Landon in The Literary Gazette 1827/Falcon-Messenger
The Literary Gazette, 12th May 1827, page 300
The warrior loosed the silken string
That was around his falcon's wing.
"Go forth, till thou that thing shalt see
More than my life-blood dear to me."
The bird went forth—the red gold shone—
The white steed neighed—the bird swept on;
He paused above a tower—and then
Sought out his warrior lord again.
"I saw a lady and a child—
The infant in its slumber smiled;
Methinks the mother would have wept,
But 'twas such soothing watch she kept."
His look grew soft, his voice sank low:
"My own brave bird, well dost thou know
What thou in thy wild flight couldst see,
More dear than life-blood dear to me."