strangulated inguinal hernia (unilateral) without gangrene
- K40.30 Unilateral inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- Inguinal hernia, with obstruction NOS
- Unilateral inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene NOS
- K40. 31 Unilateral inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene, recurrent
- K40.4 Unilateral inguinal hernia, with gangrene
- K40.40 Unilateral inguinal hernia, with gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- Inguinal hernia with gangrene NOS
- Unilateral inguinal hernia with gangrene NOS
- K40.41 Unilateral inguinal hernia, with gangrene, recurrent
- K40.40 Unilateral inguinal hernia, with gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- K40.9 Unilateral inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene
- K40.90 Unilateral inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- Inguinal hernia NOS
- Unilateral inguinal hernia NOS
- K40.91 Unilateral inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene, recurrent
- K40.90 Unilateral inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene, not specified as recurrent
K41 Femoral hernia
[edit]- K41.0 Bilateral femoral hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene
- Femoral hernia (bilateral) causing obstruction, without gangrene
- Incarcerated femoral hernia (bilateral), without gangrene
- Irreducible femoral hernia (bilateral), without gangrene
- Strangulated femoral hernia (bilateral), without gangrene
- K41.00 Bilateral femoral hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- Bilateral femoral hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene NOS
- K41.01 Bilateral femoral hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene, recurrent
- K41.1 Bilateral femoral hernia, with gangrene
- K41.10 Bilateral femoral hernia, with gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- Bilateral femoral hernia, with gangrene NOS
- K41.11 Bilateral femoral hernia, with gangrene, recurrent
- K41.10 Bilateral femoral hernia, with gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- K41.2 Bilateral femoral hernia, without obstruction or gangrene
- K41.20 Bilateral femoral hernia, without obstruction or gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- Bilateral femoral hernia NOS
- K41.21 Bilateral femoral hernia, without obstruction or gangrene, recurrent
- K41.20 Bilateral femoral hernia, without obstruction or gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- K41.3 Unilateral femoral hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene
- Femoral hernia (unilateral) causing obstruction, without gangrene
- Incarcerated femoral hernia (unilateral), without gangrene
- Irreducible femoral hernia (unilateral), without gangrene
- Strangulated femoral hernia (unilateral), without gangrene
- K41.30 Unilateral femoral hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- Femoral hernia, with obstruction NOS
- Unilateral femoral hernia, with obstruction NOS
- K41.31 Unilateral femoral hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene, recurrent
- K41.4 Unilateral femoral hernia, with gangrene
- K41.40 Unilateral femoral hernia, with gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- Femoral hernia, with gangrene NOS
- Unilateral femoral hernia, with gangrene NOS
- K41.41 Unilateral femoral hernia, with gangrene, recurrent
- K41.40 Unilateral femoral hernia, with gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- K41.9 Unilateral femoral hernia, without obstruction or gangrene
- K41.90 Unilateral femoral hernia, without obstruction or gangrene, not specified as recurrent
- Femoral hernia NOS
- Unilateral femoral hernia NOS
- K41.91 Unilateral femoral hernia, without obstruction or gangrene, recurrent
- K41.90 Unilateral femoral hernia, without obstruction or gangrene, not specified as recurrent
K42 Umbilical hernia
[edit]- Includes: paraumbilical hernia
- Excludes1: omphalocele (Q79.2)
- K42.0 Umbilical hernia with obstruction, without gangrene
- Umbilical hernia causing obstruction, without gangrene
- Incarcerated umbilical hernia, without gangrene
- Irreducible umbilical hernia, without gangrene
- Strangulated umbilical hernia, without gangrene
- K42.1 Umbilical hernia with gangrene
- Gangrenous umbilical hernia
- K42.9 Umbilical hernia without obstruction or gangrene
- Umbilical hernia NOS
K43 Ventral hernia
[edit]- K43.0 Ventral hernia with obstruction, without gangrene
- Ventral hernia causing obstruction, without gangrene
- Incarcerated ventral hernia, without gangrene
- Irreducible ventral hernia, without gangrene
- Strangulated ventral hernia, without gangrene
- K43.00 Ventral hernia, unspecified, with obstruction, without gangrene
- K43.01 Incisional hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene
- K43.09 Other ventral hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene
- Epigastric hernia
- K43.1 Ventral hernia with gangrene
- Gangrenous ventral hernia
- K43.10 Ventral hernia, unspecified, with gangrene
- K43.11 Incisional hernia, with gangrene
- K43.19 Other ventral hernia, with gangrene
- Epigastric hernia
- K43.9 Ventral hernia without obstruction or gangrene
- K43.90 Ventral hernia, unspecified, without obstruction or gangrene
- Ventral hernia NOS
- K43.91 Incisional hernia, without obstruction or gangrene
- K43.99 Other ventral hernia, without obstruction or gangrene
- Epigastric hernia
- K43.90 Ventral hernia, unspecified, without obstruction or gangrene
K44 Diaphragmatic hernia
[edit]- Includes: hiatus hernia (esophageal) (sliding)
- paraesophageal hernia
- Excludes1: congenital diaphragmatic hernia (Q79.0)
- congenital hiatus hernia (Q40.1)
- K44.0 Diaphragmatic hernia with obstruction, without gangrene
- Diaphragmatic hernia causing obstruction
- Incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia
- Irreducible diaphragmatic hernia
- Strangulated diaphragmatic hernia
- K44.1 Diaphragmatic hernia with gangrene
- Gangrenous diaphragmatic hernia
- K44.9 Diaphragmatic hernia without obstruction or gangrene
- Diaphragmatic hernia NOS
K45 Other abdominal hernia
[edit]- Includes: abdominal hernia, specified site NEC
- lumbar hernia
- obturator hernia
- pudendal hernia
- retroperitoneal hernia
- sciatic hernia
- K45.0 Other specified abdominal hernia with obstruction, without gangrene
- Other specified abdominal hernia causing obstruction
- Other specified incarcerated abdominal hernia
- Other specified irreducible abdominal hernia
- Other specified strangulated abdominal hernia
- Excludes2: hernia due to adhesions with obstruction (K56.5)
- K45.1 Other specified abdominal hernia with gangrene
- Any condition listed under K45 specified as gangrenous
- K45.8 Other specified abdominal hernia without obstruction or gangrene
K46 Unspecified abdominal hernia
[edit]- Includes: enterocele
- epiplocele
- hernia NOS
- interstitial hernia
- intestinal hernia
- intra-abdominal hernia
- Excludes1: vaginal enterocele (N81.5)
- K46.0 Unspecified abdominal hernia with obstruction, without gangrene
- Unspecified abdominal hernia causing obstruction
- Unspecified incarcerated abdominal hernia
- Unspecified irreducible abdominal hernia
- Unspecified strangulated abdominal hernia
- K46.1 Unspecified abdominal hernia with gangrene
- Any condition listed under K46 specified as gangrenous
- K46.9 Unspecified abdominal hernia without obstruction or gangrene
- Abdominal hernia NOS
Noninfective enteritis and colitis (K50-K52)
[edit]- Includes: noninfective inflammatory bowel disease
- Excludes1: irritable bowel syndrome (K58.-)
- megacolon (K59.3)
K50 Crohn's disease [regional enteritis]
[edit]- Includes: granulomatous enteritis
