King’s message to new Irish Free State

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King’s message to new Irish Free State (1922)
by George V
503604King’s message to new Irish Free State1922George V

King’s message


With the final enactment of the Constitution the self-governing Dominion of the Irish Free State comes into being. The Constitution is itself founded upon the Treaty that was framed a year ago between representatives of Great Britain and of Ireland. It is My earnest hope that, by the faithful observance on all sides of the compact so concluded, the peace and prosperity of Ireland may be secured. It is in the spirit of that settlement that I have chosen you to be the first Representative of the Crown in the Irish Free State. With all My heart I pray that the blessing of God may rest upon you and upon the Ministers of the Irish tree State in the difficult task committed to your charge.

Governor-General’s reply


I have the honour to acknowledge the gracious message by which your Majesty has inaugurated the self governing Dominion of the Irish Free State. The terms of the message will touch all hearts, while the thought which inspired it must everywhere evoke the admiration of men of good will. May I, too, humbly join your Majesty in beseeching the Almighty that the reign of Freedom which has now been established in Ireland will bring with it an early peace and an assured prosperity as well as a lasting reconciliation between the British and Irish nations.