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Index:Short Grass (1926).pdf

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Title Short Grass
Author George Washington Ogden
Year 1927
Publisher Dodd, Mead & Company
Location New York City
Source pdf
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


Chapter Page
I Romance Calls 1
II What a Man Drinks 14
III Burnt Leather 26
IV Innercent and Cute 39
V Marching Orders 50
VI The Girl Named Zora 59
VII A Man Without a Gun 68
VIII People of Consequence 84
IX Hard to Break Into 95
X Within the Law 104
XI Honors Are Declined 117
XII A Domestic Interlude 130
XIII If He Ever Gets Mean 145
XIV To the Enemy's Camp 157
XV A Crook or a Fool 170
XVI Bill Picks a Shining Mark 180
XVII Texas Cattle 189
XVIII Outlawed on the Range 199
XIX Mallon Shakes a Lemonade 213
XX A New Gun Is Tested 225
XXI Pawnee Bend Snarls 236
XXII Good-by to Daylight 249
XXIII A Mistake in the Date 262
XXIV The Brooding of Vengeance 271
XXV Tin Can Land 282
XXVI Cattlemen's Choice 291