Strange case of Dr. Stanchon. 362p $1.30 '13 Appleton
Ten to seventeen; a boarding school diary. . . 12mo 261p '08 Harper
Whom the gods destroyed. 236p $1.50 '02 Scribner
Balestier, Wolcott
Average woman. 260p '92 U. S. book co.
Fair device. 173p '84 Lovell
Balzac, Honoré de
Comedie humaine; tr. by K. P. Wormeley (Centenary ed.) 36v ea $1.35 Little
Comedie humaine; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. 40v '76 Roberts
Honoré de Balzac. Edition definitive. 53v ea $11 1895-1900 Philadelphia, Barrie
Works. 36v in 18 190- Kelmscott Society
Works . . . with introductions by George Saintsbury. (University ed.) 16v (c '01) Philadelphia, Avil
After dinner stories from Balzac. 233p '86 Crowell
Albert Savarus. 301p '92 Roberts
At the sign of the cat and racket. 277p $1.50 '09 Dutton
Atheist's mass, and other stories. 291p $1.50 '07 Dutton
Balthazar; or, Science and love; tr. by Wm. Robson. 159p '59 Rautledge
Balzac's shorter stories. 197p '18- Federal book co
Best of Balzac. 315p '02 Page
Celibates . . . and other stories. 2v in 1 (Saintsbury ed.) '99 Philadelphia, Gebbie
César Birotteau . . . and other stories. 2v in 1 (Saintsbury ed.) '99 Philadelphia, Gebbie
Christ in Flanders, and other stories. 361p $1.50 '08 Dutton
Country doctor [and other stories]. 2v in 1 (Saintsbury ed.) '99 Philadelphia, Gebbie
Curé de Tours, and other stories. 267p 80c '97 Holt
Daughter of Eve. 332p '95 Roberts
Distinguished provincial at Paris [and other stories]. 2v in 1 '99 Philadelphia, Gebbie
Duchesse de Langeais [and other stories]. 333p '89 Roberts
Fame and sorrow [and other stories]. 338p '90 Roberts
Father Goriot, and other stories. 2v in 1 (Saintsbury ed.) '99 Philadelphia, Gebbie
Father's curse, and other stories. 342p $1.50 '98 Galleiy of antiquities [and An old maid]. 369p '06 Roberts
Jealousies of a country town . . . and other stories 2v in 1 Philadelphia, Gebbie
Juana, and other stories. 516p '96 Roberts
Louis Lambert. 238p '89 Roberts
Love in a mask; or, Imprudence and happiness. 136p $1.00 '11 Rand
Marriage contract [and other stories]. 331p '05 Roberts
Modeste Mignon [and other stories] 2v in 1 (Saintsbury ed.) '99 Philadelphia, Gebbie
Muse of the department, and other stories. 2v in 1 (Saintsbury ed.) '99 Philadelphia, Gebbie
Passion in the desert. 105p '02 Caldwell
Peasantry . . . and other stories. 2v in 1 (Saintsbury ed.) '99 Philadelphia, Gebbie
Pierrette [and The vicar of Tours]. 337p '92 Roberts
Seraphita. 275p '89 Roberts
Seraphita . . . and other stories. 2v in 1 (Saintsbury ed.) '99 Philadelphia, Gebbie
Start in life [and other stories]. 421p '95 Roberts
Wild ass's skin . . . and other stories. 2v in 1 (Saintsbury ed.) '99 Philadelphia, Gebbie
Woman of thirty . . . and other stories. 2v in 1 (Saintsbury ed.) '99 Philadelphia, Gebbie
Bandello, Matteo
Twelve stories, selected and done into English by Percy Pinkerton. 342p '95 London, Nimmo
Bangs, J. K.
Alice in Blunderland; an irridescent dream. 124p '07 Doubleday
Autobiography of Methuselah. 185p '09 Dodge
Bikey the skicycle, and other tales of Jimmie'boy. 321p '02 New York, Riggs
Booming of Acre hill, and other reminiscences of urban and suburban life. 265p $1.25 '00 Harper
Dreamers. A club. $1.25 '99 Harper
Enchanted typewriter. 170p $1.25 '99 Harper
Ghosts I have met and some others. 191p $1.25 '98 Harper
Idiot, 115p $1.25 '95 Harper
Jack and the checkbook. 235p $1.00 '11 Harper
Little book of Christmas. 173p $1.00 '12 Little
Mantel-piece ministrels, and other stories. 16mo $4p '96 New York, Russell
Mr. Munchausen; being a true account of some of the recent adventures beyond the Styx. . . 12mo 180p '01 Boston, Noyes
Mrs. Raffles; being the adventures of an amateur crackswoman, narrated by Bunny. . . 16mo 179p '05 Harper
Over the plum-pudding. 244p $1.15 '01 Harper
Paste jewels, being seven tales of domestic woe. 202p $1.00 '97 Harper
Potted fiction. . . 16mo 132p '08 New York, Doubleday
R. Holmes and Co. 231p $1.25 '06 Harper
Roger Camerden. A strange story. 102p '87 New York, Coombes
Water ghost and others. 296p '94 Harper
Barr, Robert
Face and the mask. 16mo 250p (c '93) Stokes
From whose bourne, etc. . . 12mo 210p (c '96) Stokes
In a steamer chair, and other shipboard stories. 278p 75c '92 Cassell
Lady Eleanor: lawbreaker. 182p '11 Rand
One day's courtship, and The heralds of fame. 207p '96 Stokes
Watermead affair. 127p '06 Altemus
Woman wins. 313p '04 Stokes
Barrie, Sir James M.
Novels, tales and sketches of J. M. Barrie. (Autor's ed.) 11v '96-'03 Scribner
Auld licht idylls. Lovell
Auld licht manse. 256p '93 New York, Knox
Better dead. 198p 189-? Lovell
Jess. 148p '98 Estes
Tillyloss scandal. 270p Lovell
Two of them. 282p (c '93) Lovell
Window in Thrums. 272p '96 Dodd
Bates, Arlo
Book o' nine tales. 332p '91 Roberts
In the bundle of time. 359p '93 Roberts
Intoxicated ghost. 303p $1.35 '08 Houghton
Mr.Jacobs, a tale of the drummer, the reporter and the pretidigitateur. (A staire on Crawford's Mr. Isaacs.) 12mo 39p '83 Clark
Bazin, René
Ink-stain. 333p '05 Paris, Maison Mazarin
Marriage of mademoiselle Gimel, and other stories; tr. by E. K. Hoyt. 270p $1.35 '13 Scribner
Bellamy, Edward
Blindman's world, and other stories. 415p $1.50 '98 Houghton
Dr. Heiderihoni> process. 140p '80 Appleton
Six to one; a Nan tucket idyl. 176p '78 Putnam
Beach, Rex EJlmgwood
The crimson gardenia, and other tales of adventure, 377p $1.30 '16 Harper
Lajutfnng Bill Hyde, and other stories. 392p '17 Harper
Too fat to fight. . . 12mo 55p (c '19) Harper
Bennett, E. A.
