Journal of the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks/Index
- Abrolhos Shoal, 22
- Acajou or Casshew, 88, 893
- Acarus, 14, 67
- Admiralty Bay, 220
- Albatross, 44, 63-65, 180, 208, 217, 259, 260
- Amboyna Island, 401
- Amethysts, 40
- Amoc, running, 408
- Amphibious fish, 274
- Anabao Island, 330, 360
- Anacardium occidentale, 38, 393
- orientale, 291
- Annona, 393
- Anson, Lord, xliii, 22, 47, 48, 160, 226
- Anthoxanthum, 447
- Ants, 271, 278, 288, 308-6
- Apium, 48, 58
- Apples, North American, 181
- (Spondias dulcis), 98
- Areca, chewing, 349
- Areca sapida, 227
- Artocarpus incisa (bread-fruit), 97, 105, 137, 145
- integrifolia, 895
- Ascension Island, 450
- Atriplex patula, 227
- Aurora, 331
- Australia, 261-323
- Animals, 282, 285, 287, 291, 301
- Ants, 271, 278, 288, 303
- Birds, 293, 302
- Boats, 820
- Boomerangs, 263
- Botany Bay, 264-69
- Climate, 292, 322
- Eagle Island, 293
- Endeavour River, 279-91
- Fire, native method of obtaining it, 289, 317
- Fish, 306
- Food, 311
- Australia, fruits, 299
- Furniture, 315
- General appearance of the country, 270, 297
- Great Barrier Reef, 293-295
- Houses or huts, 814
- Insects, 271, 273, 283, 303-6
- Kangooroos, 282, 285, 287, 291, 301
- Language, 322
- Moreton Bay, 270
- Natives, general appearance and habits, 264, 266, 269, 287, 308
- Timidity, 268, 285, 320
- Ornaments, 309
- Palms, 299
- Plants, 271, 298-300
- Population, 307
- Tools, 316
- Torres Straits, 295
- Trees, 267, 271, 278, 299
- Weapons, 263, 266, 318
- Averrhoa, 396
- Bactris minor, 38
- Bananas, 38, 392
- Bancudus angustifolia, 153
- Banks, J., biographical sketch, xxiii
- Illness of, 371-76, 426-27
- Banks' Peninsula, 217
- Barley at St. Helena, 447
- Barnacles (Lepas), 16, 21, 45, 65, 182, 284, 452
- Baster, J., xliii, 15
- Batavia, 366-416
- Amoc, 408
- Animals, 387
- Canals, 378
- Chinese, customs, etc., 412
- Chinese rebellion, 381, 415
- Climate, 369, 375, 385
- Country-house, 373
- Batavia, crocodiles as twin brothers to men, 410
- Environs of Batavia, 384
- Flowers, 399
- Fortifications, 380
- Fruits, 390
- General description, 377
- Government, 414
- Harbour, 383
- Hotel, 366
- Houses, 379
- Illness of the party, 370-76
- Islands, 883
- Javans, appearance and customs, 405
- Justice, 415
- Language (Javan and Malay), 423
- Markets, 397
- Money, 416
- Mosquitos, 375
- Palm wine, 398
- Plants, vegetables, 389
- Population, 378, 401
- Portuguese, 382, 403
- Slaves, 404
- Spices, 400
- Streets, 378
- Superstitions, 409
- Taxation, 416
- Teeth, filing, 407
- Trade, 402
- Unhealthiness of, 369, 371, 382, 385
- Bats, 301, 365
- Baye sans fond, 45
- Beech, 49, 51, 58
- Beer brewed at sea, 72
- Beroe, 17
- Betel, 318, 349, 406, 407
- Betula, 49, 51, 58
- Birch, 49, 51, 58
- Biron, C., xliii, 24
- Blimbing, 344, 396
- Boa bidarra, 395
- Bola-Bola Island (see Society Islands), 118, 122
- Bonga-tanjong, 400
- Bonitos, 14
- Boomerang, 263
- Borassus (fan-palm), 341, 344
- Botany Bay, 264
