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Index:Hebrew tales; selected and translated from the writings of the ancient Hebrew sages (1917).djvu

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Title Hebrew tales; selected and translated from the writings of the ancient Hebrew sages
Author Hyman Hurwitz
Editor George Alexander Kohut
Year 1917
Publisher Bloch Publishing Co
Location New York
Source djvu
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Validated in April 2011


Preface 9
Moses and the Lamb 15
The Value of a Good Wife 16
The Lord Helpeth Man and Beast 18
Conversation of a Philosopher with a Rabbi 20
The Princess and Rabbi Joshua 22
Mercy in Judgment 23
Blessings in Disguise 24
Intended Divorce and Reconciliation 26
The Heavenly Lamp 29
True Charity Knows no Law 29
Scripture Impartiality 31
The Honor Due to Whatever is Truly Useful 32
To Insult Poverty or Natural Defect, no Venial Crime 33
Liberality Grounded on Religion not to be Conquered by Reverse Fortune 35
On Pretended Majorities 39
On the Mood of Mind that will Render the Consequences of Improper Actions the Atonement for Them 41

The Seven Ages

Incorruptible Treasures 46
Table Talk of the Sages of Israel 47
Destruction of Wickedness 48
The Meek and the Haughty 49
The Heathen and the Hebrew Sages 51
The Conquest of Meekness 52
True Charity 55
Filial Reverence 56
The Double Moral and Twofold Tale 57
Compassion Toward the Unhappy 59
The Legacy of Rabbi Johanan to his Disciples 62
Milton's "Dark from Excess of Light" 64
The Wilful Drunkard 65
Do not Provoke those who Throw off Appearances of Justice 68
The Traveller and the Date-tree of the Oasis 70
The Aged Planter and Hadrian 71
The Same Things no Longer the Same under Altered Circumstances 73
The Preposterous Snake 76
The Doctrine of Resurrection Supported by that of Creation 78
The Sufferings of the Jews under Hadrian, I. 79

Sufferings of the Jews under Hadrian, II

On Vows in Cases Previously Binding on the Conscience 83
Poverty no Proof of Divine Disfavor 83
Scrupulous Honesty 85
The Fox and the Fish 86
The Climax of Benevolence 89
Rabbi Simeon and the Jewels 91
He who Wrongs the Dishonest under the Pretence of their Dishonesty Renders Himself an Accomplice 92
Scrupulous Honesty 93
Reverence for Truth and Simplicity not to be Sacrificed to the Forms of Courtesy 94
The Twofold Charity of the Benevolent Physician 95
Folly of Idolatry 97
Abraham's Deliverance from the Fiery Furnace 99
No Loss of Dignity from any Innocent Means of Promoting Peace and Harmony 100
The Lawful Heir 103
The Fox and the Rift in the Garden-Wall 107
Alexander and the Female Chief 109
Ambition Humbled and Reproved 111
Wit Like Salt 115
The Word "Us" 115
The Tailor and the Broken Mortar 116
Witty Retort of a Hebrew Child 116
The Inhospitable Jester Taken in his Own Snare 117
The Enigma that Cost the Athenian his Mantle 118
The Quadruple Tale 119
The Athenian and his One-Eyed Slave 122
The Scientific Carver 124
No Rule Without Exception 128