Instructions in Spirella Corsetry/Chapter 15
Chapter 15: Steps of Procedure When Order Has Been Secured
[edit] 1. Have client remove the clothing covering her corset.
2. Remove client's corset.
3. Put new lacer in client's corset, if necessary.
4. Adjust client's corset to secure normal poise and to prepare
the right foundation far measuring.
5. Decide client's type.
6. Take body measurements, writing them in the spaces on col-
ored slip in "Memorandum Order Book."
7. Decide on condition to be corrected if client's type varies
from normal.
While client is dressing
8. Decide which lacing adjustment to use in the new corset.
9. Make deductions for lacing space.
10. Select the corset from among those designed for the client's
type or condition.
11. Guide client in selecting material and quote price.
12. Finally Fill spaces on white slip in "Memorandum Order
Book;" get deposit and client's signature. Leave memorandum
receipt far deposit with client.