In Other Words/A Bid to a House-Party
A Bid to a House-Party
Horace: Book I, Epistle 5.
“Si potes Archiacis conviva recumbere lectis—”
Torquatus, if you can recline
On this cheap furniture of mine,
If you are of a mind to dare
My frugal vegetable fare,
If six-year wine may pass your throat—
Then come and visit this here pote.
My house is clean, though far from sporty;
I'll look for you about 5.40.
On this cheap furniture of mine,
If you are of a mind to dare
My frugal vegetable fare,
If six-year wine may pass your throat—
Then come and visit this here pote.
My house is clean, though far from sporty;
I'll look for you about 5.40.
Some years ago to-morrow morn
Was old Augustus Cæsar born.
It is a legal holiday
And so we needn’t leave the hay
Till noon. To-night we'll fool around
Discussing light things and profound:
Girls, poetry and aviation,
And eke the future of the nation.
Was old Augustus Cæsar born.
It is a legal holiday
And so we needn’t leave the hay
Till noon. To-night we'll fool around
Discussing light things and profound:
Girls, poetry and aviation,
And eke the future of the nation.
What use is all my coin to me
Without a friend or two or three?
The guy who’s cagey with his kale
Should beat it quick to Bloomingdale.
A little wine’s the proper dope,
It makes you talk and sing and hope,
Peace it promotes, for who would bicker
When plied with wine? Hooray for licker!
Without a friend or two or three?
The guy who’s cagey with his kale
Should beat it quick to Bloomingdale.
A little wine’s the proper dope,
It makes you talk and sing and hope,
Peace it promotes, for who would bicker
When plied with wine? Hooray for licker!
The gifted author of this pome
Shall tend to everything at home;
The dishes will be clean and fine,
And how the knives and forks will shine!
Three other chaps I shall invite
(Five-handed games—are they all right?)
Nor care nor woe shall agitate us,
Come on, old scout, come on, Torquatus!
Shall tend to everything at home;
The dishes will be clean and fine,
And how the knives and forks will shine!
Three other chaps I shall invite
(Five-handed games—are they all right?)
Nor care nor woe shall agitate us,
Come on, old scout, come on, Torquatus!