Indian Mathematics/Index
Abacus, 32, 69.
Abbreviations, 24–25.
Abū Bekr, 43.
Abū Kamil, 40, 43, 58.
Abū Said, 43.
Abū'1-Wefa, 43.
Alberuni, 35–36, 41–42, 43, 69.
Alexandria, 9, 15, 22.
Algoritmi de Numero Indorum—42.
Āpastamba, 4, 68.
Alphabetical notations, 30–31, 69.
Angles, 20.
Arab mathematicians, 41–43, 70.
Arithmetical notations, 27–32.
Āryabhata, 11–14, 21, 31, 35–36, 40, 47, 68, 69.
Astrology, 24, 26.
Astronomy, 1, 9, 68.
Athenean schools, 15.
Bailly, 1.
Bakhshali Ms., the—1, 24, 55, 56, 69.
el-Battāni, 43.
Baudhāyana, 4, 46, 68.
Bhāskara, 12, 14–21, 24, 37, 49–50, 68.
el-Bīrunī see alberuni,
Brahmagupta, 12, 14–23, 35–36, 38, 47–48. 68.
Brāhmi numerals, 27, 29,
Braunmühl, A. von, 70.
Bühler, G., 3, 69.
Bürk, A., 6, 68.
Burgess, E., 68.
Cantor, M., 17, 70.
Casting out nines, 34.
Chang-ch'iu-chien, 41.
Chang T'sang, 38.
Chasles, 34.
Chaturveda, 53–55.
Chin-chang Suan-shū—38.
Chinese mathematics, 6, 38–41, 44, 70.
Chosroes I, 15, 45.
el-Chowārezmi see M. b. Mūsā,
Circle, the, 7, 8, 11, 12, 32–33, 47–48, 61–62.
"squaring, 7–8.
"value of 11, 12, 32–33, 47-48.
Colebrooke, 1, 41, 68.
Cossali, 41.
Cube-root, 23, 38.
Cyclic method, 16, 23.
Cyclic quadrilaterals, 20, 22, 48, 50, 60.
Damascius, 15, 42.
Decimal notations (see Place-value notations).
Delian problem, 7.
Diophantus, 15, 16, 22, 25, 70.
Egyptians, 6.
Epanthem, the, 13, 47.
Equations, 12, 15–18, 23–24, 26(a), 40, 58–66.
Euclid, 7, 19.
Eutocius, 42.
Examples, 24, 26(a), 51f.
Fleet, J. F., 69.
Fractions, 5, 51.
Geometry, 14, 20–22, 46, 58f.
Gnomons, 5–6.
Greek influence, 2, 9, 16, 17, 22, 45.
Greek terms, 9, 26.
Günther, S., 70.
Hankel, H., 17, 34.
Heath, Sir T. L., 17, 70.
Hoernle, R., 69.
Hypatia. 15, 16.
Inaccuracies, 20–21, 40.
Indeterminate equations, 12, 15–18, 40, 65–66.
Inscriptions, 31, 37.
Interpolation formula, 11.
Interest, 47, 56.
Jamblichus, 42.
Jones, Sir W., 1.
Kalpa Sūtras, 3.
el-Karchī, 43.
Karpinski, L. C, 69.
Kātyāyana, 4, 5. 68.
Kern, 11.
Kharoshthi numerals, 27, 29.
Laplace, 1.
Letter numerals, 30–31.
Līlāvatī, the, 24, 37, 49–50, 51–64.
Macdonnell, 4.
Maçoudi, 31.
Mahāvīra, 14, 19, 21, 23, 39; 40, 48–49, 52–63, 68.
Mikami, Yoshio, 38, 41, 70.
Muhammad b. Mūsā, 41–42, 70.
Muhammad b. Ahmed, Abu '1-Rihau el-Bīrūnī, 35–36, 41–42, 43, 69.
Müller, Max, 4.
Mūsā (see M. b. Mūsā),
Nau, F., 31.
Nicomachus, 42.
'Nine Sections' Arithmetic, the, 38–39.
Notations, 2, 27–32, 69.
Numerical words, 31.
'Omar b. Ibrāhīm el-Chaijāmi, 43.
Padmanābha, 14, 37.
Pañcha Siddhāntikā, the, 9–11, 68.
Pappus, 22.
Parallels, 20.
Paulisa Siddhānta, the, 2, 10.
Pellian equation, 16, 17, 65.
Place-value notations, 2, 29, 31–32.
Plato, 15, 19.
Problems, 52f.
Progressions, 23, 48, 49, 56.
Ptolemy, 10, 11, 33.
Pulisa, 35.
Pyramid, volume of, 21.
Pythagorean theorem, 4–6, 38.
Qosṭa b. Luqā, 42–43.
Quadratic equations, 16–18, 24, 63–66.
Quadrilaterals, 20–22, 60–61.
Ramanugāchāria, M., 69.
Rangāchāria, M., 68.
Rational triangles, 4, 18–19, 50, 60.
Regula duorum falsorum, 34.
Right-angled triangles, 4–5, 18–20, 60.
Rodet, L., 41, 68, 70.
Romaka Siddhānta, 2, 9.
Rosen, 70.
Rule of three, 23, 26(a), 50, 53.
Rule of two errors, 34.
'Sea Island' Arithmetic, the, 39–40.
Siddhānta Sīromani, the, 37, 68.
Simplicius, 15.
Sine function, 9.
Sines, table of—, 10, 11.
Smith, D. E., 69.
Smith, Vincent, 45.
Sphere, volume of—, 13, 39, 61, 62.
Square-root, 5, 63.
Squares, construction of—, 6 7, 46.
Squaring the circle, 7–8, 47.
Srīdhara, 14, 21, 24, 37, 49, 51, 52, 60–62, 69.
Srīshena, 35.
Sulvasūtras, the, 1, 3–8, 46–47, 68.
S'un-Tsŭ Suan-ching, the, 39.
Sūrya Siddhānta, the, 1, 9, 68.
Symbols, 24.
'Tābit b. Qorra, 42.
Table of sines, 10.
Tái-yen process, 40.
Tannery, T,, 5, 17, 70.
Terminology, 24–26.
Thibaut, G., 1, 7, 9, 68, 69.
Triangle, area of—, 20, 21, 47.
Triangles, right-angled, 4, 18–19, 50, 60.
Trigonometry, 9–10.
Varāha Mihira, 2, 9, 35, 36, 68.
Vija Ganita, the, 24, 37, 50, 51–66.
Vishnuchandra, 35, 36.
Volumes, 13, 21, 61, 62.
Whitney, 1, 68.
Weber, 1.
Wieddeman, E., 70.
Woepcke, 32, 34, 69, 70.
Word numerals, 31.
Wu-t'sao, the, 40.