Journal of the Optical Society of America/Volume 30/Issue 12/Analytic Subject
Analytic Subject Index to Volume 30
References with (A) are to abstracts of papers presented at meetings of the Optical Society of America; (L) designates Letters to the Editor; (O) designates Optics in the Classroom; (R) designates Research Notes.
- Absorption, including absorption spectra
- Apparatus for experiment on absorption of light by sodium vapor, D. C. Stockbarger—362(O)
- Application to dyes of the ISCC method of specification of filters, I. H. Godlove—271(A)
- Calibration data on General Electric recording spectrophotometer, J. L. Michaelson and W. R. Fanter—656(A)
- Estimate of the absorption of air in the extreme ultraviolet, Edwin G. Schneider—128
- Hydrogen arc for absorption spectroscopy, A. J. Allen and R. G. Franklin—91(A)
- Importance of optically clean absorption cells in the determination of the concentration of dye solutions, S. Q. Duntley—656(A)
- Improved high speed recording spectrophotometer, George R. Harrison and Edward P. Bentley—290
- Method for obtaining long optical paths, H. D. Smith and J. K. Marshall—338
- Optical properties of evaporated and of burnished vitreous quartz in the extreme ultraviolet, Richard Tousey—655(A)
- Photoelectric measurement of scale marks and spectrum lines, George R. Harrison and Julius P. Molnar—343
- Residual photometric errors in the commercial recording spectrophotometer, Orrin W. Pineo—276
- Survey of instruments—abridged spectrophotometers, J. A. Van den Akker—272(A)
- Survey of instruments—spectrophotometers, K. S. Gibson—272(A)
- Announcements
- Pan-American congress of ophthalmology—247
- Color and colorimetry
- Analysis of the Munsell color system based on measurements made in 1919 and 1926, K. S. Gibson and Dorothy Nickerson—591
- Analysis of the original Munsell color system, John E. Tyler and Arthur C. Hardy—90(A), 587
- Application to dyes of the ISCC method of specification of filters, I. H. Godlove—271(A)
- Applications and accuracy of three-filter photoelectric colorimetry, Richard S. Hunter—272(A)
- Change of color with change of particle size, I. H. Godlove—658(A)
- Color reproduction fundamentals, F. L. Wurzburg, Jr.—274(A)
- Dialogue between Mr. Papermaker and Mr. Meter, D. B. Judd and L. C. Lewis—272(A)
- Duboscq colorimeter which reads results directly, Roger S. Estey—90(A)
- Erratum: Hue, saturation, and lightness of surface colors with chromatic illumination, Deane B. Judd—296
- Experimental determination of the faithfulness of a three-color reproduction, S. Q. Duntley and A. C. Hardy—271(A)
- Foreword: The Munsell color system, D. B. Judd—574
- Highlights of color reproduction history—274(A)
- History of the development of the Munsell color system, Dorothy Nickerson—575
- Hue saturation and lightness of surface colors with chromatic illumination, Deane B. Judd—2
- Hue sensibility to dominant wave-length change and the relation between saturation and colorimetric purity, Dorothy Nickerson and Walter C. Granville—159
- Importance of optically clean absorption cells in the determination of the concentration of dye solutions, S. Q. Duntley—656(A)
- Lighting for the detection of small color-differences, A. H. Taylor—272(A)
- Noticeability of color difference in daylight, David L. MacAdam—657(A)
- Preliminary report of the OSA subcommittee on the spacing of the Munsell colors, Sidney Newhall—617
- Production color analysis of kinescope screens, T. B. Perkins—295
- Science visits the artist, William L. Longyear—274(A)
- Some problems and methods of dyestuffs automatic spectrophotometry, I. H. Godlove—89(A):Spectral luminosity factors, K. S. Gibson—51
- Survey of instruments in use in the pulp and paper industry—273(A)
- Theory of subtractive color photography, J. A.C. Yule—322
