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Instructions in Spirella Corsetry/Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Organization of Work


1. Hap-hazard work never produces satisfactory results. Whether you have a district in a large city, or are the only Spirella corsetiere in a town, divide your territory into such sections as will enable you to work it systematically without loss of time and effort.

2. To be ready to take advantage of every opportunity, you must always carry with you a sample of the Spirella, stay, as a chance acquaintance may give you an opening for a new client.

3. Make a list of all the corset wearers in the section of your district in which your own home is located and work this section thoroughly before beginning another. Plan your route before yon start; leave your home every morning at a regular hour, nine o'clock if possible, because the morning hours are the best in which to secure the first interview with your client. At this time present the merits of Spirella through your sales talk (Section Five) which should secure the order. If there is a logical reason why the order cannot be taken at this time, make a definite appointment for an early date.

4. Write her name and address on a card, with the time of the appointment and, later, write down on the card such notes as will be helpful to you when you keep the appointment. If she has men-tioned any corset difficulties, make note of them. If she has recently purchased a corset, make a note of the date and the kind, if possible. Anything that will help you should be shown on this card.

5. If the client states that she has heard of Spirella corsets, and is favorably impressed with them, it will be easy f or you to get an appointment to measure her. If she has heard of Spirella and her impression, for some reason, is not favorable, learn the cause. Then proceed to talk of your training and the service you can render.

6. You must realize that it is of the utmost importance to remedy any dissatisfaction in your territory. As a business woman rendering professional service you can see the necessity for making every effort possible to correct such a condition if you hope to build a permanent clientele.

7. If a definite appointment cannot be made leave a copy of "Five Pointers" and the post card, Form 601, following this up with another call. Try to make your appointments for the afternoon, reserving the morning for your first interviews. The post card, Form 640, may be used to secure appointments. Keep a list of all names of prospective clients, following them up in a systematic and business-like way.

8. Prepare twelve large envelopes, one for each month of the year. Keep a record of every call on a card. Decide at the time of each visit the date of your next call, and write it on the card under the prospective client's name and address. When you get , home, put all of the calls to be made in January, in the January envelope; the February calls in the February envelope, and so on. This record makes it possible to follow up your calls systematically, thus realizing on the value of the good-will you create, and the advertising matter you have distributed.

9. Make your first call on the friend or acquaintance nearest to your home and take with you only such corsets and articles as you actually need.

10. NEVER SHOW YOUR CATALOGUE TO A CLIENT. Not knowing corsets as you do, she might select from the picture one which would not be at all suitable for her and even if persuaded to take the proper corset, might have a lingering desire for her own selection.

11. Do not quote a price until after you have taken measurements. You cannot tell what a corset will cost until you have determined the conditions necessary to be cared for, and the material selected. A dressmaker cannot quote the price of a gown until she knows the kind of a gown that is required, neither can you quote prices until you know what is needed. When you have taken all things into consideration, state the price in full, including any necessary changes. State what you can do for the client and quote

12. After you have taken your client's order, ask her concerning the corset needs of her household. If possible, see the other members of the family immediately. If this is not convenient, make appointments to see them later. Leave the client happy in anticipation of the time when her corset will be delivered.

13. To build your business, be careful to render the right kind of service, and be so full of friendly spirit and enthusiasm that you win your client's support and confidence, not only in Spirella corsets but in your ability to render her, service.

14. One week after you have delivered the corset, telephone or call upon your client for the purpose of finding out how she likes her corset. If necessary see the corset on her. This is your greatest opportunity. Your client will appreciate your interest, and, if tactfully handled, will recommend you to her friends and give you the names of acquaintances on whom you can call. Always carry the introductory card, Form 606, with you when you call upon your client as she will be glad to recommend you to her friends. This affords you the opportunity to present your service with the certainty of careful consideration, and the great advantage of a personal recommendation from a disinterested friend.

15. When you have secured one satisfied client she becomes the center from which you can reach out and secure additional clients. As a stone cast into the water produces a ripple, which spreads until it reaches the farthest shores of the pond, so a client satisfied, because she has been properly served, becomes the center of successive waves of influence, which may be turned to advantage by intelligent effort on your part. This plan of work will lead to success, if you follow it systematically in a business-like way.

16. Since the corset is the foundation over which the new clothes must be fitted, your work as a corsetiere must be in advance of the dressmaker. For this reason plan your work so that each season you will be able to call on and secure the order in time to make deliveries convenient to your client.

17. As soon as you have made deliveries for one season start working the next, giving timely suggestions which will convince the client that she needs the corset for just these reasons. Seashore sports, golf, tennis, athletics, skating, dancing and many others can be used as seasonable suggestions. Taking advantage of all of these opportunities will keep you constantly at work upbuilding a permanent and profitable clientele.