Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 1/Number 8/Notices
—> Those who are in arrears for the Messenger and Advocate, can forward the amount, as usual, to the late editor, or to F. G. Williams & Co. It is necessary that our friends should be informed, that the printing business requires cash, paper, ink, and labor, and if the arrearages could be forwarded, they would be gratefully received.
DIED—In Clay county, Missouri, on the 21st of October, 1834, WM. WHITING, aged 27 years.
————In Richland, Oswego co. N. Y. the 5th of January last, EPHRAIM FISK, aged 47 years.
————In Hamden, Ohio, on the 28th ult. DEXTER, an infant son of D. S. Wells, aged 15 months.