In the Cage (London: Duckworth, 1898)/end matter
Extra Crown 8vo, price 12s.
Crown 8vo, price 7s. 6d.
This work, which has recently been 'crowned' by the French Academy, will be the first of a small collection of standard French criticisms upon matters concerning English Literature.
Small Crown 8vo, price 2s.
Crown 8vo, price 7s. 6d.
Mr. Wheeler's book consists of an historical summary of the relations of the Indian Government with the tribes on the North-West and West Frontiers from Chitral to Baluchistan, with some account of the military expeditions undertaken for the maintenance of peace on the border. It also deals with the geography of the country and the ethnology of the people; with the history of the border tribes previous to the British annexation of the Punjab and Scinde, and with the political problems arising out of the recent disturbances. An endeavour is made to trace the origin and development of the Forward policy, and to form an impartial estimate of the work achieved by men of the Lawrence and Roberts schools respectively.
Crown 8vo, art vellum, dull gold top. 6s.
By Clemence Housman.
'The Unknown Sea is a novel, but it is like no other novel. It is the most exquisite allegory that has been written for a long time. In the unhappy and ascetic passion of Christian the fisherman for Diadyomene, the maiden of the sea, we may read obscurely the secular struggle of spirit and flesh. But the allegory may be what it will. The story is justified of itself, and has a certain palely imaginative quality that is of a strange delicacy.'—Newcastle Chronicle.
'The poetry and mysticism of the story are its great charms. A delicate fancy and a rich imagination have enabled the author to invest it with singular impressiveness. The reader need not be envied who can lay aside the book unfinished, nor, let it be added, who is unable to appreciate the dainty fashion in which the tale is treated. The Unknown Sea is not a popular novel—there is too much really fine work in it for that; but hardly a page fails to indicate the author's delicate methods and robust individuality.'Nottingham Daily Guardian.'There is considerable poetic feeling in The Unknown Sea. To those who have not lost a taste for legendary lore we commend the book, feeling that if it is all mere fancy on the author's part, and there is no legend here why, there ought to be.'—Standard.
'A writer of rare promise. The theme is original, and its treatment is marked by a degree of imaginative power that is weirdly impressive. One of the most remarkable stories that has been put in our hands for a considerable period.'—Aberdeen Free Press.
'Miss Housman is the true sister of her gifted brothers, and here her imagination has had full play.'—Academy.
'Original, fresh, and metaphorical. Romantic and well conceived.'—Leeds Mercury.
Extra Crown 8vo, price 7s. 6d.
Of the French edition Literature (Feb. 12th, 1898) spoke thus: 'No effort so seriously methodical to fix the nature and determine the difficulties of historical studies has ever been made in France. Nor is there anything of the sort in English or German at once so precise, so admirably concise, and so logically complete. . . . MM. Langlois and Seignobos, with that clearness which seems inalienable from French thought, but with none of that superficiality, that wilful defect of vision, which usually in French books is the condition of French clearness—does not Renan himself, in the preface to L'Avenir de la Science, note this ordinary disability and this incomparable privilege of the French tongue?—not only have been the first to systematise concisely and clearly the scattered results of reflections upon, and experience of, historical studies, but have also themselves formulated the principles of historical research with a critical precision and competence which make these remarkably compact and suggestive pages as useful an essay in definition of a right historical method, as Renan's famous early book just cited was, and still is, for the cultivation of what he called "historic psychology." . . . This book of M. Seignobos and M. Langlois is, as it were, a solid monument of masonry raised on the high plateau to which French scholars have been ascending now for thirty years, and elevated there as a memorial of the victory of the critical method. . . . The rigorous scientific treatment of historical studies has not been more general and systematic, however, in England than in France, and an "Introduction to Historical Studies" that is adequate is bound to be as warmly welcomed by students in Great Britain or the United States as by students in France.'
Fcap. 8vo, price 3s. 6d. net.
This Edition reproduces the text, spelling, punctuation, etc., of 1798, and gives in an Appendix Wordsworth's 'Peter Bell' (original text, now reprinted for the first time) and Coleridge's 'Lewti,' 'The Three Graves,' and 'The Wanderings of Cain.' It also contains reproductions in photogravure of the portraits of Wordsworth (by Hancock, 1798) and of Coleridge (by Peter Vandyke, 1795), now in the National Portrait Gallery.
In preparation, uniform with the above volume.
Further announcements will be made from time to time of the issue in similar format of other books, of which at present no well-annotated and otherwise sufficiently desirable editions exist. It is not intended to include herein, as a rule, the oft-reprinted classics, except in so far as fresh treatment of them may seem, on the whole, needful.
English Public Schools.