- There is system in color preferences, J. P. Guilford—455
- Trichromatic analysis of the Munsell Book of Color, J. J. Glenn and J. T. Killian—609
- United States color standards for rosin, Brooks A. Brice—152
- Use of instruments: in beater furnish, R. N. Griesheimer—273(A); in coated paper, William J. Foote—274(A); in pulp, R. S. Hatch—273(A); in uncoated paper, M. N. Davis—273(A)
- Warmth and coolness of colors, S. M. Newhall—271(A)
- X—Z planes in the 1931 ICI system of colorimetry, Elliot Q. Adams—657(A)
- Color temperature
- Experiment on Wien’s energy distribution law and optical pyrometry, Donald C. Stockbarger—224(O)
- Diffraction
- Molecular structure—electronic diffraction method, Louis R. Maxwell—265(T), 374; x-ray diffraction method, B. E. Warren—265(T), 369
- Dispersion (see also Geometrical optics)
- Dispersion of magnetic double refraction in the short infra-red spectrum, Francis J. Davis—488
- Editorial comment
- A message to the society, K. S. Gibson—1
- An enlarged journal of extended scope—507
- Cooperation among color experts—573
- Dr. Richtmyer—41
- Opportunities for research—367
- Optical contributions to national defense—321
- Optics for skeptics—461
- Quarter-century celebration—183
- Research and publication—229
- The new optics, Thanks where due—141
- “Time to stump the experts’ —275
- Electron optics
- Molecular structure—electronic diffraction method, Louis R. Maxwell—265(T), 374
- Emissivity
- Total emissivity of various materials, B. T. Barnes, E. Q. Adams, and W. E. Forsythe—269(A)
- Total hemispherical emissivities by a parallel plate method, A. G. Worthing—91(A)
- Eye
- Comparative anatomical studies of the eye with especial reference to the photoreceptors, S. R. Detweiler—42, 90(T)
- Note on the measurement of pupillary diameters, Robert C. Herman—316(R)
- Size of pupil as a variable factor in measurements of the threshold. An experimental study of the Stiles-Crawford phenomenon, Louise L. Sloan—271(A)
- Spectral sensibility of the long-eared owl, Maurice Henri Pirenne and Selig Hecht—270(A)
- Films
- Investigation of thin evaporated silver films on glass, John Strong and Barry Dibble—431
- Optical properties of semitransparent sputtered films determined by interference of light, J. B. Nathanson and C. L. Bartberger—92(A)
- Glass
- Chemical methods for increasing the transparency of glass surfaces, Frank L. Jones and Howard J. Homer—654(A)
- Density of silicate glasses as a function of composition, Maurice L. Huggins—420
- Refractive index of silicate glasses as a function of composition, Maurice L. Huggins—495
- Illumination
- Approximate spectral energy distribution of skylight, K. S. Gibson—88(A)
- Illumination from extended sources computed by the theory of the integrating sphere, Frank Benford—33
- Spectral distribution of energy in daylight, A. H. Taylor and G. P. Kerr—88(A)
- Submarine illumination in photometric units, C. L. Utterback and R. E. Wilson—136
- Use of Ulbricht sphere theory in the computation of illumination, Frank Benford—89(A)
- Interferometers
- Fabry-Perot interferometers in a parallel arrangement, L. Sturkey—351
- Hyperfine structure deviations in Sb121 and Sb123, D. H. Tomboulian and R. F. Bacher—92(A)
- Interference phenomena with a moving medium, Herbert E. Ives and G. R. Stilwell—653(A)
- Interferometer method of plane stress analysis, David Sinclair—511
- Optical properties of the grating interferometer, J. H. Schroeder and B. P. Ramsay—355
- Lenses and mirrors
- Automatic telescope control, Arthur C. Hardy—654(A)
- Changes in lens characteristics with temperature, A. Francis Turner—654(A)
- Chemical methods for increasing the transparency of glass surfaces, Frank L. Jones and H. J. Homer—654(A)
- Laminated sun glass lenses—331
- Method for the measurement of flatness of polished surfaces, Clifton Tuttle and Randle Cartwright—348
