Island Life/Index
- A.
- Acacia, wide range of in Australia, 185
- Acacia heterophylla, and Acacia koa, 443
- Acæna in California, 527
- Accipiter hawaii, 314
- Achatinellinæ, average range of, 317
- Ægialitis sanctæ-helenæ, 305
- Africa, characteristic mammalia of, 416
- former isolation of, 418
- Africa and Madagascar, relations of, 418
- early history of, 419
- African highlands as aiding the migration of plants, 524
- African reptiles absent from Madagascar, 418
- Aggressive power of the Scandinavian flora, 511
- Air and water, properties of, in relation to climate, 131
- Alectorænas pulcherrimus, 429
- Allen, Mr. J. A., on variation, 58
- Allied species occupy separate areas, 478
- Alpine plants, their advantages as colonisers, 503
- Alternations of climate in Switzerland and North America, 121
- Alternations of climate, palæontological evidence of, 119
- Amazon, limitation of species by, 18
- Amblyrhynchus cristatus, 279
- American genera of reptiles in Madagascar, 417
- Amphibia, dispersal of, 76
- Amphioxus, 63
- Amphisbænidæ, 28
- Amydrus Tristramii, restricted range of, 16
- Anas Wyvilliana, 314
- Ancient continental islands, 244, 411
- Ancient glacial epochs, 169
- what evidence of may be expected, 175
- Ancient groups in Madagascar, 419
- Andersson, N. J., on the flora of the Galapagos, 287
- Andes, migration of plants along the, 520
- Angræcum sesquipedale, 440
- Animal life, effects of glacial epoch on, 117
- Animal life of Formosa, 401
- Anoa depressicornis, 456
- Antarctic continent as a means of plant-dispersion, 521
- Antarctic islands, with perpetual snow, 136
- Antelopes, overlapping genera of, 29
- Antiquity of Hawaiian fauna and flora, 328
- Apera arundinacea, 503
- Apium graveolens in New Zealand, 515
- Apteryx, species of, 476
- Arabis hirsuta on railway arch, 514
- Archaic forms still existing, 229
- Arctic and Antarctic regions, contrasts of, 135
- Arctic current, effects of a stoppage of, 150
- Arctic plants in the southern hemisphere, 509
- Arctic regions, mild climates of, 181
- recent interglacial mild period in, 182
- Arctic warm climates of Secondary and Palæozoic times, 201
- Areas of distribution, 13
- Ascension, former climate and productions of, 303
- Astronomical and geographical causes, comparative effects of, on climate, 207
- Astronomical causes of change of climate, 126
- of glaciation, 140
- Atlantic isles, peculiar mosses of, 368
- Atlantosaurus, the largest land-animal, 98
- Atriplex patula on a railway bank, 515
- Auchenia, 27
- Austen, Mr. Godwin, on littoral shells in deep water, 337
- Australia, two sets of Northern plants in, 523
- South European plants in, 523
- Australia and South Africa, supposed connection of, 525
- Australian Alps, indications of glaciation in, 163
- birds absent from New Zealand, 483
- flora, general features of, 491
- richest in temperate zone, 491
- recent and derivative in the tropics, 492
- its south-eastern and south-western divisions, 493
- Sir Joseph Hooker on, 494
- geological explanation of, 494
- its presence in New Zealand, 498
- natural orders of, wanting in New Zealand, 490
- orchideæ in China, 527
- genera of plants in India, 524
- plants absent from New Zealand, 488, 490
- none in north temperate zone, 527
- running wild in Neilgherrie mountains, 528
- region, definition of, 45
- mammals and birds of, 46
- seeds scattered in New Zealand, 508
- Aylward, Captain, on glaciation of South Africa, 163
- Azores, 247
- Azores and New Zealand, identical plants in both, 512
- Azorean bird-fauna, origin of, 250
- B.
- Babirusa alfurus in Celebes, 456
- Badgers, 41
- Bahamas contrasted with Florida, 5
- Baker, Mr., on flora of Mauritius and the Seychelles, 441
- Bali and Lombok, contrasts of, 4
- Banca, peculiar species of, 386
- Barbarea precox on railway bank, 514
- Barn-owl, wide range of, 15
- Baron, Rev. R., on the flora of Madagascar, 441
- Barriers to dispersal, 73
- Batrachia, 30
- Bats in Bermuda, 269
- Bears of Europe and America, 14
- Beaver of Europe and America, 14
- Beetles of the Azores, 253
- Bell-birds, distribution of, 24
- Bennett, Mr. Arthur, on peculiar British plants, 360
- on the vegetation of railway banks, 514
- Bentham, Mr., on the compositæ of the Galapagos, 288
- Bermuda, 262
- Bermuda and Azores, comparison of bird-faunas of, 268
- Bernicla sandvichensis, 314
- Biological causes which determine distribution, 532
- Biological features of Madagascar, 416
- Birds as plant-dispersers, 81
- as seed-carriers, 81, 258
- common to Great Britain and Japan, 396
- common to India and Japan, 399
- specific range of, 15
- range of British, 34
- range of East Asian, 38
- variation in N. American, 58
- dispersal of, 75
- of the Azores, 249
- of Bermuda, 266
- of Bermuda and Azores compared, 268
- of the Galapagos, 280
- of the Sandwich Islands, 313
- peculiar to Britain, 340
- of Borneo, 377
- of Java, 382
- of the Philippines, 388
- of Japan, 396
- peculiar to Japan, 398
- peculiar to Formosa, 404
- common to Formosa and India or Malaya, 407
- of Madagascar, and their teachings, 422
- of Comoro Islands, 429
- of the Seychelles, 430
- of the Mascarene islands, 436
- of islands east and west of Celebes, 454
- of Celebes, 458
- peculiar to Celebes, 459
- Himalayan types of, in Celebes, 462
- list of, in Celebes, 466
- of New Zealand, 476, 482
- wingless, of New Zealand, 476
- Blackburn, Mr. T., on the beetles of the Sandwich Islands, 318
- Blakiston and Pryer on birds of Japan, 396
- Bland, Mr., on land-shells of Bermuda, 270