Messrs. Duckworth and Co. have pleasure in announcing that they have arranged to issue a series of books upon the English Public Schools.
No series of such School Histories exists, and the publishers believe that many boys, while at school and when leaving it, may like to possess an authentic account of their School, issued at a moderate price. The Series will, it is hoped, appeal also to old Scholars, and to all interested in the history of English education.
The volumes will be illustrated; they will be printed in small quarto, and will cost, as a rule, 5s. each.
The first three will be:—
A HISTORY OF WINCHESTER COLLEGE. By Arthur F. Leach, M.A., F.S.A., formerly Fellow of All Souls', Oxford; Assistant Charity Commissioner.
A HISTORY OF RUGBY SCHOOL. By W. H. D. Rouse, M.A., sometime Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge.To be followed by others.
In Four Volumes, Small Demy 8vo, with Engraved Frontispieces, bound in buckram, dull gold top, price 7s. 6d. per volume.
The original numbers of The Tatler were re-issued in two forms in 1710-11; one edition, in octavo, being published by subscription, while the other, in duodecimo, was for the general public. The present edition has been printed from a copy of the latter issue, which, as recorded on the title-page, was 'revised and corrected by the author'; but I have had by my side, for constant reference, a complete set of the folio sheets, containing the 'Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff' in the form in which they were first presented to the world. Scrupulous accuracy in the text has been aimed at, but the eccentricities of spelling which were the printer's, not the author's have not been preserved, and the punctuation has occasionally been corrected.
The first and the most valuable of the annotated editions of The Tatler was published by John Nichols and others in 1786, with notes by Bishop Percy, Dr. John Calder, and Dr. Pearce; and though these notes are often irrelevant and out of date, they contain an immense amount of information, and have been freely made use of by subsequent editors. I have endeavoured to preserve what is of value in the older editions, and to supplement it, as concisely as possible, by such further information as appeared desirable. The eighteenth-century diaries and letters published of late years have in many cases enabled me to throw light on passages which have hitherto been obscure, and sometimes useful illustrations have been found in the contemporary newspapers and periodicals.
The volumes will not be sold separately.
Crown 8vo, price 6s.
During the whole of the central portion of this century, Dr. Karl Witte was actively engaged in Dante Aligheri studies, and his translations, editions, and essays constitute a more important contribution to the revived and deepened study of Dante than any other single scholar can boast to have made. He is the acknowledged master of Scartazzini, Giuliani, and others; and in especial, his conception of Dante's Trilogy (that is to say, his idea as to the mutual relations of the Vita Nuova, the Convito, and the Comedy) underlies all subsequent work on the inner meaning and articulation of Dante's writings. Dr. Witte collected the essays in which this and many subsidiary points are elaborated in two volumes. They are published at the high price of £1, 8s., which makes them out of the reach of many even of those Dante students to whom the languages in which they are written (German for the most part, but occasionally Italian) offer no difficulties. Some of them are of little interest to the general circle of Dante students, dealing as they do with German translations of the Comedy or German works on Dante; but the remaining essays constitute an invaluable body of investigations, of great variety of interest, ranging from a general survey of Dante's mental development or a presentation of his conception of the Universe, to the discussion of biographical details or the identification of the authors and relative antiquities of ancient commentaries. The proposed translation will include all of Dr. Witte's essays that have any general interest.
In an introduction, and in special notes in the several essays, the Editor will give the student the means of checking Dr. Witte's results in doubtful or speculative matters by reference to the original sources or to essays written from another point of view, but he will carefully abstain from fretting the reader by a running commentary of criticism interrupting the essays themselves.
Small Crown 4to, 5s. net. 50 copies on Japanese Vellum, £1, 1s. net (all sold).
The Text is that of the earliest printed version, as issued in the rare periodical, The Germ, afterwards Art and Poetry, and consequently presents the poem in a form hitherto practically inaccessible.
The Frontispiece, by permission of Mr. Frederick Hollyer, is a reproduction of Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Crayon Study of the head of The Blessed Damozel, photogravured and printed by the Swan Electric Engraving Company.
Mr. William Michael Rossetti contributes an Introduction giving full details concerning the writing of the poem, and the changes it has undergone.
Each verse is enclosed in a designed border, drawn by Mr. W. B. Macdougall, who has also designed the Cover.
Small Crown 8vo. 1s. 6d.
CRICKET. By the Hon. R. H. Lyttelton.
'There is much good advice and plenty of instructive gossip.'—Times.
'All the hints and comments are capital.'—Athenæum.
'A pithy deliverance of an expert.'—Speaker.
'Mr. Lyttelton's chapters are all of the greatest interest. His characterisations of the various mighty players will be hard to beat.'—St. James's Gazette.