- Modification of the Hindle test for cassegrain secondaries, Wilbur Silvertooth—140(R)
- New type of wide aperture ratio telescope objective, A. E. Glancy—572(L)
- Nomogram on the Huygens ocular, C. Harrison Dwight—140(R)
- Simple method for determining chromatic aberration for photomicrographic purposes, Walter Koch—564
- Treatment of camera lenses with low reflecting films, C. Hawley Cartwright—110
- Variable focus lens and its uses, Robert Graham—560
- Light sources, properties and measurements
- Apparatus for investigation of the aurora borealis, C. W. Gartlein—88(A)
- Approximate spectral energy distribution of skylight, K. S. Gibson—88(A)
- Carbon arc as a radiation standard, H. G.MacPherson—189
- Fluorescent mercury-vapor lamp as a light source for a single-point check on optical pyrometers, C. F. Lucks and H. W. Russell—163
- High power tungsten light source, H. Beutler and N. Metropolis—115
- Hydrogen arc for absorption spectroscopy, A. J. Allen and R. G. Franklin—91(A)
- Illumination from extended sources computed by the theory of the integrating sphere, Frank Benford—33
- New Polaroid study lamp—460
- Operating temperatures of vapor lamps, J. W. Marden, N. C. Beese and George Meister—184
- Regulation of tungsten and mercury lamps, Harold Stewart—652(A)
- Thermal conductivities of tungsten and molybdenum at incandescent temperatures, Robert H. Osborn—269(A)
- Total emissivity of various materials, B. T. Barnes, E, Q. Adams, and W. E. Forsythe—269(A)
- Total hemispherical emissivities by a parallel plate method, A. G. Worthing—91(A)
- Luminescence
- Apparatus for investigation of the aurora borealis, C. W. Gartlein—88(A)
- Experiments on the thermoluminescence of some common and unusual minerals, M. Allen Northup and O. Ivan Lee—206
- Optimum efficiency conditions for white luminescent screens in kinescopes, H. W. Leverenz—309
- Production color analysis of kinescope screens, T. B. Perkins—295
- Supersonic cell fluorometer, H. B. Briggs—653(A)
- Triboluminescence of sugar, Frances G. Wick—302
- Triboluminescence of sugar and of ice, Frances G. Wick—91(A)
- Molecular structure
- Electronic diffraction method, Louis R. Maxwell—265(T), 374
- Raman spectra method, George M. Murphy—265(T), 396
- Symposium on optical methods for study of molecular structure—369
- X-ray diffraction method, B. E. Warren—265(T), 369
- Necrology
- Campbell, John Stuart—319
- Dittmer, Arthur F.—319
- Free, Edward Elway—317
- Judd, Harold D.—318
- Lomb, Carl F.—317
- Mestre, Harold—317
- Nathanson, Jonas Bernard—318
- Optical Society of America
- Abstracts of papers presented before popular session of Inter-Society Color Council—274
- Abstracts of papers presented before the technical session on spectrophotometry in the pulp and paper industry of the Inter-Society Color Council—272
- Annual dinner and first award of the Adolph Lomb medal—648
- Annual report of the secretary for the calendar year 1939—259
- Annual report of the treasurer for the fiscal year 1939—261
- Author index to abstracts of New York meeting—274
- Author index to abstracts of twenty-fourth annual meeting—92
- Committee on placement service of the American Institute of Physics—87
- Continuation of additional support to the American Institute of Physics—87
- Election of officers—86, 315
- Financial status of the society—87
- Invited papers on optics of vision presented at twentyfourth annual meeting—90
- Ives medalist for 1939—Dr. August Herman Pfund, A. G. Worthing—177
- Joint meeting with the American Physical Society and the Inter-Society Color Council, New York, February 21-24, 1940—265
- Joint symposium on optical methods for the study of molecular structure—265
- Membership—86
- Minutes of the fifteenth meeting of the directors of the Optical Society of America, New York, February 22, 1940—267
