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John McMahan Letter 1839-03-06

From Wikisource
John McMahan Letter 1839-03-06
by John McMahan

Source: Handwritten original in the private collection of the Chambless family. Transcribed to softcopy by Susan D. Chambless,1999.

567John McMahan Letter 1839-03-06John McMahan


Mr Joseph Fawcett, Post Master, St. Charles, Missouri


Courtland March 6/39

Mr Jos. Fawcett

D. Sir

Mother, Charles & Margaret came up from Gainesville about two weeks since, they left all well. Willis & Susy had gone to Housekeeping, they live in a small House not far from Elizabeth’s. Willis thinks there is no person in the world equal to Sucky Stabler as he calls her, furnished their Cabin – Elizabeth & her son would have come up but for the situation of Mrs. Scott. she expects to be confined this month & next month the Col will be tried. I have recd two or three Letters from him lately. he writes as though his mind was perfectly at ease – poor unfortunate Man – can I ever forget the looks of his poor Wife & Elizabeth – no – never.

I have not heard whether there has been any more young Fawcetts since you left Virginia, has Willis told you there might be an addition to the name in Alabama – I cannot say at what time – Harriet had a fine son born on the 22d Feb – we have named him William after my Father – could you all be here now it would remind you of by gone days, to see two Families as large as ours would almost make you think you were in old Rock Town, but if you have no more Love for the place than I have, will never wish yourself there again – Mother, Chas & Margt. left this morning on a visit to Uncle Chas Patton who lives about 60 Miles from this place, after their return they will start to Gainesville. I expect to go there in July. I will then bring Elizabeth & Bobby home with me. I wish you could see your Grand Son, he is such a fine Child. I know you would dote on him.

I purchased out a first rate stock of Goods since Jany, about $16.000. at 12 ½ prct. on the original cost. 1/2/ payl Jany 1/40 & the other ½ July 1/40 in paper without Interest. the Goods suited us exactly – this reduced the number to two Stores in our Town – this everlasting credit ruins everything. the Boys at Gainesville profess to do a Cash business, but they don’t stick up to it. I wish you would admonish them when you write – the Boys here are all well – Aunt Betsy requests to be remembered to you all – Give my Love to Mrs. F & the family.

Your Friend

Jno J. McMahon

It strikes me that Asbury McWilliams is in yr debt if so he is well off