John Bunyan's Dream Story/Part I/Section 2
Now I saw in my dream that as Christian hastened on his way, the sun went down and the shades of evening began to fall. Christian began to feel alarmed, for the forest by the roadside was the home of wild beasts, and he knew not where to find lodging for the night.
As he was grieving and wondering, he lifted up his eyes, and behold, on the hillside before him, he saw a very stately building. It stood right by the roadside, and its name was the House Beautiful.
Christian quickened his steps and hurried forward, for he hoped to find lodging. But while he was yet some distance from the gate, he saw two lions crouching by the roadside.
He was greatly frightened, and thought that death ![](
"Soon he was safe at the Gateway"
was before him. He turned and was about to run back when he heard a voice calling him. It was the voice of the porter, whose name was Watchful.
Christian paused and listened.
"Have courage, sir!" cried the porter. "The lions are chained, and if you will keep in the middle of the path they cannot touch you."
Then Christian, trembling with fear, went on as the porter directed him. The lions roared dreadfully, but they did him no harm. Soon he was safe at the gateway, and the porter took him by the hand and spoke words of welcome to him.
"What house is this?" asked Christian. "And may I lodge here to-night?"
"It is the House Beautiful," answered the porter. "It was built by the Lord of the hill, to serve as a resting place for weary pilgrims. Come in! Come inside of the gate."
Christian went through the gateway, and the porter asked him many questions.
"What is your name?"
"My name is now Christian, but at first it was Graceless."
"Whence have you come?"
"I have come from the City of Destruction, and I am on my way to the Celestial Land."
Then Watchful, the porter, rang a little bell; and a beautiful maid whose name was Discretion came out of the house to answer to the call.
"Here is a weary pilgrim who would fain lodge here to-night," said Watchful. "Will you not learn from him whether he is in truth worthy?"
Then the maiden asked him whence he was, and whither he was going; and he told her. She asked him how he had got into the right way; and he told her. She asked him what he had seen and met on the road; and he told her.
"What is thy name?"
"Once it was Graceless, but now it is Christian. And I am all the more desirous to lodge here to-night, because I am told that the house was built by the Lord of the hill as a resting place for pilgrims."
Then the maiden smiled, but as she smiled, the tears stood in her eyes.
"I will call some of the others of our household," she said.
She ran into the house and soon returned with three other fair women more beautiful even than herself. The names of these sisters were Prudence, Piety, and Charity.
"Come in, thou blessed of the Lord," they said.
So Christian bowed his head and followed them into the beautiful house. They brought him water with which to refresh himself; and when he had washed himself and brushed the dust from his clothing, they gave him a pleasant seat by the window. And all sat down to talk until supper was ready.
"How did it happen that you started on this journey?" asked Piety.
"Oh, I had a grievous burden on my back," answered Christian, "and there was a dreadful sound in my ears, and I did not know whither to go."
"But who told you to come this way?"
"As I was trembling and weeping, a man whose name is Evangelist showed me the way to the wicket gate. And there my feet were set in the right road."
"Did you see the house of the Interpreter by the roadside?"
"Oh, yes! And there I was shown many things that I will remember as long as I live. I could have stayed in that good man's house a whole year, but I knew that I had farther to go."
"And what else did you see on the way?"
"See! Why, as I came to the top of a weary hill I saw a cross, and as I went near to it and fell on my knees, the heavy burden which I had borne so long tumbled from my back and rolled far away out of my sight. And as I was rejoicing, behold three Shining Ones came to me with gifts. One of them gave me these beautiful garments which you see; for I had nothing but rags before. Another gave me this sealed roll, which is my passport to the Celestial City."
Then Prudence asked him, "What is it that makes you so desirous to reach the Celestial City?"
"Oh, there are many things," answered Christian. "I hope that when I am there I shall be free from the troubles which vex me here. They say that there is no death there, and that we may live with those whom we love best, and fear no evil. So I fain would be there and sing with those blessed ones who stand around the throne of the King."
