King George IV. his welcome to Scotland/The sailor's life
How pleaſant a Sailor's life paſſes,
who rolls o'er the wat'ry main!
No treaſure he ever amaſſes,
but chearfully ſpends all his gain.
We're ſtrangers to party and faction,
to honour and honeſty true,
And would not commit a baſe action,
for power or profit in view.
Then why ſhould we quarrel for riches,
or any ſuch glitt’ring toys?
A light heart and thin pair of breeches
goes through the world brave boys.
The world is a beautiful garden,
enrich'd with the bleſſings of life,
The toiler with plenty rewarding;
which plenty too often breeds ſtrife.
When terrible tempeſts aſſail us,
and mountanious billows affright,
No grandeur or wealth can avail us,
but ſkilful induſtry ſteers right.
Then why ſhould, &c.