Insects, Their Ways and Means of Living/Index
- Acrididae, 28
- Aëdes, adult, 338
- larva, 339
- pupa, 339
- Aëdes aegypti, 331, 339, 340
- carrier of yellow lever, 339
- Aesop and the cicada, 183
- Agile meadow grasshopper, 53
- Alimentary canal, 109
- Amblycorypha oblongifolia, 39
- habits, 40
- song, 41
- Âme collective, 143
- American cockroach, 79
- Anabrus simplex, 54
- Ancient insects, 77
- Angular-winged katydids, 41-43
- Annual cicadas, 184
- song, 184
- Anopheles, 331, 340
- punctipennis, see Malaria mosquitoes
- Antennae, 12
- Aphids, 152
- apple, 157, 162
- birth, 164
- cornicles, 174
- eggs, 157
- feeding, 153
- garden, 171, 172
- hatching, 159-161
- mouth parts, 153
- parasites, 178
- predators, 175
- stem mothers, 162
- wing production, 164-166
- young, 162
- Aphis, 153
- apple-grain, 170
- green apple, 162
- rosy apple, 168
- Aphis-lion, 176
- Arthropoda, 26
- Asilidae, 324
- Australian cockroach, 79
- Beetles, blister, 22-25
- lady, 175, 230
- May, 230
- young, 237
- Behavior, 126
- Black cricket, 60
- in New England, 60
- rivalry of males, 62
- song, 60-63
- Black-horned tree cricket, 67
- antennal marks, 67
- attraction of female by male, 68, 69
- song, 68
- Blatella germanica, see German roach
- Blood of insects, 112
- Blowflies, 352
- Botflies, 352
- Brain, 117, 118
- Broad-winged tree cricket, 65
- antennal marks, 67
- song, 64
- Bush crickets, 69
- song, 70
- Bush katydids, 38
- song, 39
- Camel crickets, 55
- Cantharidin, 23
- Carboniferous dragonflies, 95
- insects, 86, 89, 90
- plants, 87, 88
- Caterpillar, 262
- alimentary canal, 289, 290
- celery, 229
- jaws, 286
- life, 262
- nature, 228
- silk glands, 287
- press, 288
- spinneret, 286
- spinning of cocoon, 282, 283
- structure, 237
- tent, 262-293
- transformation to moth, 293-305
- Caterpillar and moth, 262
- Cecropia moth, 228, 229
- Cellulose, digestion of, by termites, 137
- Chitin 256
Chloealtis conspersa, 30
- musical apparatus, 30
- song, 30, 31
- Chrysalides, 251
- Cicadas, 182
- annual, 184
- periodical, 184-225
- Cicadidae, 182
- Circotettix carlingianus, 32
- verruculatus, 32
- Cockroaches, 79
- Collembola, 247
- Common meadow grasshopper, 52
- song, 53
- Coneheads, 50
- Conocephalus fasciatus, 54
- song, 54
- Corn-root aphis, 172
- Coulee cricket, 54
- Cricket family, 55
- Crickets, 55
- bush, 69
- camel, 55
- European, 55
- field, 58
- foot, 55
- mole, 58
- musical organs, 56, 57
- tree, 63
- Croton bug, see German roach
- Culex, 331
- eggs, 331
- food, 337, 338
- larva, 331
- male and female, 335
- mouth parts, 335-337
- Deer flies, 320
- Diapheromera femorata, 71
- Digestion, 110
- Diptera, 315
- Double soma, 304
- Dragonflies, 95
- adult, 233
- Carboniferous, 95
- young, 233
- Ears of grasshoppers, 30
- of katydids, 36
- Egg laying of cicada, 212
- Eggs of aphids, 157, 158
- of cicada, 212
- Culex mosquito, 331
- grasshopper, 5, 6, 7
- house fly, 343
- roaches, 80, 81
- tent caterpillar, 262
- of cicada, 212
- Enzymes, 111
- Epicauta vittata, 22
- European house cricket, 55
- Fat-body, 260, 292
- Field crickets, 58
- Flies, 314
- horn fly, 348
- horsefly, 320-324
- house fly, 342-347
- in general, 315
- larva, 325