- Minutes of the fourteenth meeting of the directors of the Optical Society of America, Lake Placid Club, New York, October 12, 1939—86
- Minutes of the sixteenth meeting of the board of directors of the Optical Society of America, Hotel Sagamore, Rochester, New York, October 2, 1940—650
- Organization of student branch—87
- Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Optical Society of America, Rochester, New York, October 3-5, 1940—646
- Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Optical Society of America, Lake Placid Club, New York, October 12-14, 1939—82
- Report of the editor of publications—263
- Titles and abstracts of contributed papers presented at the New York meeting, February 21, 1940—269
- Titles and abstracts of contributed papers presented at the twenty-fourth annual meeting—88
- Optical testing
- Method for the measurement of flatness of polished surfaces, Clifton Tuttle and Randle Cartwright—348
- Optics, general
- Dispersion of silicate glasses as a function of composition, Maurice L. Huggins—514
- Doppler effect from moving mirrors, Herbert E. Ives—255
- Geometry of optical indicators, K. J. DeJuhasz—506(R)
- Optical device for rapid placement of an aircraft on a line between two distant points, Brian O’Brien—269(A)
- Prism and the theory of optical resolution, B. P. Ramsay, O. T. Koppius and E. L. Cleveland—439
- Optics, geometrical
- Measurement of numerical aperture, R. Bruce Horsfall, Jr.—655(A)
- Modification of the Hindle test for cassegrain secondaries, Wilbur Silvertooth—140(R)
- Nomogram on the Huygens ocular, C. Harrison Dwight—140(R)
- Normal systems with two caustic lines, M. Herzberger—307
- Optics, physical
- Prism and the theory of optical resolution, B. P. Ramsay, O. T. Koppius and E. L. Cleveland—439
- Photoelasticity
- Complete photoelastic instrument, Frank W. Bubb—297
- Discussion of “a complete photoelastic instrument,” David Sinclair—567(L)
- Photoelectric phenomena
- Applications and accuracy of three-filter photoelectric colorimetry, Richard S. Hunter—272(A)
- Multipurpose photoelectric reflectometer, Richard S. Hunter—536
- Photoelectric color temperature meter for incandescent lamps, M. H. Sweet—568
- Photoelectric measurement of scale marks and spectrum lines, G. R. Harrison and J. P. Molnar—343
- Thallous sulphide photo-e.m.f. cell, Foster C. Nix and Arnold W. Treptow—91(A)
- Photography, including cameras
- Contrast meter for photographic papers, C. A. Morrison—299
- Effect of distortion in aerial mapping by the multiple projection method, H. G. Ott—90(A)
- Exact and approximate computation of Schmidt cameras. I. The classical arrangement, Frank Allen Lucy—251
- Experimental determination of the faithfulness of a three-color reproduction, S. Q. Duntley and A. C. Hardy—271(A)
- Experiments to test the rebromination theory of photographic solarization, J. H. Webb and C. H. Evans—445
- Hypersensitization and reciprocity failure of photographic plates, I. S. Bowen and L. T. Clark—508
- Photographic analysis of some unexplored visual phenomena, William A. Gardner—653(A)
- Separation negatives for color photography, William G. Houskeeper—365(L)
- Study of various sensitometric criteria of negative film speeds, Loyd A. Jones and C. N. Nelson—93
- Theory of subtractive color photography, J. A. C. Yule—322
- Use of oiled photographic emulsions, F. T. Rogers, Jr.—316(R)
- Photometry
- Improved high speed recording spectrophotometer, G. R. Harrison and E. P. Bentley—290
- Residual photometric errors in the commercial recording spectrophotometer, Orrin W. Pineo—276
- Uninterrupted measurements with a rotating sector, Louis Harris and Jack A. Kyger—505(R)
- Use of step weakeners in photographic photometry, G. E. Moore and H. W. Webb—413
- Polarization