- Bougainville, L. de, xliii, 97, 370, 430
- Brazil (see Rio de Janeiro), 22-42
- Bread-fruit, 97, 105, 187, 145
- Brisson, M., xliv, 24
- Bromelia (pine-apple), 37, 391
- Brosse, C. de, xliv, 164
- Brown, R., ix, xxxvii, xxxviii
- Browne, P., xliv, 153
- Buchan, A., death of, 79
- Buffaloes, 342, 362, 387
- Buffon, G. de, xliv, 291
- Bustard, 272
- Butterilies, 32, 273
- Byron, Admiral J., xliv
- Cabbage, curing, 70
- Cabbage-palm, 227
- Cactus, 450
- Calamus, 396
- Calophyllum, 153
- Cananga, 399
- Canari, 396
- Cancer, 2, 21, 30, 272, 284
- Cannibalism, 193, 205, 211, 237, 247
- Canton, J., xlv, 454
- Cape of Good Hope, 257, 429-42
- Animals, 435
- Botanic garden, 436
- Climate, 434
- General description, 482, 438
- Hottentots, 439
- Inhabitants, 433
- Menagerie, 437
- Money, 442
- Provisions, 485
- Carabus taken at sea, 44
- Carcinium, 2, 4
- Cardamine, 48, 58
- Carica, 393
- Cassada, 23, 36
- Casshew apple or Acajou, 38, 393
- Castor-oil plant, 365
- Casuarina (etoa), 102, 124, 147
- Catappa, 396
- Caterpillars, stinging, 271
- Cattle, 387, 435
- Celery, wild, 48, 58
- Chaitea, 148
- Chama, 284, 295, 306
- Champacka, 399
- Cherrema, 396
- Chinese at Batavia, 381, 412-415
- Cimex, 15, 67
- Citrus, 37, 391
- Cloth manufacture, 145, 351
- Cloves, 401
- Cockatoos, 302
- Cockles, gigantic, 284, 295, 306
- Cocoanuts, 140, 393
- cast up on the Australian beach, 283, 284
- Cocos or taros, 135, 228, 258, 445, 447
- Cocos Island (Samoa) language, 165
- Coedoe, 437
- Combang, 399
- Compass, variation of, 263
- Continent, southern, speculations concerning its existence, 66, 254
- Convolvulus, 151
- Cook, Captain J., xlv
- Illness of, 374
- Cook’s Straits, 218, 215, 216, 221
- Coral, effect on ship’s bottom, 282
- Reefs, 117, 122, 274, 293-95
- Used as a file, 156
- Used for building, 102, 114
- Cordia, 150
- Cowley, A., xlvi, 46
- Crabs, 2, 21, 30, 272, 284
- Cracatoa, 417, 418
- Crocodiles as twin brothers to men, 410
- Crows, New Holland, 302
- Cucurbita (cucumber), 190
- (melons), 37, 893
- Custard apple, 393
- Cuttle-fish, 65, 263
- Cycas, 299, 313, 421
- Cynips, 272
- Cynometra, 895
- Cyperus, 150
- Dagysa, 2, 3, 64
- Dalrymple, A., xlvi, 45, 66, 184, 284
- Dampier, W., xlvi, 22, 46, 262, 296, 300, 325, 329
- Deer, 421
- Diamonds, 39
- Didelphis, 291, 301
- Diomedea, 44, 63-5, 180, 208, 217, 259, 260
- Dogs, 61, 100, 136, 224
- as food, 100, 136, 237
- Dolphin, H.M.S., xlvi, 71, 74, 78, 81, 82, 84, 97, 105, 431
- Drimys, 48, 58
- Dryander, J., xxxviii
- Drying plants, 267, 281, 283
- Durian, 394
- Dyeing cloth, 124, 149
- Eagle Island, 293
- East Indies, see Batavia and Savu
- Ebony, 448
- Echeneis, 14
- Edwards, G., xlvi, 24
- Egg-bird, 67
- Egmont, Mount, 208, 222
- Electrical experiments, 6, 453-57
- Ende or Flores, 360
- Endeavour River, 279-91
- Equator, crossing the, 18
- Eucalyptus, 267, 271, 300
- Eugenia, 38, 299, 394
- Fagus, 49, 51, 58
- Fan-palm, 341, 345
- Farinha de Pao, 23, 36
- Fernandez, J., xlvii, 256
