Index talk:William Blake, his life, character and genius.djvu
"For the illustrations to the Large Paper Edition of the present work, I am greatly indebted to the sons of the late John Linnell, who was so intimately connected with Blake in his later years. "The Ancient of Days" was reproduced from their copy of the Europe, The two "Temptations" are reproduced from a set of twelve drawings, made to illustrate Milton's Paradise Regained which have never before been published. "The Foolish and Wise Virgins" is likewise from the original drawing in the possession of the Brothers Linnell.
I should say that it is only by photographic reproduction that Blake's art can be worthily represented.
Alfred T. Story.
Heaton Chapel, Lancashire. |
- The source files at both seem to be missing illustrations, this note was retrieved before realigning to the first edition. Cygnis insignis (talk) 08:43, 2 March 2010 (UTC) Also retrieved:
Two hundred and eighty copies printed on hand-made
paper, of which this is
No 129