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Index:Chipperfield--Unseen Hands.djvu

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Title Unseen Hands
Author Robert Orr Chipperfield
Year 1920
Publisher Robert M. McBride & Co.
Location New York
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
  1. chapterpage
  2. I. Terror 1
  3. II. The Unseen Hand 13
  4. III. Who Knew? 23
  5. IV. Barry Odell Takes Hold 37
  6. V. "I Wish It Had Been You" 50
  7. VI. Bloody Hands 62
  8. VII. "Watch Their Eyes" 75
  9. VIII. The Needle 87
  10. IX. Doctor McCutchen's Theory 100
  11. X. In the Parrot's Cage 112
  12. XI. The Voice 128
  13. XII. The Room with the Broken Window 141
  14. XIII. Behind Locked Doors 153
  15. XIV. Escape 166
  16. XV. What Rannie Knew 181
  17. XVI. Miss Risby Speaks 194
  18. XVII. Farley Drew's Game 208
  19. XVIII. "Ready to Anyone's Hand" 221
  20. XIX. An Underworld Phoenix 234
  21. XX. The Tryst 248
  22. XXI. The Third Generation 260
  23. XXII. The Final Clue 272
  24. XXIII. The Trap 284
  25. XXIV. Folded Hands 293