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Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 1/Number 4/Messenger and Advocate

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Messenger and Advocate.



—> The first No. of "THE EVENING AND THE MORNING STAR," re-printed, is issued.—For the accommodation of our friends, we have struck off a large edition, and individuals can be supplied with any number by transmitting immediately, such orders, free of postage, enclosing cash. The whole 24 numbers will be furnished at the office, or by mail at $2,00. No subscription will be received for any less than the two Volumes.

Conference Notice.—The elders of the church of the Latter Day Saints are hereby notified, that a conference will be held at New Portage, Ohio, commencing Saturday, the 6th of June next. The Sabbath following will be occupied in public teaching.



Time and space forbid lengthy comments on this production. It was forwarded us last August, with a request to either publish it, or forward the manuscript to the Hon. S. ROSA, of Painesville. On examination, we thought that it was an article fraught with so much necessary intelligence, that it could not fail to interest our patrons. With this letter we received another, requesting us, (should we publish it,) to give it entire in one number.—Till now we could not devote the space. And though it has been long written, it has not lost any of its important truths, nor will it fail, if carefully examined, to impress the reader with a reverence toward God, and an anxiety to be prepared for his coming.

Bishop Partridge is well known to the individual addressed, and to the citizens of Painesville, page 63 among whom he formerly resided; and we cannot but believe, that that intelligent community will treat with due respect, and appropriate credence, this plain, easy, consistent, and unvarnished relation of truth, from their former fellow-citizen.—[ Editor.]



In this town on Friday, the 16th inst. SAMUEL CARVEL, infant son of elder S. Rigdon aged two weeks and four days.

On the 4th inst. Mr. ZINA REDFIELD, aged 56 years. He was a member of this church.

On the 23rd iust [inst]. widow SALLY BINGHAM, daughter of Thomas Gates, aged 35 years.

In Amherst, Ohio, on the first of August, last, Mrs. HARRIET JACKSON, aged 23 years. Mrs. Jackson was a member of the church of the saints.

In Benson, Vt. on the 26th Dec. last, CAROLINE, late consort of elder Harlow Redfield, aged 30 years.

She was among the first who embraced the fulness of the gospel in that country, and has ever maintained a steady, circumspect and virtuous walk. She bore with becoming fortitude, her last illness, and only longed for the anxious hour when her spirit should take its welcome exit to be with Jesus.— Editor.