- Excludes1: ulcerative colitis (K51.-)
- Use additional code to identify manifestations, such as:
- pyoderma gangrenosum (L88)
- K50.0 Crohn's disease of small intestine
- Crohn's disease [regional enteritis] of duodenum
- Crohn's disease [regional enteritis] of ileum
- Crohn's disease [regional enteritis] of jejunum
- Regional ileitis
- Terminal ileitis
- Excludes1: Crohn's disease of both small and large intestine (K50.8-)
- K50.00 Crohn's disease of small intestine without complications
- K50.01 Crohn's disease of small intestine with complications
- K50.011 Crohn's disease of small intestine with rectal bleeding
- K50.012 Crohn's disease of small intestine with intestinal obstruction
- K50.013 Crohn's disease of small intestine with fistula
- K50.014 Crohn's disease of small intestine with abscess
- K50.018 Crohn's disease of small intestine with other complication
- K50. 019 Crohn's disease of small intestine with unspecified complications
- K50.1 Crohn's disease of large intestine
- Crohn's disease [regional enteritis] of colon
- Crohn's disease [regional enteritis] of large bowel
- Crohn's disease [regional enteritis] of rectum
- Granulomatous colitis
- Regional colitis
- Excludes1: Crohn's disease of both small and large intestine (K50.8)
- K50.10 Crohn's disease of large intestine without complications
- K50.11 Crohn's disease of large intestine with complications
- K50.111 Crohn's disease of large intestine with rectal bleeding
- K50.112 Crohn's disease of large intestine with intestinal obstruction
- K50.113 Crohn's disease of large intestine with fistula
- K50.114 Crohn's disease of large intestine with abscess
- K50.118 Crohn's disease of large intestine with other complication
- K50.119 Crohn's disease of large intestine with unspecified complications
- K50.8 Crohn's disease of both small and large intestine
- K50.80 Crohn's disease of both small and large intestine without complications
- K50.81 Crohn's disease of both small and large intestine with complications
- K50.811 Crohn's disease of both small and large intestine with rectal bleeding
- K50.812 Crohn's disease of both small and large intestine with intestinal obstruction
- K50.813 Crohn's disease of both small and large intestine with fistula
- K50.814 Crohn's disease of both small and large intestine with abscess
- K50.818 Crohn's disease of both small and large intestine with other complication
- K50.819 Crohn's disease of both small and large intestine with unspecified complications
- K50.9 Crohn's disease, unspecified
- K50.90 Crohn's disease, unspecified, without complications
- Crohn's disease NOS
- Regional enteritis NOS
- K50. 91 Crohn's disease, unspecified, with complications
- K50.911 Crohn's disease, unspecified, with rectal bleeding
- K50.912 Crohn's disease, unspecified, with intestinal obstruction
- K50.913 Crohn's disease, unspecified, with fistula
- K50.914 Crohn's disease, unspecified, with abscess
- K50.918 Crohn's disease, unspecified, with other complication
- K50.919 Crohn's disease, unspecified, with unspecified complications
- K50.90 Crohn's disease, unspecified, without complications
K51 Ulcerative colitis
[edit]- Use additional code to identify manifestations, such as:
- pyoderma gangrenosum (L88)
- Excludes1: Crohn?s disease [regional enteritis] (K50.-)
- K51.0 Ulcerative (chronic) pancolitis
- Backwash ileitis
- K51.00 Ulcerative (chronic) pancolitis without complications
- Ulcerative (chronic) panocolitis NOS
- K51.01 Ulcerative (chronic) panocolitis with complications
- K51.011 Ulcerative (chronic) pancolitis with rectal bleeding
- K51.012 Ulcerative (chronic) pancolitis with intestinal obstruction
- K51.013 Ulcerative (chronic) pancolitis with fistula
- K51.014 Ulcerative (chronic) panocolitis with abscess
- K51.018 Ulcerative (chronic) pancolitis with other complication
- K51.019 Ulcerative (chronic) panocolitis with unspecified complications
- K51.2 Ulcerative (chronic) proctitis
- K51.20 Ulcerative (chronic) proctitis without complications
- Ulcerative (chronic) proctitis NOS
- K51.21 Ulcerative (chronic) proctitis with complications
- K51.211 Ulcerative (chronic) proctitis with rectal bleeding
- K51.212 Ulcerative (chronic) proctitis with intestinal obstruction
- K51.213 Ulcerative (chronic) proctitis with fistula
- K51.214 Ulcerative (chronic) proctitis with abscess
- K51.218 Ulcerative (chronic) proctitis with other complication
- K51. 219 Ulcerative (chronic) proctitis with unspecified complications
- K51.20 Ulcerative (chronic) proctitis without complications
- K51.3 Ulcerative (chronic) rectosigmoiditis
- K51.30 Ulcerative (chronic) rectosigmoiditis without complications
- Ulcerative (chronic) rectosigmoiditis NOS
- K51.31 Ulcerative (chronic) rectosigmoiditis with complications
- K51.311 Ulcerative (chronic) rectosigmoiditis with rectal bleeding
- K51.312 Ulcerative (chronic) rectosigmoiditis with intestinal obstruction
- K51.313 Ulcerative (chronic) rectosigmoiditis with fistula
- K51.314 Ulcerative (chronic) rectosigmoiditis with abscess
- K51.318 Ulcerative (chronic) rectosigmoiditis with other complication
- K51.319 Ulcerative (chronic) rectosigmoiditis with unspecified complications
- K51.30 Ulcerative (chronic) rectosigmoiditis without complications
- K51.4 Inflammatory polyps of colon
- Excludes1: adenomatous polyp of colon (D12.6)
- polyposis of colon (D12.6)
- polyps of colon NOS (K63.5)
- K51.40 Inflammatory polyps of colon without complications
- Inflammatory polyps of colon NOS
- K51.41 Inflammatory polyps of colon with complications
- K51.411 Inflammatory polyps of colon with rectal bleeding
- K51.412 Inflammatory polyps of colon with intestinal obstruction
- K51.413 Inflammatory polyps of colon with fistula
- K51.414 Inflammatory polyps of colon with abscess
- K51.418 Inflammatory polyps of colon with other complication
- K51.419 Inflammatory polyps of colon with unspecified complications
- Excludes1: adenomatous polyp of colon (D12.6)
- K51.5 Left sided colitis
- Left hemicolitis
- K51.50 Left sided colitis without complications
- Left sided colitis NOS
- K51.51 Left sided colitis with complications
- K51.511 Left sided colitis with rectal bleeding
- K51.512 Left sided colitis with intestinal obstruction
- K51.513 Left sided colitis with fistula
- K51. 514 Left sided colitis with abscess
- K51.518 Left sided colitis with other complication
- K51.519 Left sided colitis with unspecified complications
- K51.8 Other ulcerative colitis
- K51.80 Other ulcerative colitis without complications
- K51.81 Other ulcerative colitis with complications
- K51.811 Other ulcerative colitis with rectal bleeding
- K51.812 Other ulcerative colitis with intestinal obstruction
- K51.813 Other ulcerative colitis with fistula
- K51.814 Other ulcerative colitis with abscess
- K51.818 Other ulcerative colitis with other complication
- K51.819 Other ulcerative colitis with unspecified complications
- K51.9 Ulcerative colitis, unspecified
- K51.90 Ulcerative colitis, unspecified, without complications
- K51.91 Ulcerative colitis, unspecified, with complications
- K51.911 Ulcerative colitis, unspecified with rectal bleeding
- K51.912 Ulcerative colitis, unspecified with intestinal obstruction
- K51.913 Ulcerative colitis, unspecified with fistula
- K51.914 Ulcerative colitis, unspecified with abscess
- K51.918 Ulcerative colitis, unspecified with other complication
- K51.919 Ulcerative colitis, unspecified with unspecified complications
K52 Other and unspecified noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis
[edit]- K52.0 Gastroenteritis and colitis due to radiation
- K52.1 Toxic gastroenteritis and colitis
- Code first (T51-T65) to identify toxic agent.
