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Index:The traitor; a story of the fall of the invisible empire (IA traitorstoryoffa00dixo).pdf

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Title The Traitor
Author Thomas Frederick Dixon
Illustrator Charles David Williams
Year 1907
Publisher Doubleday, Page & Company
Location New York City
Source pdf
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


Book I.
The Crime

Chapter Page
I. The Threat 3
II. Mr. Hoyle Receives a Shock 27
III. A Blow Is Struck 36
IV. The Old Code 57
V. Graham vs. Butler 61
VI. Scalawag and Carpetbagger 74
VII. The Reign of Folly 95
VIII. The Masqueraders 99
IX. A Counter Stroke 105
X. The Strength of the Weak 110
XI. Through the Secret Panel 122

Book II.
A Woman's Revenge

Chapter Page
I. Stella's Resolution 135
II. Weighed and Found Wanting 142
III. The Trap Is Set 150
IV. Ackerman Secures a Pledge 162
V. In the Toils 165
VI. The Train for the North 172
VII. The Daughter of Eve 175
VIII. The Tracks at the Door 193
IX. A Test of Strength 197
X. Behind Bolted Doors 207
XI. A Voice in Warning 214
XII. The Trap Is Sprung 222
XIII. For Love's Sake 234
XIV. The Judgment Hall of Fate 239

Book III.
Prisoner and Traitor

Chapter Page
I. The Arrest 255
II. Through Prison Bars 268
III. A Woman's Way 275
IV. The Hon. Stephen Hoyle 283
V. Ackerman Cornered 290
VI. Through Deep Waters 295
VII. The Prisoner at the Bar 304
VIII. The Ministry of Angels 318
IX. The Day of Atonement 325
X. Under Bright Skies—An Epilogue 330