- pupa, 327
- stable fly, 348, 350
- tsetse fly, 348
- young, 231
- Food exchange by termites, 144
- Foot of cricket, 55
- of grasshopper, 32
- katydid, 32
- of grasshopper, 32
- Fork-tailed bush katydid, 39
- song, 39
- Four-spotted tree cricket, 67
- Gadflies, 320
- Ganglia, 118
- Garden aphids, I71, 172
- Genus, defined, 27
- German roach, 79
- egg case, 81
- hatching, 81, 82
- Germ cells, 100, 103, 124, 304
- Glossina, see Tsetse fly
- palpalis, 350
- morsitans, 350
- Grasshopper, 1
- adults, 17
- cousins, 26
- definition, 2
- destruction of eggs by blister beetles, 23, 24
- devastation by, 18
- ears, 30
- egg laying, 4, 5
- egg-pod, 5
- eggs, 6, 7
- Grasshopper, growth, 13, 14
- hatching, 8, 9
- head, 12
- males and females, 3
- migration, 18
- molting, 14-16
- ovipositor, 4
- parasite, 19, 20
- songs, 30, 31
- spiracles, 13
- wings, 29
- young, 1, 8, 11
- Grasshopper family, 28
- Grasshopper's cousins, 26
- Green apple aphis, 162-168
- Green bugs, 152
- Gryllus, 58, 60
- assimilis, see Black cricket
- domesticus, 55, 60
- Handsome meadow grasshopper, 54
- song, 54
- Halteres, 319
- Heart, 112
- Hexapoda, see Insecta
- Histoblast, 259
- Histogenesis, 260
- Histolysis, 259
- Honey dew, 155
- Hormones, 119
- Horsefly, 320
- larva, 325
- mouth parts, 321-323
- pupa, 325
- sucking pump, 322
- House centipede, 82, 83
- House fly, 342
- breeding places, 343
- eggs, 343
- larva, 343
- mode of feeding, 346
- mouth parts, 345, 346
- House fly, pupa, 345
- puparium, 344
- unsanitary habits, 347
- Hypermetamorphosis, 250
- Hyperparasite, 181
- Hypopharynx, 108
- Imaginal discs, 259
- Imago, defined, 259
- Insecta, 28
- Intestine, 110
- Jumping bush cricket, 69
- song, 70
- June bugs, 230
- Katydid, 43
- habits, 46
- musical instruments, 47, 48
- song, 44, 48, 49
- true, 43
- Katydid family, 32
- Katydids, 32
- angular-winged, 41
- bush, 38
- ears, 36
- musical instruments, 34-36
- round-headed, 37
- song, 33, 34
- young, 11
- King termite, 134
- Labium, 108
- Labrum, 108
- Lady-beetles, 175, 230
- Ladybird beetles, 175, 230
- Larva, characters, 246
- definition, 245
- nature, 249
- of Aëdes, 339
- Anopheles, 340, 341
- Larva of Culex, 331, 332, 333
- of files, 325
- house fly, 343
- mosquitoes, 329
- wasps and bees, 252
- of files, 325
- Leaf insect, 71, 72, 73
- Legs of insects, 107
- Lepisma, 93
- Life of a caterpillar, 262
- Locustidae, 32
- Locusts, 2
- seventeen-year, 182
- Luna moth, 228, 230
- Machilis, 93
- Maggots, 252
- Malacosoma americana, see Tent caterpillar
- Malaria mosquitoes, 340
- adult, 340
- eggs, 340
- larva, 340, 341
- pupa, 341
- Malaria parasite, 342
- Malpighian tubules, 116
- Mandibles, 107
- Mantids, 73
- Mantis, praying, 73-76
- eggs, 75, 76
- Maxillae, 108
- May beetles, 230
- Mayfly, 96
- Meadow grasshoppers, 52-54
- Mecostethus gracilis, 31
- Metabolism of pupa, 260
- Metamorphosis, 14, 226
- complete, 245
- defined, 227
- diagram, 243
- incomplete, 245
- of tent caterpillar, 297, 299-304
- Microcentrum retinerve, 41, 43
- song, 43 Microcentrum rhombifolium, 41, 42, 43
- song, 41, 42, 43
- Mole cricket, 58
- song, 58
- Molting of grasshopper, 14, 16
- Mormon cricket, 54
- Mosquitoes, 329
