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Kate Kearny, with The Answer/The Answer to Kate Kearney

From Wikisource
4723119Kate Kearny, with The Answer — The Answer to Kate KearneyAnonymous


Oh, yes! I've seen this Kate Kearney,Who lives on the lake of Killarney; From her love-beaming eyeWhat mortal can fly,Unsubdued by the glance of Kate Kearney?For that eye, so seducingly beaming,Assures me of mischief she's dreaming,And I feel 'tis in vainTo fly from the chainThat binds me to lovely Kate Kearney.
At eve when I've met this Kate Kearney,On the flow'r-mantled banks of Killarney,Her smile would impartThrilling joy to my heart,As I gaz'd on the charming Kate KearneyOn the banks of Killarney reclining,My bosom to rapture resigning,I've felt the keen smartOf love's fatal dart,And inhal'd the warm sigh of Kate Kearney.