Index:Bound Urabbaparcensian Statutes. Volume 1.djvu
Urabba Parks Proprietary Limited Constitution Statute 2021 (The Constitution) (1, 2021) Interpretation Act 2022 (1, 2022) Legislation Act 2022 (2, 2022) Flandrensian Ecological County of Urabba Act 2022 (3, 2022) Corporate Ordinances Act 2022 (4, 2022) Divisional Amendment (New Eurabba) Act 2023 (1, 2023) Membership (Promachos) Act 2023 (2, 2023) Membership (Athena Urabbanakis Society) Act 2023 (3, 2023) Legislative Legislation (Exemptions and Other Matters) Regulation 2022 (UP2022L00001) Legislation Rule 2022 (UP2022L00002) Notifiable instruments Proclamation Declaring the Establishment of Jurisdiction (UP2021N00001) Interpretation Act Commencement Proclamation 2022 (UP2022N00002) Flandrensian Ecological County of Urabba Act Commencement Proclamation 2022 (UP2022N00003) Constitution (Corporate Policies) Instrument 2022 (UP2022N00004) Intermicronational instruments Imvrassian Decree 132: Decree of Foundation and Establishment of the Hegemony of Urabba Parks of the Empire of Imvrassia (UP2022D00001) Treaty on Corporation and Establishment of the Ecological County (Sanctuary) of Urabba with the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis (UP2022D00002) Treaty Amending the Treaty of Corporation and Establishment of the Ecological County (Sanctuary) of Urabba with the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis (UP2023D00001) Prerogative instruments Foundational Warrant relating to the insignia of Urabba Parks Proprietary Limited (UP2021D00001) Constitution (Manager General) Letters Patent 2021 (UP2021D00002) Naming of Promachos, Gunbar (UP2023G00001) Index |