- K52.2 Allergic and dietetic gastroenteritis and colitis
- Food hypersensitivity gastroenteritis or colitis
- Use additional code to identify type of food allergy (Z91.01-, Z91.02-)
- K52.8 Other specified noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis
- K52.81 Eosinophilic gastritis or gastroenteritis
- Eosinophilic enteritis
- Excludes1: eosinophilic esophagitis (K20.0)
- K52.82 Eosinophilic colitis
- K52.89 Other specified noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis
- Collagenous colitis
- Lymphocytic colitis
- Microscopic colitis (collagenous or lymphocytic)
- K52.81 Eosinophilic gastritis or gastroenteritis
- K52.9 Noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified
- Colitis NOS
- Enteritis NOS
- Gastroenteritis NOS
- Ileitis NOS
- Jejunitis NOS
- Sigmoiditis NOS
- Excludes1: diarrhea NOS (R19.7)
- functional diarrhea (K59.1)
- infectious gastroenteritis and colitis NOS (A09)
- neonatal diarrhea (noninfective) (P78.3)
- psychogenic diarrhea (F45.8)
Other diseases of intestines (K55-K63)
[edit]K55 Vascular disorders of intestine
[edit]- Excludes1: necrotizing enterocolitis of newborn (P77.-)
- K55.0 Acute vascular disorders of intestine
- Acute fulminant ischemic colitis
- Acute intestinal infarction
- Acute small intestine ischemia
- Infarction of appendices epiploicae
- Mesenteric (artery) (vein) embolism
- Mesenteric (artery) (vein) infarction
- Mesenteric (artery) (vein) thrombosis
- Necrosis of intestine
- Subacute ischemic colitis
- K55.1 Chronic vascular disorders of intestine
- Chronic ischemic colitis
- Chronic ischemic enteritis
- Chronic ischemic enterocolitis
- Ischemic stricture of intestine
- Mesenteric atherosclerosis
- Mesenteric vascular insufficiency
- K55.2 Angiodysplasia of colon
- K55.20 Angiodysplasia of colon without hemorrhage
- K55.21 Angiodysplasia of colon with hemorrhage
- K55.8 Other vascular disorders of intestine
- K55.9 Vascular disorder of intestine, unspecified
- Ischemic colitis
- Ischemic enteritis
- Ischemic enterocolitis
K56 Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction without hernia
[edit]- Excludes1: congenital stricture or stenosis of intestine (Q41-Q42)
- cystic fibrosis with meconium ileus (E84.11)
- ischemic stricture of intestine (K55.1)
- meconium ileus NOS (P76.0)
- neonatal intestinal obstructions classifiable to P76.-
- obstruction of duodenum (K31.5)
- postprocedural intestinal obstruction (K91.3)
- stenosis of anus or rectum (K62.4)
- intestinal obstruction with hernia (K40-K46)
- K56.0 Paralytic ileus
- Paralysis of bowel
- Paralysis of colon
- Paralysis of intestine
- Excludes1: gallstone ileus (K56.3)
- ileus NOS (K56.7)
- obstructive ileus NOS (K56.69)
- K56.1 Intussusception
- Intussusception or invagination of bowel
- Intussusception or invagination of colon
- Intussusception or invagination of intestine
- Intussusception or invagination of rectum
- Excludes2: intussusception of appendix (K38.8)
- K56.2 Volvulus
- Strangulation of colon or intestine
- Torsion of colon or intestine
- Twist of colon or intestine
- Excludes2: volvulus of duodenum (K31.5)
- K56.3 Gallstone ileus
- Obstruction of intestine by gallstone
- K56.4 Other impaction of intestine
- Enterolith
- Fecal impaction
- Impaction (of) colon
- K56.5 Intestinal adhesions [bands] with obstruction (postprocedural) (postinfection)
- Abdominal hernia due to adhesions with obstruction
- Peritoneal adhesions [bands] with intestinal obstruction (postprocedural) (postinfection)
- K56.6 Other and unspecified intestinal obstruction
- K56.60 Unspecified intestinal obstruction
- Intestinal obstruction NOS
- Excludes1: intestinal obstruction due to specified condition-code to condition
- K56.69 Other intestinal obstruction
- Enterostenosis NOS
- Obstructive ileus NOS
- Occlusion of colon or intestine NOS
- Stenosis of colon or intestine NOS
- Stricture of colon or intestine NOS
- Excludes1: intestinal obstruction due to specified condition-code to condition
- K56.60 Unspecified intestinal obstruction
- K56.7 Ileus, unspecified
- Excludes1: obstructive ileus (K56.69)
K57 Diverticular disease of intestine
[edit]- Excludes1: congenital diverticulum of intestine (Q43.8)
- Meckel's diverticulum (Q43.0)
- Excludes2: diverticulum of appendix (K38.2)
- K57.0 Diverticulitis of small intestine with perforation and abscess
- Diverticulitis of small intestine with peritonitis
- Excludes1: diverticulitis of both small and large intestine with perforation and abscess (K57.4-)
- K57.00 Diverticulitis of small intestine with perforation and abscess without bleeding
- K57.01 Diverticulitis of small intestine with perforation and abscess with bleeding
- K57.1 Diverticular disease of small intestine without perforation or abscess
- Excludes1: diverticular disease of both small and large intestine without perforation or abscess (K57.5-)
- K57.10 Diverticulosis of small intestine without perforation or abscess without bleeding
- Diverticular disease of small intestine NOS
- K57.11 Diverticulosis of small intestine without perforation or abscess with bleeding
- K57.12 Diverticulitis of small intestine without perforation or abscess without bleeding
- K57.13 Diverticulitis of small intestine without perforation or abscess with bleeding
- K57.2 Diverticulitis of large intestine with perforation and abscess
- Diverticulitis of colon with peritonitis
- Excludes1: diverticulitis of both small and large intestine with perforation and abscess (K57.4-)
- K57.20 Diverticulitis of large intestine with perforation and abscess without bleeding
- K57.21 Diverticulitis of large intestine with perforation and abscess with bleeding
- K57.3 Diverticular disease of large intestine without perforation or abscess
- Excludes1: diverticular disease of both small and large intestine without perforation or abscess (K57.5-)
- K57.30 Diverticulosis of large intestine without perforation or abscess without bleeding
- Diverticular disease of colon NOS
- K57.31 Diverticulosis of large intestine without perforation or abscess with bleeding
- K57.32 Diverticulitis of large intestine without perforation or abscess without bleeding
- K57.33 Diverticulitis of large intestine without perforation or abscess with bleeding
- K57.4 Diverticulitis of both small and large intestine with perforation and abscess
- Diverticulitis of both small and large intestine with peritonitis
- K57.40 Diverticulitis of both small and large intestine with perforation and abscess without bleeding
- K57.41 Diverticulitis of both small and large intestine with perforation and abscess with bleeding
- K57.5 Diverticular disease of both small and large intestine without perforation or abscess
- K57.50 Diverticulosis of both small and large intestine without perforation or abscess without bleeding
- Diverticular disease of both small and large intestine NOS
- K57.51 Diverticulosis of both small and large intestine without perforation or abscess with bleeding
- K57.52 Diverticulitis of both small and large intestine without perforation or abscess without bleeding
- K57.53 Diverticulitis of both small and large intestine without perforation or abscess with bleeding
