Index:The Poems of Sir Thomas Wiat volume 1.djvu
POEMS PECULIAR TO THE DEVONSHIRE MS. PART I 1. Take hede be tyme lest ye be spyde . 2. My pen, take payn a lyttyll space 3. I love lovyd and so dothe she 4. Suffryng in sorow in hope to attayn . 5. At last withdrawe your crueltie . 6. To wette your lye withouten teare 7. What menythe thys, when I lye alone 8. The hart and servys to yow prolferd . 9. Farewell all my welfare 10. Alas poore man what hap have I 11. Ys yt possyble 12. And wylt thow leve me thus 13. That tyme that myrthe dyd stere my shypp 14. As power and wytt wyll me assyst 15. Sumtyme I syght, sumtyme I syng 16. Pacyence of all my smart . 17. In fay the methynkes yt ys no ryght . 18. The knot which fyrst my hert did strayn 19. It was ray choyse it was no chance 20. So unwarely was never no man cawght 21. Howshuldl 22. Full well yt maye be sene . 23. Syns love ys suche, that as ye wott 24. Lo how I seke and sew to have . 25. Syns so ye please to here me playn 26. Now must I lerne to lyve at rest 27. Fforget not yet the tryde enteut . 28. 0 myserable sorow withowten cure 29. Blame not my lute for he must sound . PART II 1. If with complaint the paine myght be exprest 2. Sins you will nedes that I shall sing . 3. What shulde I saye .... 4. Gyve place all ye that doth rejoyse 5. Me list no more to sing 6. The Joye so short alas, the paine so nere 7.[1] Payne of all payne most grevous paine 8.[1] Lament my losse, my labor, and my payne 9. Spight hath no power to make me sadde 10. A ! my herte, a ! what aileth the
12. Grudge on who liste, this ys my lott 13.[2] Greting to you both yn hertye wyse 14. Tanglid I was in loves snare 15. Longer to muse .... 16. Love doeth againe 17. With serving still 18. Now all of change 19. Dryven bye desire 1 dede this dede 20. Perdye I saide it not . 21. Absens absenting causithe me to compli 22. When that I call unto my mynde 23. To make an ende of all this strif . 24. Wyll ye se what wonderous love hatha 25. Deme as ye list upon goode cause . 26. I am as I am and so will I be 27. Patiens for I have wrong .
1. To whom should I sue to ease my payne (Gourte of Venus) 2. Dysdaine me not without desert (Courte of Veniis) 3. Lyke as the wynde with raging blaste (Harl. MS.) 4. Under this stone ther lyeth at rest (Harl. MS.) . 5. Like as the byrde in the cage enclosed (Parker MS., Corpus Christi), Cambridge 6. Stond who so list upon the slipper toppe (A.MS.) FROM TOTTEL'S "SONGES AND SONETTES " 1. Accused though I be without desert (Tottel) . . . 367 2. Passe forth my wonted cryes ,, ... 368 3. Your lokes so often cast ,, ... 370 4. Synce love wyll nedes that I shall love ,, ... 372 5. For want of will, in wo I playne ,, ... 374 6. If ever man might him avaunt ,, ... 376 7. When first myn eyes did view and mark , , ... 378 8. Mystrustful mindes be moved ,, ... 379 9. I see that chance hath chosen me ,, ... 380 10. Through out the world if it were sought ,, ... 382 11. It burneth yet, alas, my hartes desire (Tottel) . . . 388 12. Sufficed not (Madame) that you did teare .... 385 13. Speake thou and spede where will or power ought helpthe (Tottel) 386 14. If thou wilt mighty be flee from the rage (Tottel) . . 387 |