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Island Life/Index

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Acacia, wide range of in Australia, 185
Acacia heterophylla, and Acacia koa, 443
Acæna in California, 527
Accipiter hawaii, 314
Achatinellinæ, average range of, 317
Ægialitis sanctæ-helenæ, 305
Africa, characteristic mammalia of, 416
former isolation of, 418
Africa and Madagascar, relations of, 418
early history of, 419
African highlands as aiding the migration of plants, 524
African reptiles absent from Madagascar, 418
Aggressive power of the Scandinavian flora, 511
Air and water, properties of, in relation to climate, 131
Alectorænas pulcherrimus, 429
Allen, Mr. J. A., on variation, 58
Allied species occupy separate areas, 478
Alpine plants, their advantages as colonisers, 503
Alternations of climate in Switzerland and North America, 121
Alternations of climate, palæontological evidence of, 119
Amazon, limitation of species by, 18
Amblyrhynchus cristatus, 279
American genera of reptiles in Madagascar, 417
Amphibia, dispersal of, 76
of the Seychelles, 432
introduced, of Mauritius, 435
of New Zealand, 483
Amphioxus, 63
Amphisbænidæ, 28
Amydrus Tristramii, restricted range of, 16
Anas Wyvilliana, 314
Ancient continental islands, 244, 411
Ancient glacial epochs, 169
what evidence of may be expected, 175
Ancient groups in Madagascar, 419
Andersson, N. J., on the flora of the Galapagos, 287
Andes, migration of plants along the, 520
Angræcum sesquipedale, 440
Animal life, effects of glacial epoch on, 117
Animal life of Formosa, 401
Anoa depressicornis, 456
Antarctic continent as a means of plant-dispersion, 521
Antarctic islands, with perpetual snow, 136
Antelopes, overlapping genera of, 29
Antiquity of Hawaiian fauna and flora, 328
of land-shells, 79
of New Zealand, 526
of plants as affecting their dispersal, 82
Apera arundinacea, 503
Apium graveolens in New Zealand, 515
Apteryx, species of, 476
Arabis hirsuta on railway arch, 514
Archaic forms still existing, 229
Arctic and Antarctic regions, contrasts of, 135
Arctic current, effects of a stoppage of, 150
Arctic plants in the southern hemisphere, 509
Arctic regions, mild climates of, 181
recent interglacial mild period in, 182
Arctic warm climates of Secondary and Palæozoic times, 201
Areas of distribution, 13
separate and overlapping, 17, 28
Ascension, former climate and productions of, 303
Astronomical and geographical causes, comparative effects of, on climate, 207
Astronomical causes of change of climate, 126
of glaciation, 140
Atlantic isles, peculiar mosses of, 368
Atlantosaurus, the largest land-animal, 98
Atriplex patula on a railway bank, 515
Auchenia, 27
Austen, Mr. Godwin, on littoral shells in deep water, 337
Australia, two sets of Northern plants in, 523
South European plants in, 523
Australia and South Africa, supposed connection of, 525
Australian Alps, indications of glaciation in, 163
birds absent from New Zealand, 483
flora, general features of, 491
richest in temperate zone, 491
recent and derivative in the tropics, 492
its south-eastern and south-western divisions, 493
Sir Joseph Hooker on, 494
geological explanation of, 494
its presence in New Zealand, 498
natural orders of, wanting in New Zealand, 490
orchideæ in China, 527
genera of plants in India, 524
plants absent from New Zealand, 488, 490
none in north temperate zone, 527
running wild in Neilgherrie mountains, 528
region, definition of, 45
mammals and birds of, 46
seeds scattered in New Zealand, 508
Aylward, Captain, on glaciation of South Africa, 163
Azores, 247
absence from, of large-fruited trees or shrubs, 260
zoological features of, 248
birds of, 249
insects of, 253
beetles of, 253
land-shells of, 256
flora of, 256
Azores and New Zealand, identical plants in both, 512
Azorean bird-fauna, origin of, 250
fauna and flora, deductions from, 261
plants, facilities for the dispersal of, 260

Babirusa alfurus in Celebes, 456
Badgers, 41
Bahamas contrasted with Florida, 5
Baker, Mr., on flora of Mauritius and the Seychelles, 441
Bali and Lombok, contrasts of, 4
Banca, peculiar species of, 386
Barbarea precox on railway bank, 514
Barn-owl, wide range of, 15
Baron, Rev. R., on the flora of Madagascar, 441
Barriers to dispersal, 73
Batrachia, 30
Bats in Bermuda, 269
Bears of Europe and America, 14
Beaver of Europe and America, 14
Beetles of the Azores, 253
remote affinities of some of, 255
of the Galapagos, 284
of St. Helena, 298
of the Sandwich Islands, 318
peculiar British species of, 351
Bell-birds, distribution of, 24
Bennett, Mr. Arthur, on peculiar British plants, 360
on the vegetation of railway banks, 514
Bentham, Mr., on the compositæ of the Galapagos, 288
on the compositæ of St. Helena, 307
on the Mascarene compositæ, 445
on Sandwich Island compositæ, 325
Bermuda, 262
soundings around, 263
red clay of, 265
zoology of, 266
reptiles of, 266
birds of, 266
insects of, 269
land-mollusca of, 270
flora of, 271
Bermuda and Azores, comparison of bird-faunas of, 268
Bernicla sandvichensis, 314
Biological causes which determine distribution, 532
Biological features of Madagascar, 416
Birds as plant-dispersers, 81
as seed-carriers, 81, 258
common to Great Britain and Japan, 396
common to India and Japan, 399
specific range of, 15
range of British, 34
range of East Asian, 38
variation in N. American, 58
dispersal of, 75
of the Azores, 249
of Bermuda, 266
of Bermuda and Azores compared, 268
of the Galapagos, 280
of the Sandwich Islands, 313
peculiar to Britain, 340
of Borneo, 377
of Java, 382
of the Philippines, 388
of Japan, 396
peculiar to Japan, 398
peculiar to Formosa, 404
common to Formosa and India or Malaya, 407
of Madagascar, and their teachings, 422
of Comoro Islands, 429
of the Seychelles, 430
of the Mascarene islands, 436
of islands east and west of Celebes, 454
of Celebes, 458
peculiar to Celebes, 459
Himalayan types of, in Celebes, 462
list of, in Celebes, 466
of New Zealand, 476, 482
wingless, of New Zealand, 476
Blackburn, Mr. T., on the beetles of the Sandwich Islands, 318
Blakiston and Pryer on birds of Japan, 396
Bland, Mr., on land-shells of Bermuda, 270
Blanford, Mr. W. T., on small effect of marine denudation, 225
Blanford, Mr. H. F., on former connection of Africa and India, 426
Blocks, travelled and perched, 109
Blue magpies, range of, 15
Borneo, geology of, 375
mammalia of, 376
birds of, 377
affinities of fauna of, 381
Borneo and Asia, resemblance of, 6
Borneo and Java, 373
Boulder-beds of the carboniferous formation, 201
Boulder clays of east of England, 118
Bovidæ, 29
Brady, Mr. H. B., on habitat of globigerinæ, 92
Braithwaite, Dr. R., on peculiar British mosses, 365
Britain, probable climate of, with winter in aphelion, 156
British birds, range of, 34-38
British Columbia, interglacial warm periods in, 121
British fauna and flora, peculiarities of, 370
British Isles, recent changes in, 332
proofs of former elevation of, 334
submerged forests of, 335
buried river channels of, 336
last union of, with continent, 337
why poor in species, 338
peculiar birds of, 339
fresh-water fishes of, 340
peculiar insects of, 344
peculiar Lepidoptera of, 347
peculiar Coleoptera of, 351
peculiar Trichoptera of, 355
peculiar land and fresh-water shells of, 356
peculiarities of the flora of, 360
peculiar mosses and Hepaticæ of, 366
British mammals as indicating a zoological region, 33
Buller, Sir W. L., on the New Zealand rat, 475
Buried river-channels, 336
Buteo solitarius, 314
Butterflies of Celebes, peculiar shape of, 463
Butterflies, peculiar British, 347

