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Indian Medicinal Plants/Natural Order Hydrophyllaceæ

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Indian Medicinal Plants (1918)
Kanhoba Ranchoddas Kirtikar and Baman Das Basu
Natural Order Hydrophyllaceæ
4605019Indian Medicinal Plants — Natural Order Hydrophyllaceæ1918Kanhoba Ranchoddas Kirtikar and Baman Das Basu


808. Hydrolea zeylanica, Vahl. h.f.b.i., iv. 133 ; Roxb. 265.

Sans : — Langali.

Vern. : — Kasschara, isha-langulya (B.) ; Tsjeru-vallel (Malay).

Habitat : — Throughout India, in wet places.

An annual, unarmed herb. Stem 6-18in., usually decumbent and rooting at nodes below, glabrous, rather succulent, with short branches. Leaves membranous l-2½in., linear-oblong, shortly petioled, acute at both ends, glabrous but slightly ciliate on the margin. Flowers in racemes very numerous, bright light-blue. Pedicels rather long, curved, glabrous or with numerous short glandular hairs. " Inflorescence " says C. B. Clarke, " patently viscidly hairy, or (in Ceylon form) nearly glabrous." Racemes l-2in,, bracts ¼-½in,, narrower. Cymes racemose, bracts leafy ; sepals about ¼in., oblong-linear, glabrous or with copious glandular hairs. Corolla nearly ½in. diam , lobes ⅓in. ovate, acute. Stamens exserted, filaments dilated at base or nearly filiform. Styles long, spreading. Capsule ovoid, oblong, shorter than the persistent enclosing striate (Trimen), Seeds many, minute, oblong.

Use : — The leaves, beaten into a pulp and applied as a poultice, are considered to have a cleaning and healing effect on neglected and callous ulcers. They apparently possess some antiseptic property.

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