- K57.50 Diverticulosis of both small and large intestine without perforation or abscess without bleeding
- K57.8 Diverticulitis of intestine, part unspecified, with perforation and abscess
- Diverticulitis of intestine NOS with peritonitis
- K57.80 Diverticulitis of intestine, part unspecified, with perforation and abscess without bleeding
- K57.81 Diverticulitis of intestine, part unspecified, with perforation and abscess with bleeding
- K57.9 Diverticular disease of intestine, part unspecified, without perforation or abscess
- K57.90 Diverticulosis of intestine, part unspecified, without perforation or abscess without bleeding
- Diverticular disease of intestine NOS
- K57.91 Diverticulosis of intestine, part unspecified, without perforation or abscess with bleeding
- K57.92 Diverticulitis of intestine, part unspecified, without perforation or abscess without bleeding
- K57.93 Diverticulitis of intestine, part unspecified, without perforation or abscess with bleeding
- K57.90 Diverticulosis of intestine, part unspecified, without perforation or abscess without bleeding
K58 Irritable bowel syndrome
[edit]- Includes: irritable colon
- spastic colon
- K58. 0 Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea
- K58.9 Irritable bowel syndrome without diarrhea
- Irritable bowel syndrome NOS
K59 Other functional intestinal disorders
[edit]- Excludes1: change in bowel habit NOS (R19.4)
- intestinal malabsorption (K90.-)
- psychogenic intestinal disorders (F45.8)
- Excludes2: functional disorders of stomach (K31.-)
- K59.0 Constipation
- K59.00 Constipation, unspecified
- K59.01 Slow transit constipation
- K59.02 Outlet dysfunction constipation
- K59.09 Other constipation
- K59.1 Functional diarrhea
- Excludes1: diarrhea NOS (R19.7)
- irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea (K58.0)
- Excludes1: diarrhea NOS (R19.7)
- K59.2 Neurogenic bowel, not elsewhere classified
- K59.3 Megacolon, not elsewhere classified
- Dilatation of colon
- Toxic megacolon
- Code first (T51-T65) to identify toxic agent
- Excludes1: congenital megacolon (aganglionic) (Q43.1)
- Hirschsprung's disease (Q43.1)
- megacolon in Chagas' disease (B57.32)
- K59.4 Anal spasm
- Proctalgia fugax
- K59.8 Other specified functional intestinal disorders
- Atony of colon
- Pseudo-obstruction (acute) (chronic) of intestine
- K59.9 Functional intestinal disorder, unspecified
K60 Fissure and fistula of anal and rectal regions
[edit]- Excludes1: fissure and fistula of anal and rectal regions with abscess or cellulitis (K61.-)
- Excludes2: anal sphincter tear (healed) (nontraumatic) (old) (K62.81)
- K60.0 Acute anal fissure
- K60.1 Chronic anal fissure
- K60.2 Anal fissure, unspecified
- K60.3 Anal fistula
- K60.4 Rectal fistula
- Fistula of rectum to skin
- Excludes1: rectovaginal fistula (N82.3)
- vesicorectal fistual (N32.1)
- K60.5 Anorectal fistula
K61 Abscess of anal and rectal regions
[edit]- Includes: abscess of anal and rectal regions
- cellulitis of anal and rectal regions
- K61.0 Anal abscess
- Perianal abscess
- Excludes1: intrasphincteric abscess (K61.4)
- K61.1 Rectal abscess
- Perirectal abscess
- Excludes1: ischiorectal abscess (K61.3)
- K61.2 Anorectal abscess
- K61.3 Ischiorectal abscess
- Abscess of ischiorectal fossa
- K61.4 Intrasphincteric abscess
K62 Other diseases of anus and rectum
[edit]- Includes: anal canal
- Excludes2: colostomy and enterostomy malfunction (K91.4-)
- fecal incontinence (R15)
- hemorrhoids (I84.-)
- K62.0 Anal polyp
- K62.1 Rectal polyp
- Excludes1: adenomatous polyp (D12.8)
- K62.2 Anal prolapse
- Prolapse of anal canal
- K62.3 Rectal prolapse
- Prolapse of rectal mucosa
- K62.4 Stenosis of anus and rectum
- Stricture of anus (sphincter)
- K62.5 Hemorrhage of anus and rectum
- Excludes1: gastrointestinal bleeding NOS (K92.2)
- melena (K92.1)
- neonatal rectal hemorrhage (P54.2)
- Excludes1: gastrointestinal bleeding NOS (K92.2)
- K62.6 Ulcer of anus and rectum
- Solitary ulcer of anus and rectum
- Stercoral ulcer of anus and rectum
- Excludes1: fissure and fistula of anus and rectum (K60.-)
- ulcerative colitis (K51.-)
- K62.7 Radiation proctitis
- Use additional code to identify the type of radiation (W90.-)
- K62.8 Other specified diseases of anus and rectum
- Excludes2: ulcerative proctitis (K51.2)
- K62.81 Anal sphincter tear (healed) (nontraumatic) (old)
- Tear of anus, nontraumatic
- Use additional code for any associated fecal incontinence (R15)
- Excludes2: anal fissure (K60.-)
- anal sphincter tear (healed) (old) complicating delivery (O34.7-)
- traumatic tear of anal sphincter (S31.831)
- K62.82 Dysplasia of anus
- Anal intraepithelial neoplasia I and II (AIN I and II) (histologically confirmed)
- Dysplasia of anus NOS
- Mild and moderate dysplasia of anus (histologically confirmed)
- Excludes1: abnormal results from anal cytologic examination without histologic confirmation (R85.61-)
- anal intraepithelial neoplasia III (D01.3)
- carcinoma in situ of anus (D01.3)
- HGSIL of anus (R85.613)
- severe dysplasia of anus (D01.3)
- K62.89 Other specified diseases of anus and rectum
- Proctitis NOS
- K62.9 Disease of anus and rectum, unspecified
K63 Other diseases of intestine
[edit]- K63.0 Abscess of intestine
- Excludes1: abscess of intestine with Crohn's disease (K50.04, K50.14, K50.84, K50.94,)
- abscess of intestine with diverticular disease (K57.0, K57.2, K57.4, K57.8)
- abscess of intestine with ulcerative colitis (K51.04, K51.14, K51.24, K51.34, K51.44, K51.54, K51.84, K51.94)
- Excludes2: abscess of anal and rectal regions (K61.-)
- abscess of appendix (K35.2)
- Excludes1: abscess of intestine with Crohn's disease (K50.04, K50.14, K50.84, K50.94,)
- K63.1 Perforation of intestine (nontraumatic)
- Perforation (nontraumatic) of rectum
- Excludes1: perforation (nontraumatic) of duodenum (K26.-)
- perforation (nontraumatic) of intestine with diverticular disease (K57.0, K57.2, K57.4, K57.8)
- Excludes2: perforation (nontraumatic) of appendix (K35.2, K35.3)
- K63.2 Fistula of intestine
- Excludes1: fistula of duodenum (K31.6)
- fistula of intestine with Crohn?s disease (K50.03, K50.13, K50.83, K50.93,)
- fistula of intestine with ulcerative colitis (K51.03, K51.13, K51.23, K51.33, K51.43, K51.53, K51.83, K51.93)
- Excludes2: fistula of anal and rectal regions (K60.-)
- fistula of appendix (K38.3)
- intestinal-genital fistula, female (N82.2-N82.4)
- vesicointestinal fistula (N32.1)
- Excludes1: fistula of duodenum (K31.6)
- K63.3 Ulcer of intestine
- Primary ulcer of small intestine
- Excludes1: duodenal ulcer (K26.-)
- gastrointestinal ulcer (K28.-)
- gastrojejunal ulcer (K28.-)
- jejunal ulcer (K28.-)
- peptic ulcer, site unspecified (K27.-)
- ulcer of intestine with perforation (K63.1)
- ulcer of anus or rectum (K62.6)
- ulcerative colitis (K51.-)
- K63.4 Enteroptosis
- K63.5 Polyp of colon
- Excludes1: adenomatous polyp of colon (D12.6)
- inflammatory polyp of colon (K51.4-)
- polyposis of colon (D12.6)
- Excludes1: adenomatous polyp of colon (D12.6)
- K63.8 Other specified diseases of intestine
- K63.81 Dieulafoy lesion of intestine
- Excludes2: Dieulafoy lesion of stomach and duodenum (K31.82)
- K63.89 Other specified diseases of intestine