Caddis-flies peculiar to Britain, 355
Cæcilia, species of, in the Seychelles, 432
wide distribution of, 432
Cæciliadæ, 28
Callithea Leprieuri, distribution of, 18
Callithea sapphira, 18
Camels as destroyers of vegetation, 296
former wide distribution of, 421
Camelus, 17, 27
Campanula vidalii, 261
Canis, 17, 26
Carabus, numerous species of, 42
Carboniferous boulder-beds, 201
warm Arctic climate, 201
Carnivora in Madagascar, 417
Carpenter, Dr., on habitat of globigerinæ, 92
Carpenter, Mr. Edward, on Mars and glacial periods, 164
Carduus marianus in New Zealand, 515
Carpodacus purpureus and P. californicus, 68
Castor, 17
Casuarina, 185
in India, 527
Cause of extinction, 63
Caves of Glamorganshire, 336
Cebibæ, overlapping genera of, 29
Celebes, physical features of, 451
islands around, 452
zoology of, 455
derivation of mammals of, 457
birds of, 458
not a continental island, 461
insect peculiarities of, 462
Himalayan types in, 462
peculiarity of butterflies of, 463
list of land-birds of, 466
Centetidæ, 27
Centetidæ, formerly inhabited Europe, 420
Central America, mixed fauna of, 53
Ceratodus, or mud-fish, 69
Cervus, 17, 26
Chalk a supposed oceanic formation, 89
Chalk at Oahu, analysis of, 90
Chalk, analysis of, 91
Chalk mollusca indicative of shallow water, 93
Chalk sea, extent of, in Europe, 93
Chalk-formation, land-plants found in, 94
deposited in an inland sea, 93
of Faxoe an ancient coral-reef, 94
modern formation of, 95
supposed oceanic origin of, erroneous, 96
"Challenger" soundings and shore-deposits, 86
"Challenger" ridge in the Atlantic, 101
Chameleons very abundant in Madagascar, 430
Chamois, distribution of, 13
Changes of land and sea, 83
Chasmorhynchus, distribution of, 24
C. nudicollis, 24
C. tricarunculatus, 24
C. variegatus, 24
C. niveus, 24
Chilomenus lunata, 300
Chinchillas, 26
Chrysochloridæ, 29
Cicindela, 17
Cicindelidæ common to South America and Madagascar, 28
Clay, red, of Bermuda, 265
Climate, astronomical causes of changes of, 126
properties of snow and ice in relation to, 131
of Britain with winter in aphelion, 156
of Tertiary period in Europe and N. America, 178
temperate in Arctic regions, 181
causes of mild Arctic, 190
of Tertiary and Secondary periods, 199, 202
of the Secondary and Palæozoic epochs, 200
change of, during Tertiary and Secondary Periods, 200
affected by arrangement of the great continents, 205
nature of changes of, caused by high excentricity, 230
exceptional stability of the present, 232
changes of, as affecting migration of plants, 517
Climatal changes, 106
change, its essential principle restated, 158
changes as modifying organisms, 229
Clouds cut off the sun's heat, 145
Coal in Sumatra, 385
Coast line of globe, extent of, 221
Cochoa, distribution of, 25
Cockerell, Mr. Th. D. A., on slugs of Bermuda, 271
on British land and fresh-water shells, 356
Cold alone does not cause glaciation, 135
how it can be stored up, 133
Coleoptera of the Azores, 253
of St. Helena, 298
of the Sandwich Islands, 318
peculiar British species of, 351
Comoro Islands, 428
mammals and birds of, 428
Compositæ of the Galapagos, 288
of St. Helena, 307
of the Sandwich Islands, 325
of the Mascarene Islands, 445
species often have restricted ranges, 504
Conclusions on the New Zealand flora, 506
Contemporaneous formation of Lower Greensand and Wealden, 221
Continental conditions throughout geological time, 97-99
changes and animal distribution, 102
extensions will not explain anomalous facts of distribution, 449
Continental islands, 243
of recent origin, 331
general remarks on recent, 408
ancient, 411
Continental period, date of, 337
Continents, movements of, 88
permanence of, 97
general stability of, 101, 103
geological development of, 205
Continuity of land, 74
Continuity of now isolated groups, proof of, 70
Cook, Captain, on a native quadruped in New Zealand, 476
Cope, Professor, on the Bermuda lizard, 266
Coracias temminckii, in Celebes, 463
Corvus, 17
Cossonidæ, in St. Helena, 299
Cretaceous deposits in North Australia, 493, 496
Cretaceous flora of Greenland, 185
of the United States, 189
Croll, Dr. James, on Antarctic icebergs, 136
on winter temperature of Britain in glacial epoch, 141
on diversion of gulf-stream during the glacial epoch, 143
on loss of heat by clouds and fogs, 145
on geographical causes as affecting climate, 148
on ancient glacial epochs, 170
on universality of glacial markings in Scotland, 174
on mild climates of Arctic regions, 189
on ocean-currents, 190, 204
on age of the earth, 213
on mean thickness of sedimentary rocks, 220
on small amount of marine denudation, 225
on buried river-channels, 336
Ctenodus, 69
Cyanopica, distribution of, 24
Cyanopica cooki, restricted range of, 15, 24
Cyanopica cyanus, 24
Cynopithecus nigrescens, in Celebes, 456