- Blanford, Mr. W. T., on small effect of marine denudation, 225
- Blanford, Mr. H. F., on former connection of Africa and India, 426
- Blocks, travelled and perched, 109
- Blue magpies, range of, 15
- Borneo, geology of, 375
- Borneo and Asia, resemblance of, 6
- Borneo and Java, 373
- Boulder-beds of the carboniferous formation, 201
- Boulder clays of east of England, 118
- Bovidæ, 29
- Brady, Mr. H. B., on habitat of globigerinæ, 92
- Braithwaite, Dr. R., on peculiar British mosses, 365
- Britain, probable climate of, with winter in aphelion, 156
- British birds, range of, 34-38
- British Columbia, interglacial warm periods in, 121
- British fauna and flora, peculiarities of, 370
- British Isles, recent changes in, 332
- proofs of former elevation of, 334
- submerged forests of, 335
- buried river channels of, 336
- last union of, with continent, 337
- why poor in species, 338
- peculiar birds of, 339
- fresh-water fishes of, 340
- peculiar insects of, 344
- peculiar Lepidoptera of, 347
- peculiar Coleoptera of, 351
- peculiar Trichoptera of, 355
- peculiar land and fresh-water shells of, 356
- peculiarities of the flora of, 360
- peculiar mosses and Hepaticæ of, 366
- British mammals as indicating a zoological region, 33
- Buller, Sir W. L., on the New Zealand rat, 475
- Buried river-channels, 336
- Buteo solitarius, 314
- Butterflies of Celebes, peculiar shape of, 463
- Butterflies, peculiar British, 347
- C.
- Caddis-flies peculiar to Britain, 355
- Cæcilia, species of, in the Seychelles, 432
- wide distribution of, 432
- Cæciliadæ, 28
- Callithea Leprieuri, distribution of, 18
- Callithea sapphira, 18
- Camels as destroyers of vegetation, 296
- former wide distribution of, 421
- Camelus, 17, 27
- Campanula vidalii, 261
- Canis, 17, 26
- Carabus, numerous species of, 42
- Carboniferous boulder-beds, 201
- warm Arctic climate, 201
- Carnivora in Madagascar, 417
- Carpenter, Dr., on habitat of globigerinæ, 92
- Carpenter, Mr. Edward, on Mars and glacial periods, 164
- Carduus marianus in New Zealand, 515
- Carpodacus purpureus and P. californicus, 68
- Castor, 17
- Casuarina, 185
- in India, 527
- Cause of extinction, 63
- Caves of Glamorganshire, 336
- Cebibæ, overlapping genera of, 29
- Celebes, physical features of, 451
- Centetidæ, 27
- Centetidæ, formerly inhabited Europe, 420
- Central America, mixed fauna of, 53
- Ceratodus, or mud-fish, 69
- Cervus, 17, 26
- Chalk a supposed oceanic formation, 89
- Chalk at Oahu, analysis of, 90
- Chalk, analysis of, 91
- Chalk mollusca indicative of shallow water, 93
- Chalk sea, extent of, in Europe, 93
- Chalk-formation, land-plants found in, 94
- "Challenger" soundings and shore-deposits, 86
- "Challenger" ridge in the Atlantic, 101
- Chameleons very abundant in Madagascar, 430
- Chamois, distribution of, 13
- Changes of land and sea, 83
- Chasmorhynchus, distribution of, 24
- C. nudicollis, 24
- C. tricarunculatus, 24
- C. variegatus, 24
- C. niveus, 24
- Chilomenus lunata, 300
- Chinchillas, 26
- Chrysochloridæ, 29
- Cicindela, 17
- Cicindelidæ common to South America and Madagascar, 28
- Clay, red, of Bermuda, 265
- Climate, astronomical causes of changes of, 126
- properties of snow and ice in relation to, 131
- of Britain with winter in aphelion, 156
- of Tertiary period in Europe and N. America, 178
- temperate in Arctic regions, 181
- causes of mild Arctic, 190
- of Tertiary and Secondary periods, 199, 202
- of the Secondary and Palæozoic epochs, 200
- change of, during Tertiary and Secondary Periods, 200
- affected by arrangement of the great continents, 205
- nature of changes of, caused by high excentricity, 230
- exceptional stability of the present, 232
- changes of, as affecting migration of plants, 517
- Climatal changes, 106
- Clouds cut off the sun's heat, 145
- Coal in Sumatra, 385
- Coast line of globe, extent of, 221
- Cochoa, distribution of, 25
- Cockerell, Mr. Th. D. A., on slugs of Bermuda, 271
- on British land and fresh-water shells, 356
- Cold alone does not cause glaciation, 135
- how it can be stored up, 133
- Coleoptera of the Azores, 253
- Comoro Islands, 428
- mammals and birds of, 428
- Compositæ of the Galapagos, 288
- Conclusions on the New Zealand flora, 506
- Contemporaneous formation of Lower Greensand and Wealden, 221
- Continental conditions throughout geological time, 97-99
- Continental islands, 243
- Continental period, date of, 337
- Continents, movements of, 88
- Continuity of land, 74
- Continuity of now isolated groups, proof of, 70
- Cook, Captain, on a native quadruped in New Zealand, 476
- Cope, Professor, on the Bermuda lizard, 266
- Coracias temminckii, in Celebes, 463
- Corvus, 17
- Cossonidæ, in St. Helena, 299
- Cretaceous deposits in North Australia, 493, 496
- Cretaceous flora of Greenland, 185
- of the United States, 189
- Croll, Dr. James, on Antarctic icebergs, 136
- on winter temperature of Britain in glacial epoch, 141
- on diversion of gulf-stream during the glacial epoch, 143
- on loss of heat by clouds and fogs, 145
- on geographical causes as affecting climate, 148
- on ancient glacial epochs, 170
- on universality of glacial markings in Scotland, 174
- on mild climates of Arctic regions, 189
- on ocean-currents, 190, 204
- on age of the earth, 213
- on mean thickness of sedimentary rocks, 220
- on small amount of marine denudation, 225
- on buried river-channels, 336
- Ctenodus, 69
- Cyanopica, distribution of, 24
- Cyanopica cooki, restricted range of, 15, 24
- Cyanopica cyanus, 24
- Cynopithecus nigrescens, in Celebes, 456
- D.