'Its enthusiastic tone and sound sense mark it as eminently suitable for school captains.'—Pall Mall Gazette.
'A capital cricket book. It is a most admirable budget of experience and philosophy.'—Birmingham Post.
'The book is full of sage reflections, and will be appreciated by all cricket enthusiasts.'—Dundee Advertiser.
'Pretty well every department of the game is tersely dealt with.'—Sheffield Independent.
'Well informed and interesting.'—Glasgow Herald.
'We heartily commend this interesting little manual of a notable cricketer.'—Globe.
'Much more instructive than many systematised handbooks. Players of all ages will take a pleasure in reading these suggestive and well-written pages.'—Scotsman.
'Whatever else devotees of the national game may decide to leave unbought, they really would be ill-advised were they to close their pockets against this capital little book. A volume for which we are grateful, and we hope hundreds and hundreds of players will be of the same mind as ourselves.'—Literary World.
'Young players will find here hints of the utmost value. There is not a dull page in the book, nor one from which useful information may not be derived.'—Sporting Life.
'Contains many hints which young players would do well to lay to heart.'—Sunday Special.
'An excellent little volume. Full of points likely to appeal to players of the national game.'—Pelican.
'His remarks upon the questions of amateurism and professionalism are especially worthy of consideration.'—Truth.
'All lovers of cricket should procure it, as a more interesting and concise little volume has not gone through the hands of the printers.'—Midland Sporting Gazette.
Crown 8vo, buckram cloth, gilt top. 6s.
'Careful pieces of work.'—Daily Telegraph.
'Mr. Hapgood's essays exhibit a good deal of penetration and critical acumen.'—Daily News.
'Mr. Norman Hapgood is an able writer, by no means to be despised, whether as an æsthetician or a psychologist. The unaffected straightforwardness of his dogmatism is, to us at any rate, by no means unsympathetic. His judgments, too, though subject to numberless reservations, are almost always acute and worth considering.'Daily Chronicle.'The papers are all the outcome of careful study. They make a pleasant and interesting book, which deserves to be read by many.'—Scotsman.
'The essays deserve to be preserved as the outcome of a clever and charitable thinker, and they are here presented in a most artistic form.'—Manchester Courier.
'The criticism of Lord Rosebery, while sympathetic and laudatory, is exceedingly acute. . . . These quotations will serve to show how intelligently and effectively an American onlooker can criticise our literary politicians.'—Glasgow Herald.
Edited by R. Brimley Johnson and N. Erichsen.
Messrs. Duckworth and Co. have pleasure in announcing that they have arranged to issue a series of Modern Plays. It is the aim of this Series to represent, as widely as possible, the activity of the modern drama—not confined to stage performance—in England and throughout the continent of Europe. It so happens that, though translations seem to be more in demand every day, the greater number of the Continental dramatists are at present little known in this country. Among them will be found predecessors and followers of Ibsen or Maeterlinck; as well as others who reflect more independently the genius of their own country.
Love's Comedy, which marks a transition from the early romantic to the later social plays, is the only important work of Ibsen's not yet translated into English. The name of Strindberg, whose position in Sweden may be compared to that of Ibsen in Norway, will be almost new to the English public. Villiers' La Révolte is a striking forecast of The Doll's House. Verhaeren is already known here as one of the foremost of Belgian writers, who, like Maeterlinck, uses the French tongue; and Brieux is among the most attractive of the younger native French dramatists. Ostrovsky's The Storm, painting 'The Dark World,' is generally recognised as the characteristic Russian drama. The Convert, by Stepniak, will be specially interesting as its author's only dramatic attempt.
The work of translation has been intrusted to English writers specially conversant with the literatures represented, who, in many cases, are already associated in the public mind with the authors they are here interpreting. Every play will be translated in extenso, and, if in verse, as nearly as possible in the original metres. The volumes will contain brief introductions, bibliographical and explanatory rather than critical, and such annotations as may be necessary.
The volumes will be printed in small quarto, and they will cost, as a rule, 2s. 6d. net or 3s. 6d. net each.[P.T.O.LONDON: DUCKWORTH AND CO.
'Love's Comedy' (Kjœrlighedens Komedie). |
'Intérieur.'—William Archer. | |
'La Mort de Tintagiles.' | —Alfred Sutro. |
'Alladine et Palomides.' |
'La Révolte.' | —Theresa Barclay |
'L'Evasion.' |
'The Convert.'—Constance Garnett. |
'Les Aubes.'—Arthur Symons. |
'The Father' (Fadren).—N. Erichsen. |
'The Storm.'—Constance Garnett. |
'Les Bienfaiteurs.'—Lucas Malet. |
'On a Single Card.'—E. L. Voynich. |
Arrangements are also in progress with representative dramatists of Germany, Spain, Italy, and other countries. Further translations have been promised by Dr. Garnett, Messrs. Walter Leaf, Justin Huntly MacCarthy, and G. A. Greene.