Then Charity asked him, "Have you a family?"
And Christian answered, "Yes, I have a wife and four small children."
"And why did you not bring them with you?" asked Charity.
Then Christian wept bitterly, and said, "How gladly would I have done so, but they would not listen to me. They wished even to hold me back and prevent me from coming."
While they were yet talking, the supper was made ready, and they sat down at the table. And on the table were all sorts of healthful and nourishing food—red-cheeked apples, and purple grapes, and delicious fruits from the gardens of the sun, and whatsoever would make the body strong and beautiful.
The company sat at the table, and all their talk was about the Lord of the hill—of his goodness in building the house and in furnishing it with all things necessary to the happiness of those who visited it.
"He is a great warrior," said Piety, "for he fought with the greatest enemy of our country and slew him."
"He is a lover of the poor," said Charity, "for he stripped himself of his own glory that he might relieve them of their sorrows."
Thus they sat and talked till late at night. Then they betook themselves to rest, committing themselves to the care of their Lord.
As for Christian, he was given a bed in a large upper chamber where there was a window that opened toward the sun-rising. The name of that chamber was Peace; and there he slept till the break of day.
In the morning he arose early, and as he dressed he sang for joy.
After he had breakfasted with the household he began to talk of renewing his journey; but Prudence said, "Nay, you must tarry a day with us. For we would show you some of the rarities of this place."
So they first led him into the library and showed him the records of all that had been done in olden times. There, too, they showed him the history of the Lord of the hill, and the names of many good men and women who had served him, and pictures of the mansions which he had given them to live in.
And in many books they read of the worthy deeds of those who served the Lord—how they had "subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed violent in fight, and turned to flight the armies of the aliens."
Here also were the histories of other famous things, both ancient and modern; and Christian was so pleased with the reading of them that the day was spent ere he was aware.
The next day, Watchful and the four maidens led him into the armory of the house and showed him the arms and the curious relics that were there.
They showed him the sword and the shield, the helmet and the breastplate, and the shoes which the Lord of the hill had provided for the pilgrims who would enlist under his banner. None of these would wear out, and there were so many that all who live in the world might be clothed in armor.
They showed him some of the strange weapons that had been used in former times, such as the sling with which David had slain Goliath, and the jawbone with which Samson had done such mighty deeds.
They showed him, also, many other excellent things, and thus the second day was passed.
Early the next morning Christian made ready to go forward; but the good people of the house persuaded him to tarry until the sun was higher.
"Stay," said Piety, "and if the air is clear, we will show you the Delectable Mountains."
"And where are they?" asked Christian.
"Oh, they are far, far away," answered Piety; "but they are much nearer to the Celestial City than this place is. And sometimes we have most delightful views of them."
So Christian consented and stayed.
Towards noon they led him up to the top of the house and bade him look southward. He did so, and lo! at a great distance he saw a most beautiful land. It was a mountainous country, with delightful valleys and fields. There were green woods and pleasant vineyards. There were fruits of all sorts, and flowers of every hue. There were springs and fountains, bright waterfalls, and quiet brooks.
"What is the name of that beautiful country?" asked Christian.
"It is called Immanuel's Land," they answered; "and all pilgrims are as welcome there as they are at this our House Beautiful."
Then they led him down again into the armory. And they clothed him from head to foot in stout armor. They put a shield in his hand, and a sharp sword in his belt; and on his head they fitted a helmet of rarest workmanship.
He was now ready to go forward on his journey; and the maidens went with him to the gate.
"I saw another pilgrim passing, a little while ago," said Watchful.
"Did you know him?" asked Christian.
"He told me that his name is Faithful," answered the porter.
"Oh, I know him," gladly answered Christian. "He is one of my old neighbors. How far do you think he has gone?"
"He is at the foot of the hill by this time."