- Dacelo, 47
- Dana on continental upheavals, 88
- Darwin, experiment on Helix pomatia, 78
- on the permanence of oceans, 100
- on cloudy sky of Antarctic regions, 146
- on glaciers of the Southern Andes, 147
- on geological time, 211
- on complex relations of organisms, 226
- on oceanic islands, 242
- on seeds carried by birds, 257
- experiments on seed-dispersal, 258
- on natural history of the Keeling Islands, 286
- theory of formation of atolls, 397
- on cultivated plants not running wild, 507
- Dawkins, Professor Boyd, on animal migrations during the glacial epoch, 120
- Dawson, Mr. G. M., on alternations of climate in British Columbia, 121
- Professor, on Palæozoic boulder-beds in Nova Scotia, 201
- De Candolle on dispersal of seeds, 80
- Deep-sea deposits, 219
- Deer in Celebes, 456
- Delphinium ajacis, on a railway bank, 515
- Dendrœca, 19
- D. cœrulea, 19
- D. discolor, 19
- D. dominica, 19
- Dendrœca coronata, variation of, 58
- Dendrophidæ, 29
- Denudation destroys the evidences of glaciation, 172
- Denudation and deposition as a measure of time, 213
- Denudation in river basins, measurement of, 215
- Denudation, marine as compared with sub-aerial, 225
- Deposition of sediments, how to estimate the average, 221
- Deserts, cause of high temperature of, 132
- Diagram of excentricity and precession, 129
- Diagram of excentricity for three million years, 171
- Dididæ, how exterminated, 436
- Didunculus, keeled sternum of, 437
- Diospyros, in upper greensand of Greenland, 186
- Diplotaxis muralis, on railway banks, 513
- Dipnoi, discontinuity of, 69
- Dipterus, 69
- Discontinuity among North American birds, 67
- Discontinuity a proof of antiquity, 69
- Discontinuous generic areas, 23
- Discontinuous areas, 64
- why rare, 64
- Dispersal of animals, 72
- Distribution, changes of, shown by extinct animals, 102
- how to explain anomalies of, 420
- Drontheim mountains, peculiar mosses of, 368
- Dobson, Mr., on bats of Japan, 394
- on the affinities of Mystacina tuberculata, 474
- Dodo, the, 436
- aborted wings of, 437
- Dryiophidæ, 28
- Dumeril, Professor, on lizards of Bourbon, 435
- Duncan, Professor P. M., on ancient sea of central Australia, 496
- E.
- Early history of New Zealand, 484
- Earth's age, 210
- East Asian birds, range of, 38
- East and West Australian floras, geological explanation of, 494
- Echidna, 30
- Echimyidæ, 27
- Elevation of North America during glacial period, 154
- causing diversion of gulf-stream, 154
- Elwes, Mr. H. J., on distribution of Asiatic birds, 380
- Emberiza schœniclus, discontinuity of, 66
- E. passerina, range of, 66
- E. pyrrhulina, 66
- Endemic genera of plants in Mauritius, &c., 443
- Endemic genera of plants in New Zealand, 526
- English plants in St. Helena, 297
- Environment, change of, as modifying organisms, 225
- Eriocaulon septangulare, 363
- Ethiopian Region, definition of, 42
- birds of, 43
- Ettingshausen, Baron von, on the fossil flora of New Zealand, 499
- on Australian plants in England, 518
- Eucalyptus, wide range of, in Australia, 185
- Eucalyptus and Acacia, why not in New Zealand, 507
- Eucalyptus in Eocene of Sheppey, 518
- Eupetes, distribution of, 25
- Europe, Asia, &c., as zoological terms, 32
- European birds, range of, 16
- in Bermuda, 269
- European occupation, effects of, in St. Helena, 294
- European plants in New Zealand, 507
- in Chile and Fuegia, 521
- Everett, Mr., on Bornean birds, 377
- Evolution necessitates continuity, 70
- Excentricity and precession, diagram of, 129
- Excentricity, variations of, during three million years, 171
- Excentricity a test of rival theories of climate, 171
- Excentricity, high, its effects on warm and cold climates, 198
- Explanation of peculiarities of the fauna of Celebes, 460
- Extinct animals showing changes of distribution, 102
- Extinct birds of the Mascarene Islands, 436
- of New Zealand, 476
- Extinction caused by glacial epoch, 122
- F.