- adult, 330 335, 338
- Aëdes, 331
- Anopheles, 331, 340
- common, 331
- Culex, 331
- larvae, 329
- malaria, 331, 340
- Stegomyia, 338
- yellow lever, 338
- young, 239
- Moth of tent caterpillar, 305
- characters, 306, 307
- egg laying, 312
- emergence from pupa, 305, 306
- mouth parts, 306, 307
- proboscis, 307, 308
- reproductive organs, 311
- Moths, Cecropia, 228
- celery, 229
- Luna, 228, 230
- Promethea, 228
- tent caterpillar, 305
- Mouth parts, 12, 107
- Musca domestica, see House fly
- Muscidae, 342
- Musical instruments of cicada, 207-209
- of crickets, 56, 57
- grasshoppers, 30, 31
- insects, 33, 34
- katydids, 34, 35, 36
- of crickets, 56, 57
- Myiasis, 352
- Nagana, 349
- Narrow-winged tree cricket, 66, 67
- Narrow-winged tree cricket, antennal marks, 66, 67
- song, 67
- Nemobius vittatus, 58
- song, 58, 59
- Neoconocephalus ensiger, 50
- song, 51
- retusus, 50
- robustus, 51
- song, 51
- Neocurtilla hexadactyla, 57
- Neoxabia bipunctata, 69
- Nervous system, 117
- Nymph, defined, 245
- Oecanthus angustipennis, see Narrow-winged tree cricket
- latipennis, see Broad-winged tree cricket
- nigricornis, see Black-horned tree cricket
- nigricornis quadripunctatus, 68
- niveus, see Snowy tree cricket
- Oesophagus, 110
- Orchelimum agile, 53
- laticauda, 54
- vulgare, 52, 53
- Oriental roach, 79, 80
- Origin of insect wings, 91, 92
- Orocharis saltator, 70
- Ovaries, 122
- Ovipositor, 4, 123
- Ox warble, 352
- Paleodictyoptera, 90, 92
- Parasites, defined, 179
- of aphids, 177-179
- grasshopper, 19, 20
- of aphids, 177-179
- Parthenogenesis, 162
- Periodical cicada, 182
- abdomen, 205
- adults, 119
- Periodical cicada, air chamber, 205
- broods, 215-217
- death of adults, 214
- digging methods, 190, 191
- egg laying, 212-214
- eggs, 212, 219
- food, 200
- front leg of nymph, 190
- hatching of eggs, 217-223
- head of adult, 201
- huts, turrets, 192
- mouth parts, 201-205
- musical instruments, 199, 207-212
- nymphal chambers, 187-189
- stages, 186, 187
- nymphs, 185-193, 223-225
- ovipositor, 199
- races, 215
- salivary pump, 204
- song of large variety, 210, 211
- of small variety, 211, 212
- sucking mechanism, 203
- transformation, 193-199
- two varieties, 199
- young nymphs, 223-225
- Phagocytes, 259, 301
- Phaneroptera, 38
- Pharynx, 110
- Phylloxera, 172
- Phylum, 26
- Physiology of tent caterpillar, 283
- Plant lice, 152
- Plasmodium, 342
- Proboscis of moth, 307, 308
- Promethea moth, 228, 229
- Propupa of tent caterpillar, 296-298
- Protoplasm, 100
- Pterophylla camellifolia, see Katydid
- Pupa, 250, 253, 254
- added stage in metamorphosis, 254
- Pupa, definition, 245
- of flies, 327
- house fly, 345
- mosquitoes, 334, 339, 341
- tent caterpillar, 298
- reason for, 257
- of flies, 327
- Puparium, 252
- of house fly, 344
- Queen termite, 134, 149
- Rat-tailed maggot, 327
- Reproduction, 102
- Reproductive organs, 122
- Respiration, 114
- Reticulitermes, 136
- life history, 136-141
- Rhadophorinae, 55
- Roaches, 77, 80
- and other ancient insects, 77
- eggs, 80, 81
- Robber flies, 324
- Rocky Mountain locust, 17, 18, 19
- Rosy apple aphis, 158-17
- Round-headed katydids, 37
- Amblycorypha oblongifolia, 39