Grim smile of the Five Towns. 302p '07 Chapman
Matador of the Five Towns, and other stories. 420p '12 Doran
Tales of the Five Towns. 321p '10 London, Chatto
Benson, Edward F.
Countess of Lowndes Square, and other stories. 12mo 311p n d Cassell
Double overture. 222p '94 Chicago, C. H. bergel co.
Judgment books, a story. 12mo 176p '95 Harper
Room in the tower, and other stories. 338p '12 London, Mills & Boon
Beresford, John Davys
Nineteen impressions, 12mo 220p '18 London, bidgwick & Jackson
Signs and wonders. 12mo 151p '21 Pitman
Besant, Sir Walter
Five years' tryst, and other stories, 300p '02 Methuen
In deacon's orders, and other stories, 279p $1.25 '95 Harper
'Twas in Trafalgar's bay, and other stories. 399p '88 Dodd
Uncle Jack, and other stories. 191p '85 Harper
Verbena Camellia Stephanotis, and other stories. 8vo 338p '92 Harper
Besant, Sir Walter, and Rice, James
Case of Mr. Lucraft, and other tales. 367p '88 Dodd
When the ship comes home. 182p '77 Harper
Bierce, Ambrose
Collected works. 10v '09-'11 New York and Washington
Can such things be? 320p $1.50 '18 Boni & Liveright
Bikelas, Demetrios
Tales from the Ægean; tr. by L. E. Opdycke. 258p '94 McClurg
Bishop, William Henry
Anti-babel and other such doings. . . 12mo 251p $1.50 '19 New York, Neale
Brownstone boy, and other queer people. 282p '88 Cassell
Choy Susan, and other stories. 349p '85 Houghton
Pound of cure; a story of Monte Carlo, 200p '94 Quee" people. 282p '02 New York, Street
Björnson, Björnstjerne
Novels. 8v '97 Macmillan
Absalom's hair; and A painful memory. 210p '98 Macmillan
Arne and The fisher lassie; tr. by W. Low. 142, 184p '94 Bell
Bridal march, and other stories; tr. by R. B. Anderson. 201p '82 Houghton
Captain Mansana, and other stories; tr. by R. B. Anderson. 256p '82 Houghton
Happy boy. A tale of Norwegian peasant life, tr. by R. B. Anderson. 165p '81 Houghton
Happy lad. A story of peasant life in Norway, and other tales. '82 London, Blackie
Life by the fells and fiords. A Norwegian sketch book. '79 London, Strahan
Black, William
Adventure in Thule, three stories for boys. 232p '93 Harper
Four Macnicols, and other tales, 110p '83 Lovell
Lady Silverdale's sweetheart, and other tales. 215p '92 Harper
Maid of Killeena, and The marriage of Moira Fergus. 297p '92 Harper
Penance of John Logan, and two other tales. 311p '93 Harper
Wise women of Inverness. 229p '93 Harper
Blackwood, Algernon
Day and night stories. . . 12mo 228p (c '17) Dutton
Empty house, and other ghost stories. 12mo 316p '06 London, E. Nash
Garden of survival. 12mo 168p (c '18) Dutton
Incredible adventures. 12mo 358p '14 Macmillan
John Silence, a physician extraordinary. 12mo 345p (c '20) Button.
Lost valley, and other stories. . . 12mo 328p '14 New York, Vaughan & Gomme
Listener, and other stories. 12mo 350p '07 London, E. Nash
Pan's garden: a volume of nature stories. . . 530p '12 Macmillan
Blackwood, Algernon, and Wilson, Wilfred
Wolves of God, and other fey stories. 12mo 320p (c '21) Dutton
Bland, E. N.
In homespun. 189p '96 Roberts
Literary sense. 324p '03 Macmillan
Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente
Luna Benamor . . . tr. from the original Spanish by Isaac Goldberg. 12mo 209p '19 Boston, Luce
Bottome, Phyllis
The derelict, and also The liquer glass, Mademoiselle l'Anglaise, The akward turn, The siren's isle Iron stone, The pace, Brother Leo. 12mo 384p '17 Century
Helen of Troy, and Rose, 12mo 267p '18 Century
Boyesen, H. H.
Ilka on the hill-top, and other stories. 240p '81 Scribner
Modern vikings: stories of life and sport in the Norseland. 274p $1.25 '87 Scribner
Norseland tales. 247p $1.25 '94 Scribner
Queen Titania. 254p '81 Scribner
Tales from two hemispheres. 283p '77 Osgood
Vagabond tales. 332p '89 Lothrop
Bourget, P. C. J.
Andre Cornells. 288p '99 Paris, Lemerre
Antigone, and other portraits of women; tr. by William Marchant. 297p $1.50 '98 Scribner
Domestic dramas. 363p '00 Scribner
Love crime. 193p '05 New York, Society des BeauxArts
Monica, and other stories. 289p $1.50 '02 Scribner
Pastels of men; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. 2 series 1891-92 Roberts
Saint; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. 82p '95 Roberts
Screen. 152p '01 New York, Taylor
Two sisters, and A confession; tr. by Winnie Barber Millard, 236p (c '12) Kimber
Bremer, Frederika
Comforter, 16p '44 Boston, Redding
Easter offering; tr. by M. Howitt. 223p '50 London, Colburn
H— family . . . and other tales; tr. by M. Howitt. 2 v '44 London, Longman
Brofeldt, JuhaniSee Aho, Juhani
Brown, Alice
Country neighbors. 361p $1.20 '10 Houghton
County road. 341p $1.35 '06 Houghton
Day of his youth. 143p $1.00 '97 Houghton
Flying Teuton, and other stories. . . 12mo 321p '18 Macmillan
High noon. 308p $1.35 '04 Houghton
Homespun and gold. . . 12mo 301p '20 Macmillan
Judgment. 194p '03 Harper
King's end. 246p '01 Houghton
Meadow Grass. Tales of New England life. 315p $1.35 '99 Houghton
Merrylinks. 91p '03 Macmillan
One-footed fairy. 182p $1.25 '11 Koughton
Rose of hope. 15p '96 Cambridge
Tiverton tales. 339p $1.35 '99 Houghton
Vanishing points. 352p $1.25 '13 Macmillan
Brown, John
Marjorie Fleming. 64p '00 Altemus
Rab and his friends, and other, dog stories. 150p '02 Rand
Spare hours. 455p '62 Ticknor
Bunin, Ivan Aleksieevich
Gentleman from San Francisco, and other stories. 12mo 135p '23 Seltzer
Lazarus, by Leonid Andreyev. The gentleman from San Francisco; tr. by Abraham Yarmolinsky. 8vo 58p '18 Stratford
Bunner, H. C.