- K63.81 Dieulafoy lesion of intestine
- K63.9 Disease of intestine, unspecified
Diseases of peritoneum and retroperitoneum (K65-K68)
[edit]K65 Peritonitis
[edit]- Use additional code (B95-B97), to identify infectious agent
- Excludes1: acute appendicitis with generalized peritonitis (K35.2)
- aseptic peritonitis (T81.6)
- benign paroxysmal peritonitis (E85.0)
- chemical peritonitis (T81.6)
- diverticulitis of both small and large intestine with peritonitis (K57.4-)
- diverticulitis of colon with peritonitis (K57.2-)
- diverticulitis of intestine, NOS, with peritonitis (K57.8-)
- diverticulitis of small intestine with peritonitis (K57.0-)
- gonococcal peritonitis (A54.85)
- neonatal peritonitis (P78.0-P78.1)
- pelvic peritonitis, female (N73.3-N73.5)
- periodic familial peritonitis (E85.0)
- peritonitis due to talc or other foreign substance (T81.6)
- peritonitis in chlamydia (A74.81)
- peritonitis in diphtheria (A36.89)
- peritonitis in syphilis (late) (A52.74)
- peritonitis in tuberculosis (A18.31)
- peritonitis with or following abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy (O00-O07, O08.0)
- peritonitis with or following appendicitis (K35.-)
- peritonitis with or following diverticular disease of intestine (K57.-)
- puerperal peritonitis (O85)
- retroperitoneal infections (K68.-)
- K65.0 Generalized (acute) peritonitis
- Pelvic peritonitis (acute), male
- Subphrenic peritonitis (acute)
- Suppurative peritonitis (acute)
- K65.1 Peritoneal abscess
- Abdominopelvic abscess
- Abscess (of) omentum
- Abscess (of) peritoneum
- Mesenteric abscess
- Retrocecal abscess
- Subdiaphragmatic abscess
- Subhepatic abscess
- Subphrenic abscess
- K65.2 Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
- Excludes1: bacterial peritonitis NOS K65.9
- K65.3 Choleperitonitis
- Peritonitis due to bile
- K65.4 Sclerosing mesenteritis
- Fat necrosis of peritoneum
- (Idiopathic) sclerosing mesenteric fibrosis
- Mesenteric lipodystrophy
- Mesenteric panniculitis
- Retractile mesenteritis
- K65.8 Other peritonitis
- Chronic proliferative peritonitis
- Peritonitis due to urine
- K65.9 Peritonitis, unspecified
- Bacterial peritonitis NOS
K66 Other disorders of peritoneum
[edit]- Excludes2: ascites (R18.-)
- peritoneal effusion (chronic) (R18.8)
- K66.0 Peritoneal adhesions (postprocedural) (postinfection)
- Adhesions (of) abdominal (wall)
- Adhesions (of) diaphragm
- Adhesions (of) intestine
- Adhesions (of) male pelvis
- Adhesions (of) omentum
- Adhesions (of) stomach
- Adhesive bands
- Mesenteric adhesions
- Excludes1: female pelvic adhesions [bands] (N73.6)
- peritoneal adhesions with intestinal obstruction (K56.5)
- K66.1 Hemoperitoneum
- Excludes1: traumatic hemoperitoneum (S36.8-)
- K66.8 Other specified disorders of peritoneum
- K66. 9 Disorder of peritoneum, unspecified
K67 Disorders of peritoneum in infectious diseases classified elsewhere
[edit]- Code first underlying disease, such as :
- congenital syphilis (A50.0)
- helminthiasis (B65.0 - B83.9)
- Excludes1: peritonitis in chlamydia (A74.81)
- peritonitis in diphtheria (A36.89)
- peritonitis in gonococcal (A54.85)
- peritonitis in syphilis (late) (A52.74)
- peritonitis in tuberculosis (A18.31)
K68 Disorders of retroperitoneum
[edit]- K68.1 Retroperitoneal abscess
- K68.11 Postprocedural retroperitoneal abscess
- K68.12 Psoas muscle abscess
- K68.19 Other retroperitoneal abscess
- K68.9 Other disorders of retroperitoneum
Diseases of liver (K70-K77)
[edit]- Excludes1: jaundice NOS (R17)
- Excludes2: hemochromatosis (E83.1)
- Reye's syndrome (G93.7)
- viral hepatitis (B15-B19)
- Wilson's disease (E83.0)
K70 Alcoholic liver disease
[edit]- Use additional code to identify:
- alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
- K70.0 Alcoholic fatty liver
- K70.1 Alcoholic hepatitis
- K70.10 Alcoholic hepatitis without ascites
- K70.11 Alcoholic hepatitis with ascites
- K70.2 Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver
- K70.3 Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver
- Alcoholic cirrhosis NOS
- K70.30 Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver without ascites
- K70.31 Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver with ascites
- K70.4 Alcoholic hepatic failure
- Acute alcoholic hepatic failure
- Alcoholic hepatic failure NOS
- Chronic alcoholic hepatic failure
- Subacute alcoholic hepatic failure
- K70.40 Alcoholic hepatic failure without coma
- K70.41 Alcoholic hepatic failure with coma
- K70. 9 Alcoholic liver disease, unspecified
K71 Toxic liver disease
[edit]- Includes: drug-induced idiosyncratic (unpredictable) liver disease
- drug-induced toxic (predictable) liver disease
- Code first (T36-T65) to identify drug or toxic agent
- Excludes2: alcoholic liver disease (K70.-)
- Budd-Chiari syndrome (I82.0)
- K71.0 Toxic liver disease with cholestasis
- Cholestasis with hepatocyte injury
- "Pure" cholestasis
- K71.1 Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis
- Hepatic failure (acute) (chronic) due to drugs
- K71.10 Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis, without coma
- K71.11 Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis, with coma
- K71.2 Toxic liver disease with acute hepatitis
- K71.3 Toxic liver disease with chronic persistent hepatitis
- K71.4 Toxic liver disease with chronic lobular hepatitis
- K71.5 Toxic liver disease with chronic active hepatitis
- Toxic liver disease with lupoid hepatitis
- K71.50 Toxic liver disease with chronic active hepatitis without ascites
- K71.51 Toxic liver disease with chronic active hepatitis with ascites
- K71.6 Toxic liver disease with hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
- K71.7 Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver
- K71.8 Toxic liver disease with other disorders of liver
- Toxic liver disease with focal nodular hyperplasia
- Toxic liver disease with hepatic granulomas
- Toxic liver disease with peliosis hepatis
- Toxic liver disease with veno-occlusive disease of liver
- K71.9 Toxic liver disease, unspecified
K72 Hepatic failure, not elsewhere classified
[edit]- Includes: acute hepatitis NEC, with hepatic failure
- fulminant hepatitis NEC, with hepatic failure
- hepatic encephalopathy NOS
- liver (cell) necrosis with hepatic failure
- malignant hepatitis NEC, with hepatic failure
- yellow liver atrophy or dystrophy
- Excludes1: alcoholic hepatic failure (K70.4)
- hepatic failure complicating abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy (O00-O07, O08.8)
- hepatic failure complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O26.6)
- hepatic failure with toxic liver disease (K71.1-)
- icterus of newborn (P55-P59)
- postprocedural hepatic failure (K91.81)
- viral hepatitis with hepatic coma (B15-B19)
- K72.0 Acute and subacute hepatic failure
- K72.00 Acute and subacute hepatic failure without coma
- K72.01 Acute and subacute hepatic failure with coma
- K72.1 Chronic hepatic failure
- K72.10 Chronic hepatic failure without coma
- K72.11 Chronic hepatic failure with coma
- K72.9 Hepatic failure, unspecified
- K72.90 Hepatic failure, unspecified without coma
- K72.91 Hepatic failure, unspecified with coma