Dealing with a venerable Suffolk version of Grimm's well-known 'Rumpelstiltskin,' Mr. Clodd endeavours to show that the main incident in the story contains a world-wide and much-varied superstition, which, confusing persons and things, has given rise to a set of curious beliefs and customs.
CAPTAIN FRACASSE. By Théophile Gautier. Translated by E. M. Beam. With ten Illustrations by V. A. Searles. Crown 8vo. 532 pp. 5s.
HISTORIC NUNS. By B. R. Belloc. Crown 8vo. 6s.[Nearly ready.
NEW LETTERS OF WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR. Edited by Stephen Wheeler. With 3 photogravures. Small demy 8vo.
THE LIFE OF CAPTAIN SIR R. F. BURTON, K.C.M.G., F.R.G.S. By his Wife, Isabel Burton. Second Edition. Edited with a Preface by W. H. Wilkins, Author of 'The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton.' Small demy 8vo.
FEUDAL AND MODERN JAPAN. By Arthur May Knapp. 2 vols. With 24 photogravures.LONDON: DUCKWORTH AND CO.
Crown 8vo, cloth, 6s.
JOCELYN. A Monte Carlo Story.
By John Sinjohn.
'The love, as love, is shown with such intensity that it sets the reader's heart a-throb; and the Riviera setting is aglow with colour and life.'—Daily Mail.
'He has set it against a charmingly painted background of warm Southern atmosphere and Mediterranean scenery; and he has drawn, in the persons of the delightfully commonplace Mrs. Travis and Nielson—the polished cosmopolitan and professional gambler, with an unsuspected strain of tenderness beneath his impassive exterior—two of the best comedy characters that we have encountered in recent fiction.'—Outlook.
'A powerfully written story. The analysis of character is good, and the depiction of life in the Riviera is excellent.'—Manchester Courier.
'A tragedy wrought in sunshine. The scenes are set on the Mediterranean shore, and the atmosphere of the book is heavy with the odour of roses and heliotrope.'—Dundee Advertiser.
'A clever study in the psychology of love.'—Scotsman.
'The author shows considerable literary merit and undoubted skill in the working-out of his plot.'—Glasgow Herald.
'Few, we imagine, will deny the crispness, subtleness of analysis, and undoubted strength.'—Aberdeen Free Press.
Crown 8vo, cloth, 6s.
By C. K. Burrow.
'A good, careful, full-blooded novel of a kind that is not common nowadays.'—Saturday Review.
'It is a sweet, wholesome tale. The music-master's portrait is admirably drawn, and remains in the memory. A lover of the country will linger over the delicious pictures of the olden village around which most of the scenes are set. The author is at his best in the delicate passages, where he secures some exquisite effects.'—Dundee Advertiser.
'This is one of those delightful domestic stories that are always welcome. The book is full of vigorous character. The whole book is full of "fire," full of "life," and full of interest.—Manchester Courier.
'Altogether, and in a word, a thoroughly readable and interesting novel.'—Aberdeen Free Press.
'Mr. Burrow's men and women are distinct and lifelike; if he has massed all the interesting people into one man's life, none of his readers will blame him.'—Manchester Guardian.
'The book is full of vigour and careful writing. The principal characters are carefully drawn, and the love-scenes are fresh and idyllic. The whole book is more than pleasant and readable, and all the more so from its absence of sensationalism and adherence to simplicity.'—Leeds Mercury.
'Readable and enjoyable to a degree seldom reached by tales of the kind.'—Scotsman.
'A pretty love-tale, simply told.'—Birmingham Gazette.
'Had we passed it by unread, ours would have been the loss. A charming story based on somewhat conventional lines, but told with such verve and freshness as render it really welcome. Mr. Burrow has admirably succeeded in writing a really interesting story, and, which is more uncommon, he has well individualised the different persons of his drama. "The Fire of Life" should figure in the list of novels to be read of all those who like a good story, and like that good story well told.'—Literary World.
'The story is a simple one, but it is none the less interesting. It is one of those novels which one does not care to leave off once it has been started, and its brevity and fascination make it quite possible to read it at a sitting without much inconvenience. The author's style is clear and crisp, with a purity of diction which it would be difficult to surpass.'—Notts Express.
In preparation.
THE WORLD AND ONORA. By Lilian Street, Author of 'The Little Plain Woman,' 'Nell and the Actor.'
FROM SEVEN DIALS. By Edith Ostlere.
THE RED CAT. By Philip Hennessy.