Krilof and His Fables/The Frog and Jupiter
The Frog and Jupiter.
A Frog which lived in a swamp at the foot of a hill, changed its quarters one spring, and went up the hill. There it found a muddy corner in a little hollow, and set up a small abode, like a tiny Paradise, amidst grass and in the shade of a bush.
But it did not long enjoy itself there. The summer came, and the heat with it, and the Croaker's country seat became so dry that the flies wandered about over it without wetting their feet.
"О ye gods!" prayed the Frog from its hole, "don't destroy poor me, but send a deluge over the face of the earth as high as this hill, so that the water may never dry up in these my domains!"
The Frog went on complaining incessantly, and at last took to upbraiding Jupiter, and saying that there was neither sense nor pity in him.
"Idiot!" cried Jupiter, who evidently was not in a bad humour just then; "what pleasure can you find in croaking such nonsense? Why should I drown mankind for your whims? Wouldn't it be better for you to crawl down to your swamp again?"