- Hepatic coma NOS
K73 Chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
[edit]- Excludes1: alcoholic hepatitis (chronic) (K70.1-)
- drug-induced hepatitis (chronic) (K71.-)
- granulomatous hepatitis (chronic) NEC (K75.3)
- reactive, nonspecific hepatitis (chronic) (K75.2)
- viral hepatitis (chronic) (B15-B19)
- K73.0 Chronic persistent hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
- K73.1 Chronic lobular hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
- K73.2 Chronic active hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
- Lupoid hepatitis NEC
- K73.8 Other chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
- K73.9 Chronic hepatitis, unspecified
K74 Fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver
[edit]- Code also, if applicable, viral hepatitis (acute) (chronic) (B15-B19)
- Excludes1: alcoholic cirrhosis (of liver) (K70.3)
- alcoholic fibrosis of liver (K70.2)
- cardiac sclerosis of liver (K76.1)
- cirrhosis (of liver) with toxic liver disease (K71.7)
- congenital cirrhosis (of liver) (P78.81)
- K74.0 Hepatic fibrosis
- K74.1 Hepatic sclerosis
- K74.2 Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis
- K74.3 Primary biliary cirrhosis
- Chronic nonsuppurative destructive cholangitis
- K74.4 Secondary biliary cirrhosis
- K74.5 Biliary cirrhosis, unspecified
- K74.6 Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver
- K74.60 Unspecified cirrhosis of liver
- Cirrhosis (of liver) NOS
- K74.69 Other cirrhosis of liver
- Cryptogenic cirrhosis (of liver)
- Macronodular cirrhosis (of liver)
- Micronodular cirrhosis (of liver)
- Mixed type cirrhosis (of liver)
- Portal cirrhosis (of liver)
- Postnecrotic cirrhosis (of liver)
- K74.60 Unspecified cirrhosis of liver
K75 Other inflammatory liver diseases
[edit]- Excludes2: toxic liver disease (K71.-)
- K75.0 Abscess of liver
- Cholangitic hepatic abscess
- Hematogenic hepatic abscess
- Hepatic abscess NOS
- Lymphogenic hepatic abscess
- Pylephlebitic hepatic abscess
- Excludes1: amebic liver abscess (A06.4)
- cholangitis without liver abscess (K83.0)
- pylephlebitis without liver abscess (K75.1)
- K75.1 Phlebitis of portal vein
- Pylephlebitis
- Excludes1: pylephlebitic liver abscess (K75.0)
- K75.2 Nonspecific reactive hepatitis
- Excludes1: acute or subacute hepatitis (K72.0-)
- chronic hepatitis NEC (K73.-)
- viral hepatitis (B15-B19)
- Excludes1: acute or subacute hepatitis (K72.0-)
- K75.3 Granulomatous hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
- Excludes1: acute or subacute hepatitis (K72.0-)
- chronic hepatitis NEC (K73.-)
- viral hepatitis (B15-B19)
- Excludes1: acute or subacute hepatitis (K72.0-)
- K75.4 Autoimmune hepatitis
- K75.8 Other specified inflammatory liver diseases
- K75.81 Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
- K75.89 Other specified inflammatory liver diseases
- K75.9 Inflammatory liver disease, unspecified
- Hepatitis NOS
- Excludes1: acute or subacute hepatitis (K72.0-)
- chronic hepatitis NEC (K73.-)
- viral hepatitis (B15-B19)
K76 Other diseases of liver
[edit]- Excludes2: alcoholic liver disease (K70.-)
- amyloid degeneration of liver (E85.-)
- cystic disease of liver (congenital) (Q44.6)
- hepatic vein thrombosis (I82.0)
- hepatomegaly NOS (R16.0)
- portal vein thrombosis (I81)
- toxic liver disease (K71.-)
- K76.0 Fatty (change of) liver, not elsewhere classified
- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
- Excludes1: nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (K75.81)
- K76.1 Chronic passive congestion of liver
- Cardiac cirrhosis
- Cardiac sclerosis
- K76.2 Central hemorrhagic necrosis of liver
- Excludes1: liver necrosis with hepatic failure (K72.-)
- K76.3 Infarction of liver
- K76.4 Peliosis hepatis
- Hepatic angiomatosis
- K76.5 Hepatic veno-occlusive disease
- Excludes1: Budd-Chiari syndrome (I82.0)
- K76.6 Portal hypertension
- K76.7 Hepatorenal syndrome
- Excludes1: hepatorenal syndrome following labor and delivery (O90.4)
- postprocedural hepatorenal syndrome (K91.82)
- Excludes1: hepatorenal syndrome following labor and delivery (O90.4)
- K76.8 Other specified diseases of liver
- Cyst (simple) of liver
- Focal nodular hyperplasia of liver
- Hepatoptosis
- K76.9 Liver disease, unspecified
K77 Liver disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
[edit]- Code first underlying disease, such as:
- amyloidosis (E85.-)
- congenital syphilis (A50.0, A50.5)
- congenital toxoplasmosis (P37.1)
- schistosomiasis (B65.0-B65.9)
- Excludes1: alcoholic hepatitis (K70.1-)
- alcoholic liver disease (K70.-)
- cytomegaloviral hepatitis (B25.1)
- herpesviral [herpes simplex] hepatitis (B00.81)
- infectious mononucleosis with liver disease (B27.0-B27.9 with .9)
- mumps hepatitis (B26.81)
- sarcoidosis with liver disease (D86.89)
- secondary syphilis with liver disease (A51.45)
- syphilis (late) with liver disease (A52.74)
- toxoplasmosis (acquired) hepatitis (B58.1)
- tuberculosis with liver disease (A18.83)
Disorders of gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas (K80-K87)
[edit]K80 Cholelithiasis
[edit]- K80.0 Calculus of gallbladder with acute cholecystitis
- Any condition listed in K80.2 with acute cholecystitis
- K80. 00 Calculus of gallbladder with acute cholecystitis without obstruction
- K80.01 Calculus of gallbladder with acute cholecystitis with obstruction
- K80.1 Calculus of gallbladder with other cholecystitis
- K80.10 Calculus of gallbladder with chronic cholecystitis without obstruction
- Cholelithiasis with cholecystitis NOS
- K80.11 Calculus of gallbladder with chronic cholecystitis with obstruction
- K80.12 Calculus of gallbladder with acute and chronic cholecystitis without obstruction
- K80.13 Calculus of gallbladder with acute and chronic cholecystitis with obstruction
- K80.18 Calculus of gallbladder with other cholecystitis without obstruction
- K80.19 Calculus of gallbladder with other cholecystitis with obstruction
- K80.10 Calculus of gallbladder with chronic cholecystitis without obstruction
- K80.2 Calculus of gallbladder without cholecystitis
- Cholecystolithiasis without cholecystitis
- Cholelithiasis (without cholecystitis)
- Colic (recurrent) of gallbladder (without cholecystitis)
- Gallstone (impacted) of cystic duct (without cholecystitis)
- Gallstone (impacted) of gallbladder (without cholecystitis)
- K80.20 Calculus of gallbladder without cholecystitis without obstruction
- K80.21 Calculus of gallbladder without cholecystitis with obstruction
- K80.3 Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis
- Any condition listed in K80.5 with cholangitis
- K80.30 Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis, unspecified, without obstruction
- K80.31 Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis, unspecified, with obstruction
- K80.32 Calculus of bile duct with acute cholangitis without obstruction
- K80.33 Calculus of bile duct with acute cholangitis with obstruction
- K80.34 Calculus of bile duct with chronic cholangitis without obstruction
- K80.35 Calculus of bile duct with chronic cholangitis with obstruction
- K80.36 Calculus of bile duct with acute and chronic cholangitis without obstruction
