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Index:Gammer Gurton's garland, or, The nursery Parnassus (IA gammergurtonsgar00ritsiala).djvu

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Title Gammer Gurton's Garland
Author Joseph Ritson
Year 1866
Publisher Reprinted for Hugh Hopkins
Location Glasgow
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
OCLC 1045624076
Part I
  • The Frog and Mouse
  • The Lady and the Swine
  • The Cambrick Shirt
  • London Bridge is broken down
  • The Three Children
  • Robin, Bobbin, Richard, and John
  • The Short Courtship
  • The Old Woman that was toss'd in a Blanket
  • The Old Man and the Oak
  • A Solemn Dirge
  • Trip upon Trenches
  • T'other little Tune
  • The Three Wise Men of Gotham
  • Song of Sixpence
  • The Cat and the Fiddle
  • The Woodcock, the Sparrow, and the little Dog
  • The Two Birds
  • The Surprising Old Woman
  • The Miraculous Guinea-pig
  • Piper and the Fiddler's Wife
  • Betty Pringle's Pig
  • The Nurse's Song
  • Another
  • Another

Part II

  • A Man of Words
  • The Valentine
  • Three Brethren out of Spain
  • Robin and Richard
  • Robin the Robin
  • Bah, Bah, Blacksheep
  • Patty Cake
  • Who's There?
  • Cross Patch
  • Mistress Mary
  • The Old Man & his Calf
  • Jack a Nory
  • Great A
  • See Saw
  • (unnamed poems:)
    • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • Here stands a fist
    • A little old man and I fell out
    • Little boy, pretty boy, where was you born?
    • The man in the moon
    • Four-and-twenty tailors
    • Jack and Gill
    • O rare Harry Parry
    • See saw, Margery Daw
    • There was an old woman, she liv'd in a shoe
    • Shoe the colt
    • Is John Smith within?
    • Ride a cock horse
    • Ride a cock horse, to Banbury cross
    • O that I was where I would be
    • I see the moon, and the moon sees me
    • Cock a doodle doo
    • Round about, round about
    • There was an old man in a velvet coat
    • Little Jack Horner
    • Little Tom Tucker
    • A diller, a dollar
    • I am a pretty wench
    • What care I how black I be
    • Lady bird, lady bird
    • John, come sell thy fiddle
    • Goose-a, goose-a, gander
  • The Speech of the Horse That Spoke to his Master
  • (more untitled poems:)
    • Come, let's to bed
    • There was an old woman
    • There was an old woman
    • To make your candles last for aye
    • I doubt, I doubt
    • Hark, hark, the dogs do bark
    • When I was a batchelor
    • Taffy was a Welchman
    • I had a little husband
    • Old father Greybeard
    • I will tell my own daddy when he comes home
    • I had a little moppet
    • Up hill and down dale


  • The Merry Bells of London
  • The Gay Lady That Went to Church
  • Arithmetick
  • Telling Out
  • The Sedate Preacher
  • The Deaf Old Woman
  • Evening Ditty
  • (untitled poems)
    • Snail, snail, come out of your hole
    • Sing jig my jole, the pudding bowl
    • Bell horses, bell horses
    • O the little rusty, dusty, rusty miller
    • The rose is red, the grass is green
    • Doctor Foster was a good man
    • The cat sat asleep by the side of the fire
    • Little maid, pretty maid, whither goest thou?
    • The cock's on the dunghill a-blowing his horn
    • Up street and down street, each window's made of glass
    • As I was going up Pippen hill
    • Dickery, dickery, dock
    • Barnaby Bright he was a sharp cur
    • If all the world was apple-pie
    • Old Mother Niddity Nod swore by the pudding-bag
    • Little brown Betty lived at the Golden Can
    • Tom Thumb the piper's son
    • Jack Sprat would eat no fat
    • As I was going to sell my eggs
    • Yankey Doodle came to town
    • There was an old woman had nothing
    • Pillycock, pillycock, sate on a hill
    • Humpty-dumpty sate on a wall
    • Little boy Bluet, come blow me your horn
    • Pussy cat, pussy cat, wilt thou be mine
    • Danty baby diddy
    • Dingle, dingle, doosey
    • I'll sing you a song
    • Tom Brown's two little Indian bows, two, etc.
    • Old Mother Hubbard, she went to the cupboard


  • Giles Collins and Proud Lady Anna
  • Little Bo-peep
  • Water Skimming
  • The Jolly Tester
  • The Last Will and Testament of the Grey Mare
  • The Search After Fortune
  • Dame Widdle Waddle
  • The Mad Folks of the Mad Town
  • The Taylor's Courtship
  • Old Chairs and Old Clothes
  • The Little Lovers
  • New Brooms, Brooms, O!
  • The Parliament Soldiers
  • Jack Dandy-prat
  • Two Blackbirds
  • The Duck and the Drake
  • The Milk Pails
  • The Lady's Song in Leap Year