Dacelo, 47
Dana on continental upheavals, 88
on chalk in the Sandwich Islands, 90
on elevation of land causing the glacial epoch, 152
on elevation of Western America, 194
on the development of continents, 205
on shore-deposits, 222
on life extermination by cold epochs, 230
Darwin, experiment on Helix pomatia, 78
on the permanence of oceans, 100
on cloudy sky of Antarctic regions, 146
on glaciers of the Southern Andes, 147
on geological time, 211
on complex relations of organisms, 226
on oceanic islands, 242
on seeds carried by birds, 257
experiments on seed-dispersal, 258
on natural history of the Keeling Islands, 286
theory of formation of atolls, 397
on cultivated plants not running wild, 507
Dawkins, Professor Boyd, on animal migrations during the glacial epoch, 120
Dawson, Mr. G. M., on alternations of climate in British Columbia, 121
Professor, on Palæozoic boulder-beds in Nova Scotia, 201
De Candolle on dispersal of seeds, 80
Deep-sea deposits, 219
Deer in Celebes, 456
Delphinium ajacis, on a railway bank, 515
Dendrœca, 19
D. cœrulea, 19
D. discolor, 19
D. dominica, 19
Dendrœca coronata, variation of, 58
Dendrophidæ, 29
Denudation destroys the evidences of glaciation, 172
Denudation and deposition as a measure of time, 213
Denudation in river basins, measurement of, 215
Denudation, marine as compared with sub-aerial, 225
Deposition of sediments, how to estimate the average, 221
Deserts, cause of high temperature of, 132
Diagram of excentricity and precession, 129
Diagram of excentricity for three million years, 171
Dididæ, how exterminated, 436
Didunculus, keeled sternum of, 437
Diospyros, in upper greensand of Greenland, 186
Diplotaxis muralis, on railway banks, 513
Dipnoi, discontinuity of, 69
Dipterus, 69
Discontinuity among North American birds, 67
Discontinuity a proof of antiquity, 69
Discontinuous generic areas, 23
Discontinuous areas, 64
why rare, 64
Dispersal of animals, 72
of land animals, how effected, 73, 76
along mountain-chains, 81
of seeds by wind, 80, 257
by birds, 81, 258
by ocean-currents, 81, 258
of Azorean plants, facilities for, 260
Distribution, changes of, shown by extinct animals, 102
how to explain anomalies of, 420
Drontheim mountains, peculiar mosses of, 368
Dobson, Mr., on bats of Japan, 394
on the affinities of Mystacina tuberculata, 474
Dodo, the, 436
aborted wings of, 437
Dryiophidæ, 28
Dumeril, Professor, on lizards of Bourbon, 435
Duncan, Professor P. M., on ancient sea of central Australia, 496

Early history of New Zealand, 484
Earth's age, 210
East Asian birds, range of, 38
East and West Australian floras, geological explanation of, 494
Echidna, 30
Echimyidæ, 27
Elevation of North America during glacial period, 154
causing diversion of gulf-stream, 154
Elwes, Mr. H. J., on distribution of Asiatic birds, 380
Emberiza schœniclus, discontinuity of, 66
E. passerina, range of, 66
E. pyrrhulina, 66
Endemic genera of plants in Mauritius, &c., 443
Endemic genera of plants in New Zealand, 526
English plants in St. Helena, 297
Environment, change of, as modifying organisms, 225
Eriocaulon septangulare, 363
Ethiopian Region, definition of, 42
birds of, 43
Ettingshausen, Baron von, on the fossil flora of New Zealand, 499
on Australian plants in England, 518
Eucalyptus, wide range of, in Australia, 185
Eucalyptus and Acacia, why not in New Zealand, 507
Eucalyptus in Eocene of Sheppey, 518
Eupetes, distribution of, 25
Europe, Asia, &c., as zoological terms, 32
European birds, range of, 16
in Bermuda, 269
European occupation, effects of, in St. Helena, 294
European plants in New Zealand, 507
in Chile and Fuegia, 521
Everett, Mr., on Bornean birds, 377
on mammalia of the Philippines, 387
on Philippine birds, 388
on raised coral-reefs in the Philippines, 389
Evolution necessitates continuity, 70
Excentricity and precession, diagram of, 129
Excentricity, variations of, during three million years, 171
Excentricity a test of rival theories of climate, 171
Excentricity, high, its effects on warm and cold climates, 198
Explanation of peculiarities of the fauna of Celebes, 460
Extinct animals showing changes of distribution, 102
Extinct birds of the Mascarene Islands, 436
of New Zealand, 476
Extinction caused by glacial epoch, 122

Families, restricted areas of, 29
distribution and antiquity of, 68
Fauna and flora, peculiarities of British, 370
Fauna of Borneo, affinities of, 381
of Java, 382
of Java and Asia compared, 384
Faunas of Hainan, Formosa, and Japan compared, 407
Felis, 17, 26
Ferns, abundance of, in Mascarene flora, 445
Ficus, fossil Arctic, 186
Fire-weed, the, of Tasmania, 513
Fisher, Rev. O., on temperature of space, 131
Fishes, dispersal of, 76
peculiar British, 340
cause of great speciality in, 343
mode of migration of fresh-water, 344
fresh-water, of New Zealand, 484
Floating islands, and the dispersal of animals, 74
Flora of the Azores, 256
of Bermuda, 271
of the Galapagos, 287
of St. Helena, 305
of the Sandwich Islands, 321;
peculiar features of, 323
peculiarities of the British, 360
of Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands, 439
of Madagascar and South Africa allied, 445
of New Zealand, 487
very poor, 488
its resemblance to the Australian, 489
its differences from the Australian, 490
origin of Australian element in, 498
tropical character of, explained, 500
summary and conclusion on, 506
Floras of New Zealand and Australia, summary of conclusion as to, 542
Florida and Canada, resemblances of, 5
and Bahamas, contrasts of, 5
Fogs cut off the sun's heat in glaciated countries, 145
Forbes, Mr. D., analysis of chalk, 91
Forbes, Mr. H. O., on plants of the Keeling Islands, 286
Formosa, 400
physical features of, 401
animal life of, 401
list of mammalia of, 402
list of land-birds peculiar to, 404
Forests, submerged, 335
Fowler, Rev. Canon, on peculiar British coleoptera, 346, 351
Freezing water liberates low-grade heat, 145
Fresh-water deposits, extent of, 97
organisms absent in St. Helena, 304
snail peculiar to Ireland, 356
fishes of the Seychelles, 433
Frogs of the Seychelles, 432
of New Zealand, 483
Fuegia, European plants in, 521
Fulica alai, 313