- K80.37 Calculus of bile duct with acute and chronic cholangitis with obstruction
- K80. 4 Calculus of bile duct with cholecystitis
- Any condition listed in K80.5 with cholecystitis (with cholangitis)
- K80.40 Calculus of bile duct with cholecystitis, unspecified, without obstruction
- K80.41 Calculus of bile duct with cholecystitis, unspecified, with obstruction
- K80.42 Calculus of bile duct with acute cholecystitis without obstruction
- K80.43 Calculus of bile duct with acute cholecystitis with obstruction
- K80.44 Calculus of bile duct with chronic cholecystitis without obstruction
- K80.45 Calculus of bile duct with chronic cholecystitis with obstruction
- K80.46 Calculus of bile duct with acute and chronic cholecystitis without obstruction
- K80.47 Calculus of bile duct with acute and chronic cholecystitis with obstruction
- K80.5 Calculus of bile duct without cholangitis or cholecystitis
- Choledocholithiasis (without cholangitis or cholecystitis)
- Gallstone (impacted) of bile duct NOS (without cholangitis or cholecystitis)
- Gallstone (impacted) of common duct (without cholangitis or cholecystitis)
- Gallstone (impacted) of hepatic duct (without cholangitis or cholecystitis)
- Hepatic cholelithiasis (without cholangitis or cholecystitis)
- Hepatic colic (recurrent) (without cholangitis or cholecystitis)
- K80.50 Calculus of bile duct without cholangitis or cholecystitis without obstruction
- K80.51 Calculus of bile duct without cholangitis or cholecystitis with obstruction
- K80.6 Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct with cholecystitis
- K80.60 Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct with cholecystitis, unspecified, without obstruction
- K80.61 Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct with cholecystitis, unspecified, with obstruction
- K80.62 Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct with acute cholecystitis without obstruction
- K80.63 Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct with acute cholecystitis with obstruction
- K80.64 Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct with chronic cholecystitis without obstruction
- K80.65 Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct with chronic cholecystitis with obstruction
- K80.66 Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct with acute and chronic cholecystitis without obstruction
- K80. 67 Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct with acute and chronic cholecystitis with obstruction
- K80.7 Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct without cholecystitis
- K80.70 Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct without cholecystitis without obstruction
- K80.71 Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct without cholecystitis with obstruction
- K80.8 Other cholelithiasis
- K80.80 Other cholelithiasis without obstruction
- K80.81 Other cholelithiasis with obstruction
K81 Cholecystitis
[edit]- Excludes1: cholecystitis with cholelithiasis (K80.-)
- K81.0 Acute cholecystitis
- Abscess of gallbladder
- Angiocholecystitis
- Emphysematous (acute) cholecystitis
- Empyema of gallbladder
- Gangrene of gallbladder
- Gangrenous cholecystitis
- Suppurative cholecystitis
- K81.1 Chronic cholecystitis
- K81.2 Acute cholecystitis with chronic cholecystitis
- K81.9 Cholecystitis, unspecified
K82 Other diseases of gallbladder
[edit]- Excludes1: nonvisualization of gallbladder (R93.2)
- postcholecystectomy syndrome (K91.5)
- K82.0 Obstruction of gallbladder
- Occlusion of cystic duct or gallbladder without cholelithiasis
- Stenosis of cystic duct or gallbladder without cholelithiasis
- Stricture of cystic duct or gallbladder without cholelithiasis
- Excludes1: obstruction of gallbladder with cholelithiasis (K80.-)
- K82.1 Hydrops of gallbladder
- Mucocele of gallbladder
- K82.2 Perforation of gallbladder
- Rupture of cystic duct or gallbladder
- K82.3 Fistula of gallbladder
- Cholecystocolic fistula
- Cholecystoduodenal fistula
- K82.4 Cholesterolosis of gallbladder
- Strawberry gallbladder
- Excludes1: cholesterolosis of gallbladder with cholecystitis (K81.-)
- cholesterolosis of gallbladder with cholelithiasis (K80.-)
- K82.8 Other specified diseases of gallbladder
- Adhesions of cystic duct or gallbladder
- Atrophy of cystic duct or gallbladder
- Cyst of cystic duct or gallbladder
- Dyskinesia of cystic duct or gallbladder
- Hypertrophy of cystic duct or gallbladder
- Nonfunctioning of cystic duct or gallbladder
- Ulcer of cystic duct or gallbladder
- K82.9 Disease of gallbladder, unspecified
K83 Other diseases of biliary tract
[edit]- Excludes1: postcholecystectomy syndrome (K91.5)
- Excludes2: conditions involving the gallbladder (K81-K82)
- conditions involving the cystic duct (K81-K82)
- K83.0 Cholangitis
- Ascending cholangitis
- Cholangitis NOS
- Primary cholangitis
- Recurrent cholangitis
- Sclerosing cholangitis
- Secondary cholangitis
- Stenosing cholangitis
- Suppurative cholangitis
- Excludes1: cholangitic liver abscess (K75.0)
- cholangitis with choledocholithiasis (K80.3-, K80.4-)
- chronic nonsuppurative destructive cholangitis (K74.3)
- K83.1 Obstruction of bile duct
- Occlusion of bile duct without cholelithiasis
- Stenosis of bile duct without cholelithiasis
- Stricture of bile duct without cholelithiasis
- Excludes1: congenital obstruction of bile duct (Q44.3)
- obstruction of bile duct with cholelithiasis (K80.-)
- K83.2 Perforation of bile duct
- Rupture of bile duct
- K83.3 Fistula of bile duct
- Choledochoduodenal fistula
- K83.4 Spasm of sphincter of Oddi
- K83.5 Biliary cyst
- K83.8 Other specified diseases of biliary tract
- Adhesions of biliary tract
- Atrophy of biliary tract
- Hypertrophy of biliary tract
- Ulcer of biliary tract
- K83.9 Disease of biliary tract, unspecified
K85 Acute pancreatitis
[edit]- Abscess of pancreas
- Acute necrosis of pancreas
- Acute (recurrent) pancreatitis
- Gangrene of (gangrenous) pancreas
- Hemorrhagic pancreatitis
- Infective necrosis of pancreas
- Subacute pancreatitis
- Suppurative pancreatitis
- K85.0 Idiopathic acute pancreatitis
- K85.1 Biliary acute pancreatitis
- Gallstone pancreatitis
- K85.2 Alcohol induced acute pancreatitis
- Excludes2: alcohol induced chronic pancreatitis (K86.0)
- K85.3 Drug induced acute pancreatitis
- Use additional code to identify:
- drug abuse and dependence (F11.-- F17.-)
- Use additional code to identify:
- K85.8 Other acute pancreatitis
- K85.9 Acute pancreatitis, unspecified
- Pancreatitis NOS
K86 Other diseases of pancreas
[edit]- Excludes2: fibrocystic disease of pancreas (E84.-)
- islet cell tumor (of pancreas) (D13.7)
- pancreatic steatorrhea (K90.3)
- K86.0 Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis
- Use additional code to identify:
- alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)
- Excludes2: alcohol induced acute pancreatitis (K85.2)
- Use additional code to identify:
- K86.1 Other chronic pancreatitis
- Chronic pancreatitis NOS
- Infectious chronic pancreatitis
- Recurrent chronic pancreatitis
- Relapsing chronic pancreatitis
- K86.2 Cyst of pancreas
- K86.3 Pseudocyst of pancreas
- K86.8 Other specified diseases of pancreas
