Latter-Day Psalms/God
The voice of God spake out of his creation:I have made a law, that is my law of beauty. I have ordained my heavens that they shall blossom and wither away.The flower shall die, but the seed shall flourish. Like a flower, the world shall perish, but the spirit that is born therein shall live.If the spirit has need, shall I not make other universes for her sake, to be ethereal according to her necessity?As for you, oh Men, out of lifelessness I made you to live. Out of unconsciousness I gave you the glory of thought.Have ye fear that I will let you slip again into nothingness? Do ye hunger after eternity all your life long?Be sure that if ye die utterly, it is best that ye die; and if ye live for ever, it is best that ye live.For I have made you to fulfil my purpose. Nothing that is in you shall be lost from me. I have made you that ye shall create love and victory. That which ye create I will not destroy.That ye may be courageous, I have hidden the future from you. That ye may conceive the light, I have laid my hand over your eyes and covered you in darkness.That ye may know hope and despair, I have tempted you with many ideals, even while I resist all your striving for ever.Yea, that ye may excel in fortitude, I will harass you all the days of your life, and seem to defeat you for ever.That ye may love, I have tuned you together like music, so that in loneliness ye fulfil not yourselves.That ye may increase in love, I have given you the means to sacrifice; that ye may sacrifice to love, and know that love is best.That ye may know the peace of love, I have set in each of you the desire of a dear friend; that ye may look upon each other in wonder and delight, and be sufficient each to another.That ye may know the glory of love, I have spoken to you in your friend’s voice; and in the eyes of your beloved ye have seen me. Thus shall ye join with all my creatures in creating for me love. Its dearness and its splendour ye shall make for me.Thus only shall ye come into the knowledge of me. Thus shall ye love me.In each of my stars I have set a mighty spirit to increase in beauty. The peoples that dwell upon the multitude of my stars are beyond number.Exalted are they who look to Sirius and Aldebaran as ye look to the sun. There are gentle peoples who praise me out of the midst of the Pleiades.In every part of my heaven there is life living together; and out of its loving a spirit is born, to be the soul of each star.Behold, these are my ministers who do my pleasure; who yearn towards one another across the great abyss;Who fill my heaven with song, as it were a little room bursting with voices;Who shall draw near together and be one soul, creating for me my heart’s desire.