Inland Transit/Whitworth
Mr. Charles Whitworth.—P. 62.
1. You are an inhabitant of Northampton?
Yes. I am.
2. Are you a farmer and landowner?
Both a farmer and landowner.
3. Are you also engaged in trade in Northampton?
Yes. I am.
4. Have you ever seen a Railroad?
I have been on the Railroad between Manchester and Liverpool.
5. Have you seen cattle conveyed on the Railroad?
I have seen both beasts and pigs.
6. After cattle have been conveyed on a Railroad, do they land in a good state?
I have seen both pigs and beasts landed, and they came out as fresh as if they came from the field.
10. Do you know of any meat being sent from Northampton to London?
A very great deal.
11. Are you aware of any inconvenience or loss that has occurred to that meat?
I speak from experience. I bad meat sent from Northampton, and I had no return whatever for it; it became putrid, and it was thrown away.
12. Do you attribute that to the inadequacy of the speed of the conveyance?
It could not go up in sufficient time to get into the market while it was good; that often happens in summer time, in weather like this.
37. You are an occupier and owner of land?
38. To what extent?
I am an owner of 800 acres. I occupy only one.
39. Are the 800 acres in Northamptonshire?
In Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire. 40. Near the line of this Railway?
The Railway will go only one mile across it; there are 300 acres in a ring fence which it goes right across.
41. What is your opinion as to the effect of the Railroad on the value of that land?
My opinion is, it will increase the value.
42. Have you any doubt on the subject?
No doubt.
43. What do you think would be the reason of its increasing in value?
By the facility of conveyance of any thing that is wanted to be sent to it, or any thing that is wanted to be taken away.
44. The communication by which produce may be exported from the farm?
Yes. Then I should say that we could get manure from the London market, and now we cannot get it within some miles.
45. From what place do you think of obtaining the manure?
From London.