- Cathode-ray oscillograph as a means of demonstrating elliptically polarized light, Lawrence R. Steinhardt—226(O)
- Interferometer method of plane stress analysis, David Sinclair—511
- New polarimeter using sheet polarizing elements, Roger S. Estey—658(A)
- Subjective phenomenon of vision in polarized light, H. H. Neuberger—258(R)
- Vectographs: Images in terms of vectorial inequality and their application in three-dimensional representation, E. H. Land—230
- Pyrometry
- Carbon arc as a radiation standard, H.G. MacPherson—189
- Experiment on Wien’s energy distribution law and optical pyrometry, Donald C. Stockbarger—224(O)
- Fluorescent mercury-vapor lamp as a light source for a single-point check on optical pyrometers, C. F. Lucks and H. W. Russell—163
- Improved radiation pyrometer, T. R. Harrison and Wm. H. Wannamaker—655(A)
- New two-color optical pyrometer, H. W. Russell, C. F.Lucks and L. G. Turnbull—248
- Tables of Planck’s radiation and photon functions, A. N. Lowan and G. Blanch—70, 269(A)
- Radiation, general, including thermal; radiometry Carbon arc as a radiation standard, H. G. MacPherson—189
- High power tungsten light source, H. Beutler and N. Metropolis—115
- Improved radiation pyrometer, T. R. Harrison and Wm. H. Wannamaker—655(A)
- Operating temperatures of vapor lamps, J. W. Marden, N. C. Beese and George Meister—184
- Photoelectric color temperature meter for incandescentlamps, M. H. Sweet—568
- Response of sputtered thermocouples to interrupted radiation, Louis Harris and A. C. Scholp—519
- Tables of Planck’s radiation and photon functions, A. N. Lowan and G. Blanch—70, 269(A)
- Reflection
- Metallic reflection by compressed crystalline powders, J. A. Sanderson—566
- Multipurpose photoelectric reflectometer, Richard S. Hunter—536
- On interreflections, Parry Moon—195
- Reflectors used in highway signs and warning signals, G. A. Van Lear, Jr.—462
- Sources of error in operation of the multipurpose reflectometer, Richard S. Hunter—89(A)
- Treatment of camera lenses with low reflecting films, C. Hawley Cartwright—110
- Viewing angle of reflectometry, Elliot Q. Adams—656(A)
- Reflectivity
- Some observations on low reflection evaporated fluoride coatings, George S. Monk—571(L)
- Tables and charts of Fresnel reflections, Fred Perrin—565(L)
- Refraction
- Dispersion of magnetic double refraction in the short infra-red spectrum, Francis J. Davis—488
- Refractive index of matter in cylindrical form, A. H. Pfund—410
- Refractive index of silicate glasses as a function of composition, Maurice L. Huggins—495
- Refractive indices of liquid aliphatic organic compounds, Maurice L. Huggins—652(A)
- Some problems and methods of dyestuffs automatic spectrophotometry, I. H. Godlove—89(A)
- Scattering of light
- Transmission of infra-red light by fog, J. A. Sanderson—405
Transmission of infra-red radiation through fog, Philip N. Smith and Hammond V. Hayes—332
- Sensitometry
- Intensity-scale monochromatic sensitometer, Charles H.Evans—118
- Study of various sensitometric criteria of negative film speeds, Loyd A. Jones and C. N. Nelson—93
- Spectroscopy; spectrometry; spectrophotometry
- Apparatus for experiment on absorption of light by sodium vapor, Donald C. Stockbarger—362(O)
- Application to dyes of the ISCC method of specification of filters, I. H. Godlove—271(A)
- Calibration data on General Electric recording spectrophotometer, J. L. Michaelson and W. R. Fanter—656(A)
- Eighth summer conference on applied spectroscopy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology—257
- Estimate of the absorption of air in the extreme ultraviolet, Edwin G. Schneider—128
- Extreme case of the performance of the eye versus that of the spectrophotometer, I. H. Godlove—656(A)
- Hydrogen arc for absorption spectroscopy, A. J. Allen and R. G. Franklin—91(A)
- Hyperfine structure deviations in Sb121 and Sb123, D. H.