- Families, restricted areas of, 29
- distribution and antiquity of, 68
- Fauna and flora, peculiarities of British, 370
- Fauna of Borneo, affinities of, 381
- Faunas of Hainan, Formosa, and Japan compared, 407
- Felis, 17, 26
- Ferns, abundance of, in Mascarene flora, 445
- Ficus, fossil Arctic, 186
- Fire-weed, the, of Tasmania, 513
- Fisher, Rev. O., on temperature of space, 131
- Fishes, dispersal of, 76
- Floating islands, and the dispersal of animals, 74
- Flora of the Azores, 256
- of Bermuda, 271
- of the Galapagos, 287
- of St. Helena, 305
- of the Sandwich Islands, 321;
- peculiar features of, 323
- peculiarities of the British, 360
- of Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands, 439
- of Madagascar and South Africa allied, 445
- of New Zealand, 487
- very poor, 488
- its resemblance to the Australian, 489
- its differences from the Australian, 490
- origin of Australian element in, 498
- tropical character of, explained, 500
- summary and conclusion on, 506
- Floras of New Zealand and Australia, summary of conclusion as to, 542
- Florida and Canada, resemblances of, 5
- and Bahamas, contrasts of, 5
- Fogs cut off the sun's heat in glaciated countries, 145
- Forbes, Mr. D., analysis of chalk, 91
- Forbes, Mr. H. O., on plants of the Keeling Islands, 286
- Formosa, 400
- Forests, submerged, 335
- Fowler, Rev. Canon, on peculiar British coleoptera, 346, 351
- Freezing water liberates low-grade heat, 145
- Fresh-water deposits, extent of, 97
- Frogs of the Seychelles, 432
- of New Zealand, 483
- Fuegia, European plants in, 521
- Fulica alai, 313
- G.
- Galapagos Islands, 275
- Galapagos, absence of mammalia and amphibia from, 278
- Galbula cyaneicollis, distribution of, 18
- Galeopithecus, 63
- Gallinula sandvichensis, 313
- Gardner, Mr. J. S., on Tertiary changes of climate, 203
- Garrulus, distribution of species of, 20
- Garrulus glandarius, 21, 23, 65
- G. cervicalis, 21
- G. krynicki, 21
- G. atricapillus, 21
- G. hyrcanus, 21
- G. brandti, 21, 23
- G. lanceolatus, 22
- G. bispecularis, 22
- G. sinensis, 22
- G. taivanus, 22
- G. japonicus, 22, 65
- Geikie, Dr. James, on interglacial deposits, 121
- Genera, extent of, 17
- Generic areas, 17
- Generic and Family distribution, 25
- Genus, defined and illustrated, 17
- Geographical change as a cause of glaciation, 148
- Geological climates and geographical conditions, 204
- Geology of Borneo, 375
- Geomalacus maculcosus, 356
- Glacial climate not local, 113
- deposits of Scotland, 112
- Glacial epoch, proofs of, 107
- Glacial phenomena in North America, 116
- Glaciation was greatest where rainfall is now greatest, 139
- Gleichenia in Greenland, 186
- in relation to chalk, 89
- Globigerina-ooze, analysis of, 91
- Globigerinæ, where found, 92
- Glyptostrobus, fossil, 186
- Goats, destructiveness of, in St. Helena, 295
- Godman, Mr., on birds reaching the Azores, 248, 250
- Gray, Professor Asa, on extinction of European plants by the glacial epoch, 123
- Great Britain and Japan, birds common to, 396
- Greene, Dr. J. Reay, on chameleons in Bourbon and Mauritius, 435
- Greenland, loss of sun-heat by clouds in, 147
- Grinnell Land, fossil flora of, 184
- Guernsey, peculiar caddis-fly in, 355
- Gulick, Rev. J. T., on Achatinellinæ, 318
- Günther, Dr., on gigantic tortoises, 279
- Guppy, Mr., on chalk of Solomon Islands, 91
- H.
- Haast, Dr., on otter-like mammal in New Zealand, 475
- Habitability of globe due to disproportion of land and water, 209
- Haplothorax burchellii, 299
- Hartlaub, Dr., on "Lemuria," 423, 426
- Hatteria punctata, 483
- Haughton, Professor, on heat carried by ocean-currents, 194
- Hawaiian fauna and flora, antiquity of, 328
- Heat and cold, how dispersed or stored up, 131
- Heat required to melt snow, 134
- Hector, Dr., on Triassic and Jurassic flora of New Zealand, 526
- Heer, Professor, on chalk sea in Central Europe, 93
- Heilprin, Professor, on insects of Bermuda, 269
- on land-shells of Bermuda, 270
- Helianthemum Breweri, 360, 363
- Heliodus, an American fossil, 69
- Helix, 17
- Hemiptera of St. Helena, 303
- Hepaticæ, peculiar British, 366
- non-European genera of, in Britain, 367
- Hesperomys, 26
- Hesperornis allied to ostriches, 481
- Hieracium iricum, 362
- High land essential to the production of a glacial epoch, 195
- Hildebrand, Dr. W., on flora of the Sandwich Islands, 321
- Himalayan birds and insects in Celebes, 462
- Hippopotamus in Yorkshire as proving a mild climate, 119
- Hochstetter on the aquatic mammal of New Zealand, 475
- Hooker, Sir Joseph, on the Galapagos flora, 287
- on affinities of St. Helena plants, 306
- on peculiar British plants, 360, 363
- on the flora of New Zealand, 488
- on proportion of temperate and tropical Australian floras, 492
- on current of vegetation from north to south, 510
- on supposed occurrence of Australian plants in England in the Tertiary period, 518
- Horne, Mr. John, on ice-sheet covering the Isle of Man, 115
- Hull, Professor, on Permian breccias in Ireland indicating ice-action, 201
- Humming-birds, restricted ranges of, 16
- Hutton, Captain, on struthious birds of New Zealand, 479
- Huxley, Professor, on geological time, 211
- on European origin of African animals, 419
- Hyomoschus, 27
- Hyracoidea, restricted range of, 30
- I.