Jersey street and Jersey lane; urban and suburban sketches. . . 12mo 201p '96 Scribner
Love in old cloathes, and other stories. 217p $1.35 '96 Scribner
"Made in France"; French tales retold with a United States twist. 207p '93 Keppler & Schwarzmann
More "short sixes." 229p '94 Keppler & Schwarzmann
"Short sixes"; stories to be read while the candle burns. 232p '01 Keppler & Schwarzmann
Stories of H C. Bunner. 2nd series. 372p '16 Scribner
Stories of H. C. Bunner. 1st series; with an introd. note by Brander Matthews. 434p'16 Scribner
Story of a New York house. 152p $1.25 '87 Scribner
Zadoc pine, and other stories. 256p '91 Scribner
Burke, Thomas
Limehouse nights. 8vo 311p $1.50 '17 McBride
More limehouse nights. 12mo $1.90 '21 Doran
Burnett, F. H.
Cosy lion, as told by Queen Crosspatch. 104p 60c '07 Century
Dawn of a tomorrow. 155p $1.00 '06 Scribner
Earlier stories, ist series. 2v $1.25 '91 Scribner
Editha's burglar. A story for children. 64p '88 Boston, Jordan, Marsh & Co.
Good wolf, 125p $1.00 '08 Moffat
In the closed room. 129p '04 McClure
Jarl's daughter, and other stories. 146p '79 Philadelphia, Peterson
Jarl's daughter, and other novelettes. 180p '83 Philadelphia, Peterson
Land of the blue flower, 12mo 67p '16 Moffatt
Lindsay's luck. A love story. 192p '83 Philadelphia, Peterson
Some of us are married. . . 12mo 380p '20 Doubleday
Suburban whirl, and other stories of married life. 202p '07 McClure
Daudet, Alphonse
Works. 24v ea $1.00 '99-'00 Little
La belle-Nivernaise, and other stories. 221p '95 Crowell
Fig and the idler; an Algerian legend. 103p '92 London, Unwin
Letters from my mill; tr. by F. H. Potter. 263p '93 Dodd
Letters to an absent one [in Daudet, A. Novels and romances]. 326, 248p (c '99, '09) Little
Monday tales; Letters from my mill; Letters to an absent one. 248p $1.00 '00 Little
Davis, C. B.
Borderland of society. 247p $1.25 Stone
Her own sort, and others. 341p $1.35 net '17 Scribner
Lodger overhead, and others. 370p $1.35 '09 Scribner
Stage door. 360p $1.35 '08 Scribner
Tales of the town. 339p $1.30 '11 Duffield
Davis, Rebecca H.
Bits of gosssp. 233p $1.25 '04 Houghton
Kent Hampden. 152p $1.00 '92 Scribner
Silhouettes of American life. 280p '92 Scribner
Davis, Richard Harding
Novels and stories. 12mo '16 Scribner
Bar sinister. 108p $1.00 '03 Scribner
Boy scout, and other stories for boys, 12mo $1.25 '17 Scribner
Cinderella, and other stories. 205p $1.00 '06 Scribner
Consul. 62p 50c '11 Scribner
Episodes in Van Bibber's life, 50c '99 Harper
Farces. 332p $1.50 '06 Scribner
Gallegher, and other stories. $1.00 '91 Scribner
Exiles, and other stories. 221p $1.50 '94 Harper
In the fog. 155p '01 Russell
King's jackal. 197p $1.25 '99 Scribner
Lion and the unicorn. 204p $1.25 '99 Scribner
Lion and the unicorn. 295p $1.25 '03 Scribner
Lost road. 266p $1.25 '13 Scribner
Man who could not lose. 354p $1.25 '11 Scribner
"Miss Civilization," a comedy in one act. 47p 50c '05 Scribner
Once upon a time. 280p $1.35 '10 Scribner
Princess Aline. 163p $1.25 '99 Harper
Ranson's folly. 345p $1.35 '02 Scribner
Red Cross girl. 270p $1.25 '12 Scribner
Scarlet car. 230p $1.25 '10 Scribner
"Somewhere in France." 224p $1.00 '15 Scribner
Stories for boys. 204p $1.00 '91 Scribner
Van Bibber and others. 249p $1.00 '92 Harper
Vera, the medium. "Miss Civilization." 215p $1.35 '10 Scribner
Deiand, M. W. C.
Around old Chester. 377p $1.35 '15 Harper
Dr. Lavendar's people. 369p $1.50 '03 Harper
Encore. 78p $1.50 '07 Harper
Good for the soul. 86p 50c '99 Harper
Hands of Esau. . . 8vo 85p $1.00 '14 Harper
Mr. Tommy Dove, and other stories. 2809 '93 Houghton
Old Chester secret. . . 12mo 125p (c '20) Harper
Old Chester tales. 359p $1.50 '98 Harper
Partners. . . 8vo 114p $1.00 '13 Harper
Promises of Alice; the romance of a New England parsonage. . . 12mo 130p '19 Harper
R. J.'s mother, and other people. 312p $1.50 '08 Harper
Voice. 85p $1.00 '12 Harper
Way to peace. 94p $1.50 '10 Harper
Where the laborers are few. 86p $1.50 '09 Harper
Wisdom of fools. 248p $1.25 '97 Houghton
De Quincey, Thomas
Collected writings; ed. by David Masson. v 12 (Tales and romances). 467p '97 London, Black
[The stories indexed appear in all complete editions under the title Tales and Romances, therefore the separate editions have not been indexed.]
Dickens, Charles
[Note: It has not been deemed necessary to index separately even a small proportion of the many editions of Dickens. There is unfortunately some variation in the groups of stories included by the different editors under the titles Christmas Books and Christmas Stories, but the authorized editions are nearly uniform, and a story listed as in "Christmas Books" or "Sketches by Boz," will usually be found in the volume of that title in any edition.]
Works; tr. and ed. by F. C. de Sumichrast. (Pocket ed.) 11v $1.50 each '12 Little
Works. (Sumichrast ed.) 24v '01 New York, Sproul
Gerould, Mrs. Katharine Fullerton
Great ( tradition, and other stories. 353p $1.35 '15 Scribner
Vain oblations. 324p $1.35 '14 Scribner
Valiant dust. 12mo 347p '22 Scribner
Gibbon, Perceval
Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases. 293p '06 McClure
Gissing, George
Human odds and ends; stories and sketches. 12mo 308p '11 London, Sidgwick
House of cobwebs, and other stories. 300p $1.50 '06 Dutton
Glinski, Antoni Józef
Polish fairy tales; tr. . . by Maude Ashurst Biggs. . . 12mo 96p '20 New York, Lane
Glaspell, Susan
Lifted masks. 257p $1.00 '12 Stokes
Gogol, N. V.
