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Index:Florence Earle Coates Poems (1898)

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Title Poems
Author Florence Earle Coates
Year 1898
Publisher Houghton Mifflin Co.
Location Boston and New York.
Source jpg
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Validated in April 2011

Poems (1898)
Mine and Thine (1904)
Lyrics of Life (1909)
The Unconquered Air, and Other Poems (1912)
Poems (1916) Volume 1, Volume 2

Pro Patria (1917)


life 1
poetry 2
probation 3
combatants 4
longing 6
sappho 7
immortal 8
columbus 9
in darkness 10
song: "for me the jasmine buds unfold" 11
didst thou rejoice? 12
"victi resurgunt" 13
man 14
veiled 16
an idler 18
before the hour 19
perdita 20
wouldst thou learn? 22
ditty: "my true love's eyes" 23
israphel 24
first and last 26
love sailed at morn 27
be thou my guide 28
near and far 29
cora 31
let me believe 33
by the conemaugh 34
a descant 36
to the tsar (1890) 37
there's a spot in the mountains 39
du maurier 41
conscience 42
daphnis 43
unconquered 47
in april 48
survival 49
tennyson 50
the heart of love 51
alexander iii 52
song : "her cheek is like a tinted rose" 54
the land of promise 55
psyche 56
pilgrimage 58
ma belle 59
dryad song 61
morning 64
a tomb in tuscany 65
he and i 67
the little lass 68
might i return 70
water lilies 71
love has no foes 72
hylas 73
adieu 78
october 80
in the wood 81
song : "friendship from its moorings strays" 82
lament of brünnhilde 83
music 86
too late 87
the chrysanthemum 88
wings 89
the liberty-bell 90
vagrant 92
though thou hast climbed 93
autumn 94
in a college settlement 95
a valentine 97
friends to virtue 98
in winter 100
achilles 101
a débutante 102
greatness 104
suppliant 105
a rose 106
reveille 107
true love 108
easter 109
art 111
song: "the new-born leaves unfolding fast" 113
a maid's defense 114
rejected 115
at break of day 116
homeward 117
to-morrow 118
siberia 119
victory 120
stanza: "the voices of all waters" 121
death 122
song: "if love were not" 123
limitation 124
rhapsody 125
to france 126
life 128
the ideal 129
nansen 130
to the victor 131
love conquers death 132
memoria 133
through the rushes 134
india 136