- Ice-action, what evidences of, during the Tertiary period, 178
- indications of ancient, 200
- Ice-borne rocks, a test of a glacial epoch, 176
- Ice-cap, why improbable or impossible, 161
- Iceland, a continental island, 450
- Icteridæ, 50
- Iguanidæ, 50
- Indian birds in Formosa, 407
- Indian Ocean as a source of heat in Tertiary times, 192
- Indian genera of plants in Australia, 492
- Indicator, distribution of, 25
- Insectivora in Madagascar, 417
- Insects, dispersal of, 77
- Insular faunas, summary of conclusions as to, 539, 542
- Interglacial warm periods on the continent and in North America, 121
- Interglacial periods and their probable character, 152
- Interglacial periods will not occur during an epoch of extreme glaciation, 155
- Interglacial climates never very warm, 159
- Ireland, poverty of, in reptiles, 339
- Islands, classification of, 242
- Isle of Wight, peculiar beetle of, 351
- Isatis tinctoria, on railway bank, 513
- Ithaginis, 26
- J.
- Japan, zoological features of, 393
- Japan and Formosa, 391
- Java, fauna of, 382
- Asiatic species in, 384
- Java and Borneo, past changes of, 385
- Jays, distribution of species of, 20
- of Europe and Japan, 67
- Jeffreys, Dr. Gwyn, on shallow-water mollusca in chalk, 92
- on fossil shallow-water shells in deep water, 337
- Jones, Mr., on migration of birds to Bermuda, 268
- on vegetation of the Bermudas, 272
- Juan Fernandez, flora and fauna of, 287
- Judd, Prof. J. W., on absence of glaciation in east Europe, 139
- on glaciation of the Alps produced by elevation, 179
- Juniperus barbadensis, 272
- Jura, travelled blocks on, 110
- Jurassic warm Arctic climate, 202
- K.
- Keeling Islands, animals of, 286
- Kirk, Mr. T., on temporary introduced plants, 515
- Knowledge of various kinds required for study of geographical distribution, 7, 9
- L.
- Lagopus scoticus, 340
- Land as a barrier to ocean-currents, 150
- Land and sea, changes of, 83
- Land and water, disproportion of, renders globe habitable, 209
- Land-birds of Celebes, list of, 466
- Land-connection, how far necessary to dispersal of mammals, 73
- Land-shells, great antiquity of, 79
- Laurus canariensis, 260
- Leguat on animals of Bourbon, 435
- on the Solitaire, 436
- Leguminosæ, abundance of, in Australia, 490
- "Lemuria," a supposed submerged continent, 422-426
- Lemurs in Madagascar, 416
- Lendenfeld, Dr. R. von, on glaciation in the Australian Alps, 163
- Leopard, enormous range of, 14
- Lepidoptera, list of peculiar British, 347
- Lepidosiren, 63
- Lepidosiren paradoxa and L. annectens, 69
- Lepidosternidæ, 27
- Limestone as indicating change of sea and land, 84
- Limnæa involuta, 356
- Linaria purpurea, on railway bank, 514
- Liopelma hochstetteri, in New Zealand, 483
- Liotrichidæ, 29
- List of the land-birds of Celebes, 466
- Lizard peculiar to the Mascarene Islands, 438
- Lizards of the Galapagos, 278
- Lobeliaceæ, abundance of, in the Sandwich Islands, 324
- Locality of a species, importance of, 12
- Loddigesia mirabilis, rarity of, 16
- Lord, Mr., on species of Urotrichus, 394
- Low-grade and high-grade heat, 145
- Lowlands nowhere covered with perpetual snow, 136
- Lundy Island, peculiar beetles of, 354
- Lyell, Sir Charles, on permanence of continents, 84
- Lynxes, a Palæarctic group, 41
- M.
