Islam, Turkey, and Armenia, and How They Happened/Chapter III
According to the doctrines and practice of Islam non-Mohametans have no right to enjoy the same privileges God has granted to Moslems. They may be allowed to live among Moslems only as subjects and subordinates, in a very restricted limitation in regard to their legal rights, religious privileges and titles of honor and social freedom.
1. Titles Denied in the Koran to non-Mohametans. The Mohametans call themselves "Muslim" (Moslem) which signifies "Submitted" to Allah and his service body and soul, and destined to peace and salvation. Also "Mumin," the "Believer" of the true God and his angels and holy servants. Also "Ibadullah," the servants and worshipers of Allah. Again, "Ummeti Muhammed," the people or the flock of Mohamet, etc. The followers of any other religion, idolators, atheists, Sabians, magi, Jews add Christians, are called "Kiafir" (Giaour), blasphemer, infidel.
Sultan Mahmoud II., the grandfather of the present Sultan, has formally forbidden his subjects to apply the term Giaour to any European, and one or two of his successors extended this prohibition to the Christian and Jewish subjects of their own dominions; but such things being well known to be insincere could not and did not bring any change. The followers of the false prophet practice the same insulting titles now and will continue to do so as long as Islam rules.
How can the Mohametans honor Christians whom the Koran declares as "those who go astray," "unbelievers," "polytheists," "corrupt doers," "fools," "despised," "hypocrites," etc. etc.? These are the names given to non-Mohametans in the book of Koran, "the latest and best of Divine revelations," in which nothing is more prevalent than the contrast of Moslems' and non-Moslems' present and future conditions. The idea of universal brotherhood of mankind and the attempt to promote the final union of the Kingdom of God are the points most maliciously ignored in its pages."
2. Other Popular Titles of Disgrace Used for non-Mohametans. The mosques of Moslems are called "Jami Sherif," the sacred convent; to the word "kiliseh," church, they never attach the adjective sacred. The metropolitan mosques or temples are called "Beitullah or Seiretullah," the house of God or the walking place of God, while the Christian cathedrals are called "Ulu Kilisch," the big gathering place. The common, rude Mohametan chapels, most of which are not worthy for human habitation, are named "Mesjid" (mosque), the worshiping place, while Christian chapels are named "gathering place." The graves of distinguished Mohametans are called "Turbet Sherif," the sacred tomb, while those of Christians "Makbereh," the burial place. The religious services of Islam are called "sejdeh, or ibadet," worship or service of God, while those of non-Moslems, "rites, forms, ceremonies." The supposed mantle of Mohamet, kept with greatest care and honor, is called "Hurkai Sherif," the sacred mantle, but the cross sign of the Christians' "Salab," the hanging wood. The religious chief of Islam is titled "Emir el Mumin," the sire, the commander of the believers. The Christian patriachs, or archbishops, are called "Patrik or Serpiscopos; "Ser" means head, "Pis" means filth—"Filthy-headed Copos." The bishops are popularly called "Karabash," the black-headed; the common priests, "Keshish," which has no literal meaning. The Jewish high priest is called "Khakham Bashi," the Boss Khakham (corrupted frown the Hebrew word "Haken," the sage). The Mohametan theological teachers are called "Muderris," explainer, interpreter; that of the Christians (vartabed) "Mahrasah"—mashed food, hash. A Mohametan pilgrim to Mecca is called "Haji"—holy pilgrim. A Christian pilgrin to Jerusalem "Aji"—the bitter one. The noted men among the Mohametans are called "Effendi, agha," sire, yeoman; among the Christians, "Chorbaji," soup-maker. The learned Mohametans, "Khoja," master; Christians, "Havaja," airy, nonsense, fool. The Moslem women, "Haremi Sherif, Cadin," the sacred harem, the lady; the Christian women, "Giaour Mamasi," the infidel old woman, the mother of infidels. Their Friday is called "Aziz Juma," the holy convention. Our Sunday is called "Ahad," the first day of the week, or "Bazar," the sale day. The Mohametan fasting month is called "Ramazani Sherif," the sacred Ramazan; the Christian Lent is called "Behriz," the corruption of "Perhiz," abstinence from certain foods. The Mohametan dead is called "Jenazeh," the funeral worship; that of a Christian is called "Giaour olusi," the dead body of an infidel. When they announce in the papers the death of a noted Moslem they say, "Transferred into the Land of Perpetuity," or "Migrated into the Region of Souls;" of any Christian they say "shriveled, perished." When they mention a dead Mohametan they say, "May God have mercy unto his soul," or "May his tomb be illuminated," or "Peace be upon him." They never use such phrases for the Christians. Of the former sultans they say, "Whose abode is Paradise."
3. Christians Disgraced in Official DocumentS. In a Turkish dictionary, published at Constantinople not very long ago, the word "jeres" (bell) is defined as "the special instrument by which the Blasphemers call their people to perform heathenish rites," and this was fifty years later than the formal prohibition of the Sultan Mahmoud II., "whose abode is Paradise."