- Aseptic pancreatic necrosis
- Atrophy of pancreas
- Calculus of pancreas
- Cirrhosis of pancreas
- Fibrosis of pancreas
- Pancreatic fat necrosis
- Pancreatic infantilism
- Pancreatic necrosis NOS
- K86.9 Disease of pancreas, unspecified
K87 Disorders of gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas in diseases classified elsewhere
[edit]- Code first underlying disease
- Excludes1: cytomegaloviral pancreatitis(B25.2)
- mumps pancreatitis (B26.3)
- syphilitic gallbladder (A52.74)
- syphilitic pancreas (A52.74)
- tuberculosis of gallbladder (A18.83)
- tuberculosis of pancreas (A18.83)
Other diseases of the digestive system (K90-K94)
[edit]K90 Intestinal malabsorption
[edit]- Excludes1: intestinal malabsorption following gastrointestinal surgery (K91.2)
- K90.0 Celiac disease
- Gluten-sensitive enteropathy
- Idiopathic steatorrhea
- Nontropical sprue
- K90.1 Tropical sprue
- Sprue NOS
- Tropical steatorrhea
- K90.2 Blind loop syndrome, not elsewhere classified
- Blind loop syndrome NOS
- Excludes1: congenital blind loop syndrome (Q43.8)
- postsurgical blind loop syndrome (K91.2)
- K90.3 Pancreatic steatorrhea
- K90.4 Malabsorption due to intolerance, not elsewhere classified
- Malabsorption due to intolerance to carbohydrate
- Malabsorption due to intolerance to fat
- Malabsorption due to intolerance to protein
- Malabsorption due to intolerance to starch
- Excludes2: gluten-sensitive enteropathy (K90.0)
- lactose intolerance (E73.-)
- K90.8 Other intestinal malabsorption
- K90.81 Whipple's disease
- K90.89 Other intestinal malabsorption
- K90.9 Intestinal malabsorption, unspecified
K91 Intraoperative and postprocedural complications and disorders of digestive system, not elsewhere classified
[edit]- Excludes2: complications of artificial opening of digestive system (K94.-)
- gastrojejunal ulcer (K28.-)
- postprocedural (radiation) retroperitoneal abscess (K68.11)
- radiation colitis (K52.0)
- radiation gastroenteritis (K52.0)
- radiation proctitis (K62.7)
- K91.0 Vomiting following gastrointestinal surgery
- K91.1 Postgastric surgery syndromes
- Dumping syndrome
- Postgastrectomy syndrome
- Postvagotomy syndrome
- K91.2 Postsurgical malabsorption, not elsewhere classified
- Postsurgical blind loop syndrome
- Excludes1: malabsorption osteomalacia in adults (M83.2)
- malabsorption osteoporosis, postsurgical (M81.3)
- K91.3 Postprocedural intestinal obstruction
- K91.5 Postcholecystectomy syndrome
- K91.6 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure complicating a procedure
- Excludes1: intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure due to accidental puncture and laceration during a procedure (K91.7-)
- K91.61 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure complicating a digestive sytem procedure
- K91.62 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure complicating other procedure
- K91.7 Accidental puncture and laceration of a digestive system organ or structure during a procedure
- K91.71 Accidental puncture and laceration of a digestive system organ or structure during a digestive system procedure
- K91.72 Accidental puncture and laceration of a digestive system organ or structure during other procedure
- K91.8 Other intraoperative and postprocedural complications and disorders of digestive system
- K91.81 Other intraoperative complications of digestive system
- K91.82 Postprocedural hepatic failure
- K91.83 Postprocedural hepatorenal syndrome
- K91.84 Postprocedural hemorrhage and hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure following a procedure
- K91.840 Postprocedural hemorrhage and hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure following a digestive system procedure
- K91.841 Postprocedural hemorrhage and hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure following other procedure
- K91.85 Complications of intestinal pouch
- K91.850 Pouchitis
- Inflammation of internal ileoanal pouch
- K91.858 Other complications of intestinal pouch
- K91.850 Pouchitis
- K91.89 Other postprocedural complications and disorders of digestive system
- Use additional code, if applicable, to further specify disorder
- Excludes2: postprocedural retroperitoneal abscess (K68.11)
K92 Other diseases of digestive system
[edit]- Excludes1: neonatal gastrointestinal hemorrhage (P54.0-P54.3)
- K92.0 Hematemesis
- K92.1 Melena
- Excludes1: occult blood in feces (R19.5)
- K92.2 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, unspecified
- Gastric hemorrhage NOS
- Intestinal hemorrhage NOS
- Excludes1: acute hemorrhagic gastritis (K29.01)
- hemorrhage of anus and rectum (K62.5)
- angiodysplasia of stomach with hemorrhage (K31.811)
- diverticular disease with hemorrhage (K57.-)
- gastritis and duodenitis with hemorrhage (K29.-)
- peptic ulcer with hemorrhage (K25-K28)
- K92.8 Other specified diseases of the digestive system
- K92.81 Gastrointestinal mucositis (ulcerative)
- Code also type of associated therapy, such as:
- antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs (T45.1x-)
- radiological procedure and radiotherapy (Y84.2)
- Excludes2: mucositis (ulcerative) of vagina and vulva (N76.81)
- nasal mucositis (ulcerative) (J34.81)
- oral mucositis (ulcerative) (K12.3-)
- Code also type of associated therapy, such as:
- K92.89 Other specified diseases of the digestive system
- K92.81 Gastrointestinal mucositis (ulcerative)
- K92.9 Disease of digestive system, unspecified
K94 Complications of artificial openings of the digestive system
[edit]- K94.0 Colostomy complications
- K94.00 Colostomy complication, unspecified
- K94.01 Colostomy hemorrhage
- K94.02 Colostomy infection
- Use additional code to specify type of infection, such as:
- cellulitis of abdominal wall (L03.32)
- sepsis (A40.-, A41.-)
- Use additional code to specify type of infection, such as:
- K94.03 Colostomy malfunction
- Mechanical complication of colostomy
- K94.09 Other complications of colostomy
- K94.1 Enterostomy complications
- K94.10 Enterostomy complication, unspecified
- K94.11 Enterostomy hemorrhage
- K94.12 Enterostomy infection
- Use additional code to specify type of infection, such as:
- cellulitis of abdominal wall (L03.32)
- sepsis (A40.-, A41.-)
- Use additional code to specify type of infection, such as:
- K94.13 Enterostomy malfunction
- Mechanical complication of enterostomy
- K94.19 Other complications of enterostomy
- K94.2 Gastrostomy complications
- K94.20 Gastrostomy complication, unspecified
- K94.21 Gastrostomy hemorrhage
- K94.22 Gastrostomy infection
- Use additional code to specify type of infection, such as:
- cellulitis of abdominal wall (L03.32)
- sepsis (A40.-, A41.-)
- Use additional code to specify type of infection, such as:
- K94.23 Gastrostomy malfunction
- Mechanical complication of gastrostomy
- K94.29 Other complications of gastrostomy
- K94.3 Esophagostomy complications
- K94.30 Esophagostomy complications, unspecified
- K94.31 Esophagostomy hemorrhage
- K94.32 Esophagostomy infection
- Use additional code to identify the infection
- K94.33 Esophagostomy malfunction
- Mechanical complication of esophagostomy
- K94.39 Other complications ofesophagostomy