Galapagos Islands, 275
Galapagos, absence of mammalia and amphibia from, 278
reptiles of, 278
birds of, 280
insects of, 284
land-shells of, 285
flora of, 287
and Azores contrasted, 290
Galbula cyaneicollis, distribution of, 18
rufoviridis, 18
viridis, 18
Galeopithecus, 63
Gallinula sandvichensis, 313
Gardner, Mr. J. S., on Tertiary changes of climate, 203
Garrulus, distribution of species of, 20
Garrulus glandarius, 21, 23, 65
G. cervicalis, 21
G. krynicki, 21
G. atricapillus, 21
G. hyrcanus, 21
G. brandti, 21, 23
G. lanceolatus, 22
G. bispecularis, 22
G. sinensis, 22
G. taivanus, 22
G. japonicus, 22, 65
Geikie, Dr. James, on interglacial deposits, 121
Sir Archibald, on age of buried river-channels, 337
on stratified rocks being found near shores, 87
on formation of chalk in shallow water, 96
on permanence of continents, 104
on variation in rate of denudation, 173
on the rate of denudation, 215
on small amount of marine denudation, 225
Genera, extent of, 17
origin of, 61
rise and decay of, 64
Generic areas, 17
Generic and Family distribution, 25
Genus, defined and illustrated, 17
Geographical change as a cause of glaciation, 148
changes, influence of, on climate, 150, 152
changes, effect of, on Arctic climates, 195
changes of Java and Borneo, 385
changes as modifying organisms, 228
Geological climates and geographical conditions, 204
time, 210
change, probably quicker in remote times, 223
time, value of the estimate of, 224
time, measurement of, 235
changes as aiding the migration of plants, 519
climates as affecting distribution, 534
climates, summary of causes of, 536
time, summary of views on, 539
Geology of Borneo, 375
of Madagascar, 412
of Celebes, 451
of New Zealand, 472
of Australia, 494
Geomalacus maculcosus, 356
Glacial climate not local, 113
deposits of Scotland, 112
Glacial epoch, proofs of, 107
effects of, on animal life, 117
alternations of climate during, 118
as causing migration and extinction, 122
causes of, 125
the essentials to the production of, 136
probable date of the, 160
and the climax of continental development, 206
date of last, 233
Glacial phenomena in North America, 116
Glaciation was greatest where rainfall is now greatest, 139
action of meteorological causes on, 142
summary of chief causes of, 144
in Northern Hemisphere, the only efficient cause of, 144
of New Zealand and South Africa, 162
local, due to high excentricity, 207
widespread in recent times, 536
Gleichenia in Greenland, 186
in relation to chalk, 89
Globigerina-ooze, analysis of, 91
Globigerinæ, where found, 92
Glyptostrobus, fossil, 186
Goats, destructiveness of, in St. Helena, 295
Godman, Mr., on birds reaching the Azores, 248, 250
Gray, Professor Asa, on extinction of European plants by the glacial epoch, 123
Great Britain and Japan, birds common to, 396
Greene, Dr. J. Reay, on chameleons in Bourbon and Mauritius, 435
Greenland, loss of sun-heat by clouds in, 147
an anomaly in the Northern Hemisphere, 154
Miocene flora of, 183
Cretaceous flora of, 186
flora of ice-surrounded rocks of, 522
Grinnell Land, fossil flora of, 184
Guernsey, peculiar caddis-fly in, 355
Gulick, Rev. J. T., on Achatinellinæ, 318
Günther, Dr., on gigantic tortoises, 279
on peculiar British fishes, 341
on Urotrichus gibsii, 394
on lizards in the London Docks, 431
on Indian toads in Mauritius, 438
Guppy, Mr., on chalk of Solomon Islands, 91

Haast, Dr., on otter-like mammal in New Zealand, 475
Habitability of globe due to disproportion of land and water, 209
Haplothorax burchellii, 299
Hartlaub, Dr., on "Lemuria," 423, 426
Hatteria punctata, 483
Haughton, Professor, on heat carried by ocean-currents, 194
comparison of Miocene and existing climates, 197
on geological time, 211, 219
on thickness of sedimentary rocks, 219
Hawaiian fauna and flora, antiquity of, 328
Heat and cold, how dispersed or stored up, 131
Heat required to melt snow, 134
evolved by frozen water, its nature and effects, 145
cut off by cloud and fogs, 145
Hector, Dr., on Triassic and Jurassic flora of New Zealand, 526
Heer, Professor, on chalk sea in Central Europe, 93
Heilprin, Professor, on insects of Bermuda, 269
on land-shells of Bermuda, 270
Helianthemum Breweri, 360, 363
Heliodus, an American fossil, 69
Helix, 17
Hemiptera of St. Helena, 303
Hepaticæ, peculiar British, 366
non-European genera of, in Britain, 367
Hesperomys, 26
Hesperornis allied to ostriches, 481
Hieracium iricum, 362
High land essential to the production of a glacial epoch, 195
Hildebrand, Dr. W., on flora of the Sandwich Islands, 321
Himalayan birds and insects in Celebes, 462
Hippopotamus in Yorkshire as proving a mild climate, 119
Hochstetter on the aquatic mammal of New Zealand, 475
Hooker, Sir Joseph, on the Galapagos flora, 287
on affinities of St. Helena plants, 306
on peculiar British plants, 360, 363
on the flora of New Zealand, 488
on proportion of temperate and tropical Australian floras, 492
on current of vegetation from north to south, 510
on supposed occurrence of Australian plants in England in the Tertiary period, 518
Horne, Mr. John, on ice-sheet covering the Isle of Man, 115
Hull, Professor, on Permian breccias in Ireland indicating ice-action, 201
Humming-birds, restricted ranges of, 16
Hutton, Captain, on struthious birds of New Zealand, 479
Huxley, Professor, on geological time, 211
on European origin of African animals, 419
Hyomoschus, 27
Hyracoidea, restricted range of, 30