- McLachlan, Mr., on peculiar British caddis-flies, 355
- Madagascar, physical features of, 412
- Madagascar and Africa, contrast of, 6
- Maillard on animals of Bourbon, 435
- Malay Islands, local peculiarities of flora in, 187
- past history of, 389
- Malayan birds in Formosa, 406
- Mammalia of East Asia, range of, 34
- of North Africa, range of, 34
- Mammalia, dispersal of, 73
- Maori legend of origin of the forest-rat, 475
- Maoris, their accounts of the moa, 477
- Map of the old Rhone glacier, 110
- of North and South Polar Regions, 138
- of the Azores, 248
- of Bermuda, 263
- of the Galapagos, 276, 277
- of the South Atlantic Ocean, 293
- of the Sandwich Islands, 311
- of the North Pacific with its submerged banks, 312
- of British Isles and the 100-fathom bank, 333
- of Borneo and Java, 374
- of Japan and Formosa, 392
- physical, of Madagascar, 413
- of the Madagascar group, 415
- of the Indian Ocean, 425
- of Celebes, 452
- of sea-bottom around New Zealand, 472
- of Australia in Cretaceous period, 497
- Marcou, Professor Jules, on the Pliocene and glacial epochs, 233
- Marmot, range of, 15
- Mars as illustrating glacial theories, 164, 168
- Mars, no true ice-cap on, 166
- Marsupials, range of, 30
- Marsh, Prof. O. C., on the Atlantosaurus, 98
- on Hesperornis, 481
- Marsh, Mr., on camels as desert-makers, 296
- Mascarene Islands, 428-445
- Mascarene plants, curious relations of, 442
- endemic genera of, 443
- Mascarene flora, fragmentary character of, 444
- abundance of ferns in, 445
- Mauritius, Bourbon, and Rodriguez, 434
- Measurements of geological time, 233
- Medicago sativa in New Zealand, 515
- Megalæmidæ, 27
- Meleagris, 50
- Melilotus vulgaris, on railway banks, 513
- Meliphagidæ, 47
- Melliss, Mr., on the early history of St. Helena, 295
- Melospiza melodia, variation of, 58
- Merycotherium, 123
- Meteorological causes as intensifying glaciation, 142
- Migration caused by glacial epoch, 122
- of birds to Bermuda, 267
- of plants from north to south, 512
- of plants and alterations of snow line, 516
- of plants due to changes of climate, 517
- of plants from north to south, long continued, 518
- of plants aided by geological changes, 519
- of plants by way of the Andes, 520
- of plants by way of Himalayas and South Asia, 523
- of plants through Africa, 524
- Mild Arctic climates, stratigraphical evidence of, 187
- Miocene Arctic flora, 183
- Mississippi, matter carried away by, 172
- Mitten, Mr. William, on peculiar British mosses and hepaticæ, 365, 368
- on temporary appearance of plants, 513
- Mniotiltidæ, a nearctic group, 49
- Mnium, peculiar species of, in the Drontheim mountains, 368
- Moas of New Zealand, 476
- Mollusca, dispersal of, 78
- Monotremata, restricted range of, 30
- Moraines, 108
- of Ivrea, 116
- More, Mr. A. G., on peculiar Irish plants, 364
- Morgan, Mr. C. Lloyd, on thickness of formations not affected by denudation, 220
- Moseley, Mr. H. N., on seeds carried by birds, 259
- on the flora of Bermuda, 272
- Mosses, peculiar British, 366
- Mt. St. Elias, why not ice-clad, 154
- Mountain chains aiding the dispersal of plants, 81
- as aids to migration of plants, 513
- Mueller, Baron von, census of Australian plants, 492
- Munia brunneiceps, in Celebes, 463
- Murray, Mr. J., on oceanic deposits, 86
- Mus, 17, 26
- Mygale pyrenaica, range of, 15, 24
- M. muscovitica, 24
- Myialestes helianthea in Celebes, 463
- Myrica faya, 260
- Myrsine, fossil in Greenland, 186
- Mytilus edulis, sub-fossil in Spitzbergen, 182
- N.
- Nares, Capt. Sir G., on snow and ice in high latitudes, 135
- on abrupt elevation of Bermuda, 264
- Nearctic Region, definition of, 48
- Nectarinea osea, restricted range of, 16
- Neilgherries, Australian plants naturalized in, 528
- Neotropical Region, definition of, 51
- low types of, 52
- Nevill, Mr. Geoffrey, on land-shells of the Seychelles, 434
- on destruction of Seychelles flora, 445
- New species, origin of, 56
- Newton, Mr. E., on short wings of the Seychelles dove, 437
- Newton, Professor, on recently extinct birds, 437
- Newts, restricted range of, 30
- New Zealand, recent glaciation of, 163
- New Zealand, 471
- geology of, 472
- form of sea-bottom around, 473
- zoological character of, 473
- mammalia of, 474
- wingless birds of, 476
- past changes of, 478
- winged birds and lower vertebrates of, 482
- deductions from peculiarities of fauna of, 484
- period of its union with N. Australia, 484
- the flora of, 487, 506
- origin of Australian element in the flora of, 498
- tropical character of flora, 500
- tropical genera common to Australia, 501
- temperate species common to Australia, 502
- route of Arctic plants to, 521
- European plants in, 509
- endemic genera of plants in, 526
- great antiquity of, 526
- Nordenskjöld, Prof., on absence of perpetual snow in N. Asia, 135
- North America, glacial phenomena in, 116
- Northern genera of plants in S. temperate America, 521
- O.
- Ocean-currents as carriers of plants, 81
- Ocean, Darwin on permanence of, 100
- Oceanic and continental islands, 242
- Oceanic islands a proof of the permanence of oceans, 100
- Oceanic islands, 244
- Octodontidæ, 27
- Œnanthe fluviatilis, 361
- Œninghen, Miocene flora of, 183
- Œnothera odorata, on a railway bank, 514
- Oliver, Professor, on peculiar Bermudan plants, 272
- Operculata, scarcity of, in the Sandwich Islands, 317
- Ophrys apifera, temporary appearance of, 514
- Orchideæ, species have restricted ranges, 505
- Orchids, abundance of, in Bourbon and Mauritius, 446
- why almost universal in the tropics, 446
- Orders, distribution of, 30
- Organic change dependent on change of conditions, 225, 228
- Oriental Region, definition of, 44
- Origin of new species, 56, 60
- Orkney, peculiar fishes of, 341
- Orthonyx not a New Zealand genus, 483
- Osprey, wide range of, 15
- Ostriches, limitation of, 30
- Otter-like mammal in New Zealand, 475
- Overlapping and discontinuous areas, 28
- P.