Cossack tales; tr. by George Tolstoi. '60 London, Blackwood
Evenings in little Russia; tr. by E. W. Underwood and W. H. Cline. 153p '93 London, Evanston
Mantle, and other stories; tr. by Claud Field, and with an introd. on Gogol by Prosper Merimée. 249p '16 Stokes
St. John's eve, and other stories; tr. by I. F. Hapgood. 383p '86 Crowell
Taras Bulba; St. John's eve, and other tales. '87 London, Vizettelly
Gorky, Maxim
Chelkash, and other stories; tr. from the Russian. . . 12mo 244p '16 Knopf
Creatures that once were men; tr. by J. K. M Shirazi. 75c '05 Funk
Heartache; and The old woman Izerofel. '05 London, Maclaren
Individualists; Cain and Artème; Strange companion. '06 London, Maclaren
Orloff and his wife; tales of the barefoot brigade; tr. by I. F. Hapgood. $1.00 '01 Scribner
Stories of the steppe . . . tr. by H. T. Schnittkind and Isaac Goldberg. 59p '18 Boston, Stratford
Tales; tr. from the Russian by R. N. Bain 285p $1.20 '02 Funk
Tales of two countries. 243p '14 Huebsch
Twenty-six and one, and other stories; tr by I. Strannik. '02 New York, Taylor
Twenty-six men and a girl [and other stories]; tr. by E. Jakowleff and D. B. Montefiore '02 London, Duckworth
Grahame, Kenneth
Dream days. 228p $1.00 (c '98) Lane
Grand, Sarah
Our manifold nature; stories from life. 235p '94 Appleton
Grant, Robert
Bachelor's Christmas, and other stories. 309p $1.35 '95 Scribner
Knave of hearts; a fairy story. ig8p '86 Ticknor
Law-breakers, and other stories. 277p $1.25 '06 Scribner
Gray, David
Ensign Russell. 16mo 241p '12 Century
Gallops. 226p $1.25 '98 Century
Gallops 2. 255p $1.25 '03 Century
Mr. Carteret, and others. 218p $1.00 '10 Century
Green, A. K.
Amethyst box. 151p '05 Bobbs-Merrill
Difficult problem, and other stories. 344p '00 New York, Lupton
Doctor, his wife, and the clock. 131p '95 Putnam
Golden slipper, and other problems for Violet
Strange. 425p $1.35 '15 Putnam
House in the mist. 149p '05 Bobbs-Merrill
Old stone house, and other stories. 202p 75c '91 Putnam
7-12; a detective story. 114p '87 Putnam
Three thousand dollars. 157p $1.00 '10 Badger
To the minute, Scarlet and black; two tales of life's perplexities. . . 8vo 226p $1.00 '16 Putnam
X Y Z; a detective story. 97p '83 Putnam
Greene, Frederick, Stuart, ed.
Grim thirteen; short stories, by thirteen authors of standing, ed. by Frederick Stuart Greene; with an introd. by Edward J. O'Brien. . . 12mo 385p '17 Dodd
Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason
Labrador days; tales of the sea toilers. 230p $1.50 '19 Houghton
Tales of the Labrador. . . 239p $1.25 '16 Houghton
Off the rocks; stories of the deep-sea fisherfolk of Labrador. 203p '06 Philadelphia, Sunday School Times co
Gunnarson, Gunnar
Guest the One-eyed; tr. from the Danish ... by W. W. Worster. 340p '22 Knopf
Haggard, H. R.
Allan the hunter; a tale of three lions and Prince, another lion, 111p '98 Lothrop
Elissa; the doom of Zimbabwe. Black Heart and White Heart; a Zulu idyll. 246, 105p $1.25 '00 Longmans
Mahatma and the hare; a dream story. 165p $1.00 '11 Holt
Maiwa's revenge. 157p '88 Harper
Missionary and the witch-doctor. 12mo 64p '20 New York, Paget
Smith and the pharaohs and other tales. . . 12mo 316p '21 Longmans
Tales of three lions. 58p New York, Lovell
Hale, E. E.
Works. 10v $1.50 each '98-'01 Little
Aunt Caroline's present. 36p '95 Boston, J. S. Smith
Back to back. A story of today. 98p '78 Harper
Brick-moon, and other stories. 569p $1.50 '99 Little
Christmas eve and Christmas day. 294p '73 Roberts
Christmas in Narragansett. 293p Funk
Colonel Clipsham's calendar. 51p '95 Boston, Smith
Crusoe in New York, and other tales. 259p '80 Roberts
Daily bread; a story of a snow blockade. 44p '88 Boston, Smith
Four and five; a story of a Lend-a-hand club. 194p '91 Roberta
Hands off. 30p '95 Boston, Smith
His level best, and other stories. 293p '77 Roberts
If, yes, and perhaps. Four possibilities and six exaggerations, with some bits of fact. 296p '74 Boston, Osgood
In His name. 268p $1.50 '01 Little
Man without a country, and other stories. 397p $1.50 '98 Little
My double and how he undid me. 50p '95 Boston, Lawson
My friend the boss. A story of today. 191p '88 Boston, Smith
One good turn. 37p '93 Boston, Smith
Red and white; a Christmas story. 41p '87 Boston, Smith
Safe deposit. 43p '95 Boston, Smith
Susan's escort, and others. 416p '97 Harper
Ten times one is ten. 439p $1.50 '99 Little
Hallstrom, Per A. L.
Short stories tr. from the Swedish by F. J. Fielden. . . 12mo 293p '22 Scandinavian Foundation
Harben, w. N.
Mute confessor; the romance of a southern town. 92p '00 New York, Street & Smith
North walk mystery. 178p '79 New York, Street & Smith
Northern Georgia sketches. 305p '00 McClurg
Halévy, Ludovic
Abbe Constantin, and other stories. 311p $1.00 '95 Burt
Autumn manoeuvres. 239p '98 New York, Richmond
Catherine Duval; sketches of Paris life. 203p '99 Page
Marriage for love. 98p '90 Dodd
Parisian points of view. 195p $1.00 '94 Harper
Hardy, Arthur Sherburne
Diane and her friends. 298p '14 Houghton
Hardy, Thomas
Changed man; The waiting supper, and other tales. 405p $1.35 '13 Harper
Group of noble dames. 292p $1.50 '91 Harper
Life's little ironies. 268p $1.50 '94 Harper
Romantic adventures of a milkmaid. A novel. 180 '83 New York, Munro
Wessex tales. 214p $1.50 '88 Harper
Harland, Henry
Comedies and errors. 344p $1.30 '98 Lane
Gray roses. 208p $1.25 '95 Roberts
Latin-quarter courtship. 269p '89 Cassell
Mademoiselle Miss, and other stories. 102p $1.25 '04 Lane
Two voices. 106p '90 Cassell
Harraden, Beatrice
In varying moods. 286p '94 Putnam
Little Rosebud; or, Things will take a turn. 131p '98 Boston, Estes
Thirteen all told. 12mo. 249p '21 London, Methuen
Umbrella mender. 17p '94 New York, Ogilvie
Untold tales of the past. 243p '97 Dodd
Harris, J. C.