Ice-action, what evidences of, during the Tertiary period, 178
indications of ancient, 200
Ice-borne rocks, a test of a glacial epoch, 176
in Miocene of N. Italy, 178
in Eocene of Alps, 178
in Eocene of Carpathians and Apennines, 179
absence of, in English and N. American Tertiaries, 180
Ice-cap, why improbable or impossible, 161
Iceland, a continental island, 450
Icteridæ, 50
Iguanidæ, 50
Indian birds in Formosa, 407
Indian Ocean as a source of heat in Tertiary times, 192
Indian genera of plants in Australia, 492
Indicator, distribution of, 25
Insectivora in Madagascar, 417
Insects, dispersal of, 77
of the Miocene period, 77
restriction of range of, 78
of the Azores, 253
of Bermuda, 269
of the Galapagos, 284
of St. Helena, 298
of the Sandwich Islands, 318
peculiar British, 344
of Celebes, peculiarities of, 462
scarcity of, in New Zealand, 505
Insular faunas, summary of conclusions as to, 539, 542
Interglacial warm periods on the continent and in North America, 121
Interglacial periods and their probable character, 152
Interglacial periods will not occur during an epoch of extreme glaciation, 155
Interglacial climates never very warm, 159
Ireland, poverty of, in reptiles, 339
in plants, 339
peculiar fishes of, 342
plants of, not found in Great Britain, 364
Islands, classification of, 242
importance of, in study of distribution, 241
remote, how stocked with plants and animals, 261
submerged between Madagascar and India, 425
Isle of Wight, peculiar beetle of, 351
Isatis tinctoria, on railway bank, 513
Ithaginis, 26

Japan, zoological features of, 393
mammalia of, 394
birds of, 396
birds peculiar to, 398
birds in distant areas, 399
Japan and Formosa, 391
Java, fauna of, 382
Asiatic species in, 384
Java and Borneo, past changes of, 385
Jays, distribution of species of, 20
of Europe and Japan, 67
Jeffreys, Dr. Gwyn, on shallow-water mollusca in chalk, 92
on fossil shallow-water shells in deep water, 337
Jones, Mr., on migration of birds to Bermuda, 268
on vegetation of the Bermudas, 272
Juan Fernandez, flora and fauna of, 287
Judd, Prof. J. W., on absence of glaciation in east Europe, 139
on glaciation of the Alps produced by elevation, 179
Juniperus barbadensis, 272
Jura, travelled blocks on, 110
Jurassic warm Arctic climate, 202

Keeling Islands, animals of, 286
Kirk, Mr. T., on temporary introduced plants, 515
Knowledge of various kinds required for study of geographical distribution, 7, 9

Lagopus scoticus, 340
Land as a barrier to ocean-currents, 150
Land and sea, changes of, 83
how changes of, affect climate, 148, 150
Land and water, disproportion of, renders globe habitable, 209
Land-birds of Celebes, list of, 466
Land-connection, how far necessary to dispersal of mammals, 73
Land-shells, great antiquity of, 79
universal distribution of, 79
causes favouring the abundance of, 79
of the Azores, 256
of Bermuda, 270
of the Galapagos, 284
of St. Helena, 304
of the Sandwich Islands, 316
of the Seychelles, 434
Laurus canariensis, 260
Leguat on animals of Bourbon, 435
on the Solitaire, 436
Leguminosæ, abundance of, in Australia, 490
"Lemuria," a supposed submerged continent, 422-426
Lemurs in Madagascar, 416
Lendenfeld, Dr. R. von, on glaciation in the Australian Alps, 163
Leopard, enormous range of, 14
Lepidoptera, list of peculiar British, 347
Lepidosiren, 63
Lepidosiren paradoxa and L. annectens, 69
Lepidosternidæ, 27
Limestone as indicating change of sea and land, 84
Limnæa involuta, 356
Linaria purpurea, on railway bank, 514
Liopelma hochstetteri, in New Zealand, 483
Liotrichidæ, 29
List of the land-birds of Celebes, 466
Lizard peculiar to the Mascarene Islands, 438
Lizards of the Galapagos, 278
local variation of colour of, 431
of New Zealand, 483
Lobeliaceæ, abundance of, in the Sandwich Islands, 324
Locality of a species, importance of, 12
Loddigesia mirabilis, rarity of, 16
Lord, Mr., on species of Urotrichus, 394
Low-grade and high-grade heat, 145
Lowlands nowhere covered with perpetual snow, 136
Lundy Island, peculiar beetles of, 354
Lyell, Sir Charles, on permanence of continents, 84
on calcareous mud, 90
on the distribution of chalk, 93
on geographical causes as modifying climate, 148
on estimate of geological time, 211, 235
on classification of sedimentary rocks, 217
Lynxes, a Palæarctic group, 41

