Inland Transit/Tilsley Moore
Mr. Edward Tilsley Moore.—p. 76.
1. Do you reside in Birmingham?
I do.
2. Are you a merchant?
I am.
3. Have you experienced any loss or inconvenience in the sale of goods from frost or other impediments in the communication now established?
I have, from frost.
4. State the instance.
Some goods of mine were kept from the 24th of December, 1829, till the 20th of February in the following year. When the goods arrived out, 1200l, worth were rejected as being out of time, and I was compelled to make a new arrangement, by which my returns made eighteen months instead of nine.
8. In your opinion, would a cheap, certain, and expeditious conveyance by Railroad from Birmingham to London be a material service to the Birmingham manufacturer?
It would materially assist the manufacturer in the execution of his foreign orders. I am unable to execute an order for a vessel which sails on the 14th of July; I cannot get the goods for the 10th, which is the last day on which a boat sails from Birmingham.
9. If you had a Railroad, could you execute the order?
If I could get twenty-four hours more time I could execute the order.