- Ferns eaten in New Zealand, 190, 237
- Ficus prolixa, 145
- tinctoria, 150
- Fig impregnated by Cynips, 272
- Fig-trees, 145, 150
- Fire, method of obtaining it in Australia, 289, 317
- "Fire-arms" in New Guinea, 327, 328
- Flax, New Zealand, 229
- Flores or Ende, 360
- Flying fish, 13
- Fothergill, J., xlvii, 71, 181
- Fothering the ship, 277
- Frézier, A., xlvii, 227, 255, 346
- Frio, Cape, 24
- Fucus, 46, 48
- Funchiale, 5-10
- Furze, 447
- Gambir, 406
- Gannets, 207, 225, 260
- Garcinia, 393
- Gasterosteus, 17
- George (King) III. Island, or Otahite, see Society Islands
- God-houses (Society Islands), 108, 112, 114, 120
- Gold in Brazil, 39
- Grapes, 392
- Great Barrier Reef, 293-95
- Green, C., death of, 426
- Gryllus taken at sea, 44
- Guava, 393
- Gum-trees, 267, 271, 300
- Hasselquist, F., xlvii, 272
- Hawke’s Bay, 188
- Heberden, Dr., 6
- Heppahs, New Zealand, 183, 195, 198, 207, 214, 248
- Heivas, 97, 98, 120, 123, 144
- Hibiscus, 106, 158
- Hippobosca, 64
- Holothuria, 15, 259, 260, 450
- Horsley, Dr., xxx
- Horn, Cape, 62
- Hottentots, 489
- Huahine Island, 111-113
- Hulme, N., xlvii, 69, 71, 180
- Hydnophytum, 304
- Ianthina, 16
- Iberis, 95
- Image of wicker work, 101
- Imao Island, 94
- Insects taken at sea, 44, 64
- Jack fruit, 395
- Jambolan, 395
- Jambosa or jambu, 38, 394
- Jasmine, 399, 400
- Java (see Batavia), 363-416
- Je-quoll, 301
- Jungle bird, 293
- Karratas, 29
- Kangooroos, 282, 285, 287, 291, 301
- Kidnappers, Cape, 188
- King George III. Island, or Otahite, see Society Islands
- Krakatoa, or Cracatoa, 417, 418
- Lagoon Island, 69
- Lange, J. C., 334-338, 357
- Language: Australia, 322
- Java, 423
- Madagascar, 165, 424
- New Guinea, 165
- New Zealand, 252
- Savu, 358
- Society Islands, 164, 252, 424
- Terra del Fuego, 59
- Larus, 182
- Laurus, 7
- Le Maire, J., xlvii, 164
- Lemon, 391
- Lemon juice, 69, 71, 180
- Lepas (barnacle), 16, 21, 45, 65, 182, 284, 452
- Lepidium, 95
- Leprosy, 167
- L'Hermite, J., xlviii, 256
- Lime, chewing with betel, 349, 406
- Lime (fruit), 391
- Limonia, 396
- Limpets, 55
- Linnæus, correspondence with Ellis, xxxix, xl
- Livistona, 299
- Lobsters, 45, 200, 226
- Luminous marine animals, 21
- Mackerel, 197, 226
- Macrocystis, 46, 48
- Madagascar language, 165, 424
- Madeira, 5-12
- Carts, 8
- Convents, 10
- Funchiale, 5, 10
- Mahogany, 6
- Money, 12
- Pico Ruievo, 11
- Population, 12
- Productions, 9
- Vines, 7
- Volcanic nature of the island, 7
- Wine, 7,8
- Madja, 396
- Mahie, or sour paste, 97, 187
- Mahogany, Madeiran, 6
- Mamme-apples, 38
- Mango, 38, 391
- Mangostan, 393
- Man-of-war birds, 330
- Marais, 102, 114, 175
- Marcgrav, G., xlviii, 29, 42
- Maria van Diemen, Cape, 207, 222
- Maskelyne, N., xlviii, 444
- M'Bride, D., xlviii, 259
- Medusa, 12, 21
- Megapodium, 293
- Melhania, 448
- Melons, 87, 398
- Mercury, transit of, 197
- Metrosideros, 228
- Michelia, 399
- Mille Islands, 365
- Mimus, 15, 65, 259, 263
- Mimusops, 400
- Monkeys, 421
