Jerusalem. The Emanation of the Giant Albion/Plate 37
Bath who is Legions: he is the Seventh, the physician andThe poisoner: the best and worst in Heaven and Hell:Whose Spectre first assimilated with Luvah in Albions mountainsA triple octave he took, to reduce Jerusalem to twelve5To cast Jerusalem forth upon the wilds to Poplar & Bow:To Malden & Canterbury in the delights of cruelty:The Shuttles of death sing in the sky to Islington & PancrassRound Marybone to Tyburns River, weaving black melancholy as a net,And despair as meshes closely wove over the west of London,10Where mild Jerusalem sought to repose in death & be no more.She fled to Lambeths mild Vale and hid herself beneathThe Surrey Hills where Rephaim terminates: her Sons are siez'dFor victims of sacrifice; but Jerusalem cannot be found! HidBy the Daughters of Beulah: gently snatch'd away: and hid in Beulah15There is a Grain of Sand in Lambeth that Satan cannot findNor can his Watch Fiends find it: tis translucent & has many AnglesBut he who finds it will find Oothoons palace, for withinOpening into Beulah every angle is a lovely heavenBut should the Watch Fiends find it, they would call it Sin20And lay its Heavens & their inhabitants in blood of punishmentHere Jerusalem & Vala were hid in soft slumberous reposeHid from the terrible East, shut up in the South & West.The Twenty-eight trembled in Deaths dark caves, in cold despairThey kneeld around the Couch of Death in deep humiliation25And tortures of self condemnation while their Spectres ragd within.The Four Zoa's in terrible combustion clouded rageDrinking the shuddering fears & loves of Albions FamiliesDestroying by selfish affections the things that they most admireDrinking & eating, & pitying & weeping, as at a trajic scene.30The soul drinks murder & revenge, & applauds its own holinessThey saw Albion endeavouring to destroy their Emanations.
[ Each Man is in
his Spectre's power
Untill the arrival
of that hour,
When his Humanity
And cast his Spectre
into the Lake” ]