Index talk:Jane Eyre - an autobiography (IA janeeyreautobiog00bronrich).pdf

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Notes on spelling for this novel.


This discussion moved from discussion located at page 4, as it applies to the entire work.

I have started this because, as I find with lots of works here (presumably because things change over time and these works are relatively old), it can at times be hard to tell if a word is supposed to be hyphenated or not in the original, as, for example, sometimes the word first appears hyphenated at a line break but then later it turns out it really isn't supposed to be a hyphenate but is actually two words. So, this may just turn out to be a list.

page4 arm-chair --hyphenate

page5 bed-room --hyphenate

page3 book-case or bookcase? --hyphenated at line break.

page4 book-shelves --hyphenate

page6 bourne or borne --not sure, may have seen it spelled both ways.

page5 (col. 3, last par.)
chimney-piece --hyphenate

page3 church-yard --hyphenate

page5 (col. 2, 3rd par. from bottom)
housemaid or house-maid? --hyphenated at line break

page5 (col. 2, 3rd par. from bottom)
jewelcasket or jewel-casket? --hypenated at line break (although in the first edition of the 3-volume version it is a hyphenate: See: here )

page5 lady's-maid --hyphenate

page5 poor-house --hyphenate

page6 red-room --hyphenate

page6 scape-goat --hyphenate

page6 stair-case or staircase? --hypenated at line break

page5 toilet-table --hyphenate

page 4 up stairs --two words