Irish Free State message to Prime Minister Scullin of Australia
Irish cable
[edit]The following is President Cosgrave's message.
On the occasion of your assuming the office of Prime Minister in your great country, in the foundation and development of which men of the Irish race have played so worthy a part, I have pleasure in assuring you of my most cordial wishes and of a continuance of the hearty co-operation of the Irish Free State in promoting the welfare of all the nations of the Commonwealth and the general peace of the world.
Australian cable
[edit]The following is Prime Minister Scullin's message.
I desire to thank you most cordially for your message of good wishes upon my assumption of the office of Prime Minister of the Commonwealth. My colleagues and I feel much gratification at the assurance of the hearty co-operation of the Irish Free Slate in promoting tho welfare of the British Commonwealth of Nations and the general peace of the world. The new labour Government will work whole-heartedly in the interests of world peace and will welcome any proposals for closer co-operation between Australia and the other members of the British Commonwealth of Nations. On behalf of the people of Australia, I send you greetings.