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Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 1/Number 11/Time

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It becomes the saints in these last days, to be prudent, for time is precious, and should be used with discretion, that we may show ourselves approved in all things. But according to the management of the affairs of the church of Latter Day Saints, there is much evil done, and many difficulties presenting themselves before the high council and bishop's council, in consequence of the neglect of the laws of God. Who is to blame? Are the Elders, because they do not properly instruct those who are looking to them for information? Or is it for want of perusing the scriptures and becoming familiar with them? Or is it to gratify selfish motives? These questions are left to be solved by those who are concerned.

But to avoid difficulties for the future; we will endeavor to give a few instructions, for the good of all who desire to become wise and save themselves from utter destruction; not only temporal but spiritual. Therefore, "If thy brother offend thee, thou shalt take him between him and thee alone; and if he confess thou shalt be reconciled and if he confess not, thou shalt take another with thee; and then if he confess not, thou shalt deliver him up unto the church, not to the members but to the Elders." This is in case of offence; and should this pattern be followed strictly, many serious difficulties would be avoided; and much time saved.

But in case a man becomes an offender of the law, he must be dealt with according to the law, he must be dealt with according to law: "Thus if a man shall rob, he shall be delivered up unto the law. And if he shall steal he shall be delivered up unto the law.—And if he lie, he shall be delivered up unto the law. And if he do any manner of iniquity, he shall be delivered up unto the law, even that of God." Not only so, but if a disciple becomes an offender of the law of the land, let him suffer the penalty of the same. For this church is not intended to cloak sins, and misdemeanor, but to make them manifest, and bring offenders to punishment.

What more need be said, concerning offences or transgressions? Search the scriptures which you have before you; and practice upon them—and pray for more wisdom and understanding. That you may be prepared, to receive and practice upon the revelations and commandments, that will soon be published and sent forth to this generation: which will prove a savor of life unto life, or of death unto death: according to the use made of them into whose hands they may fall. Therefore beware how you esteem the things of God: "Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust doth not corrupt and thieves do not break through and steal, remember where your treasures are your hearts will be also." You cannot serve God and mammon. Time is allotted to man to prepare for eternity.

It matters not how much time we employ in obtaining a knowledge of the commandments and precepts of God; if we do not practice them, they will avail us nothing in the day of accounts: but will serve to bring upon us greater misery. And surely this would not be making a wise improvement of time. The mind of man is continually employed on some subject, and time properly devoted together with truth, can alone unfold things as they were, as they are, and as they are to come.