- Monkhouse, W., illness and death, 371-72
- Monoculus, 15
- Moreton Bay, 270
- Morinda angustifolia, 158
- umbellata, 152
- Morus, 145, 206
- Moschus, 421
- Mosquitos, 875, 417
- Motacilla, 8, 13
- Mother Carey’s chickens, 2
- Mulatti, 399
- Mulberry (paper), 145, 206
- Musa (banana), 38, 392
- Myrmecodia, 304
- Myrtus, 395
- Nam Nam, 395
- Nanca, 395
- Narbrough, Sir J., xlviii, 225
- Nassau Fleet, xlviii, 66
- Natal, 428
- Nectris, 64, 188
- Nephelium, 395
- New Guinea, 325-29
- Language, 165
- New Holland (see Australia), 261-323
- New South Wales (see Australia), 296
- New Zealand, 183-253
- Admiralty Bay, 220
- Animals, 224
- Banks’s Peninsula, 217
- Boats, 186, 198, 240
- Cannibalism, 193, 205, 211, 287, 247
- Carving, 241
- Cavern, 192
- Chiefs, 189, 195, 249
- New Zealand, climate, 224
- Cloth, 206, 242
- Cookery, 238
- Cook's Straits, 218, 215, 216, 221
- Cultivation, 190, 228, 228, 243
- Discovery by Tasman, 221
- Dogs, 225, 237
- Dress, 186, 233
- Fish, 226
- Fishing nets, 206, 213, 243
- Flax, 229
- Food, 190, 287
- Hawke's Bay, 188
- Heppahs, 188, 198, 207, 214, 248
- Houses, 235
- Kidnappers, Cape, 188
- Language, 252
- Maria van Diemen, Cape, 207, 222
- Minerals, 219, 224
- Mount Egmont, 208, 223
- Mourning and funeral customs, 211, 251
- Music, 247
- Natives, general appearance and habits, 186, 190, 196, 230
- Ornaments, 235
- Plants, 227
- Population, 229
- Poverty Bay, 183, 185
- Queen Charlotte's Sound, 209
- Religion, 193, 250
- Stewart Island, 218
- Tattowing, 186, 208, 205, 231
- Thames River, 200, 224
- Traditions, 207, 215
- Trees, 201, 223, 228
- Turnagain, Cape, 189, 217
- Vegetable sheep, 209
- Warlike disposition, 183, 194, 204, 231, 246
- Weapons, 185, 192, 244
- Noddies, 70, 325, 330
- Nutmegs, 401
- Nyctanthes, 399
- Oheteroa (see Society Islands), 124-26
- Oldenland, H., xlviii, 437
- Oniscus, 4
- Opossum, 291, 301
- Orange-juice, 71
- Oranges, 37, 891
- Osbeck, P., xlviii, 450
- Osnaburg Island, 71
- Otahah (see Society Islands), 117-18, 122
- Otahite (see Society Islands), 73-110, 127-78
- Oysters, 198, 272
- Pacific Ocean, boundary between it and South Sea, 65
- Pallas, P.S., xlix, 291
- Palm, cabbage, 227, 299
- (Cycas), 299, 313, 421
- Fan, 341, 344
- Palm berries, 38
- Palm nuts, 38, 170, 270
- Palm wine, 335, 345, 398
- Pandanus, 38, 170, 270, 400
- Papaw, 393
- Paper mulberry, 145, 206
- Parkinson, S., illness and death, 426
- Pearl oysters, 272
- Pearls, 121
- Penguins, 46, 225
- Pennant, T., xlix, 16, 452
- Pepper, 400
- Pergularia, 399
- Persea, 7
- Phaëton, 65
- Phalæna taken at sea, 44
- Phalanger, 291, 301
- Phormium, 229
- Phyllodoce, 17
- Physalia, 15, 259, 260, 450
- Pilot fish, 17
- Pine-apples, 37, 391
- Piso, W., xlix, 22
- Plantains, 38, 117, 283
- Podocarpus, 201, 228
- Podura, 1
- Polianthes, 400
- Pomegranate, 394
- Port Egmont hens, 182
- Portuguese at Batavia, 382, 403
- at Rio de Janeiro, 26
- Portuguese man-of-war, 15,259, 260, 450
- Poverty Bay, 183, 185
- Prince's Island, 418-26
