Instructions in Spirella Corsetry/Chapter 7
Chapter 7: Classification of Figure Types and Conditions
[edit] 1. The Spirella Company from the beginning planned a service
to include a corset for each type of figure. This makes it necessary
that we have a common understanding of figure types. You un-
consciously classify your acquaintances as short or tall, large or
small, stout or thin.
2. As a simple basis easily understood by all, The Spirella Com-
pany has divided women's figures into four general classes. These
are small, medium, medium and stout with straight lines and stout
with curved lines. In order to link these classifications up with
the style number of the corsets designed for each type they have
been named as follows:
small, 20-type
medium, 60-type
medium and stout with straight outlines, 40-type
stout with curved outlines, 30-type.
3. Because 20-type represents slender proportions and outlines,
it means small in size, slender bones with small amount of flesh
and an A or B back curve.
4. Because 60-type represents medium proportions and outlines,
it means medium in size, medium bones, with a medium amount of
flesh and a B back curve.
5. Because 40-type represents medium and stout proportions
with straight outlines, it means medium or large around in size,
with waist large in proportion to bust and hips and gives an A back
curve. In the medium size figures of the 40-type it may be neces-
sary to consider the bony structure, but in the large figures of this
.type it is hidden by the quantity of flesh.
6. Because 30-type represents stout proportions with curved out-
lines, it means large around in size with bust and hips large in
proportion to the waist. This flesh develops so as to give large bust
and hips in proportion to the waist and gives a C back curve. The
size of the bones in this type need not be considered because they are
hidden by the quantity of flesh.
7. Four normal types, then, constitute Spirella's simple classifi-
cation of types. Each client that you corset will come under one
of these classifications.
8. This illustration is a side view of |
10. This illustration represents a con- |
11. This illustration represents a con- |
12. This illus- |
13. This illustration represents a con- |
15. This illus- |
16. This illustration represents a con- |
17. There are other conditions such as scant bust and shoulder
flesh that may occur, which would make the figure a variation of
one of. the normal types.
18. While studying the client's figure for the purpose of classi-
fying her as to type, also observe any condition present. In the
past you have observed these types and conditions unconsciously.
Now you will notice these types and conditions consciously. This
conscious recognition is necessary because Spirella corsets are de-
signed to conform to the four normal types as described in this sec-
tion. When conditions appear on the figure they must be corrected
as far as possible through the application of the corset.
Small, 20-type | { | Small size |
Medium, 60-type | { | Medium size |
Medium | { | Medium or large around in size |
Stout, 30-type | { | Large around in size |
Conditions which may | { | Gorilla poise |
Conditions which may | { | Gorilla poise |
Conditions which may | { | Gorilla poise |
Conditions which may | { | Gorilla poise |