"Well, I will hasten and try to overtake him."
Then Christian bade the porter good-by, and began to go forward. But the maidens, Discretion, Piety, Charity, and Prudence, said, "We will go with you to the foot of the hill."
So they went on together, talking as they walked. The hill was very steep and slippery, and at its foot was the Valley of Humiliation. So dangerous was the going down that Christian would have fallen many times had not Discretion and Prudence been with him to direct his steps. Even as it was, he slipped two or three times.
At length, they were at the bottom of the hill. The maidens gave Christian a loaf of bread, a bottle of wine, and a cluster of raisins. Then they bade him good-by, and he went on his way. ![](
Then I saw in my dream that Christian was entered into the Valley of Humiliation; and here he had no easy time of it.
For he had gone but a little way when he saw a dreadful fiend coming across the plain to meet him. The name of this fiend was Apollyon, and he was too hideous to behold.
His body was covered with scales, like a fish; he had wings like a dragon, and feet like a bear; his mouth was like the mouth of a lion, and fire and smoke came out of his nostrils.
Christian was much afraid. As the monster came flying toward him he knew not what to do. He had half a mind to run back; but he knew that Apollyon would soon overtake him.
"I will stand my ground and do what I can," he said to himself; and he went boldly forward to meet the dreadful fiend.
Apollyon came swiftly on, and gruffly saluted Christian:
"Ho, there, you fellow! Who are you, and whence have you come?"
"I have come from the City of Destruction, and my name is Christian," answered the pilgrim. "I am on my way to the Celestial Land."
"Huh!" growled the fiend. "Don't you know that I am the king of the City of Destruction? You are my subject, and you are trying to run away from me."
"True, I was born in your country," said Christian, "but I am not your subject. I have promised myself to the King of the Celestial Land."
Then was Apollyon very angry, and he would have struck down the pilgrim at once, had he not hoped to gain him over. He roared terribly, and cried, "You are a rebel and a traitor, and deserve nothing but death at my hands. Yet I will forgive you if you will turn now and go back to my city and my service."
But Christian stood his ground bravely and defied the fiend.
"Beware, Apollyon!" he cried. "I am in the King's highway. Therefore, take heed to thyself."
"Ha!" answered Apollyon. "What care I for the King's highway?" And with one foot on one side of the road and one on the other, he stood directly in front of the pilgrim.
"Now I have you!" he said; and he drew flaming darts from his breast and threw them so that they fell like hail all around Christian's head.
But Christian held up his shield to protect himself, and drawing his sword, rushed boldly upon his foe. Then there was a fight such as neither you nor I have ever seen. The giant fiend and the valiant man wrestled and strove, they struck and parried, they pressed this way and that; and neither seemed to get the better of the other.
Christian was wounded in two or three places; and yet for a whole hour he stood up against his foe. At length, however, his foot slipped and he fell; and his sword flew out of his hand.
"Now I have thee!" shouted Apollyon.
But as the fiend raised his arm to fetch the last blow, Christian quickly stretched out his hand and recovered his sword. He leaped to his feet, crying, "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy. When I fall, I shall arise!"
With that, he gave the fiend a deadly thrust which made him pause and start back. Then Christian gave him another stroke and another.
Apollyon saw that he had met his match. He spread his dragon wings and flew away, over the plain; and Christian saw him no more.
The pilgrim looked up and smiled. "Thanks be to Him that delivered me out of the mouth of the lion, and to Him that did help me against Apollyon," he said.
Then there came to him a hand with some of the leaves of the tree of life; and he took these and laid them upon his wounds, and he was healed immediately. And he sat down to eat bread and to drink from the bottle that was given him by the maidens of the House Beautiful. ![](
Now I saw in my dream that when Christian had rested and refreshed himself, he again renewed his journey. And now he carried his sword drawn in his hand: for he said, "I know not what other enemy I may meet."