McLachlan, Mr., on peculiar British caddis-flies, 355
Madagascar, physical features of, 412
former condition of, 414
biological features of, 416
mammalia of, 416
reptiles of, 417
relation of, to Africa, 418
early history of, 419
birds of, in relation to "Lemuria," 422
flora of, 439
conclusion on fauna and flora of, 446
great antiquity of, 446
Madagascar and Africa, contrast of, 6
Maillard on animals of Bourbon, 435
Malay Islands, local peculiarities of flora in, 187
past history of, 389
Malayan birds in Formosa, 406
Mammalia of East Asia, range of, 34
of North Africa, range of, 34
Mammalia, dispersal of, 73
of Britain, range of, 33
poverty of, 329
of Borneo, 376
of Java, 382
of the Philippines, 387
of Japan, 393
of Formosa, 402
common to Formosa and India, 403
of Madagascar, 416
of Comoro Islands, 428
of Celebes, 455; whence derived, 457
of New Zealand, 474
Maori legend of origin of the forest-rat, 475
Maoris, their accounts of the moa, 477
Map of the old Rhone glacier, 110
of North and South Polar Regions, 138
of the Azores, 248
of Bermuda, 263
of the Galapagos, 276, 277
of the South Atlantic Ocean, 293
of the Sandwich Islands, 311
of the North Pacific with its submerged banks, 312
of British Isles and the 100-fathom bank, 333
of Borneo and Java, 374
of Japan and Formosa, 392
physical, of Madagascar, 413
of the Madagascar group, 415
of the Indian Ocean, 425
of Celebes, 452
of sea-bottom around New Zealand, 472
of Australia in Cretaceous period, 497
Marcou, Professor Jules, on the Pliocene and glacial epochs, 233
Marmot, range of, 15
Mars as illustrating glacial theories, 164, 168
Mars, no true ice-cap on, 166
Marsupials, range of, 30
Marsh, Prof. O. C., on the Atlantosaurus, 98
on Hesperornis, 481
Marsh, Mr., on camels as desert-makers, 296
Mascarene Islands, 428-445
Mascarene plants, curious relations of, 442
endemic genera of, 443
Mascarene flora, fragmentary character of, 444
abundance of ferns in, 445
Mauritius, Bourbon, and Rodriguez, 434
Measurements of geological time, 233
agreement of various estimates of, 235
concluding remarks on, 236
Medicago sativa in New Zealand, 515
Megalæmidæ, 27
Meleagris, 50
Melilotus vulgaris, on railway banks, 513
Meliphagidæ, 47
Melliss, Mr., on the early history of St. Helena, 295
Melospiza melodia, variation of, 58
Merycotherium, 123
Meteorological causes as intensifying glaciation, 142
Migration caused by glacial epoch, 122
of birds to Bermuda, 267
of plants from north to south, 512
of plants and alterations of snow line, 516
of plants due to changes of climate, 517
of plants from north to south, long continued, 518
of plants aided by geological changes, 519
of plants by way of the Andes, 520
of plants by way of Himalayas and South Asia, 523
of plants through Africa, 524
Mild Arctic climates, stratigraphical evidence of, 187
causes of, 190
dependent on geographical changes, 191
effects of high excentricity on, 198
summary of causes of, 537
Miocene Arctic flora, 183
flora of Europe, 123
or Eocene floras, 185
deposits of Java, 385
fauna of Europe and North India, 419
Mississippi, matter carried away by, 172
Mitten, Mr. William, on peculiar British mosses and hepaticæ, 365, 368
on temporary appearance of plants, 513
Mniotiltidæ, a nearctic group, 49
Mnium, peculiar species of, in the Drontheim mountains, 368
Moas of New Zealand, 476
Mollusca, dispersal of, 78
Monotremata, restricted range of, 30
Moraines, 108
of Ivrea, 116
More, Mr. A. G., on peculiar Irish plants, 364
Morgan, Mr. C. Lloyd, on thickness of formations not affected by denudation, 220
Moseley, Mr. H. N., on seeds carried by birds, 259
on the flora of Bermuda, 272
Mosses, peculiar British, 366
non-European genera of, in Britain, 367
how diffused and why restricted, 368
Mt. St. Elias, why not ice-clad, 154
Mountain chains aiding the dispersal of plants, 81
as aids to migration of plants, 513
Mueller, Baron von, census of Australian plants, 492
Munia brunneiceps, in Celebes, 463
Murray, Mr. J., on oceanic deposits, 86
on chalk-like globigerina-ooze, 92
on mean height of continents, 216
on land-area of the globe, 221
Mus, 17, 26
Mygale pyrenaica, range of, 15, 24
M. muscovitica, 24
Myialestes helianthea in Celebes, 463
Myrica faya, 260
Myrsine, fossil in Greenland, 186
Mytilus edulis, sub-fossil in Spitzbergen, 182

Nares, Capt. Sir G., on snow and ice in high latitudes, 135
on abrupt elevation of Bermuda, 264
Nearctic Region, definition of, 48
mammalia of, 48
birds of, 49
reptiles of, 50
Nectarinea osea, restricted range of, 16
Neilgherries, Australian plants naturalized in, 528
Neotropical Region, definition of, 51
low types of, 52
Nevill, Mr. Geoffrey, on land-shells of the Seychelles, 434
on destruction of Seychelles flora, 445
New species, origin of, 56
Newton, Mr. E., on short wings of the Seychelles dove, 437
Newton, Professor, on recently extinct birds, 437
Newts, restricted range of, 30
New Zealand, recent glaciation of, 163
New Zealand, 471
geology of, 472
form of sea-bottom around, 473
zoological character of, 473
mammalia of, 474
wingless birds of, 476
past changes of, 478
winged birds and lower vertebrates of, 482
deductions from peculiarities of fauna of, 484
period of its union with N. Australia, 484
the flora of, 487, 506
origin of Australian element in the flora of, 498
tropical character of flora, 500
tropical genera common to Australia, 501
temperate species common to Australia, 502
route of Arctic plants to, 521
European plants in, 509
endemic genera of plants in, 526
great antiquity of, 526
Nordenskjöld, Prof., on absence of perpetual snow in N. Asia, 135
on recent milder climate in Spitzbergen, 182
on former Polar climates, 187
on geology of Spitzbergen, 188
North America, glacial phenomena in, 116
interglacial warm periods in, 121
condition of, in Tertiary period, 194
Northern genera of plants in S. temperate America, 521
hemisphere, absence of southern plants from, 527
flora, hardiness of, 528

Ocean-currents as carriers of plants, 81
as affecting interglacial periods, 152
as determining climate, 153
effects of, in Tertiary times, 196
Ocean, Darwin on permanence of, 100
Oceanic and continental islands, 242
Oceanic islands a proof of the permanence of oceans, 100
Oceanic islands, 244
—the Azores, 247
general remarks on, 329
Octodontidæ, 27
Œnanthe fluviatilis, 361
Œninghen, Miocene flora of, 183
Œnothera odorata, on a railway bank, 514
Oliver, Professor, on peculiar Bermudan plants, 272
Operculata, scarcity of, in the Sandwich Islands, 317
Ophrys apifera, temporary appearance of, 514
Orchideæ, species have restricted ranges, 505
Orchids, abundance of, in Bourbon and Mauritius, 446
why almost universal in the tropics, 446
Orders, distribution of, 30
Organic change dependent on change of conditions, 225, 228
Oriental Region, definition of, 44
mammals and birds of, 44
reptiles of, 45
insects of, 45
Origin of new species, 56, 60
of new genera, 61
of the Galapagos flora, 288
of the beetles of St. Helena, 298
of Australian element in the New Zealand flora, 498
Orkney, peculiar fishes of, 341
Orthonyx not a New Zealand genus, 483
Osprey, wide range of, 15
Ostriches, limitation of, 30
Otter-like mammal in New Zealand, 475
Overlapping and discontinuous areas, 28