- Pachyglossa aureolimbata, in Celebes, 463
- Palæarctic Region, limits of, 39
- characteristic features of, 41
- Palæozoic formations, depth of, round London, 218
- Palm confined to Round Island, 444
- Panax, fossil in Greenland, 186
- Papilio, 17
- Paraguay, no wild horses or cattle in, 226
- Parnassius, Palæarctic, 42
- Parus ater, 19
- P. borealis, 19, 64
- P. britannicus, 321
- P. camtschatkensis, 19
- P. cinctus, 20
- P. cœruleus, 20
- P. cyaneus, 20
- P. cristatus, 20
- P. ledouci, 20
- P. lugubris, 20
- P. major, 19
- P. palustris, 19; discontinuous area of, 65
- P. rosea, 340
- P. teneriffæ, 20
- Passeres of the Sandwich Islands, 314
- Past changes of New Zealand, 478
- Payer, Lieut., on evaporation of ice during the Arctic summer, 140
- Peculiar fauna of New Zealand, deductions from, 484
- Pengelly, Mr., on submerged forests, 335
- Pennula millei, in Sandwich Islands, 313
- Permanence of continents, summary of evidence for, 103
- Permian formation, indications of ice-action in, 200
- Perodicticus, a local genus, 26
- Petroselinum segetum, on railway bank, 514
- Philippine Islands, 387
- Phyllodactylus galapagensis, 279
- Phylloscopus borealis, range of, 15
- Physical causes which determine distribution, 533
- features of Formosa, 401
- Pica, 17
- Pickering, Dr., on the flora of the Sandwich Islands, 323
- on temperate forms on mountains of the Sandwich Islands, 323
- Pithecia monachus, distribution of, 18
- P. rufibarbata, 18
- Pitta, distribution of, 25
- Plants, dispersal of, 80
- seeds of, adapted for dispersal, 80
- wide range of species and genera of, 185
- poverty of, in Ireland, 339
- peculiar British, 359
- of Ireland not in Great Britain, 364
- cause of their wide diffusion and narrow restriction, 369
- easily dispersed often have restricted ranges, 504
- how they migrate from north to south, 512
- of existing genera throughout the Tertiary period, 520
- southern migration of, by way of the Himalayas, 523
- southern migration of, through Africa, 524
- endemic genera of, in New Zealand, 526
- Platypus, 30
- Plestiodon longirostris of Bermuda, 266
- Po, matter carried away by, 173
- Podargus, Australian genus, 47
- Pœcilozonites, peculiar to Bermuda, 270
- Poinciana regia in Madagascar, 440
- Populus, fossil in Spitzbergen, 184
- Pourtales, Count, on modern formation of chalk, 95
- on sedimentary deposits in Gulf of Mexico, 222
- Poverty in species of Britain, 338
- Precession of Equinoxes, influence of, on climate, 126
- Preservation of species, 63
- Proboscidea, range of, 30
- Proteus, why preserved, 63
- Psophia, range of species of, 18
- Pteroptochidæ, 29
- Pyrenean ibex, restricted range of, 15
- R.
- Railways, new plants on, 513
- Ramsay, Mr. Wardlaw, on Philippine birds, 388
- Rat, native, of New Zealand, 475
- Rate of organic change usually measured by an incorrect scale, 232
- Rats in the Galapagos, 278
- Raven, wide range of, 15
- Reade, T. Mellard, on changes of sea and land, 84
- Recent continental islands, 243, 331
- Red clay of Bermuda, 265
- Reptiles, dispersal of, 75
- Rhodolæna altivola in Madagascar, 440
- Rhus toxicodendron in Bermuda, 272
- Ridgway, Mr., on birds of Galapagos, 281
- River-channels, buried, 336
- Roches moutonnées, 108
- Rodents in Madagascar, 417
- Round Island, a snake and a palm peculiar to, 438, 444
- Rumex pulcher in New Zealand, 515
- Rye, Mr. E. C., on peculiar British insects, 345, 351
- S.
- St. Helena, 292
- Salvin, Mr., on the birds of the Galapagos, 280
- Sandwich Islands, the, 310
- Sassafras, in Swiss Miocene, 183
- Scandinavian flora, aggressive power of, 511
- Scientific voyages, comparative results of, 7
- Sciurus, 26
- Sclater, Mr. P. L., on zoological region, 32, 39
- Scotland, glacial deposits of, 112-115
- Scotophilus tuberculatus in New Zealand, 474
- Scrophularincæ, why few species are common to Australia and New Zealand, 505
- Sea, depth of, around Madagascar, 414
- depth of, around Celebes, 452
- Sea-bottom around New Zealand and Australia, 473
- Sea-level, changes of, dependent on glaciation, 161
- Seas, inland, in Tertiary period, 191
- Section of sea-bottom near Bermuda, 264
- Sedges and grasses common to Australia and New Zealand, 504
- Sedimentary rocks, how to estimate thickness of, 217
- Seebohm, Mr., on Parus palustris, 65
- Seeds, dispersal of, 257
- carried by birds, 258
- Senecio australis, on burnt ground, 513
- Sericinus, Palæarctic, 42
- Seychelles Archipelago, 429
- Sharp, Dr. D., on beetles of the Sandwich Islands, 319
- on peculiar British beetles, 345
- Shells, peculiar to Britain, 356
- Shetland Isles, peculiar beetle of, 354
- Shore deposits, 85, 211
- Sialia sialis, variation of, 58
- Siberia, amount of snow and its sudden disappearance in, 166
- Silurian boulder-beds, 201
- warm Arctic climate, 202
- Simiidae, 27
- Sisyrinchium bermudianum, 272
- Skertchley, Mr., on four distinct boulder-clays, 118
- Slug peculiar to Ireland, 356
- Snake peculiar to Round Island, 438
- Snakes of the Galapagos, 280