The way was rougher and narrower than before, and it led downward into a wild land of bogs and pits which was called the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
Near the entrance to this valley, Christian met two men who were running back with as much speed as they could.
"Hold, men!" he cried. "What's the matter?"
"Matter enough," they answered. "We have been as far in that valley as any one dares to go. The air is as dark as pitch down there. We saw hundreds of hobgoblins and dragons and satyrs. We heard the most fearful shrieks and groans. Clouds of confusion hover in the darkness. And Death spreads his wings over the whole valley."
"All these things are dreadful," said Christian, "but I see that my way lies through this very valley."
"Well," said the men, "it is not our way"; and they parted.
Then Christian went down into the valley, carrying his sword in his hand. The way was very narrow. On one side of it there was a very deep ditch; on the other there was a dangerous bog which was without bottom.
As Christian went forward, groping in the darkness, he was much distressed. For when he would shun the ditch on the one hand, he felt himself slipping into the bog on the other; and when he drew away from the mire of the bog, he was in danger of stumbling into the ditch.
About the middle of the valley there was a yawning chasm close by the wayside; and out of this chasm came flame and smoke and hideous sounds, enough to frighten the bravest man. So here, Christian put up his sword and began to pray to the Lord of the hill, "O Lord, I beseech thee, deliver my soul!"
Thus, for a long time, he went onward; and the ![](
"Thus, for a Long Time, he went Onward"
At times he was minded to go back; but then he remembered the scenes he had passed through, and felt that the danger in front of him could be no greater than that which was behind.
At length, while he was still in the midst of alarms, he thought that he heard a voice in the darkness ahead of him. He listened. It was the voice of a man, speaking up clearly in the midst of the great uproar: "Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me."
Then Christian was glad, and he went on with a surer step than before. He called to him that was before: "Oh, my friend Faithful! Is it your voice that I hear?"
But no answer came out of the gloom.
Soon, however, the day broke, and the light of the sun began to dispel the darkness. Christian paused and looked back over the road he had traveled.
He could see plainly the ditch and the bog with the narrow pathway between them.
He could see the hobgoblins and the dragons and the satyrs; but they were far off, hiding in the shadows of the valley.
He gave thanks that he had escaped all these, and then resumed his journey. The way, however, was still beset with dangers, for he was not yet out of the valley. There were so many snares, traps, pits, and pitfalls all along the way, that had it now been dark he would surely have fallen into them and been lost. But, as I have said, the sun was rising. ![](
Now I saw in my dream that Christian had come safely out of the dark valley, and was singing on his way. And as he came to the brow of a hill, whom should he see before him but his old friend Faithful?
"Ho! ho! soho!" he cried. "Wait and I will be your companion."
Faithful looked behind him, but walked on.
"Wait! wait till I come up with you," again called Christian.
But Faithful answered, "I must not tarry; for my errand is pressing."
Then Christian ran with what speed he could, and not only overtook Faithful but passed by him. Then he looked back and laughed.
"You wouldn't wait, and so I am ahead of you."
But, as he was speaking, he stumbled and fell; and being worn with his journey he could not rise again till Faithful came to help him.
Then the two went on very lovingly together, talking of things that had happened to them on their pilgrimage. Each told the other of all that he had seen, and of the dangers he had escaped; and both were much comforted and strengthened.
They had walked thus a long way, when, chancing to look up, they saw a stranger near them who was going in the same direction.
"Whither away, friend?" asked Faithful. "Are you going to the Celestial Land?"
"That is the very place to which I am going," answered the stranger.
"I am glad," said Faithful; "and we shall be pleased to have your company."
"Nothing will please me better," said the stranger. "I hope that we shall have much pleasant talk together."
"Come on, then, and let us spend our time discoursing about things that are interesting and profitable," said Faithful.
"With all my heart," answered the stranger, "for I am very fond of talking."
So he came up and walked between the two pilgrims; and as he walked he talked.