Balaam and his master, and other sketches and stories. 293p $1.25 '91 Houghton
Bishop and the boogerman. 184p $1.00 '09 Doubleday
Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann. 210p $1.35 '99 Scribner
Daddy Jake the runaway, and short stories told after dark. 198p $1.25 '04 Century
Free Joe, and other Georgian sketches. 236p $1.00 '87 Scribner
Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his queer country. 230p $1.80 '94 Houghton
Little Union scout. 181p '04 McClure
Making of a statesman, and other stories. 246p '02 McClure
Mingo, and other sketches in black and white. 273p '84 Osgood
Mr. Rabbit at home; a sequel to Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his queer country. 304p $1.80 Houghton
Nights with Uncle Remus; myths and legends of the old plantation. 416p '83 Boston, Osgood
On the wing of occasions. 310p '00 Doubleday
Plantation pageants. 8vo 247p '99 Houghton
Plantation printer; the adventures of a Georgia boy during the war. 191p '92 London. Osgood
Shadow between his shoulder-blades. 132p 50c '09 Boston, Small
Story of Aaron (so named) the son of Ben AH, told by his friends and acquaintances. 198p $1.80 '96 Houghton
Tales of home folks in peace and war. 417p $1.35 '98 Houghton
Told by Uncle Remus; new stories of the old plantation. 295p $2.00 '05 McClure
Uncle Remus and his friends. 357p $1.40 '92 Houghton
Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. 265p $2.00 '11 Appleton
My tussle with the devil, and other stories, by O. Henry's Ghost. (Supposed to have been dictated to the ouija board). 197p '18 New York, I. M. Y. co.
Hergesheimer, Joseph
Dark fleece. 8vo 134p '22 Knopf
Gold and iron. 12mo 331p '18 Knopf
Happy end. 315p '19 Knopf
Tubal Cain. 12mo 146p '22 Knopf
Wild oranges. 12mo 128p '22 Knopf
Herrick, Robert
Conscript mother. 12mo 99p '16 Scribner
Literary love-letters, and other stories. 245p '97 Scribner
Love's dilemmas. 193p '98 Chicago, Stone
Man who wins. 125p '97 Scribner
Master of the inn. 84p 50c '08 Scribner
Their child. 95p '03 Macmillan
Hewlett, M. H.
Fond adventures; tales of the youth of the world. 339p $1.50 '05 Harper
Judgment of Borso; a little novel of Ferrara. 90p '99 Macmillan
Letters to Sanchia upon things as they are, from the correspondence of Mr. John Maxwell Senhouse. . . (Extracted from "Open Country.") 12mo 85p 90c '10 Scribner
Light heart. 12mo 188p $1.75 '20 Holt
Love of Proserpine . . . 8vo 245p $1.35 '13 Scribner
Little novels of Italy. 343p $1.35 '99 Macmillan
Madonna of the peach tree. 66p '99 Macmillan
New Canterbury tales. 262p $1.35 '02 Macmillan
Quattrocentisteria. 55p '02 Philadelphia, Altemus
Ruinous face. 43p $1.00 '09 Harper
Sacrifice at Prato. 23p '08 Englewood, N. J., Hillside press
Saint Gervase of Plessy. 44p '00 Macmillan
Heyse, P. J. L.
L'Arrabiata, and other tales. 274p '67 London, S. Low, Marston and Rivington
At the ghost hour. Mid-day magic; tr. by F. A. Van Santford. '94 Dodd
At the ghost hour. The fair Abigail; tr. by F. A. Van Santford. 72p '94 Dodd
At the ghost hour. The forest laugh; tr. by F. A. Van Santford. 60p '94 Dodd
At the ghost hour. The house of the unbelieving Thomas; tr. by F. A. Van Santford. 96p '94 Dodd
Barbarossa, and other tales; tr. by L. C. S. 302p '74 London, Low
Dead lake, and other tales. 312p '70 London, Low
Divided heart, and other stories; tr. by C. S. Copeland. 240p '94 Brentano
Selected stories. 64p '86 Chicago, Schich
Solitaries. 54p '70 Philadelphia, Claxton
Tales from the German. 281p '79 Appleton
Witch of the Corso; tr. by G. W. Ingraham. 18p '82 New York, Munro
Words never to be forgotten, and The donkey. 139p New York, Hoff
Hibbard, G. A.
Governor, and other stories. 292p $1.00 '92 Scribner
Iduna, and other stories. 296p '91 Harper
Nowadays, and other stories. 268p '93 Harper
Hichens, R. S.
After tomorrow. 74p (c '95) New York, Merriam
Black spaniel, and other stories. 280p '05 Stokes
Bye-ways. 356p $1.35 '97 Dodd
Folly of Eustace, and other stories. 175p '96 Appleton
Hindu. 8vo 339 250 '17 Ainslee
Packet of hashish. 12mo 27p '11 New York, Paget
Snake-bite, and other stories. 12mo 351p '19 Cassell
Tongues of conscience. 368p $1.50 '00 Stokes
Hogg, James
Tales and sketches, by the Ettrick Shepherd. 6v '78 Nimmo, London
Hoffmann, E. T. W.
Hoffmann's strange stories. From the German. 444p '55 Boston. Burnham
Nutcracker and Mouseking; tr. from the German, by Mrs. St. Simon. 138p '53 Appleton
Weird tales; a new tr. from the German . . . by J. T. Bealby. 2v '85 Scribner
Hopkins, M. S. B.
Change of heart; six love stories. 171p $1.25 '03 Harper
Jimty, and others. 325p '08 Harper
"Perchance to dream," and other stories. 267p '92 Dodd
Sixth sense, and other stories. 273p $1.25 Harper
Hopkins, W. J.
Burbury stoke. $1.25 '13 Houghton
Clammer. 255p $1.20 '06 Houghton
Meddlings of Eve. 297p $1.00 '10 Houghton
Hornung, E. W.
Amateur cracksman. 290p $1.25 '99 Scribner
Bride from the bush. 104p 75c (c '00) New York, Street
Conquering corps badge, and other stories of the Philippines. 309p '02 Milwaukee, Rhoades
Starlight ranch, and other stories of army life on the frontier. 260p '90 Lippincott
King, G. E.
Balcony stories. 245p '93 Century
Monsieur Motte. 327p '88 New York, Armstrong
Tales of time and place. 303p '92 Harper
Kipling, Rudyard
[Works] Doubleday
Writings in prose and verse. (Outward bound ed.) '99 Scribner
Army of a dream. 63p '04 Doubleday
Courting of Dinah Shadd, and other stories. 182p '90 Harper
Diversity of creatures. 443p $1.50 '17 Doubleday
Many inventions. 427p '93 Appleton
——365p '93 Macmillan
Mine own people. 325p '99 Caldwell
Mulvaney stories. 230p '97 Altemus
Phantom 'rickshaw, and other tales. 391p '90 Lovell
——243p '98 Philadelphia, Altemus
——222p '99 Caldwell
——225p '09 Nottingham Society
Soldier stories. 203p '96 Macmillan
——'00 Doubleday
Soldiers three. 303p (c '99) Caldwell
——409p and 165p '90 Lovell
——313p '09 Nottingham Society
Under the deodars. 224p '99 Caldwell
——147p '90 Lovell
——234p '09 Nottingham Society
——86, 51p '90 U. S. Book Co.
Wee Willie Winkie, and other stories. 156p '99 Caldwell
——'99 Lovell
Kirk, Mrs. E. O.
Better times stories. 400p '89 Ticknor
Fairy gold. 114p '83 Lippincott
Love in idleness. A summer story. 131p '77 Lippincott
Revolutionary love story, and The high steeple of St. Chrysostom's. 255p '98 Chicago, Stone
Korolenko, V. G.