- Tomboulian and R. F. Bacher—92(A)
- Improved high speed recording spectrophotometer, George R. Harrison and Edward P. Bentley—290
- Method for obtaining long optical paths, H. D. Smith and J. K. Marshall—338
- Molecular structure—Raman spectra method, George M. Murphy—265(T), 396
- Photoelectric measurement of scale marks and spectrum lines, G. R. Harrison and J. P. Molnar—343
- Production color analysis of kinescope screens, T. B. Perkins—295
- Properties of the witch of Agnesi—application to fitting the shapes of spectral lines, R. C. Spencer—415
- Residual photometric errors in the commercial recording spectrophotometer, Orrin W. Pineo—276
- Some problems and methods of dyestuffs automaticspectrophotometry, I. H. Godlove—89(A)
- Spectral luminosity factors, K. S. Gibson—51
- Survey of instruments-abridged spectrophotometers, J. A. Van den Akker—272(A)
- Survey of instruments in use in the pulp and paper industry—273(A)
- Survey of instruments—spectrophotometers, K. S. Gibson—272(A)
- Use of instruments: in beater furnish, R. N. Griesheimer—1273(A); in coated paper, W. J. Foote—274(A); in pulp, R. S. Hatch—273(A); in uncoated paper, M. N. Davis—273(A)
- Zeeman effect in the rhodium arc spectrum at high fields, J. P. Molnar and W. J. Hitchcock—523
- Television
- Optimum efficiency conditions for white luminescent screens in kinescopes, H. W. Leverenz—309
- Production color analysis of kinescope screens, T. B. Perkins—295
- Transmission
- Chemical methods for increasing the transparency of glass surfaces, Frank L. Jones and Howard J. Homer—654(A)
- Computation of transmission factors of ultraviglet radiation through water, Frank Benford—133
- Estimate of the absorption of air in the extreme ultraviolet, E. G. Schneider—128
- Optical properties of evaporated and of burnished vitreous quartz in the extreme ultraviolet, Richard Tousey—655(A)
- Transmission of infra-red light by fog, J. A. Sanderson—405
- Transmission of infra-red radiation through fog, P. N. Smith and H. V. Hayes—332
- Vision; visibility, visual phenomena
- Aniseikonia, Gordon H. Gliddon—142
- Comparative anatomical studies of the eye with especial reference to the photoreceptors, S. R. Detwiler—42
- Extreme case of the performance of the eye versus that of the spectrophotometer, I. H. Godlove—656(A)
- Factors contributing to the discrepancy between subjective and skiascopic determinations of the refraction of the eye, Glenn A. Fry—652(A)
- Induced size effect, Kenneth N. Ogle—145
- Komplextheorie of visual sensation, A. H. Holway and M. J. Zigler—270(A)
- Nerve messages in the fibers of the visual pathway, H. K. Hartline—239
- Note on the measurement of pupillary diameters, R. C. Herman—316(R)
- Ophthalmic lens testing instrument, A. Ames, Jr., and K. N. Ogle—652(A)
- Photographic analysis of some unexplored visual phenomena, William A. Gardner—653(A)
- Size of pupil as a variable factor in measurements of the threshold. An experimental study of the Stiles-Crawford phenomenon. Louise L. Sloan—271(A)
- Spectral luminosity factors, K. S. Gibson—51
- Subjective phenomenon of vision in polarized light, H. H. Neuberger—258(R)
- Supra-threshold visibility, Matthew Luckiesh and Frank K. Moss—62
- Visibility through haze and smoke, and a visibility meter, G. D. Shallenberger and E. M. Little—168
- X-rays
- Clinical blood pharmacology after treatment with x-rays, David I. Macht—270(A)