"How pleasant it is to talk!" he said. "How delightful to talk of the history and mystery of things! A man may learn many things by talking and listening to talk. Let us talk of things heavenly or things earthly; of things past or of things to come; of things foreign or of things at home. We shall find all such discourse profitable."
And so he went on, chattering about this thing and that, but saying nothing that could improve the mind or touch the heart. He talked and talked and talked; and his words rippled from his mouth so pleasantly that even Faithful was inclined to think that there was some meaning to his speech.
But Christian kept silent, and gradually fell a little way behind the others. He was busy with his own thoughts, and the empty words of the stranger were unpleasant to him.
By and by, as the stranger was delivering a long speech and listening to himself with great delight, Faithful loitered a little until Christian had overtaken him.
"What a fine companion we have!" he whispered. "He will make a good pilgrim."
Christian smiled. "He certainly has a fair tongue," he said.
"Do you know him?" asked Faithful.
"Know him! Yes, better than he knows himself."
"Tell me, then, who is he?"
"I wonder that you don't know him. He is a fellow from our town, and his name is Talkative. His father's name is Say-well, and his home is in Prating Row."
"Well, he seems to be a very pretty man," said Faithful.
"He is prettiest away from home," said Christian.
"The people who know him say that it is better to deal with a Turk than with him. He is ugly to his family, ugly to his servants, ugly to all goodness at home. But he is always ready to talk, and he talks to please the company he is in."
"Since you know him so well," said Faithful, "I am led to believe that he is a great sayer but no doer. I am already sick of his prattle and his company. But how shall we get rid of him?"
"Only ask him some question touching his own life and morals, and see whether he won't become sick of your company," answered Christian.
So Faithful quickened his steps and soon caught up with Talkative.
"Come, what cheer? How are you now?" he asked.
"Very well, I thank you," said Talkative. "I thought we should have had a great deal of talk by this time."
"We will have it now," said Faithful; and so by skillful questions he led the talkative man to say a great many things concerning the duties of life and the right way of living. Then he asked him plainly,
"Do you, yourself, live in this way? And do you do those things which you say all good and true men ought to do?"
Talkative hung his head, and was slow to answer. Then he said, "I see that you are ready to find fault with every man that you meet. I do not care to talk with such people; and so I will bid you good-by."
And with that he leaped over the wall and walked away by himself across the field.
And Christian and Faithful went on together talking of the place to which they were bound, and rejoicing in the hope which filled their hearts. ![](
Then I saw in my dream that, as Christian and Faithful journeyed onward, they came, by and by, to a large and famous town. The name of that town was Vanity; and a fair was held there all the year round.
The road to the Celestial City was through the midst of the town and the great fair; and so the two pilgrims must needs go that way.
As they walked they saw the places, rows, and streets where all sorts of things were bought and sold. One street was called the English Row, another the French Row, another the Italian Row, another the German Row. Every country in the world had its own place, where its own peculiar kinds of goods were sold.
And as the pilgrims went quietly along, intent upon their own duty, they were beset by numbers of hawkers and barkers urging them to buy of their goods.
"What will you buy? What will you buy?" they cried; and they offered all sorts of vanities and follies.
The people who visited this fair and who spent most of their time there, were dressed in rich and gaudy apparel; and they seemed to have nothing to do but to eat, drink, and be merry. They moved hither and thither, from one street or row to another, laughing at this thing and that, and seeking always for something new.
And here at all times were seen cheats, fools, apes, knaves, and rogues of every kind; and here also were thieves, liars, and all sorts of wicked men.
"What will you buy? What will you buy?" cried the hawkers and barkers. And a crowd of idlers soon gathered around the pilgrims to see what they would do.
Then Faithful, turning, and looking at them gravely, answered, "We buy the truth."
At that answer there was a great commotion in the street. Some laughed, some mocked, and some picked up stones to throw at the pilgrims.