- of the Seychelles, 431
- Snow and ice, properties of, in relation to climate, 131
- Snow, effects of, on climate, 133
- Snow, quantity of heat required to melt, 134
- Snow-line, alterations of, causing migration of plants, 516
- Sollas, Mr. J. W., on greater intensity of telluric action in past time, 223
- South Africa, recent glaciation of, 163
- South American plants in New Zealand,521
- South Temperate America, poor in species, 53
- climate of, 146
- Southern flora, comparative tenderness of, 528
- Southern plants, why absent in the Northern Hemisphere, 527
- Space, temperature of, 129
- Specialisation antagonistic to diffusion of species, 505
- Species, origin of new, 56
- Specific areas, 14; discontinuous, 64
- Spiranthes romanzoviana, 364
- Spitzbergen, Miocene flora of, 184
- absence of boulder-beds in, 187
- Spruce, Dr. Richard, on the dispersion of hepaticæ, 309
- Stability of extreme glacial conditions, 159
- Stainton, Mr. H. T., on peculiar British moths, 346-350
- Stanivoi mountains, why not ice-clad, 154
- Starlings, genera of, in New Zealand, 482
- Stellaria media, temporary appearance of, 515
- Sternum, process of abortion of keel of, 437
- Stow, Mr. G. W., on glacial phenomena in South Africa, 163
- Stratified rocks formed near shores, 85, 87
- deposits, how formed, 218
- Striated rocks, 107
- blocks in the Permian formation, 200
- Striæ flammea, range of, 15
- Struthiones, 30
- Struthious birds of New Zealand as indicating past changes, 478
- Stylidium, wide range of, 185
- Submerged forests, 334
- Subsidence of isthmus of Panama, 151
- Sumatra, geology of, 385
- Sweden, two deposits of "till" in, 121
- Swimming powers of mammalia, 74
- Swinhoe, Mr. Robert, researches in Formosa, 400
- Switzerland, interglacial warm periods in, 121
- Sylviadæ, overlapping genera of, 29
- T.
- Talpidæ, a Palæarctic group, 41
- Tapirs, distribution of, 25
- former wide range of, 393
- Tarsius, 63
- Tarsius spectrum in Celebes, 456
- Tasmania and North Australia, resemblance of, 5
- route of Arctic plants to, 520
- Taxodium distichum in Spitzbergen, 184
- Temperate climates in Arctic regions, 181
- Temperature, how dependent on sun's distance, 129
- of space, 129
- Tertiary glacial epochs, evidence against, 179
- warm climates, continuous, 187
- Test of glaciation at any period, 175
- Testudo abingdonii, 279
- T. microphyes, 278
- Tetraogallus, distribution of, 24
- Thais, a Palæarctic genus, 42
- Thomson, Sir William, on age of the earth, 213
- Thryothorus bewickii, discontinuity of, 68
- "Till" of Scotland, 112
- several distinct formations of, 121
- Tits, distribution of species of, 19
- Torreya, fossil in Spitzbergen, 186
- Tortoises of the Galapagos, 278
- Trade-winds, how modified by a glacial epoch, 142
- Tragulidæ, 27
- Travelled blocks, 109
- Tremarctos, an isolated genus, 29
- Triassic warm Arctic climate, 200
- Tribonyx not a New Zealand genus, 483
- Trichoptera peculiar to Britain, 355
- Trogons, distribution of, 28
- Tropical affinities of New Zealand birds, 483
- Turdus, 17, 26
- Turdus fuscescens, variation of, 58, 59
- Tylor, A., on estimating the rate of denudation, 214
- Tyrannidæ, an American family, 50
- V.
- Variation in animals, 57
- amount of, in N. American birds, 58
- Vegetation, local peculiarities of, 185
- effects of Polar night on, 198
- Vesperugo serotinus, range of, 14
- Vireo bellii, supposed discontinuity of, 68
- Vireonidæ, an American family, 49
- W.
- Wallich, Dr., on habitat of globigerinæ, 92
- Warren, Mr. W., information on British lepidoptera, 347
- Water, properties of, in relation to climate, 131, 133
- Waterhouse, Mr., on Galapagos beetles, 284
- Wales, peculiar fish of, 341
- Warm climates of northern latitudes, long persistence of, 201
- Watson, Mr. H. C., on the flora of the Azores, 256
- Webb, Mr., on comparison of Mars and the Earth, 166
- West Australia, rich flora of, 494
- former extent and isolation of, 497
- West Indies, a Neotropical district, 53
- White, Dr. F. Buchanan, on the Hemiptera of St. Helena, 303
- Mr. John, on native accounts of the moa, 477
- Whitehead, Mr. John, on Bornean birds, 377
- Wilson, Mr. Scott B., on birds of the Sandwich Islands, 314
- Winged birds of New Zealand, 482
- Wingless birds never inhabit continents, 437
- Wings of struthious birds show retrograde development, 437
- Winter temperature of Europe and America, 196
- Wolf, range of, 14
- Wollaston, Mr. T. V., on insular character of St. Helena, 294
- on St. Helena shells and insects, 297
- Wood, Mr. Searles V., jun., on formation of "till," 114
- Woodward, Dr. S. P., on Ammonites living in shallow water, 95
- Woodward, Mr., on "Lemuria," 426
- Wright, Dr. Percival, on lizards of the Seychelles, 431
- Y.
- Young, Professor J., on contemporaneous formation of deposits, 221
- Young Island, lofty Antarctic, 522
- Z.
- Zoology of the Azores, 248
- Zoological and geographical regions compared, 32, 54
- Zoological features of Japan, 393
- character of New Zealand, 473