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In Other Words/John Jones, Clerk

From Wikisource

John Jones, Clerk
John Jones, he was a faithful clerkAs any now alive;You’d always find him at his workFrom eight o’clock till five.
Without a single minute’s lossHe worked the tedious days,Till once he said: “I’ll strike the bossFor just a little raise.”
“Why, Jones,” replied the Leader then,“How can you be so base?Why, I could get a hundred menTo-day to take your place.”
So Jones apologized, and turnedBack to his daily books,Until his nature fairly yearnedFor fields and trees and brooks.
“I need a rest,” requested Jones,“Please, sir, may I be spared?”Whereat the Boss in honeyed tonesAccordingly declared:
“Why, John, old chap, I’d like to letYou off for half a year;But how would this old business getAlong without you here?”