At length the whole fair was in a hubbub, and Christian and Faithful were so hemmed in by the multitude that they could go neither forward nor backward.
Then some officers of the town took them in charge and led them to the hall of the chief magistrate, where they were accused of having made an unlawful disturbance in the fair.
"You seem to be strangers in this place," said the chief magistrate sternly. "Where do you come from, and what is your business?"
"We are pilgrims," answered Christian, "and we are on our way to our own country, which is the Celestial Land."
"What do you mean by coming thus to our fair and trying to overturn it by your disorder?" asked the magistrate.
"We were but going peaceably along the highway," answered Faithful, "and we should have said nothing had not so many followed us, asking us to buy of their wares. Even then we did nothing, but said that we would buy the truth."
This answer caused the magistrate to fall into a great rage. He called them liars and disturbers of the peace, and commanded them to be punished.
So the officers of the town took them and beat them, ![](
"The Two Prisoners were brought into Court"
But Christian and Faithful bore their punishment meekly, and made no answer to those who reviled them. Their very faces showed the goodness of their hearts; and since it could not be proved that they had done any harm, there were several of the townsfolk who began to speak well of them.
This put the magistrate and the rest of those at the fair into greater rage than before; and they declared that the pilgrims should suffer death.
So they put chains upon them and made their feet fast in the stocks. And a time was set when they should be tried before the judge of that country, who acted in the name of the king.
The day at last came, and the two prisoners were brought into court. The name of the judge was Sir Hategood; and he sat upon the bench with a jury of twelve picked men before him.
"You are charged," said he, "of being enemies to our town, the disturbers of our fair, and plotters against our king, who is the great Beelzebub. What have you to say in your defense?"
Then Faithful began to answer. "As for being an enemy," he said, "I set myself only against those who set themselves against the Almighty. As for disturbance, I have made none, for I am a man of peace. As for your king, Beelzebub, he is the enemy of our Lord, and I defy him."
Having said this, he sat down, and three witnesses were called. The names of these witnesses were Envy, Superstition, and Pickthank; and they had been hired for this work.
"Do you know this prisoner at the bar?" asked the judge.
Then Envy stepped forward and said, "My lord, I have known him a long time. He is one of the vilest men in our country. He has no regard for our king, our laws, or our customs. I have heard him say that all ought to be overthrown."
"What else have you to say?" asked the judge.
"Oh, I might say a thousand things about his vileness and his treason, but I will not weary the court. Perhaps I will say more after the other witnesses have spoken."
Then they called Superstition and bade him look at the prisoner.
"Do you know this man?" asked the judge.
"Well, I have no great acquaintance with him, nor do I wish to have," answered the witness. "But I know him to be a very pestilent fellow; and I have heard him speak ill of our king and our religion." And with this, he went on to accuse Faithful of many wicked deeds.
Finally, Pickthank was brought forward and asked to say what he knew about the prisoner.
"My lord, I have known him a very long time," he answered. "I have often heard him rail against our king, Beelzebub, and against the princes of our land. In fact, I have heard him rail against you, my lord. I have heard him call you a villain, and all sorts of other ugly names. I know him to be an enemy of our country and of our king."
The judge was now filled with anger towards Faithful; and he called upon the jury to decide among themselves and give their verdict concerning the vile prisoner before them.
So the jury consulted together, and each one gave his own opinion of the matter:
"I see clearly that this man is a heretic," said Mr. Blindman, who was the foreman.
"Yes! yes!" said Mr. Malice. "Away with him. I hate the very looks of him."
"I never could endure him," said Mr. Lovelust.
"Nor I, for he was always talking against my ways," said Mr. Liveloose.
"Hang him, hang him!" said Mr. Heady.
"He's a sorry scrub," said Mr. Highmind.
"My heart riseth against him," said Mr. Enmity.
"He is a rogue," said Mr. Liar.
"Hanging is too good for him," said Mr. Cruelty.
