Illinois Verse/Military Day
Military Day
Military Day in the last full week of MayBrings out on the drill-field all the great brigade.Both the regiments of infantry appear;Batteries of artillery, troops of cavalryFollow, and line up proudly for the grand parade.
Companies abreast, they stand; imposing sight!On their right flank is the military band.Officers are facing them across the fieldSent by the government to decide our military rankAmong distinguished colleges of the land.
Gayly playing a grand march, the band leads down the fieldMen swing into columns; four abreast they go.In two long lines each of the companies passes beforeIts judges in review. The cavalry now displaysGreat skill. And the artillery moves along the row.
Passing down the ranks of companies at attention,Judges look at equipment and men with closest care.Many hours were spent before by anxious cadetsPolishing bayonets and rifles, puttees, belts,—Knowing this severe inspection they must bear.
Presentation of the Hazleton medal follows.Best of the freshman units wins it; given forOver thirty years. The Uni medal of goldComes next and bronze. Then back to the huge old armoryMarch the men and disband to rush forth free once more.