- Procellaria, 2, 16, 43, 46, 63, 180
- Psidium, 393
- Pteris, 190, 237
- Pumpkins, 393
- Pumplemouses, 391
- Punica, 394
- Purple, derivation of the colour, 16
- Purslain, 448
- Quadrant stolen, 86
- Quails, 268
- Queen Charlotte's Sound, 209
- Quiros, P., xlix, 67, 255, 284
- Rambutan, 395
- Raoulia, 209
- Rembrantz van Nierop, D., xlix, 222
- Rhamnus, 395
- Rice, 389, 419
- Ricinus palma Christi, 365
- Rio de Janeiro, 26-42
- Churches and processions, 33
- Climate, 42
- Crabs, 30
- Fish, 42
- Fortifications, 40
- Fruits, 37
- Gardens and garden produce, 30
- Gold and precious stones, 39
- Government, 34
- Military, 36
- Money, 40
- Plants, 29
- Population, 35
- Reception of the Endeavour, 26
- Ship fired on, 31
- Water supply, 33
- Robben Island, 442
- Roggeween, J., xlix, 256
- Rotte Island, 330
- Ruievo, Pico, 11
- Rumphius, G., xlix, 29, 153, 304
- St. Helena, 443-50
- Salack, 396
- Sallee-man, 17
- Salt-water drunk by the South Sea Islanders, 138
- Sanguis draconis, 267, 300
- Sargasso weed, 24, 451
- Saturn, occultation of, 65
- Savu Island, 331-61
- Animals, 342
- Army, 355
- Chewing betel, etc., 349
- Cookery, 346
- Dress, 347
- Dutch policy, 356-61
- Dutch resident, 334, 336, 357
- Fan-palm, 341, 344
- Feasts, 355
- Houses, 350
- Language, 358
- Natives, general appearance and habits, 347
- Ornaments, 348
- Palm wine, 345
- Plants, 344
- Political divisions, 341, 353
- Radja, 335, 353
- Religion and Christianity, 352
- Spices, 339, 342
- Sugar, 345
- Surgery, 352
- Town of Seba, 335
- Weaving, etc., 351
- Scomber, 12, 14, 70
- Scurvy, 69, 71, 279
- Scurvy grass (Cardamine), 48, 58
- (Lepidium), 95
- Sea-sawdust, 22, 324, 364, 428
- Seals, 46
- Semau Island, 360
- Sepia, 65, 263
- Shags, 197, 225
- Sharks, 14, 43, 71
- Sharp, B., 1, 255
- Shearwater, 16, 43, 68, 180
- Sheep, 343, 388, 435
- Shelvocke, G., L, 47
- Shipwreck off the coast of Australia, 274-79
- Sitodium (Artocarpus), 97, 105, 187, 145, 395
- Skull, deformed, at Madeira, 10
- Sloane, Sir H., l., 12, 273
- Snails on St. Helena, 449
- Snakes (water), 270
- Snowstorm on Terra del Fuego, 51
- Society Islands, 73-178
- Arms, 125, 177
- Astronomy and division of time, 163
- Boats, boat-houses, and boat-making, 111, 115, 116, 157
- Bola-Bola Island, 118, 121, 122
- Bougainville's visit, 96, 370, 4380
- Bread-fruit, 97, 105, 187, 145
- Carving, 114, 156
- Circumnavigation of Otahite, 101-4
- Cloth, manufacture, 145
- Cookery, 136
- Dancing, 119, 120, 123, 144
- Diseases, 167
- Dogs as food, 100, 136
- Domestic animals, 136
- Dress, 125, 131
- Dyes and dyeing, 125, 149
- Fish-hooks and nets, 124, 154
- Food, 134
- Fruits, 135
- Funeral ceremonies, 95, 98, 169
- God-houses, 103, 112, 114, 120
- Gods, 96, 104, 111, 170, 172, 175
- Heivas, 97, 98, 120, 123, 144
- Houses, 133
- Huahine Island, 111-13
- Imao Island, 94
- Justice, 178
- Language, 164, 252, 424
- Mahie, or sour paste, 97, 137
- Marais, 102, 114, 175
- Matting, 153
- Meals, 139