Birds of heaven, and other stories . . . tr. from the Russian by Clarence Augustus Manning. 12mo 222p $1.50 '19 Duffield
Blind musician; tr. by Aline Delano, 244p '90 Little
In two moods also, In bad society. 288p (c '91) New York
Lovell Makar's dream, and other stories, tr. from the Russian with an introd. by Marian Fell. (Eng. edition pub. under title "Murmuring forest, and other stories.") 297p $1.50 '16 Duffield
Murmuring forest, and other stories . . . tr. from the Russian with an introd. by Marian Fell. '16 London, Duckworth
Vagrant, and other tales; tr. by Mrs. Aline Delano. 285p (c '97) Crowell
Kouyoumadjan, Dikran
London venture, by Michael Arlen [pseud.] . . . 12mo 188p $1.50 '20 Dodd
Romantic lady, by Michael Arden [pseud.]. 12mo 248p '16 Boston, Luce
Kuprin, Alexsandr Ivanovich
Bracelet of garnets, and other stories; authorized tr. by Leo Pasvolsky . . . 12mo 266p '17 Scribner
River of life, and other stories; tr. from the Russian by S. Koteliansky and J. M. Murry 248p '16 Boston. Luce
Slav soul, and other stories. '16 Putnam
Lagerlöf, Selma
Christ legends; tr. by V. S. Howard. 272p $1.23 '08 Holt
From a Swedish homestead; tr. by J. Brochner 376p '01 McClure
Girl from the Marsh croft; tr. by V. S. Howard 277p $1.50 '10 Little
Invisible links; tr. by B. B. Flach. 286p $1.50 '12 Little
Legend of the sacred image; tr. by V. S. Howard 16mo 44p '14 Holt
Queens at Kungahalla, and other sketches; tr. by C. Field . . . 12mo '17 London, T. Werner Laurie
Thy soul shall bear witness! . . . tr. by William Frederick Harvey. 12mo 190p '21 London, Frederick Harvey
Lamb, Charles
Life, letters, and writings. (Temple ed.) 6v '95 London, Gibbings
Works of Charles and Mary Lamb. Ed. by E. V. Lucas 7v '03 Putnam
[Works.] Ed. by William MacDonald 12v '07 Dutton
Essays of Elia. (Any ed.)
Lamb, Mary
See Lamb, Charles. Works of Charles and Mary Lamb. Lucas
La Motte Fouqué, F. H. K.
Aslauga's knight, a romance. 42p '46 London, Lumley
Lang, Andrew
Disentanglers. 418p $1.50 '02 Longmans
Lawrence, David Herbert
England, my England, and other stories. 12mo 273p '22 New York, Seltzer
Prussian officer, and other stories. 12mo 310p '14 London, Duckorth
Lefèvre, Edwin
Golden flood. 199p $1.00 '05 McClure
Plunderers, a novel. 333p '16 Harper
Wall street stories. 224p '01 McClure
Le Gallienne, Richard
Maker of rainbows, and other fairy tales and fables. $1.25 '12 Harper
Painted shadows. '04 Little
Romances of old France. 175p '05 Baker & Taylor
Lewald-Stahr, Fanny
Stories and novels, 91p (c '85) Chicago, Schich
Lewis, A. H.
Apaches of New York. 272p 50c '12 Dillingham
Faro Nell and her friends; Wolfville stories. 348p $1.25 '13 Dillingham
Wolfville. 337p $1.50 '97 Stokes
Wolfville days. 311p $1.50 '02 Stokes
Wolfville nights. 326p $1.50 '02 Stokes
Lie, Jonas L. I.
Weird tales from the northern seas; tr. from the Danish . . . by R. Nisbert Bain . . . 8vo 201p '93 London, Paul Trench
Lewis, Margaret Cameron
Bachelor and the baby. 42p 50c '08 Harper
Cat and the canary. 62p $1.00 '08 Harper
Comedies in miniature 376p $1.25 '03 McClure
Golden rule Dollivers. 187p $1.00 '13 Harper
Tangles; tales of some droll predicaments. 367p $1.30 '12 Harper
Liljencrantz, O. A.
Viking's love, and other tales of the North. 74p '11 McClirg
Lindau, Rudolf
Gordon Baldwin, and The philosopher's pendulum. 163p '78 Appletons
Liquidated, and The seer. 179p '78 Appleton
Our little world; tr. by C. D. Wilder 149p '89 St. Paul, McGill
Stories and novels. 94p '85 Chicago, Schich
Litchfield, G. D.
Knight of the Black Forest. 169p 75c '85 Putnam
Little Venice, and other stories. 298p 75c '90 Putnam
Locke, William John
Apostle. 12mo 32p '21 Lane
Christmas mystery; the story of three wise men. 54p $1.25 '10 Lane
Demagogue and Lady Phayre. 155p (c '95) New York, Arnold
Far-away stories. (Contents of 1916 edition not quite the same) 12mo 265p '19 Lane
Viviette . . . 12mo 198p $1.00 '16 Lane
London, Jack
Brown Wolf, and other Jack London stories as chosen by Franklin K. Mathiews . . . 12mo 312p '20 Macmillan
Children of the frost. $1.50 '02 Macmillan
Dutch courage and other stories. 12mo iSop '22 Macmillan
Faith of men, and other stories. 286p $1.50 '04 Macmillan
Game. 182p $1.50 '05 Macmillan
God of his fathers, and other stories. 12mo 200p '09 Doubleday
House of pride, and other tales of Hawaii. 232p $1.20 '12 Macmillan
Lost face. 240p $1.50 '10 Macmillan
Love of life, and other stories. 265p $1.50 '06 Maemillan
Moon-face, and other stories. 273p $1.50 '06 Macm millan
Shepherd who watched by night. 12mo 39p '16 Scribner
Tommy rot's visit to Santa Claus. 94p '08 Scribner
Two little confederates. 156p $1.35 '88 Scribner
Two prisoners. 82p '98 New York, Russell
Unc' Edinburg; a plantation echo, 55p $1.00 '95 Scribner
Under the crust. 307p $1.35 '07 Scribner
Strangers' pew. 12mo 21p '14 Scribner
Paget, V.
Hauntings; fantastic stories. 237p (c '90) New York, Lovell
Legend of Madame Kasinska. 75c '03 Portland, Mosher
Phantom lover. 134p '86 Roberts
Pope Jacynth, and other fantastic tales. 200p '07 Lane
Vanitas; polite stories, including the hitherto unpublished story entitled A frivolous conversion. 262p '11 London, Lane
Pangborn, G. W.
Interventions. 410p $1.25 '11 Scribner
Parker, Sir Gilbert
Works (Imperial ed.) v 1-16 '12-' '13 Scribner
Adventurer of the North; being a continuation of the histories of Pierre and his people, and the latest existing records of Pretty Pierre. 218p '98 Macmillan
Chief factor. 175p '92 New York, Trow directory co.
Cumner's son, and other South Sea folk. 316p $1.20 '10 Harper
Donovan Pasha, and some people of Egypt. 39^P 02 Appleton
Going of the white swan, 55p 75c '12 Appleton
Hill of pains. 151p '99 Badger
Lane that had no turning. 359p '00 Doubleday
March of the white guard. 133p (c '02) New York, Fenno
Northern lights. 351p $1.50 '09 Harper
Pierre and his people; tales of the far North. 318p '98 Macmillan
Pomp of the Lavillettes. 191p '96 Boston, Lamson
Romany of the snows: second series of An adventure of the North. 203p '08 Macmillan
Tavistock tales. 254p '93 New York, Tait
Translation of a savage. 184p $1.25 '93 Appleton
Unpardonable liar. 185p '00 Chicago, Sergei
Wild youth, and another . . . 12mo 290p '19 SLippincott
Pater, Walter
Miscellaneous studies. '17 Macmillan
Payn, James
In peril and privation; stories of marine disaster retold. 236p '85 Harper
Sunny stories ana some shady ones. 268p '91 Lovell
Peattie, Mrs. Elia Wilkinson
Angel with a broom. 12mo 29p $oc '15 Chicago, Seymour
Castle knight and troubadour. 65p '03 Chicago, Blue Sky press
Edda and the oak. 134p '11 New York, Rand
How Jacques came into the forest of Arden. 16mo n.p. (c '01) Chicago, Blue Sky press
Ickery Ann and other girls and boys. 286p '99 New York, Stone
Mountain woman. 251p '96 Chicago, Way and Williams
Newcomers . . . 12mo 186p $1.25 '17 Houghton
Pippins and cheese. 282p '97 Chicago, Way and Williams
Shape of fear, and other ghostly tales. 175p '99 Macmillan
With scrip and staff; a tale of the children's crusade. 182p '91 New York, Randolph
Pemberton, Max
"Little Huguenot"; a romance of Fontainebleau 177p '05 Dodd
Queen of the jesters and her strange adventures in old Paris, 12mo 28c?p '97 Dodd
Signors of the night. 268p '99 Dodd
Perez de Ayala, Ramon
Prometheus: The fall of the house of Limon: Sunday sunlight; poetic novels of Spanish life . . . prose tr. by Alice P. Hubbard; poems done into English by Grace H. Conkling. 12mo 224p (c '20) Dutton
Perrault, Charles
Fairy tales. Dutton
Old-time stories . . . tr. from the French by A. E. Johnson . . . 8vo 199p '21 Constable
Perrault's fairy tales; newly tr. by S. R. Littlewood. 107p '11 Boston, Estes
Perry, Bliss
Powers at play. 286p '99 Scribner
Salem Kittredge, and other stories. 291p '94 Scribner
Captain's daughter; or, The generosity of the Russian usurper, Pugatscheff; tr. from the Russian by G. C. Hebbe. 8vo. 48p '46 New York, Müller
Prose tales; tr. by T. Keane. (Bohn's standard library); 466p '06 London, G. Bell & Sons
Russian romance; tr. by Mrs. J. B. Telfer. 293p '75 London, King
Pyle, Howard
Garden behind the moon. 192p $1.80 '95 Scribner
Otto of the silver hand. 170p $1.80 '03 Scribner
Pepper and salt; or, Seasoning for young folk. 115p $1.50 '86 Harper
Price of blood; an extravaganza of New York life in 1807. 9p $1.00 '99 Badger
Ruby of Kishmoor. 73p $1.80 '08 Harper
Stolen treasure. 253p $1.25 '07 Harper
Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Corporal Sam, and other stories. 291p '10 London, Smith, Elder
Delectable duchy. 320p '93 Macmillan
Historical tales from Shakespeare. 12mo 435p '00 Scribner
I saw three ships, and other tales. 288p '98 Scribner
la: a love story. 16mo 167p '01 Scribner
Laird's luck, and other fireside tales. 379p '08 Scribner
Mortallpne and Aunt Trinidad. Tales from the Spanish Main. '17 Bristol, Arrowsmith
Noughts and crosses, stories, studies and sketches . . . 12mo 263p '98 Scribner
Old fires and profitable ghosts. 384p $1.35 '00 Scribner
Shakespeare's Christmas, and other stories. 335p $1.50 '05 Longmans
Sleeping beauty, and other fairy tales from the old French, retold by Arthur Quiller-Couch . . . 4to 128p London, Hodder
Two sides of the face; midwinter tales. 3259 '03 Scribner
Wandering heath. 276$ $1.25 '96 Scribner
White Wolf, and other fireside tales. 378p '02 Scribner
Ralph, Julian
Alone in China, and other stories. 282p $2.00 '97 Harper
German policeman. 32p '87 New York, Judge pub co.
People we pass; stories of life among the masses of New York City. 209p $1.25 '96 Harper
Prince of Georgia, and other tales. 161p '99 Harper
Reade, Charles
Course of true love never did run smooth. Boston, De Wolfe, Fiske
Good stories of man and other animals. 69p 900 '84 Harper
Peg Woffington, and other stories, 90c Boston, De Wolfe, Fiske
Wandering heir. 76p '73 Harper
Remington. Frederic
Stories of peace and war. 98p 50c '99 Harper
Sundown Leflare. 114p $1.25 '99 Harper
Rice, Mrs. Alice C. (Hegan)
Captain June . . . 12mo 120p '07 Century
Lovey Mary . . . 12mo 197p '03 Century
Miss Mink's soldier, and other stories. 12mo 221p '18 Century
Rice, Alice Hegan, and Rice, Cale
Turn about tales. 12mo 238p '20 Century 12mo 282p $1.75
Rinehart, Mary Roberts
Affinities, and other stories. 12mo 282p $1.75 (c '20) Doran
Love stories. 352p $1.50 (c '19) Doran
More Tish. 12mo 280p $1.75 '21 Doran
Tish . . . 371p $1.50 '16 Houghton
Twenty-three and a half hours' leave . . . 86p 60c (c '18) Doran
Robertson, Morgan
Down to the sea. . . 12mo 311p '05 Harper
Futility. 12mo 145p (c '98)
Land ho! ... 12mo 321p '05 Harper
Spun-yarn; sea stories . . . 16mo 215p '98 Harper
Spun-yarn; sea stories. 12mo 215p '98 Harper
"Where angels fear to tread, and other tales of the sea. 12mo 302p '99 Century
Wreck of the Titan; or, Futility. Autograph ed. 12mo 243p '14 McClure
Robins, Elizabeth
Below the salt by C. E. Raimond [pseud ] (Amer. ed. published by Stone, Chicago, 1896 omits 'Gustus Frederick, and Lucky Sixpence). 247p '96 London, Heineman
Fatal gift of beauty, and other stories by C. E. Raimond [pseud.] (English ed. pub under} title "Below the Salt") 12mo 249p '96 Chicago, Stone
Mills of the gods. 12mo 158p '08 Moffatt
Ruskin, John
Works. 39v '03-'12 Longmans v 1
Saintine, J. X. B.