"Let us hasten to put him out of the way," said Mr. Hatelight.
"Yes, let us forthwith sentence him to death," said Mr. Implacable.
And so they did.
And the judge presently condemned him to be led from the place and put to the most cruel death that could be invented.
They therefore brought him out to do with him according to their law. They scourged him; they beat him with their fists; they stoned him with stones; and, last of all, they burned him to ashes at the stake.
Thus came Faithful to his end.
But, behold, there came a chariot with horses; and Faithful, being freed from the body, was taken up into it; and straightway he was carried up through the clouds, with sound of trumpet, the nearest way to the Celestial Gate.
As for Christian, he was remanded to prison to wait for his trial at another time. But He that overrules all things so wrought it about that he escaped from his foes and went on his way. And as he went, the name of his dear friend was ever on his tongue—
"Sing, Faithful, sing,
And let thy name survive.
For though they killèd thee,
Thou art yet alive."
NOW I saw in my dream that Christian was not alone as he left the town of Vanity. For he had as companion one who had been a citizen of that town, and whose name was now Hopeful.
"I will go with you," said this man Hopeful, "because I have seen how gently and patiently and bravely you bore your sufferings at the Fair. And there are many others who witnessed the glorious death of Faithful and will follow after us."
Now they had not gone very far on their way when they overtook one who was going before them. This person was very smartly dressed, he walked with his head thrown back, and he had ever a proud smile upon his face.
"Good-morning, fellow traveler," said Christian. "How far go you in this way?"
"I am from the town of Fair-speech, and I am going to the Celestial City," he answered.
"From Fair-speech!" said Christian. "Is there any good thing in that town?"
"I hope so," was the answer.
"I have heard of that town. They say it is a very wealthy place," said Christian.
"Indeed, that is true," said the traveler. "I have a good many rich kindred there."
"Pray, sir, what may we call you?" asked Christian.
"I am a stranger to you, and you to me," was the answer. "If you are going this way, I shall be glad to go with you. I will say to you that I belong to a very respectable family. True, my great grandfather was only a ferryman, rowing one way and looking the other; but I have become a gentleman of the first quality."
Then Christian stepped a little aside to his fellow, Hopeful, and said, "This man will not tell me his name, but I'm quite sure that he is the noted Mr. By-ends of Fair-speech."
"Ask him," said Hopeful; "he will surely not be ashamed of his name."
So Christian came up with him again and said, "I think I have a good guess at you. Isn't your name Mr. By-ends?"
"That is not my real name," answered the man; "but some people who don't like me have given it to me as a nickname."
"Did you never do anything to deserve such a name?"
"Never, never! The worst I ever did was to happen always to be on the same side as the company I am with. I never go against wind or tide. I like to go to church when I can wear my silver slippers. So why should men call me By-ends?"
"Well, if you go with us, you must go against wind and tide," said Christian.
"Indeed," answered By-ends, "if you don't wish my company, I can get along very well by myself." And with that he dropped behind, and Christian and Hopeful went onward with quickened steps.
Soon the road became broader and easier, and presently they saw spread out before them a beautiful plain called Ease. The way was now so pleasant that the pilgrims sang for joy; the plain was very level and they were soon across it.
At the farther side of the plain there was a hill, and in that hill there was a silver mine; but it was a little way off from the road.
As the pilgrims were looking at the hill they saw a man whose name was Demas standing beside it and beckoning to them.
"Ho, you travelers!" he said, "come over here, and I will show you something."
"What is it?" asked Christian.
"It is a silver mine," answered Demas, "and there are men here digging for treasure. If you would become rich, now is your time."
"Let's go and see," said Hopeful.
"Not I," answered Christian; "I've heard of this place before. There is a pit close by it, and many who have been lured that way have fallen into it and perished."
Then he turned again to Demas and asked, "Isn't that mine a very dangerous place for pilgrims?"
"Oh, no; not very dangerous," answered Demas; but he blushed as he spoke.