Pachyglossa aureolimbata, in Celebes, 463
Palæarctic Region, limits of, 39
characteristic features of, 41
Palæozoic formations, depth of, round London, 218
Palm confined to Round Island, 444
Panax, fossil in Greenland, 186
Papilio, 17
Paraguay, no wild horses or cattle in, 226
Parnassius, Palæarctic, 42
Parus ater, 19
P. borealis, 19, 64
P. britannicus, 321
P. camtschatkensis, 19
P. cinctus, 20
P. cœruleus, 20
P. cyaneus, 20
P. cristatus, 20
P. ledouci, 20
P. lugubris, 20
P. major, 19
P. palustris, 19; discontinuous area of, 65
P. rosea, 340
P. teneriffæ, 20
Passeres of the Sandwich Islands, 314
Past changes of New Zealand, 478
Payer, Lieut., on evaporation of ice during the Arctic summer, 140
Peculiar fauna of New Zealand, deductions from, 484
Pengelly, Mr., on submerged forests, 335
Pennula millei, in Sandwich Islands, 313
Permanence of continents, summary of evidence for, 103
Permian formation, indications of ice-action in, 200
Perodicticus, a local genus, 26
Petroselinum segetum, on railway bank, 514
Philippine Islands, 387
mammalia of, 387
birds of, 388
past history of, 389
Phyllodactylus galapagensis, 279
Phylloscopus borealis, range of, 15
Physical causes which determine distribution, 533
features of Formosa, 401
Pica, 17
Pickering, Dr., on the flora of the Sandwich Islands, 323
on temperate forms on mountains of the Sandwich Islands, 323
Pithecia monachus, distribution of, 18
P. rufibarbata, 18
Pitta, distribution of, 25
Plants, dispersal of, 80
seeds of, adapted for dispersal, 80
wide range of species and genera of, 185
poverty of, in Ireland, 339
peculiar British, 359
of Ireland not in Great Britain, 364
cause of their wide diffusion and narrow restriction, 369
easily dispersed often have restricted ranges, 504
how they migrate from north to south, 512
of existing genera throughout the Tertiary period, 520
southern migration of, by way of the Himalayas, 523
southern migration of, through Africa, 524
endemic genera of, in New Zealand, 526
Platypus, 30
Plestiodon longirostris of Bermuda, 266
Po, matter carried away by, 173
Podargus, Australian genus, 47
Pœcilozonites, peculiar to Bermuda, 270
Poinciana regia in Madagascar, 440
Populus, fossil in Spitzbergen, 184
Pourtales, Count, on modern formation of chalk, 95
on sedimentary deposits in Gulf of Mexico, 222
Poverty in species of Britain, 338
Precession of Equinoxes, influence of, on climate, 126
Preservation of species, 63
Proboscidea, range of, 30
Proteus, why preserved, 63
Psophia, range of species of, 18
Pteroptochidæ, 29
Pyrenean ibex, restricted range of, 15

Railways, new plants on, 513
Ramsay, Mr. Wardlaw, on Philippine birds, 388
Professor, on ancient land surfaces, 99
on geological time 212
on thickness of sedimentary rocks, 219
Rat, native, of New Zealand, 475
Rate of organic change usually measured by an incorrect scale, 232
Rats in the Galapagos, 278
Raven, wide range of, 15
Reade, T. Mellard, on changes of sea and land, 84
Recent continental islands, 243, 331
Red clay of Bermuda, 265
Reptiles, dispersal of, 75
of the Galapagos, 278
of the Sandwich Islands, 316
cause of scarcity of, in British Isles, 339
of Madagascar, 417
of the Seychelles, 430
of Mauritius and Round Island, 438
of New Zealand, 483
Rhodolæna altivola in Madagascar, 440
Rhus toxicodendron in Bermuda, 272
Ridgway, Mr., on birds of Galapagos, 281
River-channels, buried, 336
Roches moutonnées, 108
Rodents in Madagascar, 417
Round Island, a snake and a palm peculiar to, 438, 444
Rumex pulcher in New Zealand, 515
Rye, Mr. E. C., on peculiar British insects, 345, 351

St. Helena, 292
effects of European occupation on the vegetation of, 294
insects of, 298
land-shells of, 304
absence of fresh-water organisms in, 304
native vegetation of, 305
Salvin, Mr., on the birds of the Galapagos, 280
Sandwich Islands, the, 310
zoology of, 313
birds of, 313
reptiles of, 316
land-shells of, 316
insects of, 318
vegetation of, 321
antiquity of fauna and flora of, 328
Sassafras, in Swiss Miocene, 183
Scandinavian flora, aggressive power of, 511
Scientific voyages, comparative results of, 7
Sciurus, 26
Sclater, Mr. P. L., on zoological region, 32, 39
Scotland, glacial deposits of, 112-115
probable rate of denudation in, 173
Miocene flora of, 184
peculiar fishes of, 341
Scotophilus tuberculatus in New Zealand, 474
Scrophularincæ, why few species are common to Australia and New Zealand, 505
Sea, depth of, around Madagascar, 414
depth of, around Celebes, 452
Sea-bottom around New Zealand and Australia, 473
Sea-level, changes of, dependent on glaciation, 161
complex effects of glaciation on, 162, 164
rise of, a cause of denudation, 174
Seas, inland, in Tertiary period, 191
Section of sea-bottom near Bermuda, 264
Sedges and grasses common to Australia and New Zealand, 504
Sedimentary rocks, how to estimate thickness of, 217
thinning out of, 217
how formed, 218
thickness of, 217, 221
summary of conclusions on the rate of formation of the, 221
Seebohm, Mr., on Parus palustris, 65
on Emberiza schœniclus, 66
on snow in Siberia, 166
on birds of Japan, 396
Seeds, dispersal of, 257
carried by birds, 258
Senecio australis, on burnt ground, 513
Sericinus, Palæarctic, 42
Seychelles Archipelago, 429
birds of, 430
reptiles and amphibia of, 430
fresh-water fishes of, 433
land-shells of, 434
Sharp, Dr. D., on beetles of the Sandwich Islands, 319
on peculiar British beetles, 345
Shells, peculiar to Britain, 356
Shetland Isles, peculiar beetle of, 354
Shore deposits, 85, 211
proving the permanence of continents, 97
distance from coast of, 221
Sialia sialis, variation of, 58
Siberia, amount of snow and its sudden disappearance in, 166
Silurian boulder-beds, 201
warm Arctic climate, 202
Simiidae, 27
Sisyrinchium bermudianum, 272
Skertchley, Mr., on four distinct boulder-clays, 118
on Tertiary deposits in Egypt and Nubia, 191
on climatic stability of present epoch, 233
Slug peculiar to Ireland, 356
Snake peculiar to Round Island, 438
Snakes of the Galapagos, 280
of the Seychelles, 431
Snow and ice, properties of, in relation to climate, 131
Snow, effects of, on climate, 133
Snow, quantity of heat required to melt, 134
often of small amount in high latitudes, 135
never perpetual on lowlands, 136
conditions determining perpetual, 137
maintains cold by reflecting the solar heat, 144
Snow-line, alterations of, causing migration of plants, 516
Sollas, Mr. J. W., on greater intensity of telluric action in past time, 223
South Africa, recent glaciation of, 163
many northern genera of plants in, 524
its supposed connection with Australia, 525
South American plants in New Zealand,521
South Temperate America, poor in species, 53
climate of, 146
Southern flora, comparative tenderness of, 528
Southern plants, why absent in the Northern Hemisphere, 527
Space, temperature of, 129
Specialisation antagonistic to diffusion of species, 505
Species, origin of new, 56
extinction of, 63
rise and decay of, 64
epoch of exceptional stability of, 232
dying out and replacement of, 409
preservation of, in islands, 410
Specific areas, 14; discontinuous, 64
Spiranthes romanzoviana, 364
Spitzbergen, Miocene flora of, 184
absence of boulder-beds in, 187
Spruce, Dr. Richard, on the dispersion of hepaticæ, 309
Stability of extreme glacial conditions, 159
Stainton, Mr. H. T., on peculiar British moths, 346-350
Stanivoi mountains, why not ice-clad, 154
Starlings, genera of, in New Zealand, 482
Stellaria media, temporary appearance of, 515
Sternum, process of abortion of keel of, 437
Stow, Mr. G. W., on glacial phenomena in South Africa, 163
Stratified rocks formed near shores, 85, 87
deposits, how formed, 218
Striated rocks, 107
blocks in the Permian formation, 200
Striæ flammea, range of, 15
Struthiones, 30
Struthious birds of New Zealand as indicating past changes, 478
Stylidium, wide range of, 185
Submerged forests, 334
Subsidence of isthmus of Panama, 151
Sumatra, geology of, 385
Sweden, two deposits of "till" in, 121
Swimming powers of mammalia, 74
Swinhoe, Mr. Robert, researches in Formosa, 400
Switzerland, interglacial warm periods in, 121
Sylviadæ, overlapping genera of, 29