Chrisna; the queen of the Danube. A story of Montenegro; tr. by A. T. Wood. 127p '59 New York, Dellessir & Proctor
Picciola: the prison flower of Fenestrella; or, Captivity captive. 221p '93 Appleton
Solitary of Juan Fernandez; or, The real Robinson Crusoe; tr. by A. T. Wilbur 141p '51 Ticknor
Woman's whims; or, the female barometer; tr. by F. Robinson. 98p '50 Baker and Scribner
Schnitzler, Arthur
Shepherd's pipe, and other stories; authorized tr. from the German by O. F. Theis. 12mo 169p '22 Brown
Scott, Sir Walter
[The stories indexed appear in all editions under the volume titles as given, therefore editions are not given]
Seawell, M. E.
Great scoop. 144p 50c '03 Page
History of Lady Betty Stair. 144p $1.25 '97 Scribner
Sedgwick, Anne Douglas (Mrs. Basil de Selincourt)
Autumn crocuses. (Pub. in U.S. under title "Christmas roses") 12mo 305p '20 London, Becker
Christmas roses, and other stories . . . (English ed. has title "Autumn crocuses") 12mo 325p $2.50 '20 Houghton
Nest. 302p $1.25 '13 Century
Third window. 12mo 154p '20 Houghton
Serao, M.
Ballet dancer, and On guard. 266p '01 Harper
Sharp, William
Divine adventure; lona. 434p '11 Duffield
Gypsy Christ, and other tales. 282p '95 Chicago, Stone & Kimball
Pharais and The mountain lovers. 401p '11 Duffield
Re-issue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod. 3v '97 Edinburgh, Geddes
Sin-eater, The washer of the ford, and other legendary moralists. 449p '11 Duffield
Tale of four white swans. 96p '07 Portland, Mosher
Three legends of the Christ child. 41p '08 Portland, Mosher
Vistas, The gypsy Christ, and other prose imaginings. $1.30, $1.25 Duffield
Winged destiny: studies in the spiritual history of the Gael. 393p '11 Duffield
Sherwood, M. P.
Daphne, an autumn pastoral. 167p $1.00 '03 Houghton
Greek romances. Heliodorus, Longus, and Achilles Tatius; tr. by Rev. Rowland Smith, 511p $1.50 '55 London, Bohn (Macmillan)
Hawthorne, Julian, ed.
Library of the world's best mystery and detective stories. 6v $6.50 New York, Review of Reviews
Howells, W. D., ed.
Great modern American stories, an anthology. . . 12mo 432p '20 Boni & Liveright
Howells, W. D., and Alden, H. M., eds.
Quaint courtships. 272p $1.00 '06 Harper
Shapes that haunt the dusk. 301p $1.00 '07 Harper
Under the sunset. 264p $1.00 '06 Harper
Howells, W. D., and others
Whole family; a novel by twelve authors, 314p $1.50 '08 Harper
Jessup, A.
Best American humorous short stories, 12mo 276p '20 Boni & Liveright
Jessup, Alexander, and Canby, H. S., eds.
Book of the short story. 307p $1.10 '09 Appleton
Johnson, Rossi ten, ed.
Little classics. 17v ea $1.00 '00 Houghton
Little French, masterpieces; tr. by G. B. Ives, ed. by
Alexander Jessup. 6v ea $1.25 Putnam
Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L., eds.
Little masterpieces of fiction. Sv ea 75c Doubleday
MacMichael, Charles B., tr.
Short stories from the Spanish; tr. by Charles B. MacMichael. . . 8vo 116p (c '20) Boni & Liveright
McSpadden, Joseph Walker
Famous detective stories, 12mo 323p (c '20) Crowell
Maupassant, G. de, and others
Modern ghosts. 225p $1.00 (c '90) Harper
Merrill, Stuart, tr.
Pastels in prose. 268p $1.25 (c '90) Harper
Nettleton, G. H.
Specimens of the short story. 229$ 50c '01 Holt
Nutter, C. R.
Specimens of prose composition. $1.25 '07 Ginn
O'Brien, Edward J., ed.
Best short stories of 1915. . . 12mo 386p (c '16) Boston, Small
Best short stories of 1916. . . ed. by Edward J. O'Brien. 12mo 600p (c '18) Boston, Small
Best short stories of 1917. . . 12mo (c '18) Boston, Small
Best short stories of 1918. . . 12mo 441p (c '18) Boston, Small
Best short stories of 1919. . . 12mo 414p (c '20) Boston, Small
Best short stories of 1920 and the yearbook of the American short story. 12mo 500p (c '21) Boston, Small
Best short stories of 1921. . . 12mo 506p (c '22) Small
O. Henry
Memorial Award Prize stories of 1920. 12mo 322p '21 Doubleday
O'Shea, M. V.
Eyes and no eyes, and other stories. 20c '00 Heath
Patten, William, ed.
International short stories. 3v $2.10 '10 Collier
Perry, B.
Little masterpieces of literature. [Hawthorne, N., Irving, W., Poe, E. A.] ea 50c '97 Doubleday
Popovic, Pavle f ed. and tr.
Jugo-Slav stories; tr from the original and ed. with an introd. by Pavle Popovic, 12mo 258p '21 Duffield
Ragozin, Mme. Zenaide AlexeTevna, ed. and tr.
Little Russian maserpieces chosen and tr. from the original Russian by Zenaide A. Ragozin; with an introd. and biographical notes by S. N. Syromiatonikef. 12mo 4v '20 Putnam
Ridpath Library of universal literature, J. C. Ridpath, editor-in-chief. 25v $150-$200 '06 New York, Fifth Avenue Library Society
Rudwin, Maximilian Joseph, ed.
Devil stories; an anthology, selected and ed. with critical comments. 12mo 332p '21 Knopf
Scarborough, Dorothy, comp.
Famous modern ghost stories, selected with an introd. . . 12mo 419p $2.00 '21 Putnam
Stories by American authors. 10v ea 75c Scribner
Stories by English authors. 10v ea 75c '96 Scribner
Stories by foreign authors. 10v ea 75c '98 Scribner
Stories of Italy. 208p 75c '94 Scribner
Stories of New York. 214p 75c '94 Scribner
Stories of the army. 186p 75c '94 Scribner
Stories of the railway. 195p 75c '93 Scribner
Stories of the sea. 256p 75c '93 Scribner
Stories of the South. 222p 75c '94 Scribner
Tappan, E. M., comp.
Children's hour. 10v Houghton
Trent, W. P., and Henneman, J. B.
Best American tales. 350p 35c $1.25 (c '07) Crowell
Underwood, Edna Worthley, tr.
Short stories from the Balkans. 12mo 246p '19 Boston, Marshall Jones co.
Van Vechten, Carl, ed.
Lords of the housetops; thirteen cat tales. 12mo 238p '21 Knopf
Warner, C. D., ed.
Library of the world's best literature, ancient and modern, 30v '96 New York, Reale & Hill
Wright, Wlllard Huntington, ed.
Great modern French stories; a chronological anthology. 12mo 409p '17 Boni & Liveright