Then Christian took Hopeful by the hand and said, "Let us still keep on our way."
So they went on, and Hopeful, looking backward, said, "I'll warrant you that when By-ends comes up, he will turn in to see that mine."
"No doubt of it," said Christian; "for he is that sort of man."
And it happened just so. For when By-ends came within sight of the hill and the mine, he had great longing to see the treasure that was hidden there. And when Demas beckoned to him, he ran over to the place and was seen no more. But whether he fell into the pit by looking over, or whether he went down to dig, or whether he was smothered by the gases in the mine—of these things I am not certain. ![](
NOW I saw in my dream that Christian and Hopeful went until they came to a pleasant river; and for a time their way lay just upon the bank of the river.
Here, therefore, they walked with great delight. They drank of the water of the river, and it was pleasant and strengthening to their weary spirits. On either side of the stream there were beautiful trees that bore all manner of fruit; and the leaves of these trees were for medicine.
Here, also, they came to a meadow that was curiously beautified with lilies, and it was green all the year round. In this meadow they lay down and slept, for here they were safe from all harm. When they awoke, they ate of the fruit of the trees, and drank of the life-giving water. Then they lay down again to sleep.
Thus they rested and refreshed themselves for several days; and when they were disposed to go on, they ate and drank and departed. But soon the river and the road parted, and at this they were very sorry. For now the way was rough to their travel-worn feet; and as they went on, they wished for a better way.
By and by, they saw on the left hand of the road a green meadow; and there was a stile to go over the fence into it. And a sign by the stile told them that this was By-path Meadow.
Christian's feet being tender, he went to the stile and looked over; and behold there was a pleasant path on the other side of the fence.
"This suits me," said Christian. "Here is the easiest going. Come, Hopeful, let us get over and follow this soft, cool path."
"What if it should lead us astray?" asked Hopeful.
"Oh, no danger of that," said Christian. "It keeps close along the roadside fence."
So they climbed over the stile and found the path very easy for their feet. They soon overtook a man who was walking the same way, and they asked him, "Whither does this pathway lead?"
"To the Celestial City," he answered.
"They climbed over the Stile"
"I am confident of it," answered the stranger.
"There, didn't I tell you so?" said Christian. "And to make us doubly sure, see that finger board which says: TO THE CELESTIAL CITY."
So the stranger, whose name was Vain-confidence, went on before; and they followed him. But soon the night came on, and it grew very dark. They could not see the path. They lost sight of him that went before.
Presently, as they were groping in the dark, they heard a fearful scream, and then a crash, as of some one falling into a pit. They called out, and asked, "What is the matter? Where are we now?"
But the only answer they heard was a groaning in the darkness. And now it began to rain; and the thunder and lightning were most dreadful. The water also began to rise in the meadow, and they were fearful lest they should be drowned.
"Oh, that I had kept in the right way!" groaned Hopeful.
"But who would have thought that this path would lead us astray?" said Christian.
"I was afraid of it at the first," said Hopeful, "and there I gave you a gentle hint. I would have spoken plainer, but you are older than I."
"Well, good brother," said Christian, "I am truly sorry that I have led you out of the way. Pray, forgive me; I did not intend wrong."
"Certainly, I forgive you," said Hopeful, "and I believe that this shall be for our good."
"Let us go back again, and try to find the road," said Christian.
"Yes, let us go; but I will lead the way," said Hopeful.
"No, let me go first," said Christian.
"Indeed, I will go first," said Hopeful; "for you might miss the way again."
Then they heard in the darkness a voice saying, "Set thine heart toward the highway, even the way which thou wentest."
But by this time the waters were risen very high, and they were in great danger. They started bravely back, however, feeling their way at every step. And the flood was so high that nine or ten times they came near being drowned.
At last, reaching the high ground, where there was a little shelter, they crouched down in a dry place to rest. And being very weary they fell asleep.