It was custom until very recent times to attach the title of "Zimmi," indebted, to any Christian name in writing , because, according to the declaration of the Koran. Christians are indebted to the Moslem's mercy for their existence and some privileges (for which they have to pay tribute as a ransom fee); also the Christians are called "Rayah," pasture, for the flock of Moslem lambs.
They write "Ahmed, the son of Mohamet," to identify a Moslem, but "Peter, born of John," for Christians. This is simply to denounce Christian marriage as illegal. When mixed names are to be put on paper the eminent Christian's name must come after the name of a common Moslem's, the distinction of adjectives never being omitted.
The following official document of a certain Mahkemeh, legal court, given not very long ago in connection with the burial of a Christian priest, is among the properties of the said person, and reads as follows:
"From the estrayed sect of Nazarites the infidel Keshish, named—having been shriveled (dead), the official permission of our sacred Mahkemch was implored by his sect to put the corpse under the earth. Though the accursed carrion of the said wretch is not worthy to be placed under the sacred soil, which will refuse the admission of such an unclean thing, yet in order to prevent the stench of atmosphere by the hateful stink of the perished body, this official document is written and given as a permission for taking away the said filth to their assigned spot, and put it under the soil according to their vain ceremonies. May it stumble down to the infernal abyss."
The grave-stone of Christians is not allowed to stand erect, but must be prone, in token of their subjection to Mohametan rule.
4. Denial of Religious and Social Rights. According to the Mohametan law a non-Moslem's testimony cannot be accepted, even listened to, in legal courts, especially when it tends to be against a "believer." But when the interest of Islam demands, a Moslem is justified, even held religiously obliged, to go to the court and give his legal oath and bear false witness against Giaours (Christians.) This is sanctioned by a decree of the Koran and practed by its followers.
A Christian can never make a legal will on his own property, leaving it for his church, or school, or any Christian institution; while most of the wealthy Mohametans will their immovable properties to a certain mosque, or even to their living generations or friends, and such properties, by a very small religious fee, are forever exempt from the regular taxation, regarded as the sacred possession of Islam, carefully protected, repaired, and prevented from being sold to others, especially to "Giaours."
A Christian church, or school, or any other public institution cannot be erected within sixty yards distance from a mosque or Moslem school, even if the latter be ruined and changed to a heap of ashes.
The words of common salutation used among Moslems, "Peace be unto you," can never be addressed to or by a Christian, because this phrase being used among the ancient Moslem prophets, as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and others, and also among the angels and saints of Paradise, no infidel destined to perdition has a right to claim its benefit, If addressed to a Christian by mistake it must be and is withdrawn at once. When they meet a Christian acquaintance they may use common words of recognition or make a slight motion with their hand without uttering a word.
5. Practical Enmity Against Christianity. No Moslem can change his faith without infliction of the death penalty. Especially those who are proselyted to Islam can never return to their original faith without being murdered for the supposed treason, while Christian men and women are induced, forced, and very often tortured to accept Islam. To marry such a convert woman is regarded highly virtuous. In case of such a conversion, which is very rare, the once Christian man is clothed with a heavily embroidered robe and a rich turban put upon his head, and mounted upon a fine horse and accompanied with a crowd of howling dervishes and singing mollahs he is paraded in the streets and by the houses of his former friends; then he is taken to the house of the greatest Moslem and entertained there for several days until a believing woman is found to marry this new-born servant of Allah, who with his faith changes also his name.
Such common proverbs are publicly spoken, even to the face of the Christians: "Giaour's property is lawful to Moslem;" "Giaour's neck is for the sword of Islam;" "Giaour's head belongs to the government, and his property to the public;" "It is virtuous to drink Giaour's blood;" "Giaour has no religion;" "On the Day of Resurrection Giaours shall grovel with their faces on the earth, while the Moslems will walk erect, and will be borne aloft on winged camels, white as milk, with saddles of fine gold;" "When the Bridge of Surat is reached the Moslem will pass it through as a bird or an arrow and step the blissful gardens of Paradise, but Giaours, finding it as narrow as a hair's breadth and as sharp as a sword, will not be able to walk upon it, and thus shall stumble down into the lake of hell, full of boiling slime and melted sulphur;" "If a man kills an innocent cat or dog he must build as many mosques as the number of hairs on the animal, in order to escape its future punishment, but by killing obstinate Jews or Christians will be rewarded in both worlds."
Every pious Moslem has to repeat the following prayer vhen he kneels down before the throne of his most merciful Allah: "I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed; in the name of Allah, the most merciful. O Lord of all creatures, O Allah! destroy the infidels and polytheists, Thine enemies, the enemies of the religion. O Allah! make their children orphans, and defile their abodes; cause their feet to slip; give them and their families, their households and their women, their children and their relatives by marriage, their brothers and their friends, their possessions and their race, their wealth and their lands, as booty to the Moslems. O Lord of all creatures!"