Jenny's bawbee. To which are added, The Caledonian Laddie. The Tippling Old Cobbler./The Tippling Old Cobbler

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The Tippling Old Cobbler.

A TIPPLING old cobler in London did dwell,
In a snug little house nigh the sign of the bell,
And he had a daughter, whose name it was Nanny,
So soft and so lazy she cou’d’nt work any.
Derry down, down, hey derry down.

She oft went to service but never could stay,
Her aye took the head-ach ; this did her dismay ;
Till at last a Tambourer, as you may remark,
Gave employment to her, and she dress’d for a spark.

At this trade it is said she did very well,
And few at such handy work could her excel ;
But at scullion, or scodgy, she never could settle.
Being too servile trades for a lass of such mettle.

Now since I've describ'd the Cobler’s daughter
Whole conduct, no doubt, will create some laughter;
I’ll give you a sketch of the tippler’s own life,
And the end of my song will tell of his wife.

At three or four in the afternoon he goes to bed,
Thus he suffers himself by drink to be led ;
At one in the morning, he rises again.
And then to get at his work is very sain.

He works till his daughter and wife do arise,
To work after that, is what he doth despise ;
Out he goes after breakfast, and gives a wink.
Then sets to the ale-house all day for to drink

He tipples the morning and all the forenoon,
When daughter and wife’s in bed he mends his shoon;
In the afternoon drunk he goes to repose,
As I told you before to take a bit dose.

An accident now I will unto you tell,
That to his wife Joan lately befel ;
As she look’d o’er the window one day at a gig,
He gave her a push o’er, and laid her for dead.

But it happ’ned she only had broken her leg,
For that the old fool cared not a fig ;
And soon it fell out, that her leg grew hale,
And she goes about now as it did not her fail.

Ye good people all who read this ditty o’er,
From drinking refrain, while his fate you deplore,
For the cobler we’re told having drunk too much,
Tumbled heads over heels and was cheaked in a ditch.


This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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