Latter-Day Psalms/Peace
I heard a voice calling out of the battle, "Peace! let us make peace!" And the armed hosts answered and sighed, "Peace, give us Peace!"All men and women in all the earth longed also for peace; saying, "We are weary, we are chastened, let us love one another and advance the spirit."Peace shall come again. May the peoples be made one!We shall gather up the threads again, even the threads that war cut.Many shall come home rejoicing. Many shall receive back their beloved.The spirit shall be kindled again in all men and women, and they shall worship together.They shall give thanks for the new age, and for the victory of the dead.And the souls of the dead shall be gathered into the spirit; and the spirit shall flourish.
There shall be a new heaven and a new earth, and joy shall be again. But the dead shall not come back.
There shall be a new heaven and a new earth, and joy shall be again. But the dead shall not come back.
Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co.
at Paul's Work, Edinburgh