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Index:The Truth about China and Japan - Weale - 1919.djvu

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Title The Truth about China and Japan
Author B. L. Putnam Weale
Year 1919
Publisher Dodd, Mead & Co.
Location New York
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


Chapter Page
I. General Introduction: The Early Relations between China and Japan 1
II. The Outline of the Far East 52
III. The Settlement of the Chinese Question 80
IV. The Problem of Peking 103
V. If Japan Refuses? 133


(A) Text of the Lansing-Ishii Notes, 157.
(B) Documents concerning Mutual Agreements between China and Japan relative to Joint Action against the Enemy, 159.
(C) Japanese Secret Loans to China in 1918, 178.
(D) The Secret Arms Contracts between China and Japan, 180.
(E) The Shantung Railway Agreement of September 24, 1918, 184.
(F) Kirin and Heilungchiang Mining and Forestry Agreement, 188.
(G) Manifesto of the Korean People issued to the World on March 1, 1919, 191.
(H) Articles from the Japanese Constitution Defining the Autocracy of the Japanese Government, 195.
(I) The Manchurian and Mongolian (Secret) Railway Agreement, 196.
(J) The Shantung Railway Extension Agreement, 201.
(K) Alleged German-Japanese Draft Treaty, 206.
(L) Text of Sino-Japanese Wireless Installation Agreement, 214.
(M) Chinese Government Tables and Returns for the Year ending June 30, 1919, 227.
(N) Official Returns of Chinese Government Railways, 242.