- angular-winged, 41
- fork-tailed bush, 39
- Microcentrum, 41, 43
- Phaneroptera, 38
- Scudderia, 38, 39
- Sarcophaga kellyi, 19-21
- Scudderia, 38
- furcata, see Fork-tailed bush katydid
- Segments of body, 12
- Sense organs, 121
- Seventeen-year locust, see Periodical cicada
- Shield-bearers, 54
- Sleeping sickness, 349
- Slender meadow grasshopper, 54
- Snowy tree cricket, 65
- antennal marks, 66
- musical instruments, 57
- song, 66
- Soldiers of termites, 131
- Soma, 104, 304
- Somatic cells, 104
- Song of insects, 33, 34
- of cicada, 210-212
- crickets, 58, 60, 62-70
- grasshoppers, 30, 31
- katydids, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 54
- of cicada, 210-212
- Spiracles, 13, 114
- Spirochetes, 340
- Stagmomantis carolina, 73
- Stimulus, 106
- Stomach, 109
- Stridulation, 33
- Striped ground cricket, 58-60
- song, 58, 59
- Syrphid flies, 177
- larvae feeding on aphids, 176, 177
- Sword-bearing conehead, 50
- song, 51
- Tabanidac, 320
- Tent caterpillar, 262
- behavior on leafless tree, 278, 279
- cocoon, 282
- egg, 263
- egg mass, 263, 264
- epidermis, 295
- fat-body, 292
- feeding habits, 270 272 273, 276
- Tent caterpillar, general external form, 285, 286
- head, 284, 285
- internal organs, 289-291
- jaws, 286
- jumping from trees, 280, 281
- manner of feeding, 277
- metamorphosis, 293
- molts, 275
- moth, 305
- newly-hatched, 265
- prepupal stage, 295
- propupa, 296, 297
- pupa, 298
- silk glands, 286
- press, 288
- spinneret, 286
- spinning cocoon, 282, 283
- structure and physiology, 283
- tents, 270
- weaving tent, 272, 273
- young, 262
- in egg, 312, 313
- Termites, 125
- Âme collective, 143
- castes, 131, 141, 142
- community life, 134
- destruction by, 129
- digestion of cellulose, 137
- egg laying, 150, 151
- food exchange, 144
- fungus grown for food, 148
- king, 134
- life history, 136-141
- males and females, 133
- nests aboveground, 148
- in trees, 148
- underground, 147
- queen, 134, 149
- Reticulitermes, 136
- short-winged form, 133, 140
- soldiers, 131
- tropical termites, 146
- winged form, 133
- Termites, wingless males and females, 140
- workers, 131
- young, 136
- Testes, 122
- Tettigoniidae, 32
- Thorax, 12
- Thysanura, 247
- Tracheae, 114
- Tree crickets, 63
- antennal marks, 66, 67
- attraction of males for females, 68, 69
- black-horned, 67
- broad-winged, 65
- four-spotted, 67
- musical organs, 56, 57
- narrow-winged, 67
- Neoxabia, 69
- Oecanthus, 65-68
- snowy, 65
- song, 65, 66, 67
- two-spotted, 69
- Triungulins, 23
- Tropisms, 121
- True katydid, 43
- Trypanosoma, 349
- Tsetse fly, 348, 349, 350
- mouth parts, 350, 351
- Two-spotted tree cricket, 69
- song, 69
- Walking stick, 72
- Walking stick insects, 71
- Wasps and bees, larvae, 230, 238, 252
- Ways and means of living, 99
- White ants, 128
- White grubs, 230
- Wings, 83, 84
- evolution, 315
- of bees, 319
- beetles, 318
- butterflies and moths, 318
- dragonflies, 316
- flies, 319
- grasshoppers, 318
- roaches, 83, 84, 318
- termites, 146, 316
- wasps, 319
- origin, 91, 92
- Wigglers, 230, 329
- Woolly aphis, 172
- Xiphidium, 54
- Yellow fever, 339
- Yellow fever mosquito, 331, 339, 340