Talpidæ, a Palæarctic group, 41
Tapirs, distribution of, 25
former wide range of, 393
Tarsius, 63
Tarsius spectrum in Celebes, 456
Tasmania and North Australia, resemblance of, 5
route of Arctic plants to, 520
Taxodium distichum in Spitzbergen, 184
Temperate climates in Arctic regions, 181
Australian genera of plants in New Zealand, 502
Australian species of plants in New Zealand, 502
Temperature, how dependent on sun's distance, 129
of space, 129
Tertiary glacial epochs, evidence against, 179
warm climates, continuous, 187
Test of glaciation at any period, 175
Testudo abingdonii, 279
T. microphyes, 278
Tetraogallus, distribution of, 24
Thais, a Palæarctic genus, 42
Thomson, Sir William, on age of the earth, 213
Sir Wyville, on organisms in the globigerina-ooze, 89
analysis of globigerina-ooze, 91
Thryothorus bewickii, discontinuity of, 68
"Till" of Scotland, 112
several distinct formations of, 121
Tits, distribution of species of, 19
Torreya, fossil in Spitzbergen, 186
Tortoises of the Galapagos, 278
Trade-winds, how modified by a glacial epoch, 142
Tragulidæ, 27
Travelled blocks, 109
Tremarctos, an isolated genus, 29
Triassic warm Arctic climate, 200
Tribonyx not a New Zealand genus, 483
Trichoptera peculiar to Britain, 355
Trogons, distribution of, 28
Tropical affinities of New Zealand birds, 483
character of the New Zealand flora, cause of, 500
genera common to New Zealand and Australia, 501
Turdus, 17, 26
Turdus fuscescens, variation of, 58, 59
Tylor, A., on estimating the rate of denudation, 214
Tyrannidæ, an American family, 50

Uraniidæ, 28
Uropeltidæ, 30
Urotrichus, distribution of, 25
Ursus, 26

Variation in animals, 57
amount of, in N. American birds, 58
Vegetation, local peculiarities of, 185
effects of Polar night on, 198
Vesperugo serotinus, range of, 14
Vireo bellii, supposed discontinuity of, 68
Vireonidæ, an American family, 49

Wallich, Dr., on habitat of globigerinæ, 92
Warren, Mr. W., information on British lepidoptera, 347
Water, properties of, in relation to climate, 131, 133
Waterhouse, Mr., on Galapagos beetles, 284
Wales, peculiar fish of, 341
Warm climates of northern latitudes, long persistence of, 201
Watson, Mr. H. C., on the flora of the Azores, 256
on peculiar British plants, 359
on vegetation of railway banks, 513
Webb, Mr., on comparison of Mars and the Earth, 166
West Australia, rich flora of, 494
former extent and isolation of, 497
West Indies, a Neotropical district, 53
White, Dr. F. Buchanan, on the Hemiptera of St. Helena, 303
Mr. John, on native accounts of the moa, 477
Whitehead, Mr. John, on Bornean birds, 377
Wilson, Mr. Scott B., on birds of the Sandwich Islands, 314
Winged birds of New Zealand, 482
Wingless birds never inhabit continents, 437
their evidence against "Lemuria," 438
of New Zealand, 476
Wings of struthious birds show retrograde development, 437
Winter temperature of Europe and America, 196
Wolf, range of, 14
Wollaston, Mr. T. V., on insular character of St. Helena, 294
on St. Helena shells and insects, 297
Wood, Mr. Searles V., jun., on formation of "till," 114
on alternations of climate, 118
on causes of glacial epochs, 125
conclusive objection to the excentricity theory, 160
on continuous warm Tertiary climates, 180
Woodward, Dr. S. P., on Ammonites living in shallow water, 95
Woodward, Mr., on "Lemuria," 426
Wright, Dr. Percival, on lizards of the Seychelles, 431

Young, Professor J., on contemporaneous formation of deposits, 221
Young Island, lofty Antarctic, 522

Zoology of the Azores, 248
of Bermuda, 262
of the Sandwich Islands, 313
of Borneo, 376
of Madagascar, 416
of islands round Celebes, 453
of Celebes, 455
Zoological and geographical regions compared, 32, 54
Zoological features of Japan, 393
character of New Zealand, 473