In Other Words/A Sealed Proposal
A Sealed Proposal
Horace: Book I, Ode 23.
“Vitas hinnuleo me similis, Chloë—”
Horace: Book I, Ode 23.
“Vitas hinnuleo me similis, Chloë—”
Nay, Chloë, dear, forget your fear,
Nor like a frightened fawn outrun me;
No savage I to horrify—
You shouldn’t shun me.
Nor like a frightened fawn outrun me;
No savage I to horrify—
You shouldn’t shun me.
Come, Chloë, queen, you’re seventeen;
There’s many a precedent to back us.
Why shouldn’t you be Mrs. Q.
Horatius Flaccus?
There’s many a precedent to back us.
Why shouldn’t you be Mrs. Q.
Horatius Flaccus?