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Latter-Day Psalms/Jaweh

From Wikisource
4480035Latter-Day Psalms — JawehWilliam Olaf Stapledon


O God, whose law is upon the heavens; whose law is not broken;Who orderest the courses of the stars, and directest the rain drops;There is nothing that errs from thy direction; the obedience is exact.Thou settest thy creatures one against another, and awardest victory according to thy pleasure.Thou commandest the oak tree to grow into majesty, that thou mayest triumph in thy lightning.Thou makest merry in the thunder; the earthquake is the stirring of thy hands.Thou hast made for thyself an enemy to war upon thee. Thou hast given him courage and a sword, that thou mayest glory in his fortitude.Thou hast made man to labour; and if his work displease thee, thou scatterest it like chaff.Thou hast appeared to man in splendour, so that he cannot forget. Thou hast set thy precept in his heart, and if he err therefrom he shall die.Thou hast given to one strength to keep thy commandment, and to another thou hast ordained sin.To the one thou hast awarded peace even in sorrow. For the other thou hast set a fiery hell in his heart to torment him.O God, we cannot understand thy government. Thy justice is not ours.But what thou wilt, that is just. O God, conform our will to thine.