- Medicine and surgery, 168
- Mourning, 95, 98, 169
- Music, 82, 99, 143
- Society Islands, names of natives, 84
- Given by natives to Europeans, 90
- Natives, general appearance, 127
- Oheteroa Island, 124-26
- Ornaments, 132
- Otahah Island, 117-18, 122
- Otahite Island, 73-110, 127-78
- Pearls, 121
- Quadrant stolen, 86
- Queen of Otahite, 84, 104
- Ranks and classes, 176
- Religion and priests, 172
- Salt-water drinking, 138
- Social customs, 141
- Surf-swimming, 93
- Tattowing, 124, 128
- Thefts, 76, 83, 86, 92, 99, 108
- Tools, 116, 156
- Transit of Venus, 94
- Ulhietea Island, 113-17, 118-24
- Volcanic nature of the islands, 107, 111
- Weather forecasts, 162
- Wrestling, 88
- Solander, Dr., biographical sketch, xxxviii
- Illness of, 371-76, 429
- Solanum, 151
- Sonchus, 237
- Sour-crout, 71
- South Sea Islands (see Society Islands), 78-178
- Southern Continent, speculations concerning its existence, 66, 254
- Sphinx taken at sea, 44
- Spices in the Dutch East Indies, 339, 342, 400
- Spondias, 93
- Sporing, H., illness, 374; death, 426
- Squalus, 14, 43, 71
- Staten Island, 48
- Sterna, 67, 70, 325, 380
- Stewart Island, 218
- Sting-rays, 177, 245, 269, 306, 318
- Sucking-fish, 14
- Sugar-canes, 390
- Sugar made from the fau-palm, 345
- Suicide of a marine, 67
- Sunbul, 396
- Surf-swimming, 93
- Swallows, 15
- Sweet sop, 393
- Tacca, 136, 148
- Tamarinds, 392
- Taros, or cocos, 185, 228, 253, 445, 447
- Tasman, A., l., 210, 218, 216, 220-21, 234, 300
- Tattowing (New Zealand), 186, 203, 205, 231
- Tattowing (Society Islands), 124, 128
- Teeth, decay of, among natives, 349, 407
- Native attention to, 407
- Tellina, 146, 198
- Teneriffe, 12
- Terminalia, 396
- Terra del Fuego, 47-61
- Animals, 57
- Birch forest, 51
- Climate, 61
- Dogs, 61
- Excursion inland and sufferings of
- the party, 50
- Language, 59
- Natives, general appearance and habits, 58
- Plants, 48, 57
- Village, 55
- Tetragonia, 270
- Thames River, New Zealand, 200, 224
- Thespesia, 168
- Tiger's Tongue, 146
- Timor, 330, 359
- Topazes, 39
- Torres, L., li., 295
- Torres Straits, 295
- Tournefortia, 151
- Trade winds, 21, 261
- Transit of Mercury, 197
- Venus, 94
- Trichilia, 396
- Triton's trumpet, 247
- Tropic bird, 65
- Tuberose, 400
- Tupia, 96, 108, 110, 111, 118, 121, 180, 184, 188, 193, 205. 206, 215, 279, 368
- Illness and death, 369-72
- Turnagain, Cape, 189, 217
- Turtle, 288, 289, 306, 311, 389, 420
- Ulex, 447
- Ulhietea or Urietea (see Society Islands), 113-17, 118-24
- Urtica, 154
- Uvaria, 399
- Valentijn, F., li, 234
- Vegetable sheep, 209
- Venus, Transit of, 94
- Vermin in bread, 181
- Vigniatico, 7
- Vines, 7, 8, 486
- Wallis, S., li, 63
- Waterspouts, 179, 261
- Wheat boiled for provisions, 181, 258
- Wine, 7, 436
- Winter's bark, 48, 58
- Wort as a preventative of scurvy, xlviii, 71, 258
- Wrestling, 88
- Xanthorrœa, 271, 300
- Xanthoxyloides, 273
- Yams, 135